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1. The main character of Isaac Asimovs Foundation is Hari Seldon.

He is a genius

mathematician with ambition. Hari Seldon is extremely controlling and manipulative. His use of

mathematical probabilities to control groups of people is present in his manipulation of the

Commission of Public Safety, the Commissions Advocate, the character whose story we follow

at the beginning of the book Gaal Dornick, the Emperor, the planet Terminus, and the entirety of

galactic civilization. Hari Seldon states to Gaal, I am glad you do not accept my word blindly.

The blind acceptance of truth is one of the many problems Hari Seldon sees stagnating the

growth and leading to The Fall of galactic civilization. This became the problem of the Board of

Trustees as they blindly believed in the saving graces of the empire or Hari Seldon in solving the

problems of terminus. Their almost god-like belief in the powers of Hari Seldon and the empire

lead to their inability to solve the crisis on Terminus themselves. Though, they were right that

Hari possessed the powers of psychohistory to predict their dilemma. He is a powerful and

patient character who can seemingly accomplish anything through the scientific manipulation of


2. Isaac Asimov uses time and setting to create a people who stand the test of time against

seemingly impossible crises. The author uses jumps in time to transition to the ends of different

eras for the people of the planet Terminus. These jumps not only show the complex crises of the

people of the era but, gives the reader a sense that everything has an end. These ends serve

as beginnings for the next chapter in the lives of the people. The fall of the Encyclopedists being

the rise of the people of Terminus. The setting of different worlds allows Asimov to create

interactions between worlds of people at different stages of cultural development. Such as the

technologically advanced world of Terminus and the larger but scientifically inferior empires of

The Four Kingdoms. This let the author demonstrate the similarities between religion and

science as one entity. Their abilities to advance and/or control groups of people.
3. Isaac Asimovs Foundation addresses the presence or lack of free will in the face of

choice.The ending of nearly every section has the main character faced with a difficult decision

with two decisions (violence or loss). They must decide with knowledge that their future has

been scientifically predetermined. Thus providing the illusion of a lack of free will and that their

choices dont matter. When, in fact, its the decisions made by these characters at seemingly

desolate situations that lead to a hard to perceive choice that perseveres the Foundation. Its

the will to find the correct choice that allows it to be found and the action that brings it into being.

Salvor Hardins decision of allowing an Anacreon take over of Terminus(loss) or war with

Anacreon(Violence). Instead, he coup d'tat the leaders of Terminus, and decided to use their

vast scientific superiority to gain control over Anacreon via trade. Not violence. In a

demonstration of patience and stratagem, the character created a third path to solve their


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