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collision, recombination or photoionization, pulses and the LCLS pulses are closely syn- to operate than the LCLS, its photon-energy
in plasma media that are created by either chronized and so can be used in experiments range, stability and repetition rate make it of
electrical discharges or high-intensity visible in which two X-ray fields of differing photon considerable potential utility in time-resolved
lasers. These laser systems are limited because energy are required to interact simultaneously structural studies of matter.
the energy density needed to pump population with a sample.
inversion scales as the cube of the laser photon Not only does the authors X-ray-FEL- Jon Marangos is in the Blackett Laboratory,
energy. Therefore, a very high energy density pumped scheme operate at a much higher pho- Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK.
is required to reach the harder X-ray range. ton energy than achieved by other approaches e-mail:
Indeed, population-inversion hard X-ray to producing X-ray lasers based on population
1. Rohringer, N. et al. Nature 481, 488491 (2012).
lasers pumped by the extremely high energy inversion, but also the repetition rate (the rate 2. Emma, P. et al. Nature Photon. 4, 641647 (2010).
density produced in thermonuclear explosions at which X-ray pulses are produced) is as high 3. Marangos, J. P. Contemp. Phys. 52, 551569 (2011).
were the target of the Excalibur national- as that of the FEL used. The LCLS has a repeti- 4. Young, L. et al. Nature 466, 5661 (2010).
5. Chapman, H. N. et al. Nature 470, 7377 (2011).
defence project at the Lawrence Livermore tion rate of up to 120hertz, which is more than 6. Seibert, M. M. et al. Nature 470, 7881 (2011).
National Laboratory in the 1980s8. But these 100-fold higher than that of any previous X-ray 7. Elton, R. C. X-ray Lasers (Academic, 1990).
X-ray sources are of rather restricted general laser. Although the new laser is more difficult 8. Ritson, D. M. Nature 328, 487490 (1987).
In their experiment, Rohringer and col-
leagues focused LCLS X-ray pulses each STEM C EL L S
containing more than 1012 960-eV photons
and lasting just 40fs into a beam a few micro
metres across that impinged on a dense sam-
ple of neon atoms. This produced the energy
The right neighbour
density required to pump many of the atoms
from the ground state (state0) into a higher- Different cell types produce signals that regulate the activity of blood-forming
energy state of ionized neon (state2) and attain stem cells. A study shows that certain rare mesenchymal cells surrounding blood
population inversion. Most of the ions in the vessels are the main source of one such signal in mice. See Article p.457
excited state decay by a mechanism known
as an Auger process on a timescale of about
2.7fs. But some of them make the radiative I LYA A . S H E S T O PA L O V & L E O N A R D I . Z O N Haematopoietic stem cell
transition to a state (state1) that has a lower

energy than state 2. Because the applied LCLS oping with a lifetime of tissue function, SCF SCF
X-ray radiation leads to the sudden creation of injury and disease requires replenish-
a large population of neon ions in state2 and ment of the cells that make up organs.
an equally rapid depletion of state1, there is a Replacement cells originate from adult-tissue
transient population inversion between 2 and stem cells such as haematopoietic stem cells,
1 that leads to lasing (Fig.1). which continually form all types of blood cell.
The most important property of the authors The growth and activity of tissue stem cells is Sinusoid
laser is that the emitted X-ray pulses have regulated by neighbouring cells that comprise
a precise central energy that has a spread of the stem-cell niche a microenvironment
less than 1eV and that is tied to the atomic containing regulatory signalling molecules.
properties of the neon ions. These properties Identifying, controlling and mimicking the
are a result of the rules of quantum mechan- niche signals represent challenges for the
ics and so do not vary from pulse to pulse. By emerging field of regenerative medicine. On
contrast, the energy spread of the LCLS X-ray page 457 of this issue, Ding etal.1 identify the LEPR-expressing Endothelial
pulses that impinge on and are transmitted cells that produce a signal called stem-cell mesenchymal cell cell
through the neon gas is 8eV on any given factor, which is essential for the generation of
pulse, and nearer to 15eV when averaged new blood cells from haematopoietic stem cells Figure 1 | A home for blood-forming cells.
over many pulses (Fig.1). The authors mod- in embryonic and adult mice. Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) generate all
elling of the process suggests that the energy The bone-marrow niche contains small types of blood cell. In mammals, they reside in
spread is consistent with the physical limit set blood vessels called sinusoids (Fig.1) made the bone marrow, where blood vessels made
by the short duration (about 5fs) of the pulses up of endothelial cells together with a variety of endothelial cells form microscopic cavities
emitted from the neon sample. The smaller of immune cell and the axonal processes of called sinusoids. Endothelial cells are surrounded
energy spread of the emitted X-rays means peripheral neurons2. The rest of the bone by connective tissue composed of different
mesenchymal cells, which can produce molecular
that the temporal coherence of the 849-eV marrow is filled with mesenchymal cells of vari- signals that control HSC growth. Ding etal.1
X-rays is more than tenfold greater than that of ous functions. For example, some (the stromal find that in mouse bone marrow, the molecular
the LCLS pulses. cells) provide connective tissue, others (osteo- signal stem-cell factor (SCF), which is required to
Although Rohringer and colleagues X-ray blasts) replenish or remodel the inner bone sustain HSCs, is primarily produced by a type of
laser has a lower output power than that of surface. Unlike the majority of stromal cells, mesenchymal cell that expresses the leptin receptor
LCLS radiation, the greatly improved coher- a rare subset that originates from the neural- (LEPR). Endothelial cells also contribute some SCF.
ence and reduced energy spread will open new crest tissue of the embryo expresses the protein
areas of research that demand a well-defined nestin and influences the function of stem-cell factor (SCF)4 is secreted by endothe-
X-ray energy. Examples of these areas include haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)3. lial cells, osteoblasts and nestin-expressing
the study of physical processes such as pho- To understand the niche microenviron- stromal cells3,5,6. Although previous research7
toionization and inelastic X-ray scattering, ment, it is necessary to identify the cell types has shown that depletion of many cell types in
which can be used to study ultra-fast changes that provide the regulatory signals and to estab- the bone-marrow niche produces measurable
in matter. Moreover, the authors X-ray laser lish which signals each produces. For example, effects on HSCs, the causality of the observed

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A deeper peek into living organisms

In two papers in this issue, Lechene and disprove this proposal, showing that DNA


colleagues1,2 report the first use of an strands segregate randomly in proliferating
approach called multi-isotope imaging mass crypt cells of the mouse small intestine
spectrometry (MIMS) in living organisms (pictured). This finding should further our
(see pages 516 and 520). This technique understanding of tissue homeostasis.
has outstanding resolution: it provides The researchers also analysed protein
data in the sub-micrometre range, allowing turnover in the mechanosensory hair cells
analysis of structures as small as cellular in the inner ear of frogs and mice. During
regions. most vertebrates lifetime, hair cells are not
MIMS involves labelling living tissues with replaced, but their degraded proteins are.
stable isotopes. The isolated sample surface One kind of structure within these cells is
is then bombarded with a beam of ions, and the stereocilia, each of which is made up of
the ejected secondary ions are measured hundreds of filaments of the protein actin.
with a mass spectrometer to determine Lechene and collaborators quantified actin
the samples molecular composition. The turnover in both adult and neonatal hair
technique can distinguish between ions cells and report that, with the exception of
of very similar mass, providing a precise the filaments tips, this proteins turnover is
measurement of isotope labels, which can be particularly slow throughout stereocilia.
imaged simultaneously. This observation differs from previous
Lechene and co-workers used MIMS findings3 that stereocilium actin has a rapid
to test the immortal-strand hypothesis, turnover time. According to Lechene and
which proposes that asymmetrically co-authors, this discrepancy may be due open the door to its use for investigations
dividing stem cells also segregate their to differences in experimental conditions of metabolism and cell-lineage tracking in
DNA asymmetrically. That is, the daughter between the two studies. humans. Francesca Cesari and Deepa Nath
cells that will remain stem cells retain the The team also demonstrates successful
1. Steinhauser, M. L. et al. Nature 481, 516519 (2012).
older DNA template, whereas those that are use of MIMS for human studies. They
2. Zhang, D.-S. et al. Nature 481, 520524 (2012).
committed to differentiation inherit newly thus not only further prove the broad 3. Rzadzinska, A.K. et al. J. Cell Biol. 164, 887897
synthesized DNA strands. The authors applicability of their technique, but also (2004).

changes has been difficult to ascertain. reduced HSC abundance in adult mice. More lifetime9. In mammals, HSCs are found first in
To establish the relative importance of the over, when the authors deleted the Scf gene from the aorta, then in the liver and, finally, in the
various SCF-producing cells in HSC growth, both endothelial and Lepr-expressing cells, bone marrow. In fish, HSCs also start out in the
Ding etal.1 developed a mouse model in which nearly all HSCs disappeared from adult mice. aorta, but then go on to occupy tissue in the tail
the Scf gene could be replaced with a gene These results indicate that, in the bone marrow and, eventually, the kidneys. All of these seem-
encoding green fluorescent protein, in all or in of adult mice, SCF comes primarily from Lepr- ingly unrelated vertebrate tissues have vascular
selected cell types, at different times during the expressing mesenchymal cells that envelop endothelial cells surrounded by mesenchymal
animals life. In this way, cells that would nor- sinusoids, with a smaller contribution of SCF cells, which as Ding etal.1 now highlight
mally express Scf became fluorescent instead. expression from sinusoid endothelial cells. are required for regulating HSCs in mice. It
Using this mouse model, Ding etal. found Future studies are needed to characterize the remains unclear, however, whether different
that, when they abolished SCF production in functions of the Lepr-expressing mesenchy- tissue-specific cell types that make up the bone
all cell types, HSCs disappeared from the bone mal cells in the HSC niche. According to Ding marrow, liver and kidneys provide similar
marrow. The authors then removed Scf from and colleagues gene-expression data1, these signals to regulate HSC activity.
specific cell types in the HSC niche, and found cells produce another HSC-regulating signal, At present, clinically useful HSCs cannot
that loss of Scf from blood cells, osteoblasts stromal-cell-derived factor1 (SDF1), along be efficiently cultured in the lab. The presence
and nestin-expressing mesenchymal cells did with the enzyme alkaline phosphatase, which of mesenchymal cells in HSC cultures has
not alter HSC abundance in the bone mar- makes them similar to previously described occasionally been linked to enhanced HSC
row. Mice with Scf-lacking endothelial cells, mesenchymal cells that also surround blood growth10, but which mesenchymal cell types
however, had fewer HSCs during embryonic vessels in the bone marrow8. But the Lepr- are responsible for this effect has been difficult
development, and only some HSCs remained expressing cells do not produce nestin, which to determine. Robust HSC growth could per-
in these mice during adulthood. underscores the diversity among mesenchymal haps be achieved by culturing them on top of
The researchers went on to identify a type stromal cells. Because several genetic tools are mesenchymal feeder cells that express specific
of mesenchymal cell that surrounds sinusoids available to control gene expression of spe- markers such as LEPR or nestin. According to
in adult bone marrow and that, in contrast to cific cells in mice, a next logical step should Ding and colleagues results1, only one in 8,000
other niche cells, expresses the gene Lepr, which be determining whether Lepr-expressing bone-marrow cells expresses LEPR, yet these
encodes the leptin receptor. The LEPR protein mesenchymal cells are one of the main sources rare cells are the primary source of the SCF
regulates fat metabolism in some cell types, but of other HSC-regulating signals. needed to support HSCs. Unfortunately, cul-
its function in bone-marrow mesenchymal cells Different vertebrates have HSC niches turing LEPR- or nestin-expressing cells is not
is unknown. Ding et al. observed that loss of in different tissues, and the location of the an easy task, so more robust conditions should
SCF from Lepr-expressing mesenchymal cells HSC niche can change during an organisms be developed to culture such cells.

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The approach used by Ding etal.1 to iden- Hematology/Oncology, Childrens Hospital

tify the main sources of SCF in the haemato Boston, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA.
poietic niche, although labour-intensive, sets e-mails:;
a standard of rigour for researchers studying
the bone marrow, and should also be applied
1. Ding, L., Saunders, T. L., Enikolopov, G. & Morrison,
to other signals that affect HSCs. Analysis of S. J. Nature 481, 457462 (2012).
the gene-expression signatures of specific 2. Yamazaki, S. et al. Cell 147, 11461158 (2011).
cells that express other major signalling mol-
ecules involved in HSC regulation may allow
the identification of marker genes in addition
3. Mndez-Ferrer, S. et al. Nature 466, 829834
4. McCarthy, K. F., Ledney, G. D. & Mitchell, R. Cell
50 Years Ago
Tissue Kinet. 10, 121126 (1977).
to Lepr. These marker genes could be used to 5. Aye, M. T. et al. Exp. Hematol. 20, 523527 (1992). It is the purpose of this article to
isolate cells that support HSC growth from 6. Bilbe, G., Roberts, E., Birch, M. & Evans, D. B. Bone show that a group of compounds
the mesenchymal milieu of the bone marrow. 19, 437445 (1996). related to lysergic acid diethylamide
7. Mercier, F. E., Ragu, C. & Scadden, D. T. Nature Rev.
Understanding the complex HSC niche will Immunol. 12, 4960 (2012).
(LSD-25) produces surfacing
one day make it possible to create a synthetic 8. Omatsu, Y. et al. Immunity 33, 387399 (2010). behaviour of carp with the
microenvironment capable of sustaining 9. Orkin, S. H. & Zon, L. I. Cell 132, 631644 (2008). movement directed towards
long-term HSC growth. 10. Weisel, K. C., Gao, Y., Shieh, J. H. & Moore, M. A. Exp. the surface It has been shown
Hematol. 34, 15051516 (2006).
previously from work in this
Ilya A. Shestopalov and Leonard I. Zon L.I.Z. declares competing financial interests. laboratory that very small quantities
are in the Stem Cell Program and Division of See for details. of derivatives of lysergic acid, like
lysergic acid diethylamide
(LSD-25) and lysergic acid
DRUG D ISCOVERY ethylamide (LAE-32), have a
surfacing effect on small Siamese

Chemical beauty contest fighting fish After the fish had

been exposed to LSD-25 for 10min.,
they showed signs of LSD-25
activity. After 30 min. all three fish
Most drug candidates fail clinical trials, in many cases because the compounds in the tank containing LSD-25
have less than optimal physico-chemical properties. A new method for assessing were at the surface of the liquid in a
the drug-likeness of compounds might help to remedy the situation. nose uptail down position For
the next hour the fish in the tank
containing LSD-25 remained at the
PA U L L E E S O N Hopkins and co-workers1 point out that surface, from time to time moving
Lipinskis rule can be misleading, because and even swimming backwards

xperienced medicinal chemists develop undesirable compounds could pass the drug- The fish were returned to the
a sense of chemical aesthetics a feel likeness test by only just meeting all four cut-off running-water pool after 1.5 hr.
for how drug-like any particular mol criteria, whereas better compounds could In the pool they continued to stay
ecule is. But is it possible to measure such fail because they just miss one of the cut-offs. at the surface, moving about but
chemical beauty? Reporting this week in The application of the rule in this unintended not going to the bottom at all. 2 hr.
Nature Chemistry, Hopkins and colleagues1 way may help to explain why the compounds later they were still at the surface
provide a quantitative estimate of drug-like- in current patents from pharmaceutical Experiments in larger tanks, and
ness that assesses a combination of a molecules companies are, on average, significantly less field trials, are planned.
physical properties. Unlike the commonly used drug-like than marketed drugs68. From Nature 27 January 1962
descriptions of drug-likeness, their approach Taking a cue from a study9 that used math-
allows a single, continuous scale to be defined, ematical desirability functions to assess how
so that molecules can be ranked in order of
Drugs are developed from the optimization
suitable a range of compounds would be
as drugs that act in the central nervous sys-
tem, Hopkins and co-workers1 used a similar
100 Years Ago
of lead molecules, which are frequently found approach to analyse the drug-likeness of a set I have repeatedly observed the
through the biological screening of compound of 771 oral drugs approved by the US Food and brilliancy of cats eyes in the
collections. Before being finally accepted into Drug Administration. The authors defined dark in particularly favourable
use by regulatory and paying bodies, an opti- desirability functions for eight physical prop- circumstances. I have a brilliant
mized drug candidate must undergo years of erties proposed to be important for oral drugs, incandescent light in my hall, and
intensive toxicological and clinical-efficacy including the four Lipinksi properties. They several cats on the premises. The
studies. Most orally active drugs that survive also took into account the number of aromatic entrance drive is in a line with the
these arduous developmental pressures have rings and rotatable bonds in a molecule, the door and the hall lamp. When I
a set of physico-chemical properties that fall polar surface area (a measure of how hydro- call a cat in the chances are that if
within a certain range of values they are philic a molecule is) and the number of groups there she simply sits and looks at
said to lie in a defined physical and chemical in the molecule known to cause toxicity. The me, presenting the spectacle of two
drug-like space25. Until now, this drug-like functions captured the full distribution of each small incandescent lights glowing
space has been defined using cut-off values physical property and provided a continuous out of the darkness. Light, observer,
for permissible physical properties, perhaps quantitative estimate of drug-likeness (QED) and cat are all three in line, as
most notably the values defined by the medi on a scale from most to least drug-like. observed by Colonel Herschel.
cinal chemist Christopher Lipinski and his Because the bulk physical properties of com- From Nature 25 January 1912
colleagues in the rule of five2 (Box1). pounds are known to correlate with each other

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