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The Day My Patient Died

(Narrative Essay)

I see him lie down on a crisp, white hospital bed. Hes very emaciated, and hes about 6
feet tall. He has gray silky hair and has a very lively expression on his face. His skin is full of
wrinkles like the map of his life. He has blue eyes that looked like the summer sky.

Attached to him is an equipment that monitors his heartbeat. Beep.BeepBeep

The sound that signals his stable pulse rate. His heart needs to be monitored because its already
failing. He cannot stand up on his own. He is very weak. Hes bed-ridden but he has always been
an optimistic person.

Good morning to my favorite nurse, he said in a very jovial manner. He never fails to
say that to me every time I enter his room. Then I pulled out my BP apparatus and took his blood
pressure and the rest of his vital signs. I have been taking care of him for more than a month
now, and my shift will never be complete if I dont see his blissful face.

One afternoon, I entered his room. His son was looking at me with a desolate expression
on his face. I looked at him, still lying down on his bed. I could see he was struggling hard to
breathe. I can see his chest slowly rising and slowly falling. He was gasping associated with
shallow breaths. I immediately reached for my BP apparatus and tried to get his blood pressure
but no avail. His pupils were fixed. He could no longer respond every time I call his name.
Panicked, I called the resident doctor.

Code 99 to 2A station. Code 99 to 2A station, the announcement resonated all

throughout the hospital. We did our best to resuscitate him but he was already lifeless. He was
very pale. His skin was cold and clammy. I tried to get his pulse but I can no longer feel it.

BeepBeepBeeeeeeeeeeeep and his pulse went flat.

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