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There are a couple of ways to download Scribd documents without paying for them.
I prefer the first way as it is the easiest. I have had mixed results with it t
hough. The majority of the time I get the document no problem but occasionally I
see error: invalid key errors or the page hangs while loading. Your mileage may v
Navigate to Scribd and find a document you want to download.
Right click an empty space within the document and select Show Source. (Google C
Hit Ctrl + F and search that source code for access_key . Copy it somewhere. It sho
uld look something like key-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
Go back to the document and check the document ID in the URL. It should look som
etime like TITLE . You want the NUMBER.
Create a new URL using the access key, document ID and this partial URL. http://d
Paste the URL into a new tab and wait for the page to load. Depending on the boo
k and how busy the Scribd servers are, this could take a while.
Once loaded, print to PDF and you have your document.
Like I said, I have had mixed results with this method but it is simple so I alw
ays use it first. There is another way if that one doesn t work for you either.

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