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Plimmerton Residents’ Association Newsletter

What’s new in Plimmerton?

May 2010
Nothing is stationary …
… in fact the renovation work on our station is moving along at a steady clip. Our
project managers thank everyone who turned up at the last two working bees
where another huge skip was filled with rubbish and four trailer loads were taken
away for firewood. The inside of the building is completely stripped out now and
the horrible task of removing gib nails from the rafters is thankfully completed.
Volunteer hours now total 230!
Specialist help is now needed from local people with experience. Can anyone
teach willing helpers to plaster? Soon ceilings and walls will need to be plastered.
Calling all Plimmerton trades people, young or old, please contact our project
managers if you can help … electricians, plumbers, plasterers, painters …
Allan Dodson call 233 1087
Dave Anderson call 233 1659
They say an army marches on its stomach so thanks to all the people who send
along muffins, scones, sandwiches, tea and coffee to keep the troops supplied
during working bees.
Thanks to the 45 people who have been helping to date. We’re all going to
benefit from a more secure, more comfortable station … it’s not too late for you
to be part of this fantastic community project!

Working bees Saturdays May 1 and May 8 10am to midday

It’s time to start putting things back together!
The next two weekends need a huge effort to get the area cleaned out ready for
wiring and insulation to be installed … and to start those two jobs. Bring brooms,
mops etc for the big dung out. And if you are helping with the insulation you’ll be
cutting and fitting fibre glass Batts so bring gloves and face masks.
Our volunteer electrician Brett has a wiring plan and, when that job is complete,
insulation can be installed in walls and ceilings. Local firm BDS Doors has been
given an order for 4 sets of doors to replicate the 1940 originals. Walls will be a
mix of gib, MDF and panelling painted in the original colours. We’re exploring
window options and look forward to letting some light inside!
All this activity is heading to an opening this year in October, the 125th
anniversary of the opening of the first Plimmerton station, 70 years since the
opening of the present station and electrification of the line. It will call for a
celebration and we’ll let you know more later.
Scavenger hunt Sunday May 3 at 1.30pm
Plimmerton Primary School is organising this family fund raiser which will kick
off at the school and take teams around Plimmerton’s scenic spots looking for
clues and completing fun tasks along the way. The hunt will finish at the school
where there will be a spot prize draw at 4pm with a sausage sizzle and bouncy
castle and food and drinks available. Teams can enter for $15 and you can
register on the day or pre register to go into the draw for two Hurricanes v Reds
tickets for the May 7 game. Entry forms from school office, Scene@plimmerton,
or from the school website
Big thanks to local businesses: Touhy Homes, Pure Balance, Baby Vintage,
Revolve, Palmers and Scene@plimmerton. Grab the kids/grandkids and your
walking shoes, scooter, bike or buggy and come along, have some fun and help
raise funds for our local school.
Call Nikki Bishop 237 7205

Attention all sports, cultural and interest groups and clubs!

All groups and clubs are invited to email material for the new Plimmerton
website now under construction.
Please follow the format below and use the typeface trebuchet in size 12pt.
 Group name e.g. Plimmerton Garden gnome Fanciers Inc
 Email e.g.
 Meeting place/address e.g. Plimmerton Domain
 Contact person e.g. Big Ears
 Contact phone e.g. 2330000
400 words (max) about what your club does, when you meet, how to join,
who to contact and the many benefits of belonging to your excellent group.
We can put 2 or 3 good quality photos showing people happily engaged in
whatever your club is about … sell the sizzle. And please add captions for the
photos which we ask you to send as jpegs.
If you have your own website we will put in a link to it and to other useful
and verified sites related to your club or group’s activity.
Deadline - We’d like to get this section up and running as soon as possible so
please send your words and photos to plimmertonra@gmail
 History of your club
In the history section of the website we can also include a potted history of
your organisation if it is long-established. Please use the same text, photo,
and link guidelines as those above.
 Family histories
Are you a member of a Plimmerton family with deep roots in this area? You
are welcome to send us a short piece about your family with high resolution
scanned photos. The same guidelines apply … a max of 4oo words and 2-3
good ‘people’ photos.
Please note that copy received will be edited to fit space constraints and to suit
the style which is informative and lively.
If you are interested in this and would like help or advice contact us

Fire fighter news

• Welcome back to senior fire fighter Johnny Johnson after his two year OE in
• Take care when disposing of ashes from your fireplace … they retain heat for
a long time.
• It’s not too late to get your chimney cleaned … some insurance companies
will not pay out on a claim if you do not have a certificate to prove the
chimney was cleaned in the last twelve months.

AGM PRA … NFO (not far off!)

May 24 St Andrews Church Hall, Steyne Ave, 7.30pm
Guest speaker, local resident, Austin Brooks will inspire us as he shares his
adventures in climbing the world’s highest peaks and sailing around the world in
a 38 foot yacht.
Project managers will outline progress on our 2010 major projects … restoration
of our railway station, development of Plimmerton community website and
production and placement of our seafront seating.
If you would like to stand for election please contact
Please bring money with you to the AGM to pay your subs for the coming year …
still outstanding value at just $15 for a family!

Seafront seating news

Production of seats is progressing well, information packs are being produced,
and arrangements will be made soon to visit each sponsor personally over the
next few weeks. Processes are being finalised and we are awaiting word from the
Charities Commission that we have been registered. Maps, designs, locations and
all the info will be on display at our AGM and our project manager will give us an

Thursday morning playgroup

Thursday mornings in term-time, 9.45-11.45am with morning tea provided for
one gold coin donation for each family.
Salvation Army Church 6 Ulric Street, call Nicola 233 9790
VSA movie evening
Saturday May 9 4.30pm at The Lighthouse Pauatahanui
Enjoy a movie, The boys are back starring Clive Owen, and support a local VSA
member on assignment.
Just $20 for the movie and light refreshments ... call Joan Reader for tickets on
233 8041 … be in today as tickets are selling fast.

Civil defence and emergency management

A partnership between Porirua City Council’s emergency management team and
the New Zealand Red Cross will boost the city’s capacity to respond to emergency
events like the Titahi Bay fire or the February tsunami alert. A team of volunteers
will be trained in welfare, first aid, casualty handling, radio communications,
vehicle handling and other essential skills to keep residents safe during
emergencies. Volunteers will learn skills that make a difference in their
communities at critical times. If you are capable, compassionate and can think
on your feet contact Trevor Farmer with Red Cross
Response Team in the address line or ring him 237 1430 0r 0275 303 368

Sharpen that pencil …

Mana Arts Society’s sketch group meets in their clubrooms on Plimmerton
domain starting 10am on May 7. Coached sessions will be around specific themes
starting next week with perspective drawing exercises. Anyone keen to learn to
draw in pencil or pen is welcome. There’s no charge for coaching … just a gold
coin donation to cover clubroom costs. Call Stuart Nicol 233 6626 for details.

• Man’s watch, outside the pavilion on Sunday April 18, phone 233 9692
• Spectacles in a reddish hard case, at Alistair Robb’s house, phone 233 1652

Parking on footpaths
A resident has asked us to remind you that it is not good form for residents or
visitors to park over our footpaths. As well as causing damage to pavements it
makes life difficult for the elderly and infirm amongst us to navigate vehicles
parked across footpaths.

Pauatahanui Inlet photo competition winners!

Check out the stunning entries and winners on the Guardians of Pauatahanui
Inlet (GOPI) website -results/
They are encouraging all Plimmerton residents and their visitors to start
snapping now for the 2011 competition as there are fabulous shots of the inlet to
be taken in autumn and winter.
All you need to know is on their website.
Become a GOPI!
The guardians are also very keen to have Plimmerton residents join up to help
with all the good stuff they do … like the three year cockle survey and preserving
the quality of the inlet we all love. Right now they are developing some exciting
educational activities related to the inlet for schools and families. You’ll find a
membership form on the website and you can join for just $12 individual or $15
for a family.

Lisa’s library log

• Kids story time has started on Saturday mornings … coming up … May 1
Granny Gooch at 11am. Adults can peruse the shelves in peace while the kids
are entertained … nau mai haere mai
• Councillor clinic with Euon Murrell to discuss draft annual plan issues
Saturday May 29. If you have constructive ideas or issues to discuss get
along and talk to our ever-helpful councillor on that date at the library in the
pavilion. Check out the PCC website for confirmation of time and place.
• There’s a new stash of adult and children’s books on the sale table … 50 cents
gets you a bargain!
• Recent displays of local history books resulted in a borrowing upsurge! The
more you use your community library the easier it is to make a good case to
extend library hours.
• Students … come and talk to the librarian about topics you have coming up
at school and she will raid the Porirua shelves to make sure you have the
stuff you need!

Welcome William
William Corbett of Moana Road has become a New Zealand citizen … after 37
years of living here!

Crockery collectors
Fragments of china and crockery often wash up on our beaches. Many people
collect these fragments and Russell Plume is one. He has found enough pieces to
match designs and is interested in developing a history of where these fragments
came from and perhaps doing some reconstruction. If you are a collector call
Russell on 233 8361 (day) and 233 9777 (evenings)

Dents and dings in your bodywork?

Try the new boys in town at Dales Auto Body Shop with 20 years in vehicle body
repairs. Call Dale for a free quote 022 618 4155, Unit 9 Ulric Street

Tarting up the old abode? Planning to build a new home?

If you need plans for your new build or home alterations call Designs by David
for architectural design and drafting. Contact David on 889 2392 or
021 263 8945 or
Photography debut exhibition … be pleasantly inspired
Local nature photographer Johanna Lowe is having her first solo exhibition at the
Bay View Gallery, 3 School Road from May 24. Open for 2 weeks on Friday,
Saturday and Sunday and by appointment call Daphne 233 9776

Bowling rolls to a close for this season

Closing day is May 1 for this outdoor season. Indoor bowls starts Wednesday
next for ladies on a pay-as-you-go basis. Bar facilities and inside area available
through winter months for hire.
Contact Rachel Wybourne Curtin 233 9600

St Andrews moving ahead

On February 27 St Andrews Church was damaged by fire. Later confirmed as
arson, the fire started in the vestry and spread to the wall and roof. Fire, water
and smoke damaged internal fittings, piano, organ and carpet. It can not be used
until interior walls and the roof have been rebuilt. North Porirua Baptist Church
has kindly given St Andrew’s congregation use of their building for services but
the parish office continues in use. The parish has been working, with community
input, to review options as a simple restoration may not be possible. Key
objectives are to create a layout that’s flexible and welcoming to support the
range of community services offered and to respect the history and traditions of
the church. A group is working with vicar Jenny Dawson and diocese
representatives to develop detailed options for discussion at a vestry meeting on
May 12 and parish meeting on May 30. Visit their website, select St Andrew’s

Mother’s Day competition … best dressed Mum

Win a $100 Revolve/Phejoa Design voucher. Simply bring in or email a photo of
your Mum … and the best-dressed Mum wins! Contact

Adopt a wee/d patch

If every person in Plimmerton kept a tiny patch of ground tidy we would not have
to look at rubbish caught in ugly weeds, cigarette butts in gutters and other
undesirable sights. Keep Porirua beautiful suggests that every resident and
business takes care of a little area nearby where yukko stuff accumulates and the
problem would be sorted. The council does a good job but the wind and
thoughtless people mean mess builds up quickly. Over to you!

Great investment … just $15!

Subs for 2010 are due now. You and your family can be involved with any of the
projects under way in Plimmerton with the $15 fee for family membership.
How do you join? Just email

Support your community – it’s the best!

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