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We are the lab rats!

- Part Three: The politics of


Tuesday, 02 August 2005 15:30

By Chris Wheeler

The main reason that aspartame is approved in Australia is because aspartame is approved in

the United States. Aspartame is a heavily politicised issue because it is a major American

corporate profit base worth billions of dollars and, as every Australian adult should know by

now, we usually bend over backwards to please Uncle Sam. Its good politics. Monsanto and

the corporate chemical industry have helped put every American president in power since the

2nd World War and good relations with the USA means keeping American corporates happy

and ensuring their products pass through the Australian regulatory process virtually

automatically providing they have the FDA stamp of approval.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), our regulators deny this, of course, but then

they also deny that aspartame carries any health risks. Arguing the issue with them is a bit like

trying to promote the Earth as a sphere to the Flat Earth Society. You have to visit the

scandalous history of how aspartame was approved to understand exactly why FSANZ and our

politicians in Canberra prefer to hide their heads in the sand.

Its no coincidence that the current US Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld, is a central

player in the aspartame approval drama and the full story of what happened is like an episode

out of The Sopranos, but Ill try to keep it brief.

Its January 21, 1981, the day after Ronald Reagan, a former B-grade Hollywood actor takes

office as U.S. President. Hes sailed into the White House on a huge raft of election funding

from corporate America and G.D. Searle in particular and the word is out that he will not

forget his friends. Donald Rumsfeld, former Ford White House Chief of Staff, is G.D. Searles

president and a firm Reagan favourite. Rumsfeld has been telling the Searle sales force he

would call in all his markers and that no matter what, he would see to it that aspartame would

be approved that year. (6)

That same day, G.D. Searle reapplies to the FDA for the approval of aspartame despite the fact

that to date this approval has been denied on grounds of aspartames proven toxicity. No
problem. Reagan and Rumsfeld already have a staunch Republican hack ready for the job as

new FDA Commissioner Arthur Hayes, who in short order overrules the FDAs own board of

inquiry that has refused to approve aspartame and gives the product the FDAs stamp of


Its well known in Washington circles, however, that aspartame is not just any old political FDA

approval, but is, in fact, a general signal to corporate America that Reagan means business

and Big Business at that. The signal, in particular, tells Big Business that from now on all the

brakes are off, tricky regulations about silly things like public health and safety are gone for

good and Lets get together and make money, boys!

Arthur Hayes is quickly bored by his job at the FDA, at any rate, and before too long goes off

to work for notorious PR flack firm Burson-Marsteller, who just coincidentally, you

understand, happen to be retained by G.D. Searle! At about the same time, Federal attorney

Sam Skinner, whos been assigned to prosecute Searle for fraudulent tests in their original

aspartame application, gets an offer he cant refuse from - Guess who! - Searles lawyers! -

and goes off to work for them for a reputed $US1,000 per day, effectively sabotaging the

whole Federal case and, of course, effectively ending any litigation threat against Searle for its

deliberately falsified aspartame data.

The whole debauched exercise is the start of a long-standing criticism of US federal

authorities - and the FDA in particular - that they have a revolving door relationship with

G.D. Searle, Monsanto and the chemical industry in general. And, of course, as far as FSANZ is

concerned this whole shoddy exercise just never happened. But it did, and its recorded in US

Senate records. (6)

Thats the thing about aspartame: its a bit like the key to Pandoras Box of stored evils - once

we start opening the box all hell breaks loose!

Recently, good old FSANZ has finalised approval of several knock-offs from aspartame,

including neotame, an aspartame look-alike which Monsanto/Nutrasweet say is safer for

phenylketonurics. Actually this is PR drivel. Dr Roberts and others in the long list of medical

critics say the clinical effects from neotame will be the same as aspartame, and the only

reason Monsanto/Nutrasweet are changing the formulation is because aspartames patent

rights have run out, and the neotame formulation gives them patent control again and thus

monopoly and price control.

In my own regular dealings with the food regulators it always seems were singing from
different hymn books when it comes down to the actual science indicating hazard or safety for

aspartame. However, when you can get to check what the regulators are actually reading, you

invariably discover they are sticking to the data produced by the aspartame industry or its

paid minions in the science community.

Substantive evidence of this trend was produced by Professor Ralph Walton of Northeastern

Ohio Universitys College of Medicine, who pointed out on the popular US TV programme 60

Minutes (Dec 29, l996) that he had done peer reviewed research showing that, of 90

INDEPENDENT studies on aspartame, 83, or 92%, identified a problem. Of the seven non-

industry studies attesting to aspartames safety, six were studies from the FDA and one was

from a literature review almost exclusively dealing with industry-sponsored research. Dr.

Walton noted at the time that As the role of the FDA, in the question of aspartame safety, has

been controversial and allegations were made of a conflict of interest on the part of the FDA

Commissioner at the time of aspartames approval, one could argue that the FDA studies

should not be considered truly independent. If these studies are excluded, along with the

literature review focusing only on NutraSweet industry funded research, then 100% of the truly

independently funded research demonstrated some type of adverse reaction to NutraSweet

(aspartame). (4)

His warning words on the aspartame disaster, now well into its third decade on our food

chain, are echoed by a long list of eminent scientists whose peer-reviewed papers and

interviews on the subject of aspartame toxicity are listed in detail on the


FSANZ naturally places its confidence in aspartame safety on pro- industry research and the

shonky reports from the EU and UN Codex coming from committees loaded with food industry

representatives. When it is challenged on its aspartame safety data it always quotes the

European Unions special whitewash report on aspartame instigated by Tony Blairs UK

Government - Opinion of the European Commission, Scientific Committee on Food: Update

on the Safety of Aspartame / E951 (SCF 2002) (7), which reads like something out of the

notoriously shonky Blair brief on the Iraq weapons of mass destruction scam - another piece

of work with the stamp of Donald Rumsfeld all over it.

The EU Opinion naturally reported that aspartame was safe because two-thirds of the science

committees members earn a significant part of their living as scientific consultants to the

aspartame-using food industry. The United Nations body concerned with international food

safety, the Codex Alimentarius is similarly dominated by aspartame-user industry groups

and their concerns due to an in-built bias in its constitution that dictates it deal solely with

industry groups, politicians and national regulators. In these circumstances genuine scientific

and consumer concerns get short shrift and aspartame carries on its path of destruction.

What we all need to keep focused on, of course, is that our bureaucrats and politicians have a

long, long history of support for blue asbestos, DDT, lead, and Agent Orange poisoning, as

the historic record demonstrates. It took Australian governments and their regulatory officials

and experts decades to accept that these toxins actually damaged human health. Little

wonder, then, at their staunch defence of aspartame and a long list of other harmful synthetic

food additives in the food chain. (8)

Why is aspartame protected?

Why all this carefully organised concern aimed at keeping a dangerous nerve poison part of

the world food chain? Are the people we trust - politicians, food regulators, even the

Establishment medical profession - suffering from a collective blind spot, or, perhaps,

temporary insanity over aspartame? Is it a plot from the New World Order or even Osama Bin


Well, actually, nothing like that. Its really just a familiar case of the old Washington/White

House/Canberra run-around described earlier. They are all just protecting their jobs and their

backs. For a start, the potential litigation over aspartame - already in train - is billed to be

among the biggest class actions ever to hit the planet, far out-ranking tobacco, blue asbestos,

Agent Orange and lead, and they just hope the brown stuff doesnt hit the fan until they have

retired or moved to another job.

Aspartame litigation could destroy the credibility of whole governments and the very

international processes we rely on to regulate food safety. FSANZ will, before too long, be

dancing before investigating political committees in Canberra and Wellington answering the

important question, Why did you ignore all the warning data about aspartame for over 20


But dont expect logic. Everyone in authority is ducking for cover at the moment hoping that

aspartame will simply go away. This story will be ignored or denied following the usual

pattern. But unfortunately for all concerned, including the untold millions of aspartame

consumers out there, it will not be going away this time. Things have already gone too far.

Litigation has started

As I was revising this story the news came in from anti-aspartame action organiser, Betty

Martini, that New Yorks leading class action attorney, Keith Silverstein, is collecting evidence

for a major class action case against all the key players in the aspartame industry. Silverstein

is presently taking on confirmed cases of medical disability caused by consumption of

aspartame-containing products, but is limiting the medical field to brain tumours, seizures

and blindness or other eye deterioration. All medical records and updates can be sent direct to

the law firms email but check first with Betty Martini (Email: ) to make sure Australians can be

joined to the legal action. Silverstein and partners are also taking on Vioxx and Celebrex

cases, two recent drug medication disasters that also involve Australians.

Compensation paid out by the aspartame industry including major corporations such as Coca

Cola and Pepsi is expected to surpass the payouts in the case of blue asbestos and tobacco,

the current record holders in class action litigation, by billions of dollars. Wall Street, London

City and insurers from Zurich to Tokyo are beginning to tremble and look for avenues of

escape and you can bet FSANZ and state health regulators throughout Australia will be

checking their insurance policies and calling in their lawyers for some serious back-room


Be sure to send copies of this issue of Living Now to any friends or relatives who may be

suffering from aspartame poisoning. Remember, all diet preparations are suspect, many

sweetened medications and confectionery and many fitness and health drinks. Watch this

space for news of litigation in this part of the world, but in the meantime scan everything you

buy for Additive 951, the term contains artificial sweeteners and the phenylketonurics


If you believe that youve been poisoned by aspartame, the first thing to do is STOP USING THE

STUFF! If youve been a daily user it could take at least three months for the headaches,

muscle pains, migraines, etc, etc, to fade away, but immediate relief can be noticed by most

aspartame addicts within 24 hours of stopping. Australian doctor Sandra Cabots Liver Diet

books give a good programme of detoxification from aspartame addiction. Advice on de-tox

procedures is also posted on the anti-aspartame website as is a long list of

case histories from people who used the stuff, were made sick by it, and recovered. Reading

this list should be compulsory for FSANZ.

You should also keep a regular watch on the public notices sections of the major city

newspapers if you have been poisoned by aspartame products. Class actions against the major

players in the Australian food industry using aspartame will undoubtedly be a feature of
Australian law courts over the next decade. You could get your money back for all those diet

products you consumed that took your health away!

And while youre at it, why not raise the topic of aspartame regulation with our politicians?

Dont they represent us? An interesting question in the circumstances!


1. Dr. Woodrow C. Monte, Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health, Journal of Applied

Nutrition, Volume 36, 1984, No. 1, page 42- 54.

2. Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., Excitotoxins; The Taste That Kills, Health Press, Santa Fe, N.M.

87504, 1994, page 213.

3. FSANZ was formerly known under the rubric of ANZFA (Australia New Zealand Food


4. Walton, RG., Northeastern Ohio Universitys College of Medicine, Survey of Aspartame

Studies: Correlation of Outcome and Funding Sources, outlined on the popular US TV

programme 60 Minutes (Dec 29, l996) and provided to Ed Metcalfe for the purposes of his

story Sweet Talking, published in The Ecologist, Vol 30, No 4 June 2000.

5. British medical journal, the Lancet, July 29, 1999, see website ).

6. Gordon, Gregory, 1987. NutraSweet: Questions Swirl, UPI Investigative Report, 10/12/87.

Reprinted in US Senate report (1987, page 483-510).

7. See for the full report.

8. See Bill Stathams Australian guide to food additives, The Chemical Maze, listing nearly

1,000 potentially harmful chemicals in our food chain. Available from Possibility.Com, P O Box

789, Ringwood, Victoria 3134.


Web Site - and, the Aspartame Toxicity Center, A new video exposing the aspartame industry is Sweet Misery: A

Poisoned World, available from Email: click here Tel (USA) - 520 - 624 -9710. Also the

medical text on aspartame: Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, available online from or Tel (USA) 1 800 827 7991 H. J. Roberts, M.D. (along with other

books and tapes). Dr Roberts book contains a chapter on trial lawyers and drug interactions

since aspartame is a severely neurotoxic drug. See also books on aspartame by neurosurgeon

Russell Blaylock, MD, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, and Health & Nutrition Secrets To

Save Your Life. See websites above for details. The latter book tells aspartame victims what

they have to avoid and why, and explains how a victim can re-build their immune system. Dr.
Blaylock also has a book on Cancer Strategies. With aspartame having caused so many

tumours in original studies this is a helpful resource.

Aspartame increases cancer risk

The BBC News of July 14 alerted the world to the latest research linking aspartame/additive

E951 to increased cancer risk. Reporting to the European Journal of Oncology (Vol 10, No.2,

2005), an Italian team of researchers led by Morando Soffritti of the Ramazzini Foundation of

Oncology and Environmental Sciences, Bologna, drew attention to the results of a very detailed

study indicating a significant increase in cancers specifically lymphomas and leukaemias in

rats fed dose ranges of aspartame at concentrations comparable to those consumed by

humans in common diet products. Rats fed aspartame also developed brain tumours, one of

the specific factors warned against in Professor J.W. Olneys 1996 report in the Journal of

Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology (Vol. 55, No. 11, 1996) where he pointed to an

increase in brain tumours in humans paralleling the increase in consumption of aspartame

since 1981.

If it quacks!

This is not a battle we can afford to lose, stresses Dr Clark (26.6.05) in an aspartame

discussion thread directed to anti-aspartame group organiser Betty Martini see The damage aspartame does to our glaucoma and diabetic patients alone

is just staggering based on the info I have been seeing. When I first went into practice 28

years ago, I might have seen one glaucoma patient every 2 or 3 weeks. Now I find myself

surprised when I get through a single day and have not caught at least one glaucoma case

it is my hunch that the combination of aspartame, which is being consumed by young people

like crazy now to supposedly keep their weight down, and the partially hydrogenated oils that

do not break down well in our bodies for elimination, is causing a lot of this increase in

diabetes, glaucoma and macular degeneration. I may be wrong, but if it quacks like a duck

and walks like a duck, well, I have to think it is a duck until something else convinces me it is

not a duck.

Chris Wheeler is former president of the Soil & Health Association, Australasias oldest organic

agriculture lobby group

Part one:

Part two:


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