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Way of Life:


The physical body houses the mind and the soul of a person and goes through
various changes starting from birth till death. It is with the help of the body we
see, hear, feel, move, taste and smell. In short, our body enables us to enjoy all
the wonderful aspects of nature and our surroundings.


Soul can be described as an essence of life, because of which we are alive. In

simple words, a body gets its identity, personality, will, emotions, desire,
intelligence, speech, thought, hearing, sight and movement only with the help of
a soul, without a soul a body is a mere lifeless exterior. Irrespective of all beliefs
and religions, everyone accepts the views on rebirth or reincarnation.


According to Jeevanacharya shri kumaran swami gurujee, mind is where

emotions, consciousness, and memories, judgmental and thinking abilities are
created and are unique to each and every person while brain is considered as a
physical entity inside our body that is controlled by the mind.

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