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Intel Integrator Toolkit (Command Line-based Interfaces)

These include either the Microsoft* DOS*-based Interface or the Microsoft* Windows*-based Interface (with Windows* PE*
Install configure system settings, SMBIOS, OA3, and Boot count onto target systems in a manufacturing environment.

The following legend appears when calling the VCUST HELP or VCUST ? commands from the DOS* command line-based interface:

====== Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. ======
Intel(R) Integrator Toolkit Version


GENERAL SYNTAX FORMAT: VCUST category [-switch]...[-switch]

VCUST [-BIO=<filename>] -CONFIG -UQI=<> -VALUE=<> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]

VCUST [-BIO=<filename>] -BOOTCOUNT -COUNT=<> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
VCUST [-BIO=<filename>] -SMBIOS switch=<string>|<value> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]

SMBIOS switches:
-S[M|P|V|S|K|F] <string> write system mfg|product|version|serial|sku number|family string
-C[M|V|S|A] <string> write chassis mfg|version|serial|asset string
-CT <byte> write chassis type byte (01h-1Dh)
-OEM[1-255] <string> write an individual OEM String


Syntax entry is not case sensitive.


The following legend appears when calling the VCUSTW HELP or VCUSTW ? commands from the Windows* command line-based

====== Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. ======
Intel(R) Integrator ToolkitW Version


GENERAL SYNTAX FORMAT: VCUSTW category [-switch]...[-switch]

VCUSTW [-BIO=<filename>] -OA3 -OEMID=<oemid> -TABLEID=<tableid> -OAData=<filename> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-

VCUSTW [-BIO=<filename>] -OA3 -OAClear [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
VCUSTW [-BIO=<filename>] -CONFIG -UQI=<> -VALUE=<> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
VCUSTW [-BIO=<filename>] -BOOTCOUNT -COUNT=<> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
VCUSTW [-BIO=<filename>] -SMBIOS switch=<string>|<value> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]

SMBIOS switches:
-S[M|P|V|S|K|F] <string> write system mfg|product|version|serial|sku number|family string
-C[M|V|S|A] <string> write chassis mfg|version|serial|asset string
-CT <byte> write chassis type byte (01h-1Dh)
-OEM[1-255] <string> write an individual OEM String


Syntax entry is not case sensitive.

Categories and Switches:
-CONFIG and its switches -UQI and -VALUE
Installs BIOS setting value to a target system.

Syntax: VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -CONFIG -UQI=<> -VALUE=<> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]

Note: To get the UQI and options of a setting, first generate the report file in GUI for the target BIOS and use the same for
customization in VCUST(W). Also, VCUST(W) will not validate the provided UQIs and values for the settings, so always use report file
to get the UQI and value options of a setting for successful update in BIOS.

Steps to generate report file in GUI:

1. Launch ITK 5.0 UI
2. Open the target BIOS which is going to be customize
3. Go to Tools --> Generate Report and save the report file
4. Open the saved report file and get the UQI and value options of the settings that are going to be customized

Sample BIOS settings types in a report file generated through GUI

[0631] - ONE_OF

Under-Voltage Threshold
Defines the voltage at or below which run-time applications can generate an alert.
14000 : 14.000
13900 : 13.900
13800 : 13.800
10300 : 10.300
10200 : 10.200
10100 : 10.100
10000 : 10.000
Here UQI is 0631 and the valid value options are the one present in the left hand side of colon : marked as blue color (i.e., -
uqi=0631 and -val=13800)


Boot Device Priority

Select the order for boot devices by category.
2 : Optical Drives
4 : Removable Drive
1 : Hard Disk Drives
3 : Network
Here, UQI is 0079 and value options are 2, 4, 1 and 3 (i.e., -uqi=0079 and -val=4,2,3,1)

[0617] - NUMERIC

Under-Speed Threshold
Sets a threshold to allow an alert to be generated if speed in RPM goes below the set value. A monitoring utility is
required to see this alert.
Minimum Value : 0
Maximum Value : 65535
Here, UQI is 0617 and value option is 0 to 65535 (value option should be decimal and within the limit to avoid unexpected
behaviors, e.g., if user wants to install 255 value for this type of setting, then the value option should be 255 i.e., -uqi=0617
and -val=255)

[07ad] - CHECK BOX

Enables or Disables Onboard Audio.
0 : Disable
1 : Enable
Here, UQI is 07ad and value options are 0 or 1
For ONE_OF BIOS setting,
VCUST(W) -CONFIG -UQI=0631 -VALUE=13800 -applyqueue


VCUST(W) -CONFIG -UQI=0079 -VALUE=4,1,3,2
VCUST(W) -CONFIG -UQI=0079 -VALUE=4,1,3,2
VCUST(W) -CONFIG -UQI=0079 -VALUE=4,1,3,2 -applyqueue

For NUMERIC BIOS setting,

VCUST(W) -CONFIG -UQI=0617 -VALUE=255 -applyqueue

For CHECK BOX BIOS setting,

VCUST(W) -CONFIG -UQI=07ad -VALUE=0 -applyqueue

-SMBIOS or -SMB and its switches -S[M|P|V|S|K|F] <string>, -C[M|V|S|A] <string>, -CT <byte>, -OEM[1-255] <string>
Installs SMBIOS values to a target system, and OEM x entries should be given in consecutive order.

Syntax: VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -SMBIOS switch=<string>|<value> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]

SMBIOS switches:
-S[M|P|V|S|K|F] <string> write system mfg|product|version|serial|sku number|family string
-C[M|V|S|A] <string> write chassis mfg|version|serial|asset string
-CT <byte> write chassis type byte (01h-1Dh)
-OEM[1-255] <string> write an individual OEM String
Examples: VCUST(W) -SMBIOS -SM=Intel
VCUST(W) -SMBIOS -CM=Chassis_ma -applyqueue
VCUST(W) -SMBIOS -OEM1=Intel_board
Note: As per the above examples, use other SMBIOS switches like -SP, -SV, -SK, -SF, -CV, -CS, -CA etc., for all
SMBIOS customizations.

-OA3 (PE or Windows only) and its switches -OEMID or -OEM, -TABLEID or -TAB, -OAData or -OAD and -OAClear or -OAC
Updates OA3 data or clears OA3 data to a target system

Syntax: VCUSTW -OA3 -OEMID=<oemid> -TABLEID=<tableid> -OAData=<filename> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-

APPLYQUEUE] Only for PE or Windows
VCUSTW [-BIO=<filename>] -OA3 -OAClear [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE] Only for PE or Windows
Examples: VCUSTW -OA3 -OEMID=abc123 -TABLEID=xyzabc12 -OAData=OAdatafile.bin
VCUSTW -OA3 -OEMID=abc123 -TABLEID=xyzabc12 -OAData=OAdatafile.bin -
VCUSTW -OA3 -OAClear -applyqueue

-BOOTCOUNT or -BOO and its switch -COUNT or -COU

Sets boot count values to a target system upon customization update

Syntax: VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -BOOTCOUNT -COUNT=<> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]

VCUST(W) -BOOTCOUNT -COUNT=3 -applyqueue
-BIO switch
Updates/flashes the BIO to a target system

Syntax: VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -OA3 -OEMID=<oemid> -TABLEID=<tableid> -OAData=<filename> [-

QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE] - Only for PE or Windows
VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -OA3 -OAClear [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE] - Only for PE or Windows
VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -CONFIG -UQI=<> -VALUE=<> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -BOOTCOUNT -COUNT=<> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -SMBIOS switch=<string>|<value> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
Examples: VCUST(W)
VCUST(W) -CONFIG -UQI=007e -VALUE=1 -applyqueue

-QUEUE or -QUE switch

Creates queue file for adding the customizations data and also appends the data if same queue file is used in the command line
argument. This -queue switch is used to customize more than one BIOS settings, SMBIOS values, OA3, BOOTCOUNT through
queue file.

Syntax: VCUSTW [-BIO=<filename>] -OA3 -OEMID=<oemid> -TABLEID=<tableid> -OAData=<filename> [-

QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE] - Only for PE or Windows
VCUSTW [-BIO=<filename>] -OA3 -OAClear [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE] - Only for PE or Windows
VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -CONFIG -UQI=<> -VALUE=<> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -BOOTCOUNT -COUNT=<> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -SMBIOS switch=<string>|<value> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
Examples: VCUST(W) -CONFIG -UQI=007e -VALUE=1
VCUST(W) -CONFIG -UQI=07ad -VALUE=0 -applyqueue
VCUST(W) -SMBIOS -SF=H77 -applyqueue
VCUST(W) -BOOTCOUNT -COUNT=3 -applyqueue
VCUSTW -OA3 -OEMID=abc123 -TABLEID=xyzabc12 -OAData=OAdatafile.bin -
applyqueue Only for PE or Windows

-APPLYQUEUE or -APP switch

Applies customizations through the BIO file to a target system.

Syntax: VCUSTW [-BIO=<filename>] -OA3 -OEMID=<oemid> -TABLEID=<tableid> -OAData=<filename> [-

QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE] - Only for PE or Windows
VCUSTW [-BIO=<filename>] -OA3 -OAClear [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE] - Only for PE or Windows
VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -CONFIG -UQI=<> -VALUE=<> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -BOOTCOUNT -COUNT=<> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
VCUST(W) [-BIO=<filename>] -SMBIOS switch=<string>|<value> [-QUEUE=<filename>] [-APPLYQUEUE]
Examples: VCUST(W) -CONFIG -UQI=007e -VALUE=1 -applyqueue
VCUST(W) -SMBIOS -SM=Intel -applyqueue
VCUST(W) -BOOTCOUNT -COUNT=3 -applyqueue
VCUSTW -OA3 -OEMID=abc123 -TABLEID=xyzabc12 -OAData=OAdatafile.bin -
applyqueue Only for PE or Windows

Note: For every customizations through VCUST(W), a temp file will be created in the current working path. VCUSTW will
extract the resource files (*.sys driver files and *.dll files) in the current working path, so if the resource files are already present it will be
overwritten. For Windows x64 bit supported OSes, both VCUSTW.exe and VCUSTW64.exe can be used to configure the settings and
for Windows x64 bit PEs only VCUSTW64.exe can be used to configure the settings.

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