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World History

Mr. McNamara/Mr. McGarry

Age of Exploration
Discovery Debate


Directions: We will split the class in half and conduct a courtroom trial
answering the question: Who discovered America: Columbus or Leif
Erikson? The roles will be the following?
1 Judge
1 Lead attorney for Columbus
1 Second chair attorney for Columbus
2 advising attorneys for Columbus
1 Lead attorney for Leif Erikson
1 Second chair attorney for Leif Erikson
2 advising attorneys for Leif Erikson
2 Bailiffs
1 Court Reporter
12 Jurors
1 Columbus
1 Leif Erikson

After being assigned your role, you must research first and devise a plan
second with your team (ex. First attorney, second attorney, 2 advising
attorneys, Columbus) to prove you are the real discoverer of America.
Physical evidence such as maps, textbooks, testimony, quotes etc. are
encouraged. Devise a line of questioning to introduce your evidence and
convince the 12 jurors that your case is best. Additionally, please prepare to
anticipate and discount the evidence of the other side during cross-

After determining roles, you will have the rest of today (Tuesday) and all
day Wednesday and Thursday to prepare you case. Trial begins and ends
Friday. You will be graded on your level of preparation, effectiveness in your
role, accuracy of your information, as well as behavior throughout the trial
(stay on task). This will be a project grade.

Research is key. You must know the stories of both explorers inside and out
to prove or discount the other side.
Jurors and court officials will meet separately to discuss roles and be
provided reading to outline their responsibilities.

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