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Pre-Test Name Mark

Vocabulary and Grammar

Choose the correct answer. (20 x 2 = 40 points)
1. The professor gave an lecture.
a. interesting
b. interested
c. interest
2. He read the instructions before he started.
a. should
b. must
c. should have
3. By the end of next week, we the test results.
a. will receive
b. are receiving
c. will have received
4. He us every summer before he moved to France.
a. visits
b. visited
c. was visiting
5. Careful! You .
a. are falling
b. will fall
c. are going to fall
6. If I knew the answer, I you.
a. would have told
b. would tell
c. will tell
7. The shop she bought those shoes closed last month.
a. that
b. which
c. where
8. She asked what we that day.
a. are doing
b. were doing
c. did
9. This song many years ago.
a. wrote
b. was written
c. is written
10. We go to the party tonight.
a. might not
b. might have
c. might not have
11. She glasses ever since she was a child.
a. has worn
b. wears
c. is wearing


12. The sun when we arrived at the beach.

a. was setting
b. is setting
c. has set
13. At this time next year, I in South America.
a. will have travelled
b. am going to travel
c. will be travelling
14. This machine in years.
a. hasnt used
b. wasnt used
c. hasnt been used
15. I asked if us for dinner that night.
a. were they joining
b. they were joining
c. did they join
16. They all the exercises by the time the teacher returned.
a. were completed
b. completed
c. had completed
17. at the supermarket next summer?
a. Is she going to work
b. Does she work
c. Will she have worked
18. He was embarrassed because everyone laughed him.
a. with
b. on
c. at
19. I have seen her before.
a. ever
b. yet
c. never
20. Does he recognise the girl photo he saw on Facebook?
a. which
b. who
c. whose


Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
To Bee or Not to Bee
I Its well known that dogs have a remarkable sense of smell; as a result, they are the animals most usually chosen
to detect illegal drugs or explosives. However, experiments have shown that bees can also be used to sniff out
a wide range of substances.
II Scientists know that bees stick out their proboscises, or tongues, when they expect to taste something sweet. In
laboratory tests, bees were exposed simultaneously to a specific smell and to sweetened water. The bees learned
to associate the specific smell with the sugar. Eventually, they stuck out their proboscises even when they were
exposed to the smell without the sugar. This indicated that bees could be trained to detect specific smells.
III Using this knowledge, a device was created by placing a small number of bees in a special sniffer box. Air
from the surrounding environment was then directed into the box by a fan. The bees reaction was filmed on
a video camera. If a significant number of the bees stuck out their proboscises, then the substance being checked
was believed to be present and an alarm was activated.
IV Using bees rather than dogs to detect smells has got a number of advantages. First, they are more accurate; bees
detection is an instinctive response, rather than a result of lengthy training, as with dogs. Second, bees are not
heavy enough to set off a bomb or landmine by mistake, as a dog and its trainer might. Finally, bees are much
cheaper and quicker to train; it takes only pennies and a few minutes to train a large number of bees, whereas
a dog needs three months training.
V Although a bee-sensor is not yet commercially available, it may become so within the next decade. When it does,
airline passengers may find that they are smelled by a sniffer box of bees instead of being checked for drugs or
explosives by a detector.

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 4 = 8 points)

1. Scientists .
a. use a proboscis when experimenting with bees
b. train bees to associate sugar with a specific smell
c. give bees sugar when they detect certain smells
d. are trained to smell bees
2. Training bees .
a. is generally more expensive than training dogs
b. can set off landmines by mistake
c. does not involve using a trainer
d. can be achieved quickly in large numbers

2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify your answers.
(3 x 4 = 12 points)

1. Scientists reward bees with sugar when they detect specific smells.
2. Bees in a sniffer box are alerted when an alarm is activated.

3. Bees are born with an instinctive ability to identify a sugar smell.


3 Answer the questions. (2 x 5 = 10 points)

1. In what way do bees in a sniffer-box indicate that they have smelled the special substance?
2. Why may bees, rather than dogs, be used to detect a landmine?

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. excellent (paragraph I)
2. showed (paragraph II)
3. benefits (paragraph IV)
4. activate (paragraph IV)
5. accidentally (paragraph IV)

Write an essay (80-120 words) on the following topic: In addition to dogs and bees, what other animals can
be trained to help people? (20 points)

1 Revision Name

Present Simple and Present Continuous

1 Choose the correct answer.

1. During the summer months, the museum closes / is closing / are closing at 7 pm.
2. This week, my favourite shop sells / sell / is selling perfume at a big discount.
3. The cafeteria dont serve / isnt serving / doesnt serve pizza for lunch on Mondays.
4. We arent coming because we dont enjoy / arent enjoying / doesnt enjoy dancing.
5. I always wear / are wearing / am wearing size 38, so these shoes wont fit.
6. Is anyone use / uses / using the computer at the moment?
7. He never reads / doesnt read / isnt reading the horoscopes.
8. He think / thinks / is thinking your idea is great.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. They never (go out) to restaurants because they (prefer)
eating at home.
2. you (know) where Josie is at the moment? She always
(arrive) on time.
3. This year they (rent) a flat in town because they (not want)
to drive to work.
4. I (not understand) what you (say) to me.
5. Look! Someone (wave) to us. you
(recognise) him?
6. Be quiet! The teacher (explain) the homework assignment and I
(try) to listen.
7. you (want) to meet? I (not do)
anything today.
8. What you (think) about? You (look)
so upset.

3 Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.

this evening never usually every year this morning

1. She participates in the schools swimming contest , but she never wins!
2. I understand what he says! Its so frustrating.
3. Shes working and cant be disturbed until noon.
4. They go straight home after school, but today they are going shopping.
5. Were watching the sunset together .

1 Revision

4 Complete the telephone conversation with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or
Present Continuous.

Pam: Hi Sally. 1. you (remember) when its Carols birthday?

Sally: I 2. (believe) its on Friday. 3. you
(want) to get her a gift?
Pam: Thats a good idea. She 4. (read) a lot these days, so maybe we should get her
a gift certificate from one of the bookshops in town. 5. you
(think) thats good idea?
Sally: Yes, lets meet at the shopping centre this afternoon.
Pam: OK. I 6. (not do) anything special, so that 7. (suit) me.
Sally: Great! See you then.

5 Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Use the Present Simple or
Present Continuous. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. How heavy is this box? (weigh)
2. Is this Toms phone? (belong)
3. The baby is awake. (sleep)
4. Whats the price of these boots? (cost)
5. Ive got an appointment with the dentist this afternoon. (see)

2 Revision Name

Past Simple and Past Continuous

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1. As she (drive) to the airport, she (hear) about the accident.
2. I (forget) the name of the street that I (look for).
3. Who (recommend) the restaurant that we (go) to last night?
4. It (snow) heavily when the plane (land).
5. They (want) to get home before the rain (start).
6. He (not want) to disturb you, so he (leave) quietly.

2 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1. who / Jill / talk to / when / we / arrive / at the party / ?
2. when / I / bump into / Lisa and Graham / they / have / an argument / .
3. we / not go out / last night / because / we / study / .
4. what / she / say / when / you / tell her / the truth / ?
5. you / sleep / when / I / phone / last night / ?
6. my friend / listen / to music / while / I / try / to study / .
7. where / you / have / lunch / yesterday / ?
8. why / everyone / shout / all night / ?

3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or
Past Continuous.

A family in the United States 1. (not have) enough money to pay for their house, so
the bank 2. (tell) them that they had to move out. They sadly 3.
(begin) to get ready. While they 4. (pack) their things in the basement, they
(find) an old Superman comic book from the year 1938. On the cover, Superman
(lift) a car above his head. The mother 7. (call) a comic book
expert, and as he 8. (talk), she suddenly 9. (start) to realise that
they didnt have to leave their home after all. The old comic book 10. (be) a very
special item that many collectors 11. (look for) a rare copy of the first Superman
comic book. It was worth at least $250,000!
2 Revision

4 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. Some of the students left the room during the guest speakers talk. (while)
2. He travelled by train and on the way he listened to music. (as)
3. She paid for the dress; at the same time she decided to buy the bag. (while)
4. I worked at a hotel and met my boyfriend. (while)
5. It was midnight and we were still studying. (at)
6. We didnt drive because of the snow. (was)

3 Revision Name

Future Simple, Future Continuous, be going to and Present Continuous

1 Choose the correct answer.

1. At this time next week, I on a beach in Thailand.
a. will be relaxing b. am going to relax c. will relax
2. Lets watch the film now! I you wash the dishes later.
a. am helping b. am going to help c. will help
3. Watch out! You off the ladder!
a. are falling b. will be falling c. are going to fall
4. Your trip sounds amazing. I think I you.
a. will join b. am joining c. wont join
5. Do you think she a car next month?
a. is going to buy b. will buy c. is buying
6. Do you know Sam? Come on, I you.
a. am going to introduce b. will be introducing c. will introduce
7. What tonight?
a. will you wear b. are you going to wear c. you are wearing
8. Which team the game?
a. will be winning b. will win c. is going to win

2 Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of the future tenses. There may be more than
one possible answer.
1. I think / it / rain / during the football match / tomorrow
2. at this time next week / we / fly / to London
3. the train / arrive / tomorrow / at half past three
4. we / meet / our friends / in Rome / next week
5. I / open / the door / for you
6. you / not get / a table / at that restaurant / tonight

3 Revision

3 Write a suitable sentence to follow each sentence below. Use the words in brackets and the Future Simple,
be going to or the Present Continuous. There may be more than one correct answer.
1. You should see this film. (love it)
2. We cant meet you at the weekend. (go on holiday)
3. Be careful with that knife. (cut yourself)
4. Thanks for inviting me to dinner. (you / make?)

4 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the future tenses. There may be more than one correct
you (go) to the doctor in the near future? If so, he
(try) to get as much information as possible about you before giving you
medicine. But theres still a chance that the medicine 3. (not work) or that you
(react) badly to it. In the future, however, things 5. (be)
different. For the next ten years, a large number of universities and industries 6.
(work) to develop a way to create medical computer models of people. When the project is finished, we
(walk) around with a model of ourselves, showing our genes, allergies and past
health problems. Doctors 8. (run) simulations on the model, so they can find the
correct treatment before giving it to the patient. The European Union 9. (give)
millions of euros to this project, which 10. (save) lives, time and huge amounts
of money.

5 Correct the errors in the following sentences.

1. I think its raining tomorrow.

2. Dont buy her that. She isnt liking it.
3. Someones at the door. Im answering it.
4. They will get married next April.
5. Will they be inviting us?

4 Revision Name

General Review
1 Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.

last month at this time next week while tomorrow now always
1. She volunteers at the hospital on Fridays.
2. , well be hiking in the Andes.
3. They wont go to the beach .
4. They heard an explosion they were having lunch.
5. She cut her hair , but its already long again.
6. Im resting so I wont be tired tonight.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use present, past or future tenses.
1. While I (study) for the exam yesterday, I forgot to call you back.
2. Next summer, we (travel) to Iceland.
3. you (remember) to wish her Happy Birthday last night?
4. What he (say) when he discovers the truth?
5. I cant hear. What she (talk) about?
6. Be careful! You (fall)!
7. At this time tomorrow, we (sit) on a plane.

3 Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of the verbs.

1. at this time next year / I / work / and / earn / some money / .

2. you / call / me / when / you / arrive / tonight / ?
3. Sam / always / call / when / I / watch TV / .
4. she / meet / her boyfriend / while / she / live / in New York / .
5. he / always / think / he / know / everything / .

4 Revision

4 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning
of the sentences.
1. She started to exercise. Then her phone rang. (while)
2. Whats your opinion of the new manager? (think)
3. She wasnt an English teacher. (teach)
4. Tom is busy with his homework. (do)
5. They are awake now. (not sleep)

5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use present, past or future tenses.

Mikey Holmes is one of the worlds top ten skydivers, but this 1. (not help) him
during one of his routine dives. He jumped out of the plane, and as he 2. (fall), he
(realise) that there was something wrong with his parachute it wouldnt open!
But Mikey 4. (not panic), because he had a reserve parachute. He
(pull) on it but it wouldnt open either! I 6. (die), thought
Mikey, falling faster and faster, and then he hit the ground. But miraculously, he 7.
(suffer) only minor injuries. How 8. he (feel) now? Mostly,
hes just glad to be alive. 9. he (think) of giving up his sport?
No way! He says that within a few months, he 10. (skydive) again. He
(love) it too much to stop.

1 Unit Test Level 1 Name Mark

1 Choose the correct answer. (5 x 2 = 10 points)
1. The organisation has really improved under their punctuation / leadership / championship.
2. I laughed because it was very sensitive / fluent / comical.
3. Dont graduate / blame / whisper me for this.
4. I convinced / joined / reacted Dad to pay for my trip.
5. The vet pronounced / cured / whispered my dog.

2 Match the verbs or phrases in A to their synonyms in B. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. quarrel a. discuss
2. talk over b. ask
3. apologise c. argue
4. raise a question d. make someone understand
5. get the message across e. say youre sorry

3 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use a suitable suffix. (4 x 2 = 8 points)
1. They were shocked to hear the (upset) news.
2. They had enjoyed many years of (happy) together.
3. I think thats a (sense) decision.
4. I dont think that design is (suit) for a young person.

4 Complete the passage with the words below. (8 x 3 = 24 points)

countless chat collection doubtful includes provide slang valuable

Sign languages for the deaf have been used for a long time, but its 1. if their origins
will ever be known. These languages are not just a 2. of signs; they have a complex
structure and grammar, and different versions of the same language exist some of these versions even
include 3. . In order to allow people with hearing problems to 4.
about a variety of topics, including modern technology, sign language now 5. signs
for the words Internet and Video Blog. ASL and similar sign languages 6.
a 7. service by allowing 8. deaf people around the world to
communicate with others.

1 Unit Test Level 1

5 Choose the correct answer. (6 x 2 = 12 points)
1. Paul to repair his car for ages; I hope he succeeds.
a. have been trying b. has been trying c. had been trying
2. Claire her project in class yet?
a. Have presented b. Had been presenting c. Has presented
3. Rachel for long before she was interrupted.
a. hasnt read b. hadnt been reading c. hasnt been reading
4. the students the exercise in an hour from now?
a. Have finished b. Will have finished c. Had finished
5. He his new phone at all until he called me.
a. hasnt used b. hasnt been using c. hadnt used
6. she ever pasta before?
a. Have cooked b. Has cooked c. Will have

6 Complete the dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the perfect tenses. (9 x 4 = 36 points)

A. Is this the first time that you 1. (compete) in a marathon?

B. Yes, when I finish this race, I 2. (run) my first marathon.
What about you?
A. I 3. (never / participate) in a marathon until now!

A. you (write) for this newspaper
for a long time?
B. Yes, I 5. (already / be) here for two years. Hopefully by next year,
I 6. (find) a job in a foreign country.

A. they (live) in Japan a long time
before the tsunami struck?
B. No, they 8. (just / arrive), but they 9.
(already / move) back home.

1 Unit Test Level 2 Name Mark

1 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Pay attention to the words in bold.
(6 x 2 = 12 points)
1. You should never believe truthful people.
2. If you get the message across, you understand.
3. Dont whisper if you want everyone to hear you.
4. People often laugh when someone tells a joke.
5. Punctuation isnt important when writing.
6. People with a disease arent healthy.

2 Match the sentences in A to their logical continuations in B. Pay attention to the phrasal verbs in bold.
(5 x 2 = 10 points)
1. Lets talk it over. a. Im not a child.
2. We need to talk her into this. b. Then well make a decision.
3. Dont talk down to me. c. Speak politely.
4. We need to talk her out of it. d. Shes still not interested.
5. Dont talk back to me. e. Its a bad idea.

3 Choose two correct answers for each sentence. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. People laugh at something humorous / comical / bilingual.

2. We listened to the presidents announcement / championship / statement.
3. They like to advertise / gossip / chat about people.
4. The hotel reads / provides / includes breakfast.
5. Did you read the sign / notice / slang in the window?

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below. (6 x 3 = 18 points)

upset annoy equal count doubt suit

1. There must be between men and women.
2. Its he will come. Hes too busy.
3. Is tomorrow morning a time to meet?
4. We cried when we heard the news.
5. His was apparent. He didnt smile.
6. He has apologised times.

1 Unit Test Level 2

5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use perfect tenses. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. We (not plan) to go to the museum until you suggested it.

2. Eddie (sing) for many years before he became a star.
3. Rose (not complete) her degree by next summer.
4. Sorry Im late! you (wait)
here a long time?
5. I (not see) her in ages.

6 Rewrite the sentences using the time expressions in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the
sentences. (4 x 4 = 16 points)
1. Hilary prepared the meal; then we arrived. (by the time)
2. Do you eat sushi? (ever)
3. The train will arrive at 7.00. (by 7.15)
4. Its now 5 pm and they are still studying. (all afternoon)

7 Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the correct perfect tense, simple or continuous.
(6 x 4 = 24 points)

Although most people 1. never (hear) of WOTYs, they

probably use them frequently! WOTYs, or Word(s) of the Year, are those words that
(become) popular during an entire year. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
(run) a WOTY competition for the last five years.
The WOTY does not actually have to be a single word in the past, WOTY nominations
(include) phrases such as weapons of mass destruction. Not surprisingly, the
digital world 5. (influence) the choice of WOTYs. By the end of 2010, words such
as to tweet, blog, app and unfriend 6. all (appear) on
various WOTY lists.

2 Unit Test Level 1 Name Mark

1 Match the adjectives in A to a suitable noun in B. (7 x 2 = 14 points)
1. childish a. leader
2. glamorous b. game
3. effective c. solution
4. misleading d. demand
5. willing e. lifestyle
6. huge f. participant
7. powerful g. information

2 The following sentences do not make sense. Make them logical by replacing each word in bold with a word
in bold from a different sentence. (9 x 2 = 18 points)
1. The salesperson was so unfair that I bought the cosmetics.
2. This contestant is in all the magazines.
3. You will lend your marks if you study harder.
4. The latest advert in fashion is eco-friendly clothes.
5. Can you compete me some money?
6. She always wears persuasive jewellery.
7. Will Brazil improve against Germany?
8. Henry hopes to be a trend on a programme.
9. We were angry because of the eye-catching decision.

2 Unit Test Level 1

3 Match A to B to form logical pairs. (6 x 2 = 12 points)

1. My sister doesnt want to go alone.
2. Sue told everyone that I want to break up with Jim.
3. He looks suspicious.
4. The policewoman followed the suspect for a week.
5. Emily said she would help me, but she didnt.
6. I know that you want to rent a bigger flat.

a. Keep your eyes on him.
b. She cant keep a secret!
c. She often doesnt keep her promises.
d. She asked me to keep her company.
e. She wanted to keep track of where he went.
f. But keep in mind that it will be more expensive.

2 Unit Test Level 1

4 Complete the sentences in reported speech. (8 x 3 = 24 points)
1. I havent told anyone.
Paula insisted ................................................................................................................................... .
2. Find the missing key to this cupboard.
The manager told me ....................................................................................................................... .
3. Why is Lydia crying?
Eric asked ........................................................................................................................................ .
4. The flowers have died because of the lack of rain.
The gardener explained .................................................................................................................... .
5. Lets order a taxi instead of walking.
My grandmother suggested .............................................................................................................. .
6. Was the audience listening during my lecture?
The speaker asked ............................................................................................................................ .
7. Theyll take the test next Monday.
The headmaster said ........................................................................................................................ .
8. How often did you miss work last month?
My boss wanted to know ................................................................................................................. .

5 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Use reported speech. Do not change the original
meaning of the sentences. (4 x 3 = 12 points)
1. Dont forget to wear sunscreen, Mum warned me. (not)
2. Has the plane landed yet? the man asked. (if)
3. Did they go to the party? Jill wondered. (whether)
4. You can hand in the project next week, the teacher explained. (that)

2 Unit Test Level 1

6 Choose the correct verb. Then rewrite the sentences in reported speech. (4 x 5 = 20 points)
1. Customer: I wont come back to this restaurant because the service is terrible. (complain / admit)
2. Lifeguard: Dont swim in the sea today because there are many jellyfish. (warn / promise)
3. Student: I cheated in the exam last week. (admit / suggest)
4. Salesperson: You will be pleased with the results. (promise / wonder)

2 Unit Test Level 2 Name Mark

1 Replace the words and expressions in bold with the words and expressions below. (8 x 2 = 16 points)

prevent whisper keep in mind talk it over brilliant purchase odd cut back on
1. Dont forget that London is a very expensive city.
2. Dont try to stop me from going out tonight.
3. Lets discuss the issue face to face.
4. Try to talk very quietly. I dont want them to hear.
5. It seemed strange that the guests wanted to leave so suddenly.
6. We need to reduce our expenses this month.
7. Were going to buy a new car this year.
8. Thats a really clever idea.

2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Pay attention to the words in bold.
(8 x 2 = 16 points)
1. Businesses are happy when there are profits.
2. People want to eat food that looks appealing.
3. Controversial topics are usually boring.
4. If your marks have improved, they are lower.
5. When you borrow money, you have to pay it back.
6. A major problem is a serious one.
7. A contestant decides who the winner is.
8. There are many notices on the radio.

3 Complete the sentences by adding a suffix to the words below to form adjectives. (6 x 3 = 18 points)

doubt suit count glamour upset persuade

1. Its whether he will show up to the party. Hes very shy.
2. I didnt recognise her. She looked so .
3. Hes a great salesperson because hes so .
4. It was to hear such terrible news.
5. There are reasons why thats not a good idea.
6. Many people applied for the job, but nobody was .

2 Unit Test Level 2

4 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(6 x 4 = 24 points)
1. Did you finish all the work? my boss asked. (if)
2. Its 4 oclock and they are still watching TV. (all day)
3. This is my first skiing lesson. (never)
4. I was three years old when I began to swim. (since)
5. I was waiting for Sally. She arrived an hour late. (by the time)
6. We arrived ten minutes after the dancers had begun performing onstage. (for)

5 Complete the sentences. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences. (4 x 3 = 12 points)

1. Ive been thinking about you all day.

Ann told me that .............................................................................................................................. .
2. This is the first time Im meeting him.
I ........................................................................................................................................................ .
3. Lets do something different today.
Brandon suggested that .................................................................................................................... .
4. You shouldnt tell her what happened.
Valerie advised me .......................................................................................................................... .

6 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (7 x 2 = 14 points)

Pepsi Cola 1. (recently / decide) to market an old product, Diet Pepsi, in a new
package. The drink will soon come in a longer, thinner can than the one Pepsi 2.
(use) since 1964. It sounds harmless, but some people 3. (already / criticise) the
new skinny can. Lynn Grafe, an expert on eating disorders, said that she 4. (be)
against the idea. She explained that seeing a slimmer can 5. (can / make) people
feel that only slim people are attractive. Pepsis marketing director, Ami Irazabal, replied that they
(market) the shape of a product, not a woman. By the time the skinny cans have
been on the market for a few months, people 7. (probably / forget) these issues.
A bigger problem is that these cans may be too tall to fit on the shelf!

3 Unit Test Level 1 Name Mark

1 Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in italics. (6 x 2 = 12 points)
1. A person with a lot of friends / money is wealthy.
2. People cheer for something they like / hate.
3. A costume is eaten / worn.
4. Something disturbing pleases / upsets people.
5. A packed show is crowded / empty.
6. People are enthusiastic when they are excited / bored.

2 Match A to B to form sentences. Pay attention to the words in bold. (7 x 2 = 14 points)

1. He booked a ticket a. after he released his first CD.
2. Can he live up to b. by public transport.
3. His career took off c. for the concert.
4. Although hes still unknown, d. his parents expectations?
5. The concert was called off e. radio, TV and press interviews.
6. His publicity campaign included f. he will be famous one day.
7. The venue was hard to reach g. because the lead singer was ill.

3 Complete the sentences with the words below. (8 x 3 = 24 points)

went wild huge hit prestigious puts on rehearse review scandal stand out
1. The event was attended by the Queen.
2. Our school a musical every year.
3. The CD was a everyone wanted one.
4. The crowd when the singers suddenly appeared.
5. The actress found it hard to get work after the .
6. Tony wrote a positive of the concert.
7. We need to the song again.
8. You should wear bright colours if you want to .

3 Unit Test Level 1

4 Rewrite the following sentences using both passive forms. (4 x 4 = 16 points)
1. When did he offer her the job?
2. We should have given them more money.
3. The restaurant provides free food for the volunteers.
4. They may never tell us the truth.

5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use a causative form. (4 x 4 = 16 points)
1. These jeans are too long on me. Where (can / shorten)?
2. Her wedding dress was unique. She (make) by a top designer.
3. My phone isnt working well. I (repair) tomorrow.
4. My eyes are hurting me. I (must / test).

6 Complete the passage with the verbs in brackets. Use the active or passive form. (9 x 2 = 18 points)

Music from all over the world 1. (can / hear) in the Paris Metro these days.
Although these performances are free, the musicians 2. (work) hard for months to
earn their spot in the underground. Since its creation in 1997, the Paris Metro Authoritys Busker
Programme (EMA) 3. (know) for the quality of its artists. A series of 12 auditions
(hold) twice a year. About 1,000 people 5. (expect) each time
to compete for the 300 permits that are given to perform in the Paris Metro. The successful candidates
(give) permission to perform for six months. Not surprisingly, hundreds of illegal
performers 7. (remove) by the Metro police. So why 8.
performers (compete) for a permit that doesnt enable them to earn a lot of money?
Its the chance to perform for the 2.5 million commuters who 9. (use) the Metro
each day. Maybe one day it will be someones lucky break!

3 Unit Test Level 2 Name Mark

1 Replace the words and expressions in bold with the words and expressions below. (9 x 2 = 18 points)

purchased called off disease increased venue

wealthy prevented doubtful talked back
1. The guard stopped us from entering the building.
2. He bought two tickets on the Internet.
3. She has now recovered from a serious illness.
4. The number of foreign students at this university has grown.
5. I was insulted because he was rude to me.
6. She married a man who is handsome and rich.
7. They cancelled the picnic because of the rain.
8. He was not sure that the business would succeed.
9. The place for the party was changed three times.

2 Complete the passage with the words and expressions below. (8 x 3 = 24 points)

compete contestants fascinating huge hit improve join lucky break provide

The musical TV show Glee is a 1. , watched by teens around the world. But its
another successful show, The Glee Project, that decides which new actors are selected each year to
the cast of Glee. In The Glee Project, a group of 12 talented teens
for the chance to appear on the upcoming season of Glee. These
have been selected from around 4,000 young people, all of whom are hoping that
this will be their 5. . Each week, they must 6. their singing and
dancing performances in order to avoid elimination. The winner is guaranteed seven appearances on
Glee, a record contract and a place on the Glee tour. However, The Glee Project does more than just
replacements for the cast members on Glee who graduate from McKinley High
School; it has turned out to be 8. reality-TV viewing all on its own.

3 Unit Test Level 2

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (7 x 2 = 14 points)

1. She the house (paint) last week. She was pleased

with the painters.
2. He said that he (continue) as team captain for another year.
3. My girlfriend (not meet) my parents yet.
4. a winner (select) by tomorrow?
5. She admitted that she (spread) the rumour about me.
6. Im sure that by the time hes 18, he (set) a new world record.
7. The runner (not lose) a single race until yesterday.

4 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(4 x 5 = 20 points)
1. I stopped eating chocolate six months ago. (for)
2. When did you start to run marathons? (How long)
3. I lost your camera, Sally said. (admitted)
4. A photographer took our photos. (taken)

5 Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(6 x 4 = 24 points)
1. I was waiting for the bus. It arrived an hour late.
By the time ....................................................................................................................................... .
2. I cant remember where I left my phone, Pete said.
Pete said that .................................................................................................................................... .
3. Have you set the table?
Has .................................................................................................................................................. ?
4. Their rooms arent kept tidy.
They ................................................................................................................................................. .
5. They went abroad for the first time last year.
Until last year ................................................................................................................................... .
6. Everyone must stand up, he ordered.
He ordered everyone ........................................................................................................................ .

Term Test 1 Level 1 Name Mark

1 Choose the correct answer. (5 x 1 = 5 points)
1. I havent done anything wrong, so dont me.
a. blame
b. prevent
c. convince
d. tolerate
2. We got lost because the directions were .
a. eye-catching
b. misleading
c. doubtful
d. outrageous
3. Darlene has always had many friends because shes .
a. mysterious
b. childish
c. bilingual
d. good-natured
4. How do you your name?
a. pronounce
b. improve
c. cheer
d. chat
5. Her is French, but she speaks English at work.
a. slang
b. mother tongue
c. accent
d. sign language

2 Complete the sentences with the phrases below. (7 x 1 = 7 points)

live up to cut back on call off take off keep at it talk back put on
1. They decided to the wedding because they realised they werent in love.
2. Its very hard to your expectations.
3. If you to me again, I wont speak to you.
4. We want to save money, so we have to our expenses.
5. Business was slow the first year, but then it started to .
6. We are going to our best performance tonight.
7. Studying is difficult, but you have to if you want to succeed.

Term Test 1 Level 1

3 Complete the sentences by adding a suitable suffix to the words below. (6 x 1 = 6 points)
1. The prime minister is going to make an on TV this evening. (announce)
2. You asked for my opinion, so Im going to be (truth).
3. I have asked him times to clean up his room, but he hasnt done it yet. (count)
4. Her speech was so that everyone voted for her. (persuade)
5. They bought an expensive home in a neighbourhood. (prestige)
6. Thats a idea. It will be good for everyone. (sense)

4 Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Pay attention to the words in bold. (7 x 1 = 7 points)

1. A trend is something that is out of fashion.

2. There arent many people in a packed room.
3. A rumour isnt always true.
4. Comical films make people sad.
5. Crowds boo when they are disappointed.
6. Your income is what you spend every month.
7. When you borrow something, it belongs to someone else.

Term Test 1 Level 1

1 Choose the correct answer. (8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. We stopped to rest because we all day.
a. have been driving
b. had been driving
c. were driving
2. Marianne asked me why alone.
a. was I eating
b. I was eating
c. are you eating
3. The paramedics took care of him while he to hospital.
a. was taking
b. had been taken
c. was being taken
4. I hope the new film next week at our local cinema.
a. will be shown
b. will show
c. will have shown
5. John told me that he his keys in the drawer.
a. had found
b. found
c. finds
6. It was hot because the air conditioning .
a. had been turned off
b. will be turned off
c. was turning off
7. Do you like my hair? I yesterday.
a. have had it cut
b. have it cut
c. had it cut
8. Sorry, sir. The last ticket .
a. has just sold
b. has just been sold
c. is just sold

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. Dogs (should / not feed) more than once a day.
2. Laura asked me if I (help) her the next evening.
3. I cant use the car because it (repair).
4. How long you (wait) here?
5. Last week, all the students (give) free laptops.
6. The mother complained that her baby (cry) for hours.
7. Denise suggested that we (meet) at the caf.
8. By next year, they (build) their new house.

Term Test 1 Level 1

3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (9 x 1 = 9 points)

Sitting down in a Montreal restaurant, I discovered that the menu 1. (write) entirely
in French. The waiter soon came and asked me what I 2. (want) to order. I admitted
that I 3. (cannot read) a word of the menu, but he wasnt very helpful. In the end,
I told him 4. (bring) the only two things I recognised: Caesar salad and calamari.
Many travellers 5. (have) this experience at some time, but things are about to
change. A new food translator application for iPhones 6. (recently develop) by an
American university. It quickly translates the name of any menu item, and a list of ingredients
(also provide). This app is especially useful for people with food allergies,
since it 8. (can program) to warn users when certain ingredients are in the food.
Within a few months, foreign-language menu problems 9. (become) a thing of the
past for iPhone owners, at least.

Term Test 1 Level 2 Name Mark

1 The following sentences do not make sense. Make them logical by replacing each word in bold with a word
in bold from a different sentence. (9 x 1 = 9 points)
1. This book is too wealthy for small children.
2. Anna is studying for her rumour in biology.
3. We can do nothing to advertise earthquakes.
4. Is Tom really getting married, or is it just a budget?
5. Teenagers often prevent pop singers.
6. Many valuable people own several homes.
7. The degree for the coming year will be in the millions.
8. Theyre going to worship their new product on TV.
9. How sophisticated is this antique vase?

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Make each verb into a phrasal verb by adding up, into, off,
out or down. (7 x 1 = 7 points)

live break talk show call stand come

1. Youll certainly in that long red dress!
2. Im exhausted. No one can me going out tonight.
3. Theyve decided to the marathon because of the snowstorm.
4. Ruth is angry at Dan. Do you think shell with him?
5. Everyone knows you can dance. Theres no need to .
6. Its impossible to to your expectations.
7. Shes upset. You shouldnt have on her like that.

3 Replace the words in bold with the words and expressions below. (9 x 1 = 9 points)

odd over the top decrease purchase keep in mind

performance quarrel persuasive make it
1. Dont you think that her behaviour is outrageous?
2. The new boy is a bit weird, but I like him.
3. I disagree, but I wont fight with you about it.
4. The number of students in our school may become smaller next year.
5. It took him a long time to succeed.
6. Her speech was so convincing that everyone voted for her.
7. Please remember that I have an important exam tomorrow.
8. Did you get tickets for the show tomorrow night?
9. Were planning to buy a house next year.

Term Test 1 Level 2

1 Complete the mini-dialogues with the words in brackets. Use the correct form of the verbs.
(8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. How was Neds trip?
He said that he ................................................................................................................................. .
(not enjoy / it / very much)
2. How did your glass table break?
The table broke while it ................................................................................................................... .
(carry / up the stairs)
3. Why arent you going to the party?
Im too tired. I .................................................................................................................................. .
(work / all day)
4. Why did Ben run home?
Because I asked him why ............................................................................................................... !
(he / wear / two different shoes)
5. Do you know Kate?
Yes, we ............................................................................................................................................ .
(just / introduce)
6. Your car looks great!
Thanks. I .......................................................................................................................................... .
(clean / yesterday)
7. Why were you cold?
Because the window ........................................................................................................................ .
(leave / open)
8. I cant attend the lecture tomorrow.
Dont worry. It ................................................................................................................................. .
(record / on video)

Term Test 1 Level 2

2 Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. Do not change the original meaning of the sentence.
(7 x 1 = 7 points)
1. Patty asked, Will you come back tomorrow?
Patty asked me if .............................................................................................................................. .
2. Alan said, Ive been waiting here for hours.
Alan complained that ....................................................................................................................... .
3. Please dont go in there. Theyre painting the room.
Please dont go in there. The room .................................................................................................. .
4. You shouldnt water this plant more than once a week.
This plant ......................................................................................................................................... .
5. We are finishing school on 30th June.
By next July, we will ....................................................................................................................... .
6. When did you start working here?
How long ........................................................................................................................................ ?
7. Judy said, Why dont you rest on my sofa?
Judy suggested that I ........................................................................................................................ .

3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

Today, most people are exposed to mobile-phone text language, which 1. (contain)
shortened words such as c u l8er. Educators 2. (complain) about this for years,
saying that its terrible for childrens spelling. However, research that 3. (do) last
year in New Zealand shows that this is untrue. After testing over 200 twelve year olds, scientists said
that children 4. (can easily distinguish) between texting and traditional spelling.
Children who 5. (teach) to spell properly dont forget because they shorten words
in a text message, said one professor. Text language 6. (use) as another way of
communicating. In another study, scientists asked children how often they 7.
(send) messages in text language. Most did it all the time, but one replied that she 8.
(not need) it since getting an iPhone. Perhaps soon text language 9. (make)
unnecessary by smartphones, which have a key for each letter. But meanwhile, we know that it
probably 10. (do) no harm.

4 Unit Test Level 1 Name Mark

1 Choose the correct answer. (8 x 2 = 16 points)
1. Its impolite / dishonest / inactive to interrupt someone when theyre speaking.
2. I leak / regret / convict telling her my secrets because she will probably tell everyone.
3. Everyone is talking about the murder trial / court / auction.
4. Theres a lot of treasure / litter / smog on the ground.
5. People must try to dump / threaten / avoid polluting the environment.
6. The restaurant was hot and overcrowded / underpaid / outspoken so we left.
7. The tsunami completely banned / faced / destroyed the town.
8. Forest fires are dangerous to wildlife / freedom / landfill.

2 Match the words in A to their synonyms in B. (7 x 2 = 14 points)

1. in shock a. come near
2. illegal b. not truthful
3. unspoilt c. pure or natural
4. approach d. against the law
5. dishonest e. experiencing an unpleasant surprise
6. outspoken f. not predictable or surprising
7. unexpected g. direct in expressing your opinion

3 Complete the passage with the words and expressions below. (8 x 3 = 24 points)

water shortage fuel disapprove global warming

source exploits dispose of renewable energy

What could be more fun than taking your radio into the shower and using only green
as you listen? Now you can do this with a new environmentally friendly radio
called the H20. The H20 uses no electricity, so you dont burn 2. or contribute to
. Theres no need to use batteries, which are hard to 4.
because they emit poisons. Instead, the H20 5. water as a 6. of
energy the pressure of the water coming out of your tap. The water goes right through the radio and
out the other side for you to wash with. Sounds great, but some environmentalists 7.
of this new device. They say that listening to music will make people stay in the shower longer,
contributing to the worlds 8. .

4 Unit Test Level 1

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the correct form of the conditional.
(4 x 4 = 16 points)
1. If you (not remind) me about yesterdays meeting, I
2. If I (be) you, I (not say) anything to Lucy about the
3. I (call) you if I (remember) it was your birthday.
4. Unless it (rain), tomorrows race (take place) in the park.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5 x 2 = 10 points)
1. I wish I (study) harder for the test last week.
2. I didnt realise he was in hospital. If only I (know).
3. My sister and I dont get along all the time. I wish we (not share) a room.
4. I shouldnt have said anything. I wish I (listen) to you.
5. I wish I (go) with you to the concert, but I have to study this weekend.

6 Rewrite the sentences with the words given. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(5 x 4 = 20 points)
1. Its too bad we didnt have enough time to visit you.
If only .............................................................................................................................................. .
2. I need to concentrate, but the dog wont stop barking.
I wish ............................................................................................................................................... .
3. We wont return to this restaurant because the food isnt good.
If the food ........................................................................................................................................ .
4. No talking on mobile phones here. Go outside.
You ........................................................................... if you .......................................................... .
5. You wont get the best selection if you dont arrive on the first day of the sale.
Unless .............................................................................................................................................. .

4 Unit Test Level 2 Name Mark

1 The following sentences do not make sense. Make them logical by replacing each word in bold
with a word in bold from a different sentence. (9 x 3 = 27 points)
1. Her teacher damaged her to continue studying art.
2. There was so much network that it was difficult to breathe.
3. They are guilty in Italian because they lived in Rome for a year.
4. The storm lent all the houses along the beach.
5. The thieves stole a very fluent painting.
6. Have you heard about the latest smog in Hollywood?
7. Tom encouraged me a pen so I could do the exam.
8. This scandal is now broadcasting a new cooking show.
9. He felt valuable about spending so much money.

2 Replace the words and expressions in bold with the expressions below. (8 x 3 = 24 points)

keep in mind talk back put on cut back on

keep at it get by talk it over come down on
1. Dont be rude to me.
2. Remember that the weather can be unpredictable in autumn.
3. We have to try and reduce our expenses.
4. I prefer to discuss the issue in person.
5. Dont worry. Well manage with this amount of money.
6. Youre so negative. Dont criticise him all the time.
7. We will continue until we have reached our goal.
8. They organised a fashion show for charity.

4 Unit Test Level 2

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. I (not forget) about our plans yesterday if I

(write down) the time.
2. If he (not be) home by tomorrow, I
(call) the police.
3. We (stand) outside in the rain for over an hour until we
(allow) to go inside.
4. He advised us (not eat) the meat because it
(leave) outside for hours.
5. What you (do) if you
(see) your favourite film star while you were in Hollywood?

4 Rewrite the sentences using the words in the brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the
sentences. (4 x 3 = 12 points)
1. Its too bad we didnt speak to him. (wish)
2. I wont tell Dave anything, Fiona said. (promised)
3. Unless you leave work early, you wont arrive on time. (if)
4. I regret not apologising to them. (if only)

5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (9 x 3 = 27 points)

A new advert against fast food 1. (produce) in Australia. In the advert, giving
children fast food 2. (compare) to giving them heroin. When asked why they
(choose) such an aggressive way to get their message across, the adverts
producers said that they 4. (want) to make parents stop and think about what they
were feeding their children. The advert 5. (cause) quite a bit of controversy. One
mother commented online that it 6. (make) her feel like a criminal. If they hadnt
exaggerated, their message 7. (be) more convincing, she wrote. Comparing
parents to drug dealers will not make them listen. On the other hand, if the advert
(not be) so over the top, it wouldnt be getting so much attention so in a way,
the producers 9. (achieve) their goal.

5 Unit Test Level 1 Name Mark

1 Complete the descriptions with the adjectives below. (6 x 2 = 12 points)

mature fired confident punctual skilled self-employed

1. A person who is always on time is .
2. Someone who is trained is .
3. Someone who believes in their abilities is .
4. If you are your own boss, you are .
5. A person who behaves responsibly is .
6. Someone who lost their job has been .

2 Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in italics. (8 x 2 = 16 points)

1. She got the sack because she was a hard / lazy worker.
2. A person who calls the shots is the boss / worker.
3. People make a living by volunteering / working.
4. A part-time job is suitable for students / managers.
5. People are happy / angry when they get a rise.
6. Someone may show you the ropes if you are leaving / starting a job.
7. People who work well under pressure remain calm / panic easily.
8. People often resign when they hate / love their job.

3 The following sentences do not make sense. Make them logical by replacing each word
in bold with words in bold from a different sentence. (9 x 2 = 18 points)
1. Its easy to find things in a room thats substantial.
2. My dog switched when I opened the door.
3. This company has got a privilege of 28 people.
4. We ran away that they wanted to sit together.
5. Paying for university can be a dedicated expense.
6. Reading is a great way to expand your staff.
7. He presumed places so we could sit next to each other.
8. It was a great knowledge to meet the Queen.
9. She is organised to her family.

5 Unit Test Level 1

4 Combine the sentences using a relative pronoun. Make any necessary changes. (6 x 4 = 24 points)

1. Her car was destroyed in an accident. It was brand-new.

2. They got married in the spring. The flowers were blooming then.
3. Here is the garage. I usually take my car there.
4. Do you like my watch? Sam bought it.
5. Jake is a photographer. He works for National Geographic.
6. Lucys parents are actors. She wants to be an actor, too.

5 Rewrite the sentences in both the formal and informal structure. (2 x 6 = 12 points)

1. There are some new candidates. I havent met with them yet.
2. I finally completed the assignment. I had been working on it all year.

6 Complete the passage with suitable relative pronouns. (6 x 3 = 18 points)

If youre planning to climb Mt Everest, you might want to consult with Elizabeth Hawley, an elderly
American woman 1. has made her home in Nepal, 2. she has
lived for the past 60 years. It all started in 1946, 3. she was only 23 years old.
She was working as a journalist in New York but left her job so that she would be free to travel.
Eventually she arrived in Nepal, 4. is the starting point for many Everest climbs,
and has now become the most respected authority on the subject. She is also honorary consul for New
Zealand, the country 5. the first successful Everest climber, Sir Edmund Hillary,
was born. In addition, her outstanding charitable work for the local community has earned her many
awards. What a surprising career for an 88-year-old American, 6. main connection
with the mountains is looking at them from the comfort of her home. In fact, she has never climbed
a mountain in her life!

5 Unit Test Level 2 Name Mark

1 Match A to B to form expressions. (8 x 2 = 16 points)
1. call off a. your marks
2. talk over b. from a job
3. provide c. a meeting
4. whisper d. a problem
5. keep track of e. an accident
6. improve f. time
7. prevent g. a secret
8. resign h. assistance

2 Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Pay attention to the words in bold. (7 x 2 = 14 points)

1. A person who calls the shots tells others what to do.

2. People who are paid peanuts earn a lot of money.
3. You understand something if you see the point.
4. There is a lot of smog in the countryside.
5. Litter enhances the scenery.
6. Private people like to be in the spotlight.
7. If you talk someone into doing something, they really want to do it.

3 Complete the passage with the words and expressions below. (8 x 2 = 16 points)

dedicated for years to come make a living misleading

overcrowded role models get training supplied

Would you like a soldier to be your teacher? Of course not youll be yelled at and ordered around!
Thats what most people think, but actually this image is 1. . In a programme called
Troops to Teachers, American ex-soldiers 2. to teach in the school system. Soldiers
and schools gain from this, since the soldiers are given a way to 3. and schools are
with much-needed teachers. However, its the students who gain the most. Far
from acting like theyre still in the army, the soldiers are kind, 5. and enthusiastic
educators. Because many are from ethnic minorities and have similar backgrounds to the students, they
are able to act as 6. for the students. These teachers have improved their academic
results dramatically in 7. schools in poor areas. So far, 15,000 soldiers have been
through Troops to Teachers, and hopefully this successful programme will continue

5 Unit Test Level 2

4 Complete the sentences using the words given. Use a suitable tense. Add any necessary words.
(8 x 3 = 24 points)
Katie bought a camera
1. while / she / travel / in / the United States ....................................................................................... .
2. after / she / lost / her old one ............................................................................................................ .
3. and / she / already / take / many photos ........................................................................................... .
4. but / she / not use / it / yet ................................................................................................................ .
5. which / she / use / all the time .......................................................................................................... .
6. and / I / borrow / it / at the moment ................................................................................................. .
7. but / she / not receive / it / until next week ...................................................................................... .
8. but / she / wish / she / not spend / so much ...................................................................................... .

5 Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(10 x 3 = 30 points)
1. The writer will visit our school. I am reading her book.
The writer ........................................................................................................................................ .
2. Can you give me a lift tomorrow? Beth asked David.
Beth asked David if ......................................................................................................................... .
3. John finished washing the car. Then it began to rain.
It began to rain ................................................................................................................................. .
4. A photographer took our family photo.
We .................................................................................................................................................... .
5. If you dont speak slowly, nobody will understand you.
Unless .............................................................................................................................................. .
6. Who is everyone talking about?
About .............................................................................................................................................. ?
7. Its too bad we didnt stay longer.
I wish ............................................................................................................................................... .
8. I advise you not to say anything to him.
If ....................................................................................................................................................... .
9. I really want to buy these shoes, but they are too expensive.
If ....................................................................................................................................................... .
10. I didnt say anything, my sister said.
My sister denied ............................................................................................................................... .

6 Unit Test Level 1 Name Mark

1 Choose the correct continuation. Pay attention to the words in bold. (4 x 2 = 8 points)

1. Weve been delayed.

a. Start without us.
b. Well be early.
2. Taking these medicines together may be fatal.
a. I recommend it.
b. Dont try it.
3. Be cautious near those dogs.
a. They love people.
b. They may bite.
4. I think Ashley fancies Keith.
a. She always sends him text messages.
b. She usually ignores him.

2 Choose the correct answer. (5 x 3 = 15 points)

1. Its true, but I cant enforce / develop / prove it.

2. Its dangerous to walk on the pavement / motorway / zebra crossing.
3. You should always use your seat belt / boot / pedestrian in the car.
4. Theyve started a poll / urge / campaign against drink-driving.
5. She was injured when a lorry ploughed into / pulled into / broke down her car.

3 Complete the passage with the words below. (9 x 3 = 27 points)

reckless worldwide lanes motorists overtake

fines slow down hoot traffic jams

Traffic accidents 1. are usually caused by bad roads, car problems or human error.
However, in recent years, aggressive behaviour called road rage has become a major factor in
accidents. Road rage can involve shouting and rude gestures, deliberately driving in a
way or even assaulting other 3. . Drivers experiencing road
rage may speed up or 4. , flash their lights or 5. repeatedly, all
simply to annoy other road users. They may 6. other cars or constantly change
in a dangerous way or even deliberately hit another vehicle. Road rage may occur
partly because of todays overcrowded roads and terrible 8. , which make drivers
angry and frustrated. Over 1,200 road-rage incidents are reported annually in the US, and drivers found
guilty face heavy 9. or even jail sentences.

6 Unit Test Level 1

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets and the modals below.
(6 x 2 = 12 points)

must have will be able to couldnt have cant shouldnt have must
1. I feel ill. I (eat) all that cake.
2. You havent eaten all day. You (be) hungry.
3. Claire is studying something practical. She (find) a job easily.
4. Bob was out of town that night. He (rob) the bank.
5. Where are my glasses? I (see) a thing.
6. This isnt their house. They (give) me the wrong address.

5 Complete the sentences with the modals or modal perfects, affirmative or negative and the correct form of
the verbs in brackets. (6 x 3 = 18 points)
1. Ill sit near the door. I (might / leave) the lecture early.
2. Try to relax more. You (should / work) so hard.
3. I cant find the cat anywhere. She (must / run) away.
4. Kevin didnt do the washing up. He (may / have) time.
5. Theres plenty of bread. We (have to / buy) more.
6. This plant has died. We (should / water) it more often.

6 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(5 x 4 = 20 points)
1. Would you let me use your pen? (may)
2. Perhaps the plane hasnt landed yet. (might)
3. It wasnt necessary for you to go alone. (need)
4. My advice is to see a doctor. (should)
5. Im sure that Jan was upset. (must)

6 Unit Test Level 2 Name Mark

1 Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in italics. (9 x 2 = 18 points)

1. She left during the interval because the play was over / she didnt feel well.
2. His income has increased now that he has a better job / left his job.
3. He was convicted of playing football / stealing a watch.
4. We must dispose of toxic waste / solar power.
5. The man threatened to take my bag / repair my car.
6. Open the boot and put in your suitcase / check the oil.
7. Wheres the exit? I want to sit down / leave.
8. You should hoot when you want someones attention / are tired.
9. I will challenge you to a TV programme / game of chess.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. Make each verb into a phrasal verb by
adding away, over, off, out or down. (7 x 2 = 14 points)

pull drop talk sold run cut break

1. Theyve the trees and used the wood.
2. Have you ever from home?
3. The jeans I wanted are . What a disappointment!
4. Dont cry. Lets it .
5. Im afraid this old car might soon.
6. I had to and get out of the car.
7. You neednt take me all the way. You can me right here.

6 Unit Test Level 2

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the words and phrases below. There are more words than you need.
(6 x 3 = 18 points)

junction poll in the spotlight budget inexperienced

bread and butter smog dishonest prestigious
1. A: How did they find out peoples opinions?
B: They conducted a .
2. A: Do you need some help?
B: Yes, Im quite at this.
3. A: Do you think its OK to lie to someone in order to protect their feelings?
B: No. In my opinion, its .
4. A: He should quit if he doesnt like his job.
B: He cant. Its his !
5. A: Would you like to live in Los Angeles?
B: No. Theres too much there.
6. A: Would you like to be a celebrity?
B: Yes. I love being !

6 Unit Test Level 2

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (4 x 3 = 12 points)

1. Dont go into the classroom. The floor (just / wash).

2. Sara didnt react. She (might not hear) me.
3. The teacher told us (not leave) before the bell.
4. Dianne found her pen. She (look) for it all day.

5 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(5 x 4 = 20 points)
1. I want them to stop making so much noise. (wish)
2. Do you go to this school? Sharon asked me. (whether)
3. Our house was painted yesterday. (had)
4. Perhaps Tony doesnt like steak. (may)
5. You didnt play well because you didnt practise. (if)

6 Complete the passage by choosing the correct answer. (9 x 2 = 18 points)

If someone 1. offered / would offer / had offered you a brand new car for only 2,150, would you buy
it even with no air conditioning or radio? The Tata Nano, the cheapest car in the world, 2. may not be /
should not be / may not have been luxurious. However, this Indian-made car 3. has been caused /
has caused / caused great excitement since it was introduced in 2009, and hundreds of thousands
have been sold / will have sold / have sold. All over India, people for 5. which / who / whom buying
a car was once an impossible dream are now proud owners of these shiny little vehicles. Fifty-year-old
Satish Kumar, a Mumbai carpenter, said that owning a car 6. has given / had given / gives him a new
kind of freedom. Its also an important status symbol in this nation, 7. where / that / which the middle
class is growing rapidly. Now I 8. can / should / might finally drive around with my family just like
my rich neighbours, said Kumar. If only they 9. had made / would make / made Nanos when I was
a young man!

Term Test 2 Level 1 Name Mark

1 Match A to B to form sentences. (10 x 1 = 10 points)
1. The police have reported a head-on a. living.
2. My boss worked his way to the b. business.
3. These days, you must work hard to make a c. top.
4. Its difficult to break a bad d. ropes.
5. Burning fuel causes global e. job.
6. We must turn around. This is a dead-end f. collision.
7. Its very challenging to run a g. habit.
8. Ill be late. Im stuck in a traffic h. jam.
9. Are you new here? Ask Mary to show you the i. warming.
10. Hes trying to hold down a j. street.

2 Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Pay attention to the words in bold. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

1. We should try to reduce pollution.

2. People who want to lose weight should avoid sweets.
3. A tough job is usually easy.
4. If you want to leave, find an exit.
5. A cautious driver obeys traffic rules.
6. Most parents disapprove of educational films.
7. People are happy when they get a fine.
8. A good salesman needs people skills.

3 Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in italics.
(7 x 1 = 7 points)
1. This is an intercity bus. It goes around the city / to the next city.
2. Everyone in the court was waiting for the judge / teacher to walk in.
3. They decided he was guilty and he was sent home / to prison.
4. There are many lanes on this motorway / pavement.
5. When the bear attacked me, I was terrified / curious.
6. Mark is a dedicated worker, so hes going to be fired / promoted.
7. I regret making that offensive / appropriate comment.

Term Test 2 Level 1

1 Choose the correct answer. (8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. If you were accepted at Cambridge, ?
a. would you go
b. would you have gone
c. will you go
d. did you go
2. I want to show you the place .
a. that I work
b. where I work
c. I work
d. that I work there
3. You me. I could have helped you!
a. ought to call
b. must have called
c. should have called
d. have to call
4. That restaurant is never crowded. You book a table.
a. mustnt
b. dont have to
c. may not
d. cant
5. Thats the man photograph was in the newspaper.
a. whos
b. who is
c. whose
d. who his
6. The student you left the package no longer lives here.
a. for whom
b. whom
c. who
d. for who
7. I would have been disappointed if you .
a. didnt call
b. wouldnt have called
c. dont call
d. hadnt called
8. If only I older. Then I could travel alone.
a. had been
b. were
c. am
d. would be

Term Test 2 Level 1

2 Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. Its too bad that you cant come to the party.
I wish ............................................................................................................................................... .
2. Perhaps the guests didnt enjoy the music.
The guests might .............................................................................................................................. .
3. Kate didnt go to bed early, so she was tired.
If Kate .............................................................................................................................................. .
4. You need an umbrella in England. It often rains there.
In England, where ............................................................................................................................ .
5. I would sing, but I dont have a good voice.
If I .................................................................................................................................................... .
6. The new hairstylist is very expensive. He cuts my hair.
The new hairstylist who ................................................................................................................... .
7. Im sure that Jim was very upset last night.
Jim must ........................................................................................................................................... .
8. Im sorry that my friend moved away.
I wish ............................................................................................................................................... .

3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (9 x 1 = 9 points)

When people began flying to outer space, the environment 1. (must / be) the last
thing on their minds. But they 2. (should / think) about the effects of human space
travel, which has created a huge problem: thousands of pieces of old rockets, as well as tools and gloves
dropped by astronauts, now orbit our planet. Some pieces fall back to Earth, but many
(may / stay) in space forever. If even a tiny piece 4. (crash)
into a spacecraft, it can cause serious damage. In March 2011, the International Space Station
(have to) change direction because it was heading for a collision with a four-inch
piece of space junk. The consequences 6. (be) disastrous if the piece
(hit) the station. Space agencies 8. (clean up) this junk if they
could. Unfortunately, they 9. (not able to / get rid of) a single piece. They simply
dont know how!

Term Test 2 Level 2 Name Mark

1 Complete the expressions in bold in the sentences with the nouns below. There are more nouns than
you need. (7 x 1 = 7 points)

top shortage urge spotlight way attention point company sense break
1. Jack will be fine. Hes got plenty of common .
2. Would you like some chocolate?
Yes, but Ill resist the .
3. Let the other driver go first. Hes got the right of .
4. Why have another meeting? I really dont see the .
5. Turn off the tap! Dont you know theres a water ?
6. Id rather not go alone. Would you keep me ?
7. She was chosen for a leading role in 2008. That was her lucky .

2 Choose the correct continuation. Pay attention to the words in bold. (8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. Several students misbehaved during the lesson.
a. The teacher punished them.
b. The teacher was pleased.
2. Laura is a reckless driver.
a. No wonder she had an accident!
b. I always feel safe with her.
3. His parents encouraged him to compete in sport.
a. They felt competing wasnt healthy.
b. They wanted him to be a winner.
4. My brother is quite outspoken.
a. Sometimes I wish hed be quiet.
b. I often wonder what hes thinking.
5. This is a major problem.
a. We can ignore it for now.
b. We must solve it immediately.
6. Were spending our holiday in the wilderness.
a. Well be doing a lot of hiking.
b. Well be visiting several museums.
7. It was a privilege to work with Sandra.
a. I learned a lot from her.
b. I didnt enjoy it at all.
8. Whats the venue for the celebration?
a. Its next Tuesday at 8 pm.
b. Its at Mortons Steak Restaurant.

Term Test 2 Level 2

3 Complete the passage with the words below. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

sophisticated replace developed overnight trend

pedestrians react distracted suitable prevent

Researchers at a Berlin university have 1. a driverless car, which they are now
testing in the streets of the city. This amazing vehicle can move through traffic on its own, using a
system of computers and electronics. It recognises other cars,
, buildings and trees, and can see whether traffic lights are green or red.
The researchers claim that driverless cars will actually 4. accidents, since they are
never 5. and are able to 6. much faster to their environment
than human drivers. Many experts agree that these vehicles are the 7. of the future
and may even 8. human-driven cars. But this wont happen 9. .
It may be a few decades before they are 10. for actual use on the roads.

Term Test 2 Level 2

1 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. Its too bad that you cant come to see my exhibition. (wish)
2. It snows in the winter. You need boots then. (when)
3. He worked for a man. The man was very demanding. (whom)
4. I dont recommend eating at that restaurant. (shouldnt)
5. Janet missed the train, so she was late for work. (if)
6. Do you often shop here? asked Donald. (whether)
7. Have they prepared the food yet? (has)
8. Perhaps you forgot to tell them about the meeting. (might)

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. (7 x 1 = 7 points)

join wait call should not feed must leave check never travel
1. The final exams right now.
2. I wish Wendy us on our camping trip last weekend. She would have
enjoyed herself.
3. Im sorry Im late. How long you here?
4. You the baby so much chocolate. That was a bad idea!
5. Lori told us that she abroad before.
6. Id be happy if you me on the phone once in a while.
7. George isnt answering his phone. He it at home.

Term Test 2 Level 2

3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

Fifteen-year-old New Yorker Leanna Archer 1. (be) a successful

businesswoman since the age of nine. For years, people 2. (pay) her
compliments on her hair. She realised that this was because of her grandmothers homemade hair
products, made from secret formulas that 3. (pass) down by the
women in her family for generations. Leanna 4. (must / enjoy) all
the compliments, but she also decided to take action. The nine-year-old told her parents that she
(want) to sell the products. They told her that she
(have to / wait) a few years because she was too young. So she
began without their help, and today her shampoos and hair butters 7.
(sell) all over the world. Last year her company had an income of $100,000. If she
(take) her parents advice, she 9.
(not achieve) success at such a young age. Now they 10. (must / be)
glad that she didnt listen to them!

Final Test 1 Level 1 Name Mark

1 Choose the correct answer. (7 x 1 = 7 points)
1. If you want this job, you must be to work hard.
a. reliable
b. truthful
c. skilled
d. willing
2. I that youre happy in your beautiful new home.
a. propose
b. presume
c. prove
d. provide
3. The demonstrators demanded justice and for all people.
a. treasure
b. indifference
c. profit
d. equality
4. They had to rescue us because the lift was .
a. fatal
b. stuck
c. weird
d. inactive
5. We dont know this part very well. Lets it again.
a. rehearse
b. switch
c. join
d. include
6. We should the sun and wind for energy.
a. approach
b. exploit
c. promote
d. enforce
7. I cant believe hes been fired again. He just cant !
a. get training
b. see the point
c. get a message across
d. hold down a job

Final Test 1 Level 1

2 Replace the words in bold with their opposites below. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

brilliant ban increase unknown massive resign substantial expenses

1. The new law will allow smoking in pubs.
2. There are insignificant differences between our views.
3. The ship hit a tiny rock.
4. This artist is famous in the pop world.
5. We all thought the idea was stupid.
6. Our income will be higher this month.
7. Im going to begin working on Tuesday.
8. You should reduce the number of words in your essay.

3 Complete the passage with the words below. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

huge hit activist unbelievable confident regret make it

in shock publicity contestant performance

Fans all over the world are 1. because Melbourne singer Emmanuel Kelly has
been rejected for the next stage of The X Factor, the British reality singing competition. The 17-year-
old 2. became a 3. on the show after his brilliant
of John Lennons song Imagine. Judges and the audience were amazed by
Kellys 5. personal story. He and his brother, both severely disabled, were brought
as babies to an orphanage in Iraq after surviving a chemical attack. They had been found there by
Australian humanitarian 6. Moira Kelly, who took them home with her and ended
up adopting them. Today, theyre both 7. young men with great plans for the future.
Indeed, it looks like Kellys talent and popularity will help him 8. in the music
world, despite not continuing on The X Factor. Appearing on the show gave him lots of
, so he certainly must not 10. it.

Final Test 1 Level 1

1 Choose the correct answer. (9 x 1 = 9 points)
1. You me for permission before you borrowed my sweater.
a. should ask
b. should have asked
c. must ask
2. I would lend him the money if I him.
a. would trust
b. had trusted
c. trusted
3. Were having all this rubbish away tomorrow.
a. took
b. taking
c. taken
4. Most of the items in this shop yesterday have been sold.
a. that were
b. which they were
c. they were
5. Youve been working all day. You exhausted.
a. must be
b. must have been
c. could be
6. My friend suggested you for help.
a. to ask
b. that I ask
c. that I will ask
7. I you a present if I had remembered your birthday.
a. would buy
b. will buy
c. would have bought
8. Jason asked me if Michael the day before.
a. I had seen
b. had I seen
c. I saw
9. Dinner in an hour.
a. will serve
b. will be served
c. is serving

Final Test 1 Level 1

2 Complete the mini-dialogues with the words in brackets. Use the correct form of the verbs.
(8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. A: Whats the matter?
B: My back (hurt) all day.
2. A: Did you ask at the information desk?
B: Yes, but I (not give) any information.
3. A: Should I buy the tickets right before the match?
B: No, they (run out) of seats by then.
4. A: Did you call the police?
B: Yes, but the accident (already report).
5. A: What did the teacher ask you?
B: She wanted to know if I (finish) my project.
6. A: Do you like playing piano?
B: Not really. If I (like) it, I would practise more often.
7. A: Did you enjoy the party?
B: No. I wish I (not go)!
8. A: How did Jimmy feel when everyone laughed?
B: He (must be) upset.

3 Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. We didnt take a GPS, so we got lost.
If we ................................................................................................................................................. .
2. It wasnt necessary for you to make such an effort.
You neednt ..................................................................................................................................... .
3. You should keep this medicine in the fridge.
This medicine .................................................................................................................................. .
4. This is the girl. I share a flat with her.
This is the girl with .......................................................................................................................... .
5. I think that he spoke to the doctor yesterday.
He might .......................................................................................................................................... .
6. Its too bad that I dont know the answer.
I wish ............................................................................................................................................... .
7. Ill have to sell my car if I dont find a job.
Unless I ............................................................................................................................................ .
8. I went to the match last night, Peter told me.
Peter told me that ............................................................................................................................. .

Final Test 1 Level 2 Name Mark

1 Choose the answer that is NOT correct. Pay attention to the words in bold. (8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. Where might there be an interval?
a. a concert
b. an exhibition
c. a film
d. a match
2. What could your expenses include?
a. entertainment
b. electricity
c. food
d. work
3. Where might you find a notice?
a. in a novel
b. in a newspaper
c. on the Internet
d. on a wall
4. Who would probably work shifts?
a. a doctor
b. a waiter
c. an artist
d. a firefighter
5. What might people have to face?
a. a problem
b. an invention
c. an issue
d. a fact
6. What could break down?
a. a TV
b. a dishwasher
c. a motorcycle
d. a window
7. What might you find disturbing?
a. a discount
b. a dream
c. an article
d. a song
8. How might a childish person be described?
a. selfish
b. stubborn
c. sensible
d. moody

Final Test 1 Level 2

2 Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Pay attention to the words in bold. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. An unspoilt area usually has shops and offices.

2. People threaten other people in order to frighten them.
3. A bank might ask for your autograph on a document.
4. An inexperienced doctor has worked for many years.
5. We can cure some diseases, but not others.
6. A person who is indifferent about an issue cares a lot about it.
7. A cooperative person is easy to work with.
8. Businesses want to make a profit.
9. Someone who is fluent in a language needs lessons.
10. The greenhouse effect is making the world cooler.

3 Complete the sentences to show you have understood the meaning of the words in bold. (7 x 1 = 7 points)
1. Its hard to resist the urge to .......................................................................................................... .
2. The employee resigned because ...................................................................................................... .
3. Dont use slang when ...................................................................................................................... .
4. A trend among young people today is to ........................................................................................ .
5. People damage the environment by ................................................................................................ .
6. Parents should encourage their children to ..................................................................................... .
7. The spectators cheered when .......................................................................................................... .

Final Test 1 Level 2

1 Choose the correct answer. (7 x 1 = 7 points)
1. John and Marian each other for ten years before they decided to get married.
a. had known
b. knew
c. know
d. have known
2. Arnold wondered how the way to the club.
a. I know
b. do I know
c. did I know
d. I knew
3. We had to wait while our suitcases to our room.
a. were taking
b. were being taken
c. had been taking
d. had been taken
4. If Helen less selfishly, people would like her more.
a. acts
b. will act
c. had acted
d. acted
5. I wish the guests home now. Im tired!
a. would go
b. would have gone
c. had gone
d. will go
6. Meet Harlan Coben, books are worldwide best-sellers.
a. who his
b. whos
c. who is
d. whose
7. The boy while he was climbing a tree.
a. can fall
b. may have fallen
c. might fall
d. should have fallen

Final Test 1 Level 2

2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. Im leaving my house now, Anne told me. (that)
2. Her daughter has painted some beautiful paintings. (by)
3. Cheryls dress is being made by a designer. (having)
4. Scientists will find solutions to the problem before 2020. (By 2020,)
5. I cant watch the game if they dont repair my TV. (unless)
6. Its too bad that you didnt pass your driving test. (wish)
7. My friend Thomas speaks Italian fluently. We met him in Florence. (who)
8. Im sure he threw away that book. (must)

3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

If you 1. (smoke) cigarettes, you 2. (may / get) lung cancer

doctors 3. (tell) us this fact for years. But facts dont seem to convince some
smokers, so the United States government 4. (recently / decide) to try a new
strategy: advertising. Starting next September, cigarette companies 5. (require) by
law to put large photographs on all cigarette packets and advertisements. They 6.
(have to / use) photographs that will show shocking realistic images of dead smokers and diseased
lungs. The government said that it 7. (expect) the strategy to be effective. However,
tobacco firms predicted that even pictures of dead bodies 8. (not reduce) the
number of smokers significantly. Are photographs more persuasive than scientific facts? We
(have to / wait) and see. Personally, I wish that more people
(quit) on their own.

Final Test 2 Level 1 Name Mark

1 The following sentences do not make sense. Make them logical by replacing each word in bold with a word
in bold from a different sentence. (9 x 1 = 9 points)
1. The antique collections in this museum are a real privilege.
2. They broke up a stranger who was walking along the road.
3. The punctual lifestyle of a celebrity doesnt appeal to me.
4. Are you going to join the new environmental treasure?
5. Oliver was arrested for glamorous driving.
6. Susan showed off with her boyfriend when she met someone new.
7. Its a campaign to work with such wonderful people.
8. I didnt like it when Jim picked up his high marks.
9. The meeting will start at exactly 9.00, so please be reckless.

2 Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in italics. (7 x 1 = 7 points)
1. Youll damage the CD if you leave it in the sun / computer.
2. The city puts all our trash / belongings in a landfill.
3. My father is self-employed. He has a good income / salary.
4. That car has the right of way. You should let it go first / overtake it.
5. Hoot if you want someone to see / hear you.
6. Cartoons / Documentaries usually appeal to young children.
7. We had a heart-to-heart talk about our relationship / politics.

3 Complete the passage with the words below. (9 x 1 = 9 points)

enthusiastic motorists effective encourage decrease

developed product vulnerable overcrowded

Many people are afraid to ride their bicycles on 1. city streets. Besides being slower
and more 2. than cars, bicycles are often very difficult for drivers to notice.
However, there is now a new 3. that may 4. more cyclists to get
on their bikes. This simple device, which was 5. by design student Emily Brooke,
projects a bright green laser image onto the road in front of the bicycle as it moves.
can see this image much more easily than the bicycle itself. Safety experts are
very 7. about Brookes invention. They believe that it will be an
and inexpensive way to 9. the number of bicycle accidents
on city streets.

Final Test 2 Level 1

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. Dont let her hear the details while the party (plan). Its a surprise!
2. you (be able to meet) Lauren at the
station yesterday?
3. This job is too difficult. I wish I (not volunteer) for it.
4. By the time I return from my trip, I (spend) all my money.
5. The children are dirty. Where they
6. Jordan asked me if I (speak) to Michael the day before.
7. Judy isnt here. She (may go) to visit her mother.
8. If I (exercise) more often, Id be fit.

2 Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(9 x 1 = 9 points)
1. Im sorry, but I cant repair this lamp.
Im sorry, but this lamp ................................................................................................................... .
2. We wont get there before dark if we dont start out early.
Unless we ......................................................................................................................................... .
3. Its too bad that Bernice isnt here with us.
I wish ............................................................................................................................................... .
4. It was wrong to take that book without asking.
You shouldnt .................................................................................................................................. .
5. He found a job as a carpenter in 1995. He came to this country then.
In 1995, when .................................................................................................................................. .
6. Im going to the cinema tomorrow, Edward told me.
Edward told me that ......................................................................................................................... .
7. Im sure that your son broke the window while he was playing.
Your son must .................................................................................................................................. .
8. I finally met the teacher. You had told me about him.
I finally met the teacher about ......................................................................................................... .
9. The athlete didnt win the race because she fell.
She would ........................................................................................................................................ .

Final Test 2 Level 1

3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

We all wish we 1. (live) a greener lifestyle, and now weve got a chance to begin.
OAT Shoes 2. (recently start) producing a new kind of sports shoe that is
completely biodegradable. This means that when your shoes 3. (get) old, you wont
need to worry about waste and landfills. If you 4. (follow) the instructions and bury
them in the ground, they 5. (break down) within a few months. An OAT Shoes
spokesperson said that people 6. (enjoy) wearing the stylish and comfortable shoes.
He added that it 7. (be) important for everyone to begin making green choices
when shopping. In the near future, OAT Shoes 8. (sell) in shops throughout Europe
and through the company website.

Final Test 2 Level 2 Name Mark

1 Choose the correct continuation. Pay attention to the words in bold. (8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. This type of food appeals to me.
a. Ill try some.
b. It smells awful.
2. Larissa is one of my most reliable friends.
a. Shes always there when I need her.
b. Shes got a great sense of humour.
3. Im thinking of switching English classes.
a. The other class seems too difficult.
b. The other class seems more challenging.
4. Ian was caught jaywalking.
a. He was sent to prison.
b. He had to pay a fine.
5. Martha has got a degree in physics.
a. Its her favourite subject.
b. She graduated last year.
6. That story is quite unbelievable.
a. These things happen all the time.
b. Its absolutely amazing.
7. You didnt pronounce that word correctly.
a. Say it again.
b. Spell it again.
8. The politician was involved in a scandal.
a. He proposed a new law on driver safety.
b. He was caught stealing campaign money.

2 Complete the sentences to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in bold.
(7 x 1 = 7 points)
1. We knew from her accent that ........................................................................................................ .
2. Everyone was in shock when .......................................................................................................... .
3. My friend owes me .......................................................................................................................... .
4. The children were enthusiastic about ............................................................................................. .
5. We had a heart-to-heart talk about ................................................................................................ .
6. People who are underweight should .............................................................................................. .
7. The students were distracted by ..................................................................................................... .

Final Test 2 Level 2

3 Complete the passage with the words below. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

hard-working presume tough mother tongue develop

blame major encouraging regret controversial

We usually 1. that all typical children naturally learn their 2. ,

but unfortunately, this isnt always true. Recent research in the UK has had 3.
results: Many children entering primary school are unable to say a simple sentence or understand basic
instructions. Many people 4. TV for this lack of communication skills. Busy
timetables are also a 5. reason: When 6. parents rarely find the
time to talk and listen, how can children learn to communicate? The solution is simple: Although it may
be 7. to find the time, parents must help their children 8.
communication skills by playing, telling stories and 9. them to express themselves.
They wont 10. the time spent together, since it will bring them closer to their
children. In fact, they may find its a lot of fun.

Final Test 2 Level 2

1 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
(9 x 1 = 9 points)
1. Rose hasnt returned the library books. (by)
2. Well finish building our house in July. (By August,)
3. We should get there before 8.30. The show begins then. (when)
4. Im taking the books to my house tomorrow, Sam told me. (that)
5. Nora is in a serious condition. The doctors are very worried about her. (whom)
6. Perhaps the girls didnt hear you come in. (might)
7. Its too bad that Ian feels this way. (wish)
8. I wont come unless he invites Sandra. (if)
9. Last night at the concert, we couldnt see the stage. (able to)

Final Test 2 Level 2

2 What would you say about each situation? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
brackets. Use your own words. (8 x 1 = 8 points)
1. You cant find your new jacket.
I must .................................................................................................................................. . (leave)
2. You were late for school this morning.
If I ................................................................................................................................. . (oversleep)
3. You and your friend are going out.
He told me that .................................................................................................................... . (meet)
4. You had to choose between two pairs of shoes.
I chose the shoes .................................................................................................................... . (like)
5. Your trousers are torn.
I have to get ........................................................................................................................ . (repair)
6. Youre all buying a present for Anita.
Now money ....................................................................................................................... . (collect)
7. Your friend insulted you.
I wish he ........................................................................................................................ . (apologise)
8. You have a stomach ache.
I should ................................................................................................................................... . (eat)

3 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

Google reported yesterday that it 1. (recently / invest) $168 million

in an innovative new environmental project the worlds biggest solar tower. The tower, which
(build) in the Mojave Desert in California, will be 137 metres tall.
When it 3. (finish), it 4. (deliver) double
the amount of all the solar power produced in the United States. The towers developers promised
that it 5. (produce) enough electricity to supply 140,000 homes.
Theyre quite happy that Google is part of the team, because without Googles help, there
(might not / be) enough money to start building the tower. But
why 7. the Internet giant (decide) to
join in? Its simple: Theyll probably make a nice profit. And just as importantly, the public loves it
when a big company like Google 8. (help) the environment.

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