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Protacio 1

Niko Protacio

Ms Saravia

English 11

9 March 2017

Part 1 : Cruel and Usual Punishment

Cruel and Usual Punishment by Nonie Darwish a book about her life living thirty years in

a majority Muslim nation. Some cool facts about Nonie Darwish was her dad serve as

commander of the Egyptian Army Intelligence in Gaza. He was unfortunately killed by a mail

bombed. This tragic story would inspire Nonie to be against Israel political side as one of the

commanders ask one of Nonies siblings "Which one of you will avenge your father's death by

killing Jews?" This quote changed Nonie aspect of Israel religious views and what they believe

in general. After the death of her father her family would move to Cairo, where she attended

Catholic high school and then the American University of Cario.

Summary of Cruel and Usual Punishments. You will find that in the Islamic law A

woman can be beaten for talking to men who are not her relatives and flogged for not wearing a

headdress. Daughters, sisters, and wives can be legally killed by the men in their family. Non-

Muslims can be beheaded, and their Muslim killers will not receive the death penalty. Certain

kinds of child molestation are allowed. Also that husband of a "rebellious" wife can deny her

medical care or place her under house arrest.

The main point of Cruel and Usual Punishment is to show how messed up the Islamic

Laws are. You have women and children being beat to death. There is a right for a person to kill

someone as an act of Revenge. Nonie Darwish grew up living in this environment, she's trying
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to show what she had to go through and she wants to put a stop in these ruthless laws. She is

trying to call for help or maybe get people's attention on what is happening in certain areas.

My reaction to this book is very shocking. There is a part of the book that says a women

got raped by 3 or 4 men and the women was accused because she did not have her Veil on her.

The men walked free but the women who got raped was punished. I did enjoy reading this book

because it showed me what is happening in different places. You learn stuff every day.

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