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FCE grammar tests


1-Steve is the only person I know who likes sushi.

I don't know ------Steve who likes sushi

2-Brian didn't expect the film to be so long.

The film ----brian had expected

3-They are going to demolish the old cinema tomorrow.


The old cinema is-----tomorrow.

4-The cupboard is completely empty


There ----the cupboard

5-Visitors to the art gallery are not allowed to touch the sculptures.


The sculptures----by visitors to the art gallery

6- There were more people in class last week than today.


There were----in class today as last week

Answers I.anybody apart from).2. (was longer than).3. (being pulled down).4. I s n o t h i n g l e f t
i n ) . 5 . (M u s t n o t b e t o u c h e d ) . 6 . ( n o t a s m a n y p e o p l e ) .

1.We planned to visit John but we didn't have time


We----- John but we didn't have time

2.You can't play football here.

You---- football here

3. My girlfriend forced me to see a romantic film


My girlfriend---- a romantic film

4. Perhaps you left your mobile at home


You----- your mobile at home

5. Alberto really wants to go to London for his holidays.


Alberto--- to London for his holidays.

6. Your house needs to be decorated



7 They failed to reach a decision


They-----a decision.

8 I'd prefer you to come for dinner later


I-------for dinner later

9 That chair is so uncomfortable that nobody sits in it.


That----- that nobody sits in it.

10 They last spoke two days ago.


They---------- two days

answers1.(were going to visit)2. (are not allowed to play)3.( m a d e m e s e e ) . 4 . ( could have left)5. ( i s k e e n
on going).6.( need to have your house)7.( didn't succeed in reaching).8.( 'd rather you
c a m e ) . 9 ( i s s u c h an u n c o m f o r t a b l e ch a i r ) . 1 0 . ( h a v e n ' t s p o ke n f o r ) .

1.I'd rather you didn't call me at work.


I'd------ me at work.

2. When Luke wanted a new motorbike, he had to save up for 6 months.


It------ save up to buy a new motorbike

3. I don't intend to go on holiday this year


I------- on holiday this year.

4. I'd rather not go to the party tonight.


I----- to the party tonight

5. I advise you to think before you say anything.


You----- before you say anything.

6. Although the weather changed, we had the barbecue as planned.


We had the barbecue as planned------ in the weather.

7 Everyone thinks that Joanne will get the job.


Joanne-----the job.

8. Paul's father used to insist that he arrived home before midnight.


Paul's father used to----- before midnight.

9. There were so many people on the train that I couldn't get a seat.


The train was----- nowhere for me to sit.

1. ( p re f e r y o u n o t t o c a l l ) . 2 ( t o o k Lu ke 6 m o n t h s t o ) . 3 . ( h a v e n o i n t e n t i o n o f
go i n g ) . 4 . ( do n ' t f e e l l i ke go i n g ) . 5 . ( h a d b e t t e r t h i n k ) . 6 ( i n s p i t e o f t h e
ch a n g e ) . 7 . ( i s ex p e c t e d t o g e t ) . 8 . ( m a ke h i m a rr i v e h o m e ) . 9 . ( s o c ro w d e d t h a t
there was).

h t t p : / / w w w. i m l e a r n i n g e n g l i s h . c o m / c a m b r i d g e - fi r s t - f c e - u s e - o f- e n g l i s h - p a r t - 2 / p r a c t i c e -
exerc ise-1
En g lis h- p h r as a l -ver b s .p d f

h t t p : / / w w w. g r a m m a r. n e t / p h r a s a l v e r b s

1.He didn't make any mistakes in the exam.


He------ mistakes in the exam

2.We haven't been to my parents for a long time.


It's been a long time------ my parents

3. Your jacket is like mine


Your jacket------ mine

4. I advise you to see a doctor immediately


You------ a doctor immediately

5. It wasn't easy for Susan to find a place to live in London


Susan------- a place to live in London

6. I can't wait to go on holiday with you


I'm------- on holiday with you.

7. May I use the computer.


I wonder------ use the computer

8. Nobody helped me decorate the house


I decorated the house-----------------------

9. Despite leaving home early, we missed the train


We missed the train--------- home early.

10. I'm sure Janet wasn't asleep because I could hear her talking.


Janet----------- because I could hear her talking.

Answers 1. a v o i d e d m a k i n g a n y .2. s i n c e w e w e n t t o . 3 . i s s i m i l a r t o . 4 . h a d b e t t e r s e e . 5 .
h a d d i ffi c u l t y i n fi n d i n g . 6 . l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o g o i n g .7. i f I c o u l d .8. b y m y s e l f .9.
a l t h o u g h w e l e f t .10- c a n ' t h a v e b e e n a s l e e p

1.Simon sings better than Amy.


Simon-------- Amy

2. I can't afford to buy that watch


That watch is------ to buy

3. I don't live far from work

i------- work.

4. It was Frank who broke the window," Mark said.


Mark--------the window.

5.Katie was supposed to call me last week


Katie-------me last week.

7 .The builders continued working in spite of the bad weather.


The builders-------------- in spite of the bad weather.

8. Your hair needs cutting


It's about----------cut

9. The drive to Manchester was so long that we were exhausted when we got there.


It was---------- to Manchester that we were exhausted when we got there

10. Tony is the hardest working employee in the company


Tony--------------- other employee in the company

Answers.10. w o r k s h a r d e r t h a n a n y. 9 . s u c h a l o n g d r i v e . 8 . t i m e y o u h a d y o u r h a i r. 7 .
c a r r i e d o n w o r k i n g . 5 . o u g h t t o h a v e . 4 . a c c u s e d Fr a n k o f b r e a k i n g c a l l e d . 3 l i v e c l o s e
to.2. too expensive for me.1. is a better singer than

1.The last time I went camping was years ago.



2. I'm sure Sharon didn't know about the party


Sharon-----------the party.

3. I haven't smoked for years



4. I get home from work in about fifteen minutes


It-------- to get home from work.

5. Due to the bad weather, the trip was postponed


The trip-------------- of the bad weather

6. Andrew doesn't often have to get up early.


Andrew----------------up early

7. Don't drive too fast," my boyfriend said to me.


My boyfriend-----------------too fast.

8. A famous architect designed their house


They---------------- by a famous architect.

9. Can you take care of my dog while I'm on holiday


Can you.----------------------- while I'm on holiday

10. I can't decide where to go on holiday.


I can't-------------------- where to go on holiday

Answrs1. h a v e n ' t b e e n c a m p i n g f o r 2 . c a n ' t h a v e k n o w n a b o u t . 3 . g a v e u p s m o k i n g

y e a r s . 4 . t a k e s m e a b o u t fi f t e e n m i n u t e s . 5 . w a s p u t o ff b e c a u s e . 6 . i s n ' t u s e d t o
getting.7. wa rned me not to drive.8 . had their house designed.9 . look after my dog.10 .
m a k e m y m i n d u p ( se decider, choisir, se prononcer= make your mind up, make up your mind)

1.Our teacher made us do the exam again.


We----------- the exam again by our teacher.

2. She's never eaten sushi before


Its the--------------- sushi.

3. That box is so heavy that I can't lift it


That box---------- to lift.

4. I want to be a pilot, but I haven't got the qualifications


i-------------------- to be a pilot

5. Can't you run any faster than that?

Is that-------------- run?

6. 'Let's go to the cinema,' John said


John--------------------- to the cinema

7. It's a pity we can't afford the car we looked at.


If--------------- the car we looked at.

8. People don't think the film will be a success.


The film------------ a success

9. They should not build the airport so close to the village.


They--------------------- the airport so close to the village.

10. United probably won't beat Bara on Saturday


United------------------ Bara on Saturday

1.were made to do.2. fi r s t t i m e s h e ' s e a t e n . 3 . i s t o o h e a v y f o r m e . 4 . w i s h I h a d t h e

q u a l i fi c a t i o n s . 5 . t h e f a s t e s t y o u c a n . 6 . s u g g e s t e d g o i n g . 7 . o n l y w e c o u l d a ff o r d . 8. i s
n o t ex p e c t e d t o b e . 9 . o u gh t n o t t o b u i l d . 1 0 . i s u n l i ke l y t o b e a t .

Paul got up early because he wanted to be at work by 7.00 am


Paul got up early--------------- at work by 7.00 am

2. I'm sure Tony knew about the wedding


Tony--------------- about the wedding.

3. Carol has worked the same number of years as Robert.


Carol has worked------------------ Robert.

4 The teacher didn't speak slowly enough for the students


The teacher-------------- for the students.

5. When was this film made?


How--------------------- made?

6. He wore a scarf because he didn't want to get cold.


He wore a scarf------------------- to get cold

7. I hadn't had sushi before


It was the------------------- sushi.

8. When we were teenagers, we went to the cinema every Saturday.


When we were teenagers, we------------------- the cinema every Saturday.

9. My mum never stops criticising my clothes.


My mum------------------ my clothes

10. The train leaves at 5.00 pm


The train-------------- at 5.00 pm

Answers1. i n o r d e r t o b e . 2 . m u s t h a v e k n o w n . 3 . a s m a n y y e a r s a s . 4 . s p o k e t o o f a s t . 5 .
l o n g a g o w a s t h i s fi l m . 6 . s o a s n o t . 7 . fi r s t t i m e I h a d . 8 . w o u l d g o t o . 9 . i s a l w a y s
criticising.10. is due to leave

1.Adam is accustomed to working late


Adam -------------- late

2. How much luggage do you have?


How------------------------- do you have?

3. Let's stay in and watch TV tonight


What-------------- TV tonight

4. I'm sure she told you a lie.


She---------------- a lie.

5. There wasn't much I could do to help.


There--------- to help.

6. I won't tolerate your attitude any more.


I won't-------------------------- your attitude any more

7. The crime rate has fallen dramatically


There has-------------- the crime rate.

8. "I'm sorry I forgot your birthday," said Brian.


Brian------------ birthday.

9. We had a good time at the party


We------------- the party.

10. Sarah could swim very well from an early age.


Sarah------------------------------ very well from an early age used to working.2. many bags.3. about staying in and watching.4. must
have told you.5 was little I could do.6. put up with.7. been a dramatic fall in.8.
a p o l o g i s e d f o r f o r g e t t i n g m y. 9 . e n j o y e d o u r s e l v e s a t . 1 0 . w a s a b l e t o s w i m

1.John is like his dad.


John-------------- his dad

2. Julia regrets shouting at her boyfriend


Julia-------------- at her boyfriend.

3. I'm afraid there's no milk left.


I'm afraid we----------- milk.

4. Owen's job is better than Ron's


Ron's job-------------- Owen's

5. Do want to go out?



6. I think my boss should reach a decision today


I think my boss should----------------------- today.

7. I go nowhere without my mobile.

i------------- without my mobile

8. We ate breakfast and then left


We left--------------- breakfast.

10. It was wong of John to be so rude


John------------- so rude.

1. t a k e s a f t e r. 2 . w i s h e s s h e h a d n o t s h o u t e d . 3 . h a v e r u n o u t o f. 4 . i s n o t a s g o o d a s . 5 .
y o u f e e l l i ke g o i n g . 6 . m a ke u p h is m in d . 6 . d o n o t go an y w h e re . 7 . a ft e r e a t i n g . 8 . ou g h t
not to have been.

1.Could you repeat that please?


Would------------ please?

2. It is not possible to take a few days off.


There-------------- a few days off

3.Maria rejected Paul's invitation.


Maria------------------ invitation.

4. The train station is near my house.


The train station--------------house

5. Mark intends to go to Paris next summer


It is------------------ to Paris next summer.

6. They should have invited us to the party


We------------- to the party

7. Don't bother calling Julia - she's away on holiday.


There's--------------- she's away on holiday

8. I think the company will close down


It looks------------ close down.

9. I was so nervous about my driving test, that I failed it.


I failed my driving test--------------- nervous.

10. Let's go out for dinner


1 . y o u m i n d r e p e a t i n g t h a t . 2 . i s n o p o s s i b i l i t y o f t a k i n g . 3 . t u r n e d d o w n Pa u l ' s t u r n e d
d o w n Pa u l ' s . 4 . i s n ' t f a r f r o m m y. 5 . M a r k ' s i n t e n t i o n t o g o . 6 . s h o u l d h a v e b e e n
invited .7. no point calling Julia.8. as if the company will.9. because I was too.10. about
g o i n g o u t f o r.

1.He hasn't been out for two months


The last time he------------ago

2. The box was too heavy for her to lift


The box------------ for her to lift

3. It was difficult for him to stay awake during the lecture.


He------------------ during the lecture.

4. It wasn't necessary for her to leave so early.


She----------------- so early.

5. I didn't think it would be so difficult

It was------------------------------ I thought

6. It was such an interesting TV series that I watched it all in two days


The TV series------------ I watched it all in two days.

7. Sharon and Wayne don't like milk


Neither------------------------ milk.

8. Very few people attended the gallery opening


The gallery opening--------------------- students

10. She prefers running to swimming

She prefers--------------- swim
1. w e n t o u t w a s t w o m o n t h s . 2 . w a s n o t l i g h t e n o u g h . 3 . c o u l d h a r d l y s t a y a w a k e . 4 .
n e e d n ' t h a v e l e f t . 5 . m u c h m o r e d i ffi c u l t t h a n . 6 . w a s s o i n t e r e s t i n g t h a t . 7 . S h a r o n n o r
Wa y n e l i k e . 9 . w a s n o t a t t e n d e d b y m a n y. 1 0 . t o r u n r a t h e r t h a n

1. 'Why don't you come over for dinner at the weekend?' he asked her.
He .................................. for dinner at the weekend .

2. The school I studied at last year was better than this one.
This school ................... my last one.

3. Although the weather was terrible we had a good time.

We had a good time .................... the terrible weather.

4. Being rude is inexcusable.

There is ............................. rude

5. I regret taking up smoking.

I ..................................... up smoking

6. The police are interviewing the suspects.

The suspects ..................................... by the police

1.suggested coming over.2. is not as good as.3. in spite of.4. no excuse for being.5. wish I had not
taken.6. are being interviewed
To hand out something (or hand something out) is to give something to each person in a group of people. Give out is
similar to hand

To meet up is to meet someone, or a group of people, in order to do something together.

To call round is to visit someone, usually for a short period of time

To sell out of something is to sell all of it and have no more left for people to buy

To show off is to try and make people notice and admire you in a way which is annoying

To settle down is to start living in a place where you plan stay for a long time

To knock someone out is to hit them so hard that they become unconscious

Baguette Franaise en 1h30 MAXI


1 . 1 h t t p : / / w w w. t e fl s i t e s . c o m / V E R B % 2 0 P R E P O S I T I O N S . p d f

2 . h t t p : / / w w w. fl o - j o e . c o . u k / f c e / s t u d e n t s / f c e - 2 0 1 5 . h t m

h t t p s : / / q u i z l e t . c o m / 6 4 0 6 1 8 0 6 / p h r a s a l - v e r b - l i s t - r e a d y - f o r- f c e - fl a s h - c a r d s /

h t t p : / / e n g l i s h a u l a . c o m / e n / c a m b r i d g e - fi r s t - c e r t i fi c a t e - i n - e n g l i s h - f c e - e x a m - u s e - o f-

. p h p h t t p : / / w w w. e n g l i s h s p e a k e r. c o m / e x a m i n a t i o n s / F C E / u s a g e / F C E % 2 0 u s e % 2 0 0 5 - 0 1 . h t m l

h t t p : / / w w w. e n g l i s h p r a c t i c e . c o m / v o c a b u l a r y / p h r a s a l - v e r b s - b r e a k /

6. The boss wouldn't object to you going early today.

The boss would not ........................................ you going early today .

5. We demanded to see the hotel manager to make our complaint.

We ........................................ the hotel manager to make our complaint.

4. I'm sure it was Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.

It ........................................ Ana I saw in town as I recognised her coat.

3. There's no point asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.

It's ........................................ asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.

2. I was too tired to go to the party.

I was ........................................ I couldn't go to the party

2 .so tired that.3. a waste of time .4. must have been.5. insisted on seeing .6.have any objection to.

1. Joan was in favour of visiting the museum.

Joan thought it would be .................................. to the museum
2. Arthur has the talent to become a concert pianist.
Arthur is so .................................. could become a concert pianist.

3. "Do you know when the match starts, Sally?" asked Mary.
Mary asked Sally ................... time the match started.

4. I knocked for ages at Ruth's door but I got no reply.

I .................... knocking at Ruth's door but I got no reply

Everyone says that the band is planning to go on a world tour next year.
The band ............................. planning to go on a world tour next year.

6. I'd prefer not to cancel the meeting.

I'd rather ..................................... the meeting

1.a good IDEA to go.2. talented THAT he.3. IF she knew the.4. was a LONG time/
spent a LONG time/took a LONG time.5. is SAID to be..6 .not CALL of

6 7 7 . w i s h I h a d s e e n 678.only I
hadnt invited.680.only I had
revised678.only I hadnt
invited679.wish she wouldnt
do680.only I had revised

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