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How do the Bio-Toilet works ?

1. Composting toilets use nature's decomposition process to reduce waste by 90% and
convert it into nutrient rich compost
2. They do not require water hook ups either which is great for our already stressed water
supply. In short, composting toilets are a way to allow waste to decompose safely and
without odors.
3. Composting toilets use oxygen loving bacteria that is naturally present in human waste to
do all the work.
4. Bugs, worms, and other critters have absolutely NO role in BioLet's composting process.
5. You just use a BioLet like you would a regular toilet, toilet tissue and all. The main
difference is you just toss in compost mix after each fecal use instead of flushing. The air
flow inside the toilet pulls all odors up the 'chimney' and out of your home.
6. Composting reduces waste volume by 90%; the majority of the material inside the toilet is
mulch and not waste. You do not even have to see it with the way BioLet is designed. Yes,
you do have to empty the lower compost tray periodically, depending on how many people
are using the toilet, but it is only compost, soil. There is no waste mixed in the tray.

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