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Morgan Link

Period: 5

Genocide Essay Reflection (Grade 10)

In sophomore year, we focused on genocide and its repercussions. This

essay dissects the memoir, Night by Elie Wiesel, the film The Boy in the

Striped Pajamas and the article, A Secret Life. The articles all deal with the

Holocaust but depict the injustice of the Holocaust in different ways. I

selected this essay because I connect to the topic on a personal level. I

treasured the opportunity to learn about the Holocaust from the different

perspectives. As a Jew, I learned about the Holocaust in religious school. But

these assignments allowed me to learn about how different groups viewed

the horror. Writing this essay led me to see how different individuals were

affected by this dreadful tragedy.

Overall, the essay was well-developed and well written. I understood

the prompt and wrote a thoughtful essay. My thesis paragraph provided a

clear roadmap for the reader. Each work emphasized a different theme

about the Holocaust: humanity, unintended consequences, and denial.

These ideas were clearly developed in the supporting paragraphs.

Compelling textual support enhanced my analysis. Finally, I had robust

connections and concluding thoughts that supported my thesis and offered

insight into the future. My ultimate message was that if people do not

confront evil when it occurs, the consequences are dire.

If I were to change/improve this paper, I would cite my sources

correctly. Since writing this paper, I have learned how to correctly cite

sources. Also, I noticed that some of my sentences were vague. As such, I

would ensure greater clarity by using more descriptive terminology. Also, at

that point in my writing career, I tended to be repetitive. If I were able to

write the paper again, I would have eliminated repetitious arguments and

consolidated arguments in other areas. In this way, the paper would be

easier for the reader to follow and more convincing.

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