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Is this Art?

documentation moving image

preliminary interview questions

With these questions, I want to bring about a discussion regarding art as whole,
whether the individuals I am interviewing have a broad or narrow view on the
subject. This will aid me in understanding others views and bring my work to a
different point of view. Exploring by surveying and asking frequent questions I
personally have. What do non-art based subject individuals think about art? Why do
they think this? How have they been influenced? Is art looked up or down on?
Overall, I am exploring this never ending subject that can take me in infinite
directions to never ending conclusions. How can I overcome this never-ending

Define art?
How does art make you feel?
What do you consider art?
Do you have positive or negative views regarding art? Why?
What do you know about art?
Is art just visual material?
What are your views upon art works and artists?
Do you understand art? Do you not understand art? Do you understand you cannot
understand art?
Do you think art is a crucial factor in our lifestyles? Is it necessary?
Is art a broad/narrow subject?
Is there a deeper meaning to art or is it bullshit?
Is art a key factor in history? The way we perceive the world?
Is art an easy subject? Is it a difficult subject? Why?
Final interview questions (not all questions
have to be answered)

1. What do you know about art?

2. What is the first thing you think of/comes to your mind in
relation the word art? Explain why
3. What do you consider art? Explain why.
4. Define art in your way, there is no right or wrong answer.
5. How does art in your definition make you feel? Positive or
negative views? Explain why.
6. How important or how insignificant is art in your opinion?
Can we live without it, is it a necessity?
7. (If you do) Do you have a favourite piece of art work you
are fond of? Do you know the artist?
8. Do you have any questions regarding art?

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