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47-53 Hoddle Street

PO Box 3121
Robertson NSW 2577
Ph: 4885 1284 Fax: 4885 1119

Wednesday 10th May, 2017

Dear Hargrave Parents and Carers,

Hargrave class will be performing at the next whole school assembly

held on Monday 29th May, 2017 at 2pm. Our history unit is First
Contacts and we have based our item on this with our class
performing a play about early settlement. Each student will be
asked to dress up according to which group they are in. Could you
please assist your child to find an outfit for the group they have
been designated.

If you have any questions or trouble acquiring a suitable outfit

please come and speak with me. If you could please send your childs
outfit to school by Tuesday 23rd May this will allow us to have a
dress rehearsal.

A BIG thank you for helping to make this a great experience for
your child. I hope you will be able to come and watch us perform.

Could you please help your child ___________________ find an

outfit for a _____________________________ .

Warm regards,

Sharyn Moule

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