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Jeffrey Smith

March 17 2107

Independent Research

Period 2

Project Proposal

In the United States 40 million people suffer from a form of dental fear. There are varying

severities of dental fear, but each type has consequences. A patient that suffers from dental fear

or anxiety can become trapped in a vicious cycle of avoidance and poor oral health. Most forms

of dental fear are treatable and easy to prevent. More preventative measures need to be taken to

ensure patients receive quality oral care, so they can break the cycle. I focused my research on

the causes and techniques used to prevent dental fear from developing. For my final project I will

be collaborating with an Intern-mentor student to create an educational pamphlet about dental

fear. The completed pamphlet will be distributed to a dental office. The target audience is

patients and providers. The strategies listed in the pamphlet will help improve the quality of care

and help prevent the development of dental fear. The first hand experience from the Intern-

mentor student will be a critical source of information. Professional journals and studies have

been reviewed for preventative measures and further information. The resources required for the

project include a pamphlet template and the printing costs.

1. Introduction with background
2. Declare Project
3. Talk about audience
4. How it will benefit them
5. A few sentences about how this is being done
What proven need will be addressed or what is the question being researched?

What will be the product and/or outcome(s) of the research?

A pamphlet will be made with techniques to prevent dental fear. They will be distributed

to a dentist office.

Who is the intended audience for the project? Who will benefit as a result of the work?

The intended audience is parents of young children and providers. The strategies listed in

the pamphlet will help parents and providers offer a safer environment which will help reduce

the chance that a child will suffer from dental fear.

How will the knowledge or ability in the field be acquired?

What resources will be required for the project?

The cost of printing will be the only expense

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