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- And I make sure that this plate glass window stays spotless -

- Oh dont jinx my dad /

- Profanity / profanation

- Cause he walked out on me and my mom when I was 10

- Sometimes you got to blend in - /

- Running errands

- I just cannot believe that their turn around and killed him

- Its perpetual symbol -

- My multifaceted plan is to

- He electrocuted himself flying a kite in a rainstorm

- Somebody got jacked (robbed)
- The whole neighborhood is yapping about how the Zip and two goons got the
beat down at
- The wind is so fluffy that you can stuff it into a pillowcase
- That should not faze you (disappoint/ no continuous)
- Fire and brimstone
- He falls through we need to holler at him
- You might have pertinent information , like factual info
- His booth rent is due
- Pat him down
- I know the drill
- You would not fronted me if
- Brand spanking new
- The suspense killing me (suspenseful)
- Martyrdom (torture)
- What did they get from the canvass (canvasser)
- Extortion / extort, extortive ( obtain money, information by fraud)
- May mar what many have referred to
- I am not see shit
- Inlay in casket
- He whooped Mitch Greens behind
- Dapper approach
- Flourish
- The bank will swoop in
- Part of the heist
- Nothing I do Is a hustle
My contingency plan
- Nothing humbles the man like a gravity
- Sighed death warrant
- Sham business
- Stash house
- Scope it out (place)
- Couple days while you was undercover in paradise
- I cant put my finger on it
- You peddle your guns
- You think I bust your shit up
- Out of whack
- Husk of building
- Start meting out justice
- Pig on payroll
- I will call precinct
- Steer clear of somebody
- When he god strung out
- Stand by, and be a punk
- They smashed all my displays
- The make you into doormat
- You were screwing with that
- Came up in the streets all by herself
- I plead the fifth
- It only helps his name ring out
- Costs to be savior
- This mob is not deep enough
- The police trying to cover it up
- Senses amplified
- Has survived in one piece
- Hookup ( military)
- The rounds are composite
- Incinerate forensic evidence
- Diamond can front me a loan
- Square everything away
- He left the precinct to pick up his witness (police precinct)
- He didnt even logged him in
- Raffle tickets
- It hallowed ground, this park
- Outside of conception
- He always see a pasture
- Interloper with arcane abilities
- A men putting in work
- Indictments lead to pleas
- He is turning it upside down
- so we squared up?
- Harlem is saturated with jazz, and good food
- And the pure genius that permeates the streets
- Spinster
- That would be a perfect grind
- I was going to meeting strapped, It was his gun that busted off
- Does nigga has gills
- People are scrambling around here( moving)
- We should stake it out for a while
- He cracks a lot of jokes but he never smiles
- This is going to sting a lot
- Scuff up the floors
- They will stay immaculate my mam
- When I first bumped up off patrol
- Brownstone
- I am just setting the record straight
- His name rings out in both ways
- Under a barrage of gunfires
- It is too hard to decipher which Harlem you stand for
- Make me interrogation
- Bugger off
- Your mom s van is insured

- Next time I would behoove you to have more evidence

- Dogged harassment
- Corroborate that ledger (book with financial statements)
- Setbacks happen all the time
- Bring your apron (for cooking)
- You are tainted
- The infection is contagious
- Push your permits through
- He was filling in for Dante that night
- Is damn prodigy
- Making mad loot
- I will charter the yacht my damn self
- Get on nerves
- He fall in line
- I kicked it with
- Not everyone deserves discretion
- Impact against the water
- Figment of someones imagination
- Effective immediately
- Hogs get slaughtered
- Uppity ass boarding school
- Changing your diapers
- Got up the nerve
- From the heist
- Than that makes you an accessory
- like I said he is discreet
- that even cornier
- high powered flunky
- edges are little dump
- put on the blast
- I drained the fluid in your skull
- Combing through the barber shop
- Bang up job
- Dont quote me on that
- The ambulance that got flipped over?
- He likes frizzy
- Adversary
- I shed my skin for something better
- In a gutter
- Golden calf
- Just to watch you squirm
- Its a blur
- People have been walking out on me all day
- No more deception
- Would you like to press charges on
- Shrink
- You would be more candid at
- Then why get benched
- Every landfill in every borough
- He just dissipate
- Why I shouldnt splatter this pristine desk with
- Where severe damage was wrought
- Nightlife mogul
- She knew he was dabbling
- Cake is in the wing right now
- Abhors something
- Disfigured
- I dont just seek justice a stalk it
- Why am I single out for it
- Blow off steam
- You went renegade
- That stank dont come off too easy
- He is delusional
- We havent totaled that one yet
- Got the drop on me
- Was talking sideways of me
- I am currently majoring in
- You were already tabbed for the program
- To cross check with
- Septic wound to get a decent sample
- We are wired differently
- Acknowledged
- the guy who
- Weak hang
- Wares
- Greed superseded your common sense
- I got no hackle with your right now
- I got no beef with
- Dashboard footage
- Residency
- Enhance the durability and pliability and healing properties
- He has chills
- Its climbing (temp)
- Dont sweat it
- The same bullet can be broken down for mass production
- After abolition it is how gun laws got enacted in the first place
- Sell cops on this
- But he laid him out
- Isnt just making stuff up
- No metal flakes
- He was not a hard charger
- Now kids are getting jacked up by the police
- Youd flip this
- Fumigate
- He is taking the lead on that one
- I am not got to tell squat
- You are too valuable not to keep tabs on
- Concussion
- Incarcerated
- Subject lucas is beginning to unravel
- He doesnt shave, groom
- Statute of limitations
- Pinning for
- Barn
- Lifeblood
- Rap sheet
- Sign that was bold
- Conventions trip
- He is a menace and liar
- You just used this kid to stay politically viable
- Busted up him
- Your popularity surges
- Chanting
- Standoff
- The bigger the stall the more time we have for our diversions
- I think you nicked an artery
- Nooks and crannies
- He was the hardware connected for
- Mostly from the stampede to escape the club
- She was whistled away by her security
- We are going tactical in 5 minutes
- Scour this whole place
- Landline
- Reciprocity
- Decisiveness
- Pretty bad sprain
- The more entrenched this lunatic gets
- Brace yourself
- Someones pulling strings
- He is stalling
- Lay in the cut
- Dental floss to tie off you hosing vein
- To catch a shank
- I got skills likewise
- Couldnt we have made amends a long time ago
- Bravo team will bring up the rear
- People like him popping up
- Fire at will
- More people rooting for you than you think
- Tumultuous events
- Was brought out in handcuffs
- Man of discretion and taste
- Never outshine the master
- He is going to be bailed out
- I am down with this
- My family is in tatters
- Controlling the narrative is the matter
- Make anything untoward
- Cheese grater
- I have never seen an arraignment happen so quickly
- Two million in bail
- We are hiding in plain sight
- Sneak snuck snuck
- Smacked fire out
- Ball the gun up
- Stunted on you right here
- Roaches at the crib
- Crime running rampant
- Law enforcement is in a frenzy
- Break the hinges
- Turk may be a pawn but he aint dumb
- He sprung you ( from prison)
- I am not going to shuck and jive with you
- Refurbishing the club
- Evaporate
- You are still stalling (deceive)
- Downgraded
- Didnt appreciate you bailing him out
- Rattlesnake
- Reach across the aisle to get things done
- Dumpster
- We could hurdle that easy
- You beat me to It
- Cough up the d location
- Or I will stomp you
- Drop the beef
- Carl lucas exonerated
- Some fools smacked me up
- Daddy are not signing off on this
- You reap what you sow
- Your eyes sparkle when you talk about Luke
- Brother deserves discretion Discretion is the better part of valor
- Dish out
- How does it feel be vindicated?
- Will we provide her with all courtesy our company extends
- I dont want to be redundant
- Life turned you sour
- Its a pinnacle of black art
- He got enough money to keep it flush
- That a decent mans name has been maligned
- I will do everything to rectify it
- Coroner
- Passionate about seeing him dad
- Sloppy in the cover up
- You are going to trial with that flimsy (not essential; not strong enough/weak)
- I dare you, I double damn dare you
- Madam inmate
- Am not worth a tin its printed on
- It depends on the blend
- The information in pertinent and valid
I am not going to hibernate (to sit with no work to do)

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