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January 11

We worked on writing about our Reading Goals from last semester and and reflecting on
what we will read this semester. For example if someone started reading a series last
semester and didnt finish it a goal this semester could be to finish it. Then we started to
annotate and annotated a text.

January 17 & 18
Today we reviewed the articles we read and discussed it as a class. Then we continued
an activity within our table groups and worked on our first learning log of the semester.
We also read independently for 30 minutes and then predicted and started annotating for
the articles OTK and P and JDDLS.

January 23-25, 27
We went over Learning Log #1 and worked on it. Then we read an article for the Socratic
Seminar as well as preparing ourselves with notes and everything. Friday was a writing
day so we either worked on last/final preparation for the SS or worked on the writing

January 30, 31; February 1-3

Last minute preparations for SS. Started writing SS reflection. Went over Learning Log
#2 and started it.

February 6-8, 10
Worked on outlining essay. Finishing SS reflection and LL#2. Friday we worked on
revising our essays and continued working with LL#2.

February 13-15, 17
Worked on Final Draft for essay. Then added more to Informal Reflections. Worked on
Mapping evidence and trying to finish it.

February 22-24
Reading outside of class. Reflections on Ethos, Pathos, and Logos and finishing it.

February 27-28 & March 1-3

Read outside of class. Went over LL#3 and started it.

March 6-8 & 10

Working on LL#3. Starting Author dialogue conversation. Brainstorming for Writing Task.
Drafting writing and working on writing samples.

March 13-17
Read outside of class. Work on writing assignment.
March 20-24
Read outside of class. Started reading 1984 in class. Finished Chapter 1 questions.
Friday read chapters 2-4 and answering questions.

April 3-7
Reading 1984 and finishing chapters 5-6. The Principles of Newspeak questions. Went
over and started Learning Log #4.

April 10-12
Read 1984. Answered questions for part 2 chapter 1. Then read chapters 4-5 and
answered questions for part 2. Read and annotated chapters 6-7 of part 2.

April 17-21
Finished reading part 2. Started part 3.

April 24-28
Finish reading through part 3 and answering questions. Began organizing for SS.

May 1-5
Read outside of class. Prepare for SS. Work on Writing Samples. Went over LL#6 and
worked on it. Started brainstorming thesis for draft of SS essay.

May 8-12
Read outside of class. Work on finishing rough draft. Work on final draft. Brainstorm for
final about Anit-Bullying guide.

May 15-19
Got into groups for final. Went through reader to pick articles to read and annotate.
Discussed in group about individual articles and took notes. Planned interviews for
following week.

May 22-26
Worked on interviews. Discussed and planned what will be included. Made document for
the guide. Organized the parts and what will be in each.

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