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EmmaLee Kidwell

Mr. A

AP English Language and Composition

15 November, 2016

Mother, what are you doing here?

You should be at home,
Youre muddy and youre messy
And youve driven here alone.

Im looking for my baby girl,

Oh, shes gone out to play.
I looked and looked for my baby girl,
I have not seen her today.

Mother its me, your baby girl

The youngest of your three.
No, no, youre not my baby girl
My baby girl, Id see.

With slams of doors and tables turned

The mother then left the scene
Running out into the grass
The grass of emerald green

Upon that grass there was a sight

Of a daughter in disbelief
For to her mother she was unseen
The worst form of grief

The mother sighed and bowed her head

As she saw her baby girl
A look of recognition gone
In her eyes of silver pearl.

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