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please describe the groups environmental and social management policies and

12. what are the environmental regulation under which the group conducts its

Is the group in compliance with these environmental regulation?

13. what are the capital expenditure requirement required to comply with
environmental regulations?

14. are there any proposed environmental regulation that could materially affect
either the amount or timing or capital expenditure required, or otherwise materially
adversely impact the groups operations or performance?

15. please comment on the groups environmental compliance record.

16. please outline the groups health and safety policies and the groups health and
safety performaces over the last three years by reference to performance metrics in
use, e.g. number of fatalities, lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR), or similar.
Please describe the details of any recent incindents and managements response to

17. please describe any internal and/or external healty and safety-related audits
and their key findings.

18. please provide a description of any plans to remediate any environmental

impacts of the groups mining and production sites, including any liability in relation
to such plans or any financial reserves. Specifically, please describe SDJs
remediation in the context of neighboring TBR operations.

19. please comment on any other pending environmental or regulatory issues that
may have a material adverse impact on the operating performance or financial
condition of the group not otherwise publicy disclosed.

20. please describe any incidents of social conflict and disputes related to the
groups operation over the last five years. Does the company have a grievance
mechanism to adequately address communities and employees concerns?

21. has the company received any public criticism from NGOs and/or other
stakeholders over the 5 years?

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