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White House Communications Agency

White House Transportation Agency

Presidential Airlift Group

White House Medical Unit

White House Mess

Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1)

White House sentries Four Marine Corps non-commissioned officers who act as a
ceremonial guard outside the West Wing of the White House.

The WHMO is headed by a Director who oversees the policies involving Department of
Defense assets. He ensures that White House requirements are clearly communicated to the
WHMO Directorates and meet the highest standards of Presidential quality.
The WHMO's operational units are the most visible element of the WHMO's support to the President.
The WHMO units include the: White House Communications Agency, Presidential Airlift
Group, White House Medical Unit, Camp David, Marine Helicopter Squadron One, Presidential Food
Service, White House Transportation Agency, White House Social Aides,[4] and Military Aides to the
President. The Social Aides, of whom there are 40-45 at a time, are uniformed officers of the rank of
1st Lieutenant / Lieutenant, junior grade to Major / Lieutenant Commander, and have a purely social
role, taking care of visitors to the White House. They are volunteers, serving perhaps 2 to 4
afternoons a month. The (permanent) Military Aides are Majors / Lieutenant Commanders and
Lieutenant Colonels / Commanders, one from each of the five uniformed services, and have the task
of carrying the President's emergency satchel, the so-called "nuclear football".
The White House Military Office also includes staff dedicated to Operations, Information and
Technology Management Financial Management and Comptroller, WHMO Counsel, and Security.
Together the WHMO's entities provide essential service to the President as well as help assure the
continuity of the Presidency.
Most uniformed personnel assigned to the WHMO are eligible to wear the Presidential Service
Badge after "a period of at least one year."[5][6]



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Donald Trump White House Staff: Full List

of Employees
Published 6:35 pm EDT, January 5, 2017 Comment By Brendan Morrow
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President-elect Donald Trump listens during a meeting with technology executives at

Trump Tower. (Getty)

Donald Trump is assembling his personal staff as he prepares to become the 45th president of the
United States.

Trumps cabinet appointees have drawn a significant amount of media attention, but in addition
to the cabinet, the president also gets to hire members of the White House staff. These
individuals report directly to the president and do not need to be approved by the Senate.

Trumps personal staff consists of quite a few people who worked on his campaign, in addition to
some key GOP operatives and veterans of the George W. Bush administration. Heres everyone
Trump has named thus far.
Chief of Staff: Reince Priebus

Reince Priebus speaks at the Republican National Convention. (Getty)

The chief of staff is the highest-ranking employee in the White House. This person is the
personal assistant to the president; the role was originally called assistant to the president until
1961, when it was renamed chief of staff.

There isnt much of a legal precedent for what are the chief of staffs duties. After all, the
position isnt in the Constitution, and it technically isnt required that a president even has one.
Its at the personal discretion of the president how he wants the chief of staff to function, but this
person typically manages the presidents day-to-day scheduling among other things. A president
usually has at least two chiefs of staff during his administration. Barack Obama has had
five: Rahm Emanuel, Pete Rouse, Bill Daley, Jack Lew and the current chief of staff, Denis

Donald Trumps White House chief of staff will be Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican
National Committee. Priebus and Trumps relationship during the presidential election was a bit
rocky, with Priebus on more than one occasion distancing himself from some of Trumps
incendiary rhetoric. Still, when it became clear Donald Trump was set to secure the Republican
nomination, Priebus encouraged Trumps opponents to get out of the race and throw their full
support behind the partys nominee.

Deputy White House Chief of Staff: Katie Walsh

Katie Walsh speaks on November 9th following the election of Donald Trump. (YouTube)

If the chief of staff is the assistant to the president, the deputy chief of staff is the assistant to the
assistant to the president. Katie Walsh will serve as the chief of staff of Reince Priebus; she was a
natural pick for the job, as she is the current chief of staff of the Republican National Committee,
and Priebus second in command.
During the 2016 election, Walsh helped ensure that Republican candidates were being fully
funded up and down the ticket. On the Friday before Election Day, she presented internal data to
the RNC showing that Trump was going to lose on Tuesday, although she said that there was
some chance he could still pull through.

We have 10 states within 2 points, so I wouldnt say that just because Florida is down 2.2 today,
that we say yeah, hes going to lose Florida, Walsh said at the time. We could be 2 percentage
points off in our prediction in Florida, but weve also said that a big piece of this program and
why we invested in it was so that we could do this over the course of the election, to get him
within 2.2 points this close.

In a statement this week, Kellyanne Conway, Trumps campaign manager, said, Katie Walsh is
an all-star. She helped our party achieve sweeping victories across the country, and Im thrilled
to have another strong female leader on our Senior White House team.

Katie Walsh: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Katie Walsh, deputy chief of staff in the Trump administration, is leaving the White House.

Click here to read more

Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations: Joe Hagin

Joe Hagin at the White House on July 20, 2008. (Getty)

Some presidents choose to have multiple chiefs of staff who oversee different aspects of the
presidents schedule, with Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama all appointing a
deputy chief of staff for operations.

Trumps transition team said in a statement this week that their deputy chief of staff for
operations will oversee Management & Administration, Advance, Security and the Military

Joe Hagin will fill this role in the Donald Trump White House. Hagin is a veteran of the George
W. Bush administration, serving as President Bushs deputy chief of staff from 2001 until the
summer of 2008.
Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative, Intergovernmental
Affairs and Implementation: Rick Dearborn
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Andrew Patterson @andrewwpaterson

Rick Dearborn (Left) named Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative &
Intergovernmental Affairs:
10:41 PM - 4 Jan 2017



The Trump administration will also have another chief of staff for legislative, intergovernmental
affairs, and implementation. This is not a role that existed in previous presidential

The title of chief of staff for legislative, intergovernmental affairs, and implementation will go to
Rick Dearborn.

Dearborn currently works as the chief of staff of Senator Jeff Sessions, Donald Trumps nominee
for attorney general. Previously, he was the assistant secretary of energy for congressional affairs
in the George W. Bush administration. He has worked on Capitol Hill for 25 years, according to
the Washington Examiner.

Senior Advisor to the President: Stephen Miller

Stephen Miller at a May 2016 Trump rally in Anaheim. (Getty)

The senior advisor is another high-ranking assistant to the president of the United States. The
president usually has several senior advisors focusing on different aspects of government.

One of Trumps senior advisors will be Stephen Miller, a Trump loyalist who was hired as
a senior policy adviser for the campaign in January 2016. Miller often made appearances at
Donald Trump rallies, where he revved up the crowd and introduced the Republican candidate.

In August, Miller became head of the economic policy team, and he is currently national policy
director for the Trump transition. He wrote Trumps Republican National Convention speech,
and according to Politico, Miller will be the writer of the president-elects inauguration speech.
Stephen Miller: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Stephen Miller is a Jeff Sessions aide who was a member of Donald Trump's campaign and
transition team. He's also been picked to write the inaugural address.

Click here to read more

Senior Counselor to the President & White House Chief

Strategist: Steve Bannon

Trump advisor Steve Bannon leaves the President-Elects Manhattan residence. (Getty)
Steve Bannon will hold the dual titles of White House chief strategist and senior counselor to the
president. This was announced just five days after the presidential election, and its one of the
most controversial decisions Trump has made since becoming president-elect.

Thats because Bannon is the executive chair of Breitbart News, a website that Bannon
himself has called the platform for the alt-right. Some of Breitbarts inflammatory articles
have included, Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy, Would You Rather Your
Child Had Feminism or Cancer, Theres No Hiring Bias Against Women in Tech, They Just
Suck at Interviews, and Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew.

In his first interview since Trump won the election, Bannon told The Hollywood Reporter,
Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. Thats power. It only helps us when they
get it wrong. When theyre blind to who we are and what were doing.

Steve Bannon Racism Accusations: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Stephen "Steve" Bannon has been accused of racism and white nationalism, in part because of
his work for the site Breitbart. Donald Trump has named him a top adviser.

Click here to read more

Counselor to the President: Kellyanne Conway

Kellyanne Conway appears with Donald Trump shortly after the 2016 election is called in
Trumps favor. (Getty)

Counselor to the president serves as another high-ranking assistant. This position a relatively
recent creation, only coming into existence during the Nixon administration, and some presidents
choose not to fill the role; Barack Obama, for instance, does not currently have a counselor,
although John Podesta held that title before leaving to work on the Hillary Clinton campaign.

If there is a single person responsible for Donald Trumps victory on November 8th other than
Trump himself its Kellyanne Conway. She served as Trumps campaign manager during the
final months of the election, and she helped reign in the Republican nominee and eventually craft
his strategy for victory.

Conway is the first woman in U.S. history to run a winning presidential campaign.
Kellyanne Conway: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Kellyanne Conway, a GOP pollster, has been named counselor to President-Elect Donald Trump.
Her husband George Conway was involved in Paula Jones' suit against Clinton.

Click here to read more

White House Press Secretary: Sean Spicer

Sean Spicer leaves Trump Tower in New York on November, 13, 2016. (Getty)

The White House press secretary serves as the presidents spokesperson, and he is responsible for
holding daily press briefings and answering questions from the media. Trump has selected Sean
Spicer, communications director for the Republican National Committee, to fill this position.

Its a bit of an open question how President Trump will communicate with the media. He
continuously dodged the press during the final months of his campaign, refusing to hold press
conferences and doing interviews mainly with people like Sean Hannity, a talk show host who
endorsed Trump for president. Trump has also said that he uses Twitter so much because its a
way of getting around the media.

Spicer says that theres some chance Trump will get rid of the daily press briefing.
Well, I think we have to look at everything. And so I dont know that it needs to be daily. I dont
know that they all need to be on camera, he said in December, according to Politico.

Sean Spicer: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Sean Spicer, former communications director of the Republican National Committee, is

President Trump's press secretary. Here's what you need to know about him.

Click here to read more

Director of Strategic Communications: Hope Hicks

Hope Hicks arrives at Trump Tower on January 2, 2017. (Getty)

Another Trump loyalist, Hope Hicks, will be the presidents director of strategic

Hicks is one of the few people who worked for Donald Trump throughout the entire length of his
presidential campaign. She served as Trumps press secretary throughout the campaign and has
been described as his right-hand woman.

Hicks has no experience in politics whatsoever. Instead, she has a background in public relations
and worked for Ivanka Trump in 2012, eventually being hired to the Trump Organization. A year
later, she became involved in Donald Trumps long-shot presidential bid, and she will now be
working in the White House.

She used to be in my real estate company, Trump said of Hicks at a recent rally. I said, What
do you know about politics? She said, Absolutely nothing. I said, Congratulations, youre into
the world of politics. She knew nothing and she was there the first day, and she was fantastic.
Hope Hicks, Donald Trumps Press Secretary: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

27-year-old Hope Hicks is the press secretary for Donald Trump's presidential campaign, and she
ended up in that position very much by accident.

Click here to read more

Assistant to the President and Director of Communications

Also on the communications team in the role of assistant to the president and director of
communications is Jason Miller.

Miller worked on the 2008 presidential campaign of New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani,
serving as his national deputy communications director. Between 2008 and 2015, he did
consulting work in Washington, and he became a senior communications advisor for the Ted
Cruz presidential campaign in March 2015.

In June 2016, Miller was hired as senior communications advisor, and he frequently spoke on
behalf of the candidate on cable news shows.

Assistant to the President and Director of Social Media:

Dan Scavino
Dan Scavino will be the presidents director of social media, a key position for a president who
gained his following in part thanks to his utilization of Twitter.

Scavino served as the social media director throughout the Trump presidential campaign. He met
Donald Trump in the 1990s while working a high school job cleaning golf clubs, according to

In a statement, Trump praised Dan Scavino, in addition to Hope Hicks, Sean Spicer and Jason
Sean, Hope, Jason and Dan have been key members of my team during the campaign and
transition, Trump said. I am excited they will be leading the team that will communicate my
agenda that will Make America Great Again.

Assistant to the President and Director of Legislative

Affairs: Marc Short

Mike Pence speaks at a Donald Trump rally. (Getty)

Working as the assistant to the president and director of legislative affairs will be Marc Short, an
advisor to Vice President-elect Mike Pence.

This is a key position, as Short will be in charge of helping Trump get his agenda passed through
Congress. Short previously worked for billionaire Republican donors Charles and David Koch.
Short was also an advisor to Marco Rubio, Trumps Republican rival, during his 2016 campaign.

Assistant to the President and Director of Presidential

Personnel: John DeStefano

Johnny DeStefano will work as the director of presidential personnel.


Taking on the role of assistant to the president and director of presidential personnel will be John

DeStefano will be a key player in helping Trump fill up to 4,000 federal positions throughout his
time in office. DeStefano was previously an aide to former House Speaker John
Boehner, according to Real Clear Politics.

Assistant to the President for Homeland Security And

Counterterrorism: Thomas Bossert
Trumps assistant dealing with Homeland security and counterterrorism will be Thomas Bossert.

Bossert is known for his work in the George W. Bush administration, as he was the deputy
Homeland Security advisor for the 43rd president.

Tom brings enormous depth and breadth of knowledge and experience to protecting the
homeland to our senior White House team, President-elect Trump said in a statement. He has a
handle on the complexity of homeland security, counterterrorism, and cybersecurity challenges.
He will be an invaluable asset to our Administration.

Tom Bossert: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Donald Trump has selected Tom Bossert, a former George W. Bush aide, to be his top homeland
security adviser. Here's what you need to know about him.

Click here to read more

Assistant to the President and Director of Communications

for the Office of Public Liaison: Omarosa Manigault
Reality show personality Omarosa Manigault, from Donald Trumps The Apprentice, is
seen at a rally for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at Stranahan Theater in
Toledo, Ohio on September 21, 2016. (Getty)

Omarosa Manigault has been given the position of assistant to the president and director of
communications for the office of public liaison.

The Office of Public Liaison, usually referred to as the Office of Public Engagement and
Intergovernmental Affairs, is described by The White House as the embodiment of the
Presidents goal of making government inclusive, transparent, accountable and responsible.

Manigault will be the second reality TV star in the Trump administration after Donald Trump
himself. She is known for appearing on the first season of Trumps show The Apprentice; she
returned in subsequent seasons and since then has appeared on numerous other game and talk
shows. She served as the Trump campaigns director of African-American outreach.
In September 2016, Manigault said that all of Trumps critics would have to bow down to him
when he becomes president.

Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump, she said on
Frontline. Its everyone whos ever doubted Donald, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged
him. It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe.

In another interview, she said that Trump has a list of enemies that he would be dealing with after
the election. She told the Independent Journal Review, its so great our enemies are making
themselves clear so that when we get in to the White House, we know where we stand.

Manigault was a Democrat until very recently; she briefly worked for Vice President Al Gore in
the 1990s and tweeted in support of Hillary Clinton in November 2014. She also supported
Barack Obamas re-election in 2012.



I'm Ready for Hillary. Are you #Hillary2016 - RT and

ask your friends to join @readyforhillary:
4:44 PM - 17 Nov 2014


Assistant to President and Chief of Staff to the Vice
President: Josh Pitcock

Mike Pence at Trump Tower on November 18. (Getty)

Josh Pitcock will serve both as an assistant to the president and as the chief of staff of the vice
president, Mike Pence.

Pitcock is a longtime Pence aide who worked with Pence while he was in the House of
Representatives. Most recently, when Pence became the governor of Indiana, Pitcock was
Indianas lobbyist in Washington, D.C.

Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, Pitcock also served as a senior policy adviser to
Mike Pence, according to Politico.
Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff
to the Vice President: Jen Pavlik

Mike Pence speaks at a Donald Trump rally in Toledo, Ohio. (Getty)

Also working on the staff of both the president and the vice president will be Jen Pavlik.

Like Pitcock, Pavlik has previously worked with Vice President-elect Mike Pence; she was
Pences director of operations during his time as the governor of Indiana, according to Politico.

Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Oval

Office Operations: Keith Schiller
Keith Schiller at Trump Tower on January 5, 2017. (Getty)

Joining the White House in the role of Oval Office operations will be Keith Schiller,
Trumps private security director.

Schiller has worked with Donald Trump since 1999, when he was hired as a personal bodyguard.
He later led Trumps security force.

Schiller made headlines in 2015 when he slapped a demonstrator holding a Trump: Make
America Racist Again sign outside of Trump Tower, according to The New York Daily News.
Schiller and other members of Trumps security are currently being sued over this
incident, Politico reports.
Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of
Advance: George Gigicos

George Gigicos exits after meetings with President-elect Donald Trump November 28, 2016
at Trump Tower. (Getty)

George Gigicos has been hired to the position of deputy assistant to the president and director of

Gigicos is another Donald Trump loyalist who has been with the president-elect since the
beginning of the campaign; he was charged with organizing every one of Trumps rallies, the
massive political events which allowed Trump to build his movement across the country.

According to Bloomberg, Gigicos is from Alabama and, while in college, he worked as a travel
assistant for the Treasury department in the George H.W. Bush administration. Gigicos says that
during the peak of the campaign, he rarely went home any earlier than 10:30. He recalls one
instance when his hectic schedule caused him to miss his daughters school performance, so
Trump recorded a video for his children to watch.

Girls, your father really loves you, Trump said to Gigicos daughters, according to
Bloomberg. Were running for president. If its OK with you, Ill steal your father for the day.
Hes a very talented guy and I need him. Thank you, girls.

Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy

Communications Director: Jessica Ditto

Jessica Ditto has been hired as deputy communications director. (Twitter/@JessicaDitto)

The deputy assistant to the president and deputy communications director will be Jessico Ditto.

Ditto held this same job title, deputy communications director, during the Trump campaign; she
was hired to that position in September 2016. Prior to joining the Trump campaign, Ditto was the
communications director for Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin.

I am excited to join Mr. Trumps campaign for President, Ditto said in a statement in
September. Mr. Trump is a very successful businessman who offers common sense reforms that
take power away from Washingtons rigged system insiders and returns it to the people. Mr.
Trump is focused on solving the problems facing everyday Americans and is our countrys only
choice to stop four more years of a failed liberal agenda, said Ditto.

Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy

Communications Director and Research Director: Raj Shah


India West @IndiaWest

Republican Operative Raj Shah to Serve on Trumps Communications
11:57 AM - 5 Jan 2017

Republican Operative Raj Shah to Serve on Trumps Communications Team

Indian American Republican political operative Raj Shah was named Jan. 4 as a
deputy assistant to President-elect Donald Trump, and a key staffer to his
communications and research team.



Raj Shah will be the assistant to the president and deputy communications director and research

During the 2016 election, Shah served as the head of opposition research for the Republican
National Committee, and he helped the RNC craft its anti-Hillary Clinton messaging. He is in his
early 30s and is an Indian-American whose parents are originally from Mumbai, according to
The Indian Express.

He is not to be confused with the former administrator of the United States Agency for
International Development, who is also named Raj Shah.

Deputy Assistant to the President and Political Director: Bill

Trumps deputy assistant and political director will be Bill Stepien.

Stepien worked as the chief of staff for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, but he was fired in
2013 after Christie said he lost confidence in his judgment, according to

Stepiens name repeatedly came up during the Bridgegate trial, with it being revealed
that Stepien was aware of, but not necessarily involved in, the scheme to close lanes as a form of
political retaliation.

Special Assistant to the President and Personal Aide to the

President: John McEntee
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ocvarsity @ocvarsity
Former Servite QB John McEntee has a new gig: personal-aide to
President-elect Donald
quarterback-campaign.html #ocvupdates
6:00 PM - 4 Jan 2017



Finally, John McEntee will be a special assistant and personal aide to President-elect Donald

McEntee worked as a production assistant at Fox News before leaving to join the Donald Trump
presidential campaign in 2015, according to the Orange County Register. During his time there,
he was responsible for helping to prepare campaign events.
I bought in to the message, McEntee told Bloomberg of his decision to join the Trump
campaign. I was sick of the career politicians.

McEntee recalls that he repeatedly sent his resume to the Trump campaign team, eventually
being brought on as a volunteer before landing a paid job. He will now be the personal aide to
the president of the United States of America.

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