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Chapter 1: Evolution

Upon reading the first chapter of the book, The Seat of the Soul which was
all about evolution, I was enlightened about the real meaning of the soul. This
enabled me to conceptualized and internalized the true value of life. Not just
physically but as well as emotionally and spiritually.
The first chapter emphasized on the process of evolution not as what we’ve
known it, but as what we should have perceived it. This evolutionary process
paved to my understanding that in every experience that I have and will have in
the entirety of my life encourages the alignment of my personality with my soul.
My deeper perception of evolution tells me that a truly evolved being is
one that values others more than it values itself, and that values love more than it
values the physical world and what is in it. That I should start thinking and
responding not by five-sensory perception but as multi-sensory human being.
That I should view everyone from a multidimensional perspective considering
everyone’s personality, purpose as well as the context influencing it. Thus, a
holistic approach to every significance and experiences in life is really a must in
aligning the experiential entirety of existence to the soul, the body and
I’ve realized that all these pain that I’ve been dealing with all this time have
a purpose to my soul. And that I should be grateful for this painful experience of
overwhelmed because it gives me an opportunity to challenge it and experience it
consciously and move beyond it.
This death of an old and the birth of the new consciousness, the
disintegration of the old ways of being and old ways of doing causes an
emergence of a new way of being and doings. Now I believe this is what evolution
truly means.

Chapter 2: Karma
Karma is necessary in comprehending what evolution is. Karma allows us to
experience ourselves more than just being the mind and the body.
The common notion I have about karma is something negative which I
admit, that I really greatly misunderstood. I seem to understand it in a negative
state. We say oh it is Karma! But, the Law of Karma is as simple ‘As you SOW, so
shall you REAP’. Which, in practical terms mean, if I sow good actions, thoughts,
word (seeds) then I reap the reward of that goodness. If I sow bad actions,
thoughts, or words then I will have to pay for that.
Zukav’s perfect application of Newton’s third law of motion in our lives,
states that, in every action that we make there’s always an equal and opposite
reaction to it. I’m the only one should be held responsible for my actions, my
thoughts and my words. What I did yesterday affects me today. So as what I do
today influences my future. I am completely responsible for every state of my life.
I am, because I am the one who plays the role, the actor of my own story
Therefore, with this understanding, I sow new, good, clean, positive thoughts and
do elevated actions, so I reap the reward of my good actions.
Chapter 3: Reverence
Reverence begins in a deep understanding of human limitations, from this
grows the capacity to respect of whatever we believe: God, truth, justice, nature,
even death that lies beyond the control of external power. Reverence is
perceiving beyond the shell of appearance and into the essence. It is essence to
essence experience. Heart to heart. Spirit to spirit. Soul to soul. A key to Authentic
Living with reverence is an everyday challenge for all of us. It is so tempting
to view our relationships with others in terms of how much we can get out of
them, how useful they can be to us. When in business we look only at profit
margins, with little concern for people, there is no reverence there. When we
overpower the people with whom we live with our words and fail to listen to
them, there is a lack of reverence. When we think that what we do to our bodies
and what we do with our bodies is just our own private business, we have missed
out on the meaning of reverence. When we stereotype all of the poor as
parasites, we have lost a sense of reverence. When we ignore the sanctity of the
life of another human being, whether it is a child in the womb or a person on
death row, the virtue of reverence is missing. When we fail to appreciate the
many gifts God has given us, including the gift of this earth, there is no reverence.
To live in reverence means to view life in multi-sensory perspective.
Reverence enables us to respect and appreciate God, other people, and
ourselves. This leads us to look at another person not as someone who can be
useful to me, but as someone who deserves my respect. That other person is a
mystery who stands before me, one who needs to be listened to, to be honored
and respected even if I disagree with him or her. To live in reverence entails a
particular approach to the gift of time, neither wasting time as if it had no
meaning, nor rushing from one thing to the next. Reverence enables us to
recognize particular moments in life that invite special attention and stepping
back, like birth, death, pain, commitment, loss, victory. Reverence moves us to
reflect on our patterns of consumption: to take what we need but not to live as if
the whole world belonged to us or our worth were determined by how much we
own. Reverence means that we learn to respect and appreciate ourselves, our
intellect, our spirits, our bodies. To live in reverence means cultivating a sense of
God’s presence, an awareness that God is with me at every moment and that he
comes to meet me in the ordinary circumstances of my life.  Reverence gives birth
to hope, because it is based on a power greater than ourselves, the authentic
Chapter 4: Heart
The heart is necessary fragment of the soul. The heart that Zukav was
referring to is the most healthy, grounded, vital, constructive, and loving part of
ourselves. Without the heart it is not possible for us to achieve authentic power,
to give the gifts that we were born to give, to evolve individually and to evolved
as entire species.
Zukav’s concept of heart is something completely new in human
experience. There is nothing in the theory of survival that refers to the heart.
Neither in our old understanding of power that has the ability to manipulate and
control which has something to do with the heart. That is because this theory of
evolution by survival of the fittest and this understanding of power that has the
ability to control are both products of five-sensory species that was limited in its
perception to what we can see, hear, taste, touch and smell. But multisensory
perception is now taking us beyond that.
The higher order of logic and understanding that is necessary to
meaningfully reflect the existence and evolution of the soul comes from the
heart. Therefore, requires an attention to feelings. In other words, emotions are
very important to our evolution now. Without awareness of our emotions we
cannot understand their causes and effect. Without awareness of our emotions
we cannot distinguished within ourselves that which comes from our personality
or that which comes from our soul. These emotions within me that is painful to
experience such as anger, resentment, judgement, rage, inferiority, superiority,
came from my personality. When I look at my body, when I become aware of the
emotions that’s in me, then I will find that these emotions came with painful
physical sensations that mask for a moment. When I look inside of myself at my
loving emotions such as gratitude, appreciation, caring, contentment, in all of life
in the universe. I will find beneath them physical sensations that are blissful, that
feel wonderful, that feel good. And all of these show me my soul. These put me in
touch with my soul. So, without awareness of my emotions I’m adrift. I don’t
know what is coming from my personality and will create painfully, if I act on it.
And what is coming into my soul and will create constructively, if I act on it.
It’s the awareness of my emotions and the courage to become aware of it
that enables me to see the powerful dynamics that generates it and that shows
me the consequences of what I will create if I act on them.
The heart is at the center of all that we must become. In order to reach our
full potential and to give the gifts that we would want to give.
The heart includes. it shows us opportunities. It leads us to health but it is
up to us to follow it to the evolutionary journey. The future of the heart. The
future of the intentions of the soul, Love.
Chapter 5: Intuition
The Fifth chapter, talks about the intuition. Which lies at the very heart of
multisensory perception. Intuition is unfathomable. Since it enables the humanity
to be more than five-sensory human being. Our intuition permits us to
communicate with wisdom and compassion that is beyond what we can give to
one another. Intuition consents us to speak with our nonphysical intelligence as
well as wisdom which could either be our soul. This communication between our
personality and our soul It is what we call the higher self-experience.
Intuition also sets us to communicate with souls that are in advanced in
our own. Multisensory perception is expanding our awareness in previously
unthinkable ways. Because intuition itself isn’t thought, it isn’t analyzed, but is
deduce and conclude.
Intuition is the sensory system or sensory capability that allows a
personality to know more than what the five senses can tell. Until one became a
multisensory, intuition is a curiosity. Intuition plays a vital role as the essence of
the primary decision-making faculty and intellect. It serves the heart as well as it
gives awareness.
Following my own intuition paved a way in understanding myself, reflecting
entirely the concept of self-awareness. This discovery taught me that being
sensible and mindful in every decision I make and every action I take is really a
must to attaining authentic power.

Chapter 6: Light
Light dispels the darkness.  Scientifically speaking, we know that light and
dark are not opposing forces; rather, dark is the absence of light.  And when light
enters in, the darkness is no more. We fall into doubt, confusion, fear and despair
when Mercy is absent.  In this case, we are left in utter darkness where the filth of
sin can reign.  But God desires to bring the light of His Mercy.  When this happens,
and when we open our souls to this gift, the darkness of doubt, confusion, fear
and despair vanish.  They cannot remain where the Light of Mercy resides.
Non-Physical Light is instantaneous. Physical Light on the other hand can’t
go very far and very fast. It is limited to the domain of the five senses, to the
domain of time, space, matter and duality. The physical light takes time, it’s
relatively slow. And is way become multisensory we began to understand and to
experience in ways that are meaningful to us that the entirety of physical reality.
The domain of five senses is not the entirety of reality. It is not the universe. The
physical universe is our earth school. The universe is unfathomably huge that has
no limit at all.

Chapter 7: Intention I
Chapter 8: Intention II
Chapter 9: Choice
Chapter 10: Addiction
Chapter 11: Relationships
Chapter 12: Souls
Chapter 13: Psychology
Chapter 14: Illusion
Chapter 15: Power
Chapter 16: Trust

Just like Zukav’s analogy, in the interview with Oprah, of the Mother ship as the
soul and the little boats as personalities, the mother ship or the soul knows where
all the personalities are going and sets the direction for all those ships to sail. But
the s

The intellect cannot grasp what multisensory perception is allowing us to

experience. It cannot grasp the soul. It cannot grasp the living dynamic that is our
essence that evolves in an eternity without time. The evolution without time is
simply nonsensical and absurd for the intellect. And yet much of your life is
becoming and will become that which your intellect cannot understand. That
doesn’t mean that our intellect is obsolete. We still use it to send email, we still
use it to remember our zip code, we still use it to organize our life according to
our schedule. But our intellect can no longer address the fundamental questions
in our life. In fact, it never has been able to do that but now that limitation is
becoming apparent in every way. Therefore, the time has come for a higher order
of logic and understanding. The logic and understanding that we have now comes
from the intellect.

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