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Department Of Biology

Faculty of Science and Mathematics

SBI 3013
Information amd Communication Technology in Biology



Lecturers : Encik Azmi Bin Ibrahim

By :

Nazihan Binti Nazali D20162075559

Ika Priska Wahyuni Binti Dasmir D20162075570
Nurul Ain Safirah Binti Mohd Khiri D20162075558


Simulation modelling is the process of creating and analyzing a digital prototype of a physical
model to predict its performance in the real world. Simulation modellung is used to help
designers and engineers understand wether, under what conditions, and which ways a part
could fail and what loads it can withstand. Simulation modelling can also help predict fluid
flow and heat transfer patterns.

What is Modelling ?

Modelling is the process of producing a model, a interest. A model is similar to but

simpler than the system it represent. One purpose of a model is enable to analyst to predict the
effect of changes to the system. On the one hand, a model should be close approximation to
the real system and incorporate most of its salient features. On the other hand, it should not be
so complex that it is impossible to understand and experiment with it. A good model is a
judicious tradeoff between realismand simplicity. Simulation practioners recommend
increasing the complexity of a model iteratively. An important issue in modelling is model
validity. Model validation techniques include simulating the model under known input
conditions and comparing model output with system output. Generally, a model intended for a
simulation study is a mathematical model developed with the help of simulation software.
Mathematical model calssifications include stohastic, static or dynamic (time varying-
interactions among variables are taken into account). Typically, simulation models are
stochastic and dynamic.

What is Simulation ?

A simualtion of a system is the operation of a model of the system. The model can be
reconfigured and experimented with : usually, this is impossible, too expensive or impractical
to do in the system it represents. The operation of the model can be studied, and hence,
properties concerning the behavior of the actual system or its subsytem can be inferred. In its
broadest sense, simulation is a tool to evaluate the performance of a system, existing or
proposed, under different configurations of interest and over long periods of real time.
Simulation is used before and existing system is altered or a new system built, to reduce the
chances of failure to meet specifications, to eliminate unforeseen bottlenecks to prevent under
or over-ultilization of recources and to optimize system performance.

STELLA stands for System Thinking Experimental Learning Laboratory with Animation.
STELLA offers a practical way to dynamically visualize and communicate how complex the
system and ideas really work. STELLA is used to stimulate a system over the time, jump the
gap between theory and real world and also it enable students to creatively change the system.
STELLA teach studemts yo look for a relationship and also it create a celar communication
system input and outputs to demonstrate the outcomes.

STEELA is one of computer stimulation-based model-building and stimulation tools.

STELLA is a software that can be used to stimulate a system over tiem. It enable students to
creatively change system and teach the studemts to for a relationship. It also communicate and
visualize on how complex system work.


1. Used to compress a time frame, a simulation model run on a computer system can be
used to investigate quickly the effects of a change in a real life situation that take place
over several years.

2. Used to study complex systems that would otherwise be difficult to investigate

3. Used in engineering and product design to investigate the effect of changes without
producing a physical prototype.

4. Used to investigate situation that would be dangerous in real life.

Type of simulation software.

Advanced Simulation Library - open-source hardware accelerated multiphysics
simulation software.
ASCEND - open-source equation-based modelling environment.
Celestia - a 3D astronomy program.
DWSIM - an open-source CAPE-OPEN compliant chemical process simulator.
Elmer - an open-source multiphysical simulation software for Windows/Mac/Linux.
Facsimile - a free, open-source discrete-event simulation library.
FeatFlow - a high performance computational fluid dynamics CFD FEM solver.
Freemat - a free environment for rapid engineering, scientific prototyping and data
processing using the same language as Matlab and GNU Octave.
Galatea - a multi-agent, multi-programming language, simulation platform.
GNU Octave - an open-source mathematical modeling and simulation software very
similar to using the same language as Matlab and Freemat.
Modelica - an open standard for modeling software.
Mobility Testbed - an open-source multi-agent simulation testbed for transport
coordination algorithms.
NetLogo - an open-source multi-agent simulation software
ns-3 - an open-source network simulator.
OpenFOAM - open-source software used for computational fluid dynamics (or CFD)
OpenEaagles - multi-platform simulation framework to prototype and build simulation
Open Source Physics - an open-source Java software project for teaching and studying
OpenSim - an open-source software system for biomechanical modeling.
Physics Abstraction Layer - an open-source physics simulation package.
Project Chrono - an open-source multi-physics simulation framework.
SageMath - a system for algebra and geometry experimentation via Python.
Scilab - free open-source software for numerical computation and simulation similar
to Matlab/Simulink.
SimPy - an open-source discrete-event simulation package based on Python.
SOFA - an open-source framework for multi-physics simulation with an emphasis on
medical simulation.
Stanford University Unstructured - an open-source framework for computational fluid
dynamics simulation and optimal shape design.
Step - an open-source two-dimensional physics simulation engine (KDE).
Tortuga - an open-source software framework for discrete-event simulation in Java.
20-sim - bond graph-based multi-domain simulation software.
Actran - finite element-based simulation software to analyze the acoustic behavior of
mechanical systems and parts.
ACSL and acslX - an advanced continuous simulation language.
AMESim - a platform to analyze multi-domain, intelligent systems and predict and
optimize multi-disciplinary performance. Developed by Siemens PLM Software.
AnyLogic - a multi-method simulation modeling tool for business and science.
Developed by The AnyLogic Company.
APMonitor - a tool for dynamic simulation, validation, and optimization of multi-
domain systems with interfaces to Python and MATLAB.
AutoCAST - metal casting design and simulation software developed by Advanced
Reasoning Technologies.
Automation Studio - a fluid power, electrical and control systems design and
simulation software developed by Famic Technologies Inc.
Chemical WorkBench - a chemical kinetics simulation software tool developed by
Kintech Lab.
CircuitLogix - an


1. First, installed Stella software to laptop. While using this software make sure turn off
the wifi.
2. Open the software and this will shown.

3. Click Keep all .

4. After that, it will figured out as below.
5. Click the button with arrow below.
6. After that, it will show first graph, it colud be Picture A.

Picture A

Blue line : number of owl

Red line : production of palm oil

Pink line : number of mice


Graph A represent the original adaptation at palm oil plantation. It shown if the number of
owl increases, the number of mice will decreases. So the production of palm oil will
increases. This shown that there were prey-predator relationship. in favourable conditions,
when there are sufficient resources, an increase in prey population is closely followed by
an increase in the predator population. However, when the prey population decreases as a
result of increasing predation or the other factors such as the spread of diseases, the
predators food supply becomes limited and this leads to a decline in the populations of
predators. This graph is stable. These shown dynamic equilibrium.
Picture B


When the number of mice increases, the number of owl will increases too. This is because
increase in the size of prey population donate to increasing the number of predators. When
the number of prey increases, there are many food supply for predators thats why owls can
multiply. But if the number of prey is fall, the prey population returns to the level at which
it fluctuates. The number of owls will fall too because not enough food supply.

Picture C

The number of palm oil production still upwards but in a slow increases. When the
number of mice is constant but the number of owl were decreases, there were shown to
have competition between the predators. Animals compete for food which are stronger
and have better adaptations are usually more successful and will survive competition.
Organisms which are weak will either migrate to other areas or die. From this graph, the
number of mice are enough for the predators so that the graph will closely.

Simulation always offer many advantage than disadvantage. First of all, simulation boost
student motivation. Using simulation in teaching and learning is really an effective way of
method to motivate students and to gain their interest towards learning. Simulation can
motivate students in several ways. It includes the ability of simulation to create a risk free
environment and allow students to explore more about simulation. It also makes our students
learn on anew things in order to prepare an upcoming challenging world and technologicallly
era. Other than that, students nowadays are very familiar with the computer and games. So,
using simulation that can enhace their interest and motivation to learn. They need the
environment of learning that requires them to explore which suit their curiousity and the urge
to know about something. Besides, simulation lso allowed students to interact with
simulations. This is because, almost all simulation are designed with flexible architecture that
allow their variable to altered.With the animated such as grafh plotting, charts, relation and
diagram students will have a better picture of what they have been doing and of course
animated and interesting interface of the simulation can attract their interest. Then, the
students also can do their experiment by theirselves. This can help them to learnt more which
students can easily change and adjust the parameter to make them more understand.

Futhermore, learning through simulation can bring students to deep learning too.
Students are able to to make further prediction for certain cases by using stimulation.
Sometimes, certain topics to be learnt by students cannot be done for real because of certin
reason, so that by using simulation they are able to make prediction for the topic easily. That
is why learning through simulation gives so much benefit for student which make student
more happy to learn something and give them something meaningful.
More than that, basically in science education simulation is used because simulation is
simplified version of natural world.They are usually to represent experiment that is hard to
conduct in laboraatory in factor of time, safety and cost. Literally, students always having
hard times to understand science concept that cannot be seen with their own eyes. Therefore,
they need some visualization to help them see and undertand the phenomena or process better.
This is why simulation integrated in teaching and learning science.

Next, simulation also convenient to use. They are safe to use, save time and help deep
understanding in students. Simulation give more time to teacher to interact with student
instead dealing with managementt of experiment setup.With the quality time, teacher can
deliver more detailed knowledge to students while at the same time students can visualize the
real through simulation.


A software architecture such as stella software is one of the first steps towards a software
system. A software architecture can be designed in different ways. During the design phase, it
is important to select the most suitable design of the architecture, in order to create a good
foundation for the system. The selection process is performed by evaluating architecture
alternatives against each other. We investigate the use of continuous simulation of a software
architecture as a support tool for architecture evaluation. For this purpose, we study a
software architecture of an existing software system in an experiment, where we create a
model of it using a tool for continuous simulation, and simulate the model. Based on the
results from the simulation, we conclude that the system is too complex to be modeled for
continuous simulation. Problems we identify are that we need discrete functionality to be able
to correctly simulate the system, and that it is very time-consuming to develop a model for
evaluation purposes. Thus, we find that continuous simulation is not appropriate for
evaluating a software architecture, but that the modeling process is a valuable tool for
increasing knowledge and understanding about an architecture.Simulation can use in school
because it can motivate students learning.Simulation motivates student by keeping them
actively engaged in the learning process through requiring that problem solving and decision
making skill to be use while using simulation.

1. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2017, from

2. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2017, from

3. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2017, from

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