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064 2016 0068


1. Vision
From Believe
Superior Achievement

Nobel Manner
Kuat Aqidah, Unggul Prestasi, Luhur Budi Pekerti

2. Sinergi Insan Unggul Foundation

Yayasan Misi Mulia Education later changed to be Yayasan Insan Unggul with
notary certificate No. 14 tanggal 7 Februari 2007 by Notary Lola Rosalina, SH
On 25th Oktober 2008 MoU was signed by YPI Al-Azhar, Al-Azhar Makassar
was formally established as KB-TK-Islam Al-Azhar 34 Makassar under
yayasan Pesantren Islam Al-Azhar, Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Kebayoran Baru,
Jakarta Selatan.

3. This school is now managed by Yayasan Sinergi Insan Unggul

School unit :
a. KB-TK Islam Al-Azhar 34
b. Sd Islam Al-Azhar 34
c. SMP Islam Al-Azhar 34
d. SMA Islam Al-Azhar 34

4. Personnels, Teacher and Students For School Year of 2016/2017

Personel : 215
Students of KB/TK : 185
Students of SD : 945
Students of SMP : 194
Students of SMA : 74
Total students : 1. 398

5. Exception
Welcome guest from outside of islamic school Al-Azhar Makassar
A meeting to discuss important and principal matters
Discussion related to decision-making, policy, administrative and bureaucratic

6. The function of english speaking campus

Area of English speaking practice for the campus community as well as any
guest who needs to practice her/his english. The priority for the student of
formal or non formal educational institution.

The negotiations result of ABA and Islamic School Al-Azhar (Tuesday, 17th January
English event on August: English Debate for Junior and Senior High School; English
Speech Contest for Junior High School, Storytelling for Elementary School.
Study Tour or Comparative Study
Spelling B Contest
Virtual Learning Club

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