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Catcher In The Rye Worksheet

What does this piece mean to you?

How would you classify Holden and Phoebes relationship? Are they (Holden and Phoebe) more
like friends than siblings?

Why does Phoebe seem like more of the adult in this relationship than Holden?

Who wrote Comin Thro the Rye, the poem that is referenced in Catcher In The Rye?

A. Holden Caulfield
B. Robert Burns
C. Jane Goodall
D. John Steinbeck

Where does Mr. Antolini work?

A. Elkton Hills
B. N.Y.U
C. Stanford
D. N.S.U

What is the only thing that Holden wants to do?

A. Train horses in the park with Phoebe

B. Stop feeling the way that he does
C. Catch the children trying to run off a cliff
D. Catch rye

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