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how to tell if humerus is right or left

-head of humerus and medial epicondyle should be facing medially

-if the bicipital groove if facing anteriorally, youre holding the right humerus,
otherwise its the left

how to tell if tibia is right or left

are we holding the tibia upside down?

-no, because the proximal/superior portion of the tibia is much broader than the
distal/inferior portion

are we seeing the anterior or posterior portion of the tibia?

-anterior portion because i see the tibial tuberosity and following it down distally, i
see the anterior border of the tibia

great, so are we then holding the left or right tibia?

-we are holding the left tibia because the medial malleolus is medial, so we are
holding the left tibia

sternal end of the clavicle articulates with the manubrium of the sternum
acromial end of the clavicle articulates with the acromion of the scapula

-sternal end is broader

-acromial end looks pinched

now how do we determine if its a right or left clavicle?

-there is an inferior posterior projection on the sternal end that should be facing

if its facing posteriorly , its a left clavicle

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