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Records of the Western Australum Museulll Supplement No. 57: 37-53 (1999).

A new genus of fossil coelacanth (Osteichthyes: Coelacanthiformes)

from the Middle Devonian of southeastern Australia

John A. Long
Western Australian Museum, Francis St, Perth, WA 6000;

Abstract A new primitive coelacanth Gavinia syntrips gen. et sp. nov., is

described from the upper Middle Devonian Mt Howitt site, central Victoria.
The genus is based on a partial skull, complete caudal fin and distal section of
trunk and median fins, some isolated scales, and indeterminate remains. It is
regarded as the most primitive member of the Coelacanthiformes because it
has a very long dentary bone, approximately 36% of the lower jaw length, a
relatively elongate cheek region, and coarsely omamented scales. It retains
the basic coelacanthiform synapomorphies of having a tandem double lower
jaw joint; broad-headed, short hyomandibular; large, deep operculum; and a
rostra I organ denoted by the large pore system in the snout bones. Isolated
coelacanth remains from the Pambula River site, New South Wales, are also
referred to Gavinia sp. indet. A provisional phylogenetic analysis places
Gavinia as the plesiomorphic sister taxon to all other Coelacanthiformes
(Actinistia), and this suggests a possible origin for the c1ade in eastern

INTRODUCTION and this material is currently under study by Or

The Mt Howitt fauna, from central Victoria Alex Ritchie.
(Figure 1), contains a diverse assemblage of fishes The Mt Howitt fauna also contains several
preserved in finely-laminated black lacustrine primitive teleostomes, namely the acanthodians
shales of the Avon River Group. The depositional Culmacanthus stewarti Long, 1983b and
environment has been interpreted as part of an Howittacanthus kentoni Long, 1986, and the
intramontane basinal setting in which lakes were palaeoniscoid Howqualepis rostridens Long, 1988.
periodically formed by damming of the high energy Sarcopterygians are represented by the fleurantiid
drainage system by acid lava flows and ignimbritic lungfishes Howidipterus donnae Long, 1992 and
eruptions (Long 1982). The fish fauna is well- Barwickia downunda Long, 1992 (Long 1993), and the
preserved, represented by mostly complete osteolepiforms Marsdenichthys longioccipitus Long,
individuals in all stages of growth, indicating that 1985 and Beelarongia patrichae Long, 1987, plus the
mass kill was most likely a randomly generated, new coelacanthiform described herein.
but geologically regular event. Marsdenichthys was first referred to the
The fauna is dominated by several species of Tristichopteridae (= Eusthenopteridae) by Long
placoderms. Long (1983a) and Long and Werdelin (1985) but since then new material has been found
(1986) described three species of the antiarch that has been studied by the author and Or Oleg
Bothriolepis from the Mt Howitt sites (B. Lebedev, from the Palaeontological Institute of
gippslandiensis, B. cullodenensis, B. fergllsoni) and a Moscow. We now regard it as possibly a primitive
fourth species (B. bindareei) from a nearby road member of the family Rhizodopsidae, due to its
cutting. Long (1984) described two species of the intricate scale ornamentation. Beelarongia has been
phyllolepid arthrodire Austrophyllolepis (A. ritchiei referred to the new family Canowindridae by
and A. YOlwgi). I consider now that there may only Young et al. (1992). In addition, a glyptolepid
be one species of phyllolepid present, as porolepiform may also be present in the fauna,
deformation of the strata can account for the based on isolated scales and a partial body showing
distortion of plate measurements that separate the a long, lobed pectoral fin and broad cleithrum.
two originally named species. However, despite However, as the scales of this form are easily
this, there are still three distinct species of distinguished from those of Gavinia gen. nov., the
Bothriolepis present in the Mt Howitt faunas: the isolated tail described herein is clearly attributed to
low-erested B. gippslandiensis, the high-crested B. Gavinia gen. novo rather than the glyptolepid. The
cllllodenensis and the non-crested B. fergllsoni. Only sarcopterygian fauna present at Mt Howitt is
one species of Groenlandaspis appears to be present, entirely endemic at the generic leveL
I.A. Long

fossil fish

Early Carboniferous
Middle-Late Devo nian
Dvo lcan ics
k<d sediments
30 km
Figure 1 Locality map showin g Mt Howitt in its geological setting.

In additio n to the articul ated coelaca nth remain s group, as the vitally import ant feature s of early
of Gavinia gen. novo from Mt Howitt , an isolate d coelaca nths are related to their cranial propor tions,
bone and scale of a similar coelaca nth is describ ed such as the relative size of lower jaw bones to total
from the Pambu la River site, of probab le early- jaw length, skull table bones and propor tions, and
middle Givetia n age, estima ted to be slightly older cheek length, as will be shown in the discuss ion
than the Mt Howit t site by correla tion with the below. A newly discov ered coelac anth from the
Aztec Siltstone fauna of Antarc tica (Young 1983, Late Givetia n Gauja Forma tion of Latvia is curren tly
1993; Turner 1997). under study by Or Per Ahlber g, and Or Ervins
Coelac anths are known from few other Oevon ian Lukse vics and colleag ues. Know n from well-
deposit s, all of which fall within the latest Givetia n preserv ed three-d imensi onal materia l, it is said to
to Famen nian age range. Cloutie r (1991) review ed be of similar primiti ve organiz ation to Migllashaia,
Palaeo zoic coelaca nth occurre nces and recogn ized a but further compa risons with the new materi al
numbe r of synapo morph ies that define the group. describ ed herein must wait until the Latvian genus
Figure 2 shows all the major occurr ences of is fully describ ed (P.E. Ahlber g pers. comm. 1998).
Oevon ian coelaca nths in order of age (except for Thus, the earlies t coelaca nths which offer useful
some of the indeter minate forms noted by Cloutier). inform ation on the nature of the primiti ve membe rs
The coelac anth most often cited in the recent of the group are Migllashaia bllreaui Schultze, 1973
literatu re as being the oldest membe r of the group from the Frasnia n Escum inac Forma tion of Canad a,
is Euporosteus eifeliensis ]aecke l, 1927, from the Diplocercides spp. Stensi o, 1937 and Nesides?
Crinoid mergel of Germa ny, now consid ered to be heiligenstockiensis lessen , 1966, from the Upper
late Givetia n in age (Schultze 1993; Schultz e and Frasnia n of Germa ny and the Middle Frasnia n of
Cloutie r 1996). This specim en is represe nted by a Iran (Janvie r and Martin 1979). The new form
single ethmo sphen oid, which gives no clear describ ed from Mt Howitt is either a contem porary
indicat ion of its degree of plesiom orphy within the of, or older than, the previo usly oldest known
New Devonian coelacanth from southeastern Australia 39

Gondwana Euramerlca
Z c: I gen. Indet. Chagrlnla

-Z -
et ea
South Africa I United States
0 E
C Dlplocercldes spp.,
W c:ea
I- c: - Germany


I Dlplocercldes
Iran Mlguashala

> c: (Mt Howitt)

I Euporosteus

-- I
W ea
C -Cl)
GavlnJa gen. novo

-:E "
C (Pambula River)

Figure 2 Distribution of Devonian coelacanths in time and space. Sources: Stensi6 (1937), Jessen (1966), Janvier and
Martin (1979), Cloutier (1991), Anderson et al. (1994) and Cess and Hiller (1995).

coelacanthiform, Euporosteus eifeliensis, yet despite Mt Howitt fauna is seen by the close phylogenetic
its relative incompleteness, it can be argued that it relationship between the Bothriolepis species (Young
is more primitive than any of the other Late 1988; Johanson and Young this volume), the
Devonian taxa. presence of the endemic acanthodian genus
Clllmacanthus (Long 1983b; Young 1989), and the
possible presence of Austrophyllolepis and
THE AGE OF THE MT HOWITT FAUNA Howidipterus in both faunas.
The age of the Mt Howitt fauna is placed as late Overall these data suggest that the Mt Howitt
Givetian by Young (1993), on the basis of its fauna is, at youngest, late Givetian, making it
stratigraphic position low in the order of fish- approximately contemporaneous with the German
bearing sites in the central Victorian sequence, and site containing Euporosteus; or, maybe older,
from its correlation with the Taggerty site on the perhaps lower or middle Givetian. This would
basis of both containing B. gippslandiensis and imply a slightly older age for the base of the Aztec
Allstrophyllolepis sp. The Taggerty site has a Silstone than first proposed by Young (1988), and
radiometric date on a rhyolite above the fish- correlations between the base of this unit and the
bearing horizon of 367 ± 2 Myr, giving a minimum Hatchery Creek Conglomerate in New South Wales
age of early Frasnian (Williams et al. 1982). The Mt (Eifelian age: Young and Gorter 1981; Young 1993;
Howitt site can also be closely correlated with the Turner 1997) would not seem unreasonable, given
Freestone Creek faunas of east Gippsland, on the the presence in both faunas of similar thelodonts
basis of Bothriolepis cllllodenensis, Culmaclmthlls (Turinia antarctica Turner and Young, 1994, TlIrinia
stewarti, and Allstrophyllolepis sp. Furthermore, the sp. cf. T. hlltkensis), primitive osteolepiforms
recent studies on late Devonian fish sites in New (Beelanmgia patrichae and 'Gyroptyclzills' allstralis
South Wales (Young this volume) also corroborate Young and Gorter, 1981), primitive asterolepidoid
an older age for the Mt Howitt site by and bothriolepidoid antiarchs (Slzerbonaspis hillsi
reassessement of some of the Remigolepis-bearing Young and Gorter, 1981 and Monarolepis verrucosa
sites in New South Wales as being older than Young, 1988) in the Hatchery Creek fauna,
previously thought. The correlation between the top Pal1lblllaspis Young, 1983 in the Aztec Siltstone and
of the Aztec Siltstone fauna of Antarctica and the Pambula River faunas and similar grade
J.A. Long
phlyct aenioi ds (e.g. Denisonostells Young and mandi ble length ; enlarg ed anteri or corono id
Gorter , 1981 from Hatch ery Creek , plus develo ped as a symph ysial tooth whorl; second
undesc ribed forms in the Aztec Siltston e fauna). corono id much larger than anterio r one; elonga te
Turne r (1997) also suppo rted an older age cheek region compo sed mostly of large
assesse ment for the base of the Aztec Silston e, squam osal bone havin g two pit-lin e canal
sugges ting that it could have a maxim um age of groove s; deep large opercu lum which has an
early Eifelian, but a minim um age no older than the antero dorsal margin that is strong ly concav e for
costatus Conod ont Zone (basal Givetia n). Thus the contac t with the squam osal bone; anal fin
latest eviden ce from correla tions with faunas from suppo rted by a broadl y expan ded fin basal;
Antarc tica, and the older age assessm ent of younge r caudal fin hetero cercal with weakly -devel oped
faunas in centra l New South Wales suppo rt a epicer cal lobe; anteri or trunk scales coarse ly
slightly older positio n for the Mt Howitt fauna as omam ented with thicker , slightl y wavy linear
probab ly early to middl e Giveti an age. This ridges in the anterio r third of the expose d scale
hypoth esis is suppor ted by the phylog enetic nature area, and contin uing down the centra l axis of the
of the fauna in contain ing primiti ve membe rs of the scale; about 40-50% of scale area overla pped.
many groups presen t, as outline d above. Anter ior bones of the skull and lower jaw
omam ented with coarse , closely -space d tubercl es;
rest of derma l bones ornam ented with wavy
MATE RIALS AND METH ODS vermif orm ridges.
The materi al is studied by remova l of weathe red
bone from the specim en by weak HCL solutio n, Etymo logy
then making latex casts of the natura l mould to The genus name is for Or Gavin Young , Canber ra,
reveal details of the bones surface s, so no details of in recogn ition of his excelle nt work on fossil fishes.
intern al structu res of the bones or teeth are
availab le. Remar ks
During the course of this study, several specim ens The lower jaw has a denta ry which is
of fossil coelaca nths were examin ed. These include propor tionate ly much longer than that of any
materia l of Migllashaia bureaui held in the Natura l other Oevon ian coelac anth, and a recons tructed
History Museu m, London ; specim ens of Nesides? cheek which is also longer , relativ e to total head
heiligenstockiensis in the collections of the Swedis h length , than that of any other Oevon ian-
Museu m of Natura l History , Stockh olm, specim ens Carbo nifero us coelac anth genus , more
of Nesides sp. from Iran in the Museu m of Natura l appro aching the primit ive sarcop terygi an
History , Paris, and specim ens of an undesc ribed condit ion, as for examp le in Onych odus.
Late Oevon ian coelaca nth held in the collect ions of Furthe rmore, the lateral rostral bone is of similar
the Albany Museu m, Graham stown, South Africa. size to the premax illa, which is unusu al in that it
Institu tional abbrev iations used in this paper are: is genera lly much larger in all post-O evonia n
AGSO, Austra lian Geolog ical Survey Organi sation, coelac anths (e.g. Forey 1981; Lund and Lund
Canbe rra; and NMV, Museu m Victor ia, 1985). Such feature s were regard ed by Clouti er
Melbo ume. (1996) and Clouti er and Ahlbe rg (1996) as
primit ive for coelac anths, based on compa risons
with other basal osteic hthyan s: e.g. the
SYSTE MATIC PALAE ONTO LOGY actinop terygia ns Cheirolepis (Pears on and Westol l
1979) and Howqualepis (Long 1988); the primit ive
Class Osteic hthyes Huxley , 1880 lungfi sh Dipnorhynchus spp. (Camp bell and
Barwi ck 1987); and basal rhipid istian s like
Subcla ss Sarcop terygii Romer , 1955 Gogonasus (Long et al. 1997) and Porolepis (Jarvik
Order Coelac anthifo rmes Cope, 1871 1972). The anteri or trunk scales alone are
distinc tive among st the earlies t actinis tians in
Family Migua shaiida e Schult ze, 1993 having central ly-swo llen wavy ridges surrou nded
by finer, paralle l ridges, differi ng from those in
Gavinia gen. novo Miguashaia which have more overla p area on the
equiva lent scales (60-65 %), and distinc tly shorter ,
Type specie s
more robust tubercl es and ridges in the central
Gavinia syntrips sp. novo
region (Clout ier 1996, figure 17A).
The genus is placed within the family
Diagno sis Migua shaiida e Schultz e, 1993 becaus e it shares the
Actinis tian fish having a large, deep premax illa; conditi on of having short, interlo cking lepidot richia,
lateral rostral of equal length to the premax illa; a feature not seen in any other coelaca nths apart
large dentar y appro ximat ely 36-50% total from Miguashaia.
New Devonian coelacanth from southeastern Australia

facet for
B hyomandibular

nasal bones?
hyomandibular canal
sensory-line ceratobranchials
cheek plate
glenoid fossa quadrate
retroarticular process -1 cm

Figure 3 Gavinia syntrips gen. et sp. novo holotype NMV P160710. A, crushed head in left lateral view, latex cast of
natural mould whitened with ammonium chloride. B, sketch interpretation of same specimen.
J.A. Long
Gavinia syntrips sp. novo the postpa rietal shield was not separa ted from the
Figures 3-10 cheek unit by a gap as in Miguashaia (Cloutier 1996,
a coelaca nth ... Mt Howitt .. : Long 1991: 390. figure 5; Figure 12), but was like the majority of
coelacanths in this respect.
Actinis tian (from Mt Howitt): Young et al. 1993: 249. Anothe r small part of the skull roof is preserv ed
Materi al Exami ned dorsal to the facet for the hyoma ndibul ar. Two
sections of bone omame nted with coarse tubercles
Holotype probab ly repres ent the juncti on betwe en the
NMV P160710, a crushe d head showi ng the interte mpora l and suprat empor al bones. If this
cheek, lower jaws, part of the snout, quadra te, interpr etation is correct then Gavinia gen. novo
opercu lum, hyoma ndibul ar, parts of the hyoid arch, shares an interte mporal as a primiti ve feature with
and some anterio r trunk scales (Figures 3-6). Miguashaia and some of the Bear Gulch coelacanths
(Lund and Lund 1985).
Other Material
NMV P160709, large tail in part and counte rpart Cheek
(Figures 8-10). A large area of omam ented bone can be seen
immed iately above the palato quadra te and dorsal
Type Locality and Horizo n to the upper margin of the lower jaw. This large
Lower mudsto ne unit of the Avon River Group , sheet of derma l bone lies above the
outcro pping on the fork of the Howqu a River at the palatoq uadrat e, the latter being clearly denote d by
base of Mt Howit t, centra l easter n Victor ia. the double condyl es of the quadra te abuttin g the
Probab ly middle Giveti an in age, as discus sed lower jaw, and the protru ding autopa latine
above. The large tail came from the snig track divisio n at the front. Thus the relatio nship of the
(locality T). derma l cheek bones to the size of the
palato quadra te is clearly establi shed. As the end
Diagno sis of the preope rcular sensor y-line canal finishes a
As for genus. long distanc e away from the beginn ing of the
mandi bular sensory -line canal on the lower jaw, it
Etymo logy would appear that the interve ning derma l bone,
After "Syntr ips", the smash er, in Greek the preope rcular, has been displac ed ventra lly,
mytho logy, one who broke pots in the kitchen , and is missin g from the specim en.
alludin g to the smashe d condition of the skull; noun The centre of the dermal cheek bone has a sinuou s
in apposition. sensor y-line canal, here in terpet ed as the
preope rcular sensory-line canal (Figure 3), and with
two clear pit-line canals presen t, one dorsal to the
Descri ption
main sensor y line, the squam osal pit-line , and
The head (Figur es 3, 4A, 5-7) is large,
anothe r one ventral to the canal near the contac t
approx imately 15-17 cm in length, and is preserv ed
margin for the (missing) preope rcular. Despit e the
with the thin dermal bones being crushe d down,
overpr inted on top of the neuroc ranium and visceral crushe d nature of the specim en, with several linear
and curved breaka ges presen t, no bone margin s can
skeleton. The cheek region is difficult to interpr et,
be seen and the contin uity of the vermif orm
althoug h most of the skull bones are recognizable,
ornam entatio n across these breaks suppor ts my
includi ng a portion of the otico-occipital region of
interpr etation that they are not bone margin s, but
the brainca se and major elemen ts of the visceral
skeleton, such as the hyoma ndibula r, ceratohyal and represe nt one large bone, here interpr eted as being
the squam osal (but quite possibl y incorp orating the
symplectic. The palatoq uadrate is represe nted by the
quadra tojuga l). The squam osal has little of its
quadra te and autopalatine, from which its overall
margin s well-pr eserved , apart from a short section
shape can be provisionally reconstructed.
of the antero dorsal sloping margin , presum ably
contac ting the jugal bone, and part of the rounde d
Skull Roof poster oventr al corner for contac ting the
Most of the skull roof is not preserv ed, apart from preope rcular.
some edges of derma l bones at the top (dorsal ) The anterio r extrem ity of the cheek is not clear
margin of the specim en (labelled as "skull roof?" in and the squam osal appear s to be covere d by two
Figure 3B). These might be the lateral edges of the smalle r rectan gular bones having a coarse
suprate mpora l or tabular bones, as eviden ced by tubercu lar orname ntation , a feature also seen on the
the presen ce of a sensory-line canal represe nted by anterio r snout bones and the dentary , indicat ing
a linear series of small pores along the edges of the that these elemen ts are from the front part of the
bones. The positio n of this small part of the roof head, possib ly the postor bital and one of the
near the posteri or region of the cheek sugges ts that suprao rbital bones.
New Devoni an coelaca nth from southea stern Austral ia

anterior coronoi d (parasy mphysi al

Figure 4 Gavinia syntrips gen. et sp. novo A, detail of left dentary , premax illa and Pl60710, and are
tooth whorl); cf. Figure3. B, scales posterio r to opercul ar. Both are from the holotyp e NMV
latex casts of natural moulds whitene d with ammon ium chloride .

The postorb ital, if correct ly identif ied, is a deep, of these show large forami na presen t for the rostral
short bone as in Miguashaia. It carries the organ, possib ly indica ting the presen ce of the
infrao rbital sensor y-line canal down from the preorb ital bone. Others are presum ably some of the
dermos phenot ic ('supra orbital ' of Cloutie r 1996). numer ous suprao rbital or nasal bones (Figures 4A,
5) which formed the snout area, as is also seen in
Snout other primiti ve coelaca nths such as Euporosteus
The only discern able bones in the snout (Figures (Stensio 1937) or Hadronector (Lund and Lund 1985).
3, 4A, 5) are the two large premax illae, seen from
both sides in externa l views, and the immed iately Neurocranium
adjacen t bones. Posteri or to the right premax illa is Only small parts of the left side of the otico-
the lateral rostral (Figure 5). Its ventral margin is occipta l divisio n are seen on the main specim en
straigh t, contin uing the biting margin of the (Figur e 3). The articu lation area for the
premax illa, althou gh no teeth are seen on the single hyoma ndibul ar is clearly shown on the latex cast as
specim en. It lacks a strong ventral process as is a large crescen t-shape d area of presum ably non-
found in many of the Bear Gulch coelaca nths (Lund ossified periost eal bone. It is deeply concave for
and Lund 1985) and some other genera , and is of recept ion of the broad, curved head of the
approx imately the same size as the premaxilla. hyoma ndibul ar. The deep groove in the crushe d
The left premax illa (Figure 4A) is seen in positio n bone of the neuroc ranium , immed iately medial to
just dorsal to the anterio r tip of the lower jaw. It is the hyoma ndibul ar facet, is here interpr eted as
higher than long, and has coarse tuberc ular repres enting the tectosy notic fossa of Bjerrin g
orname ntation with a large pit presen t, presum ably (1977). As far as can be seen, the parts of the
for the rostral organ. The teeth are small and neuroc ranium preserv ed appear not unlike that of
curved . I estima te about 6-8 teeth would have been Nesides schmidti Stensio, 1937 as reconst ructed from
presen t. The right premax illa (Figure 5) is seen on a wax serial grindin gs by Bjerring (1977, figures 23,
separa te piece of rock that has most likely come 24).
from the holoty pe specim en, but is no longer joined
to the main skull. It is of similar shape and size to Hyoid arch
the left premax illa. The hyoma ndibul ar and parts of the lower hyoid
Many smalle r bones abut both premax illae. Some arch are seen well-pr eserved in positio n in front of
J.A. Long

B nasal

organ pore


tip of '::"

1 cm
Figure 5 Gavinia syntrips gen. et sp. novo Right side of snout and anterior region of lower jaw, holotype NMV P16071O.
A, latex cast whitened with ammonium chloride; B, sketch interpretation of same.

the opercular and adjacent to the neurocranium

(Figure 3). shaped articulatory area, short main section, and
broad ventral end. It is more elongated than that of
The hyomandibular is a large, broad-headed
Nesides, and in this respect would appear to be more
bone, distinctly like that of Nesides schmidti in
primitive for the group, as in other basal
having an expanded head with wide, crescent-
sarcopterygians the hyomandibular is more

coronoid 1
A tooth whorl

smooth anterior
process for interhyal

Figure 6
-1 cm

A, sketch of left lower jaw of the holotype of Gavinia syntrips gen. et sp. novo B, attempted reconstruction of
the lower jaw. It is not known whether the small sliver of dermal bone posterior to the dentary is a broken
posterior part of the dentary, or an anterior section of the angular.
New Devonian coelacanth from southeastern Australia

Operculunl Squamosal
pit-line ?Intertemporal


~----Lateral Rostral


Stylohyal Angular Palatoquadrate

1 cm Preopercular
- (restored)

Figure 7 Attempted reconstruction of the skull of Gavinia syntrips gen. et sp. novo Restored dermal bones in lighter
stipple; sensory-line canals, palatal and visceral skeleton bones shown in darker, coarse patterns.

elongate (e.g. Ol1ychodus, WAM 92.8.2; Gogonasus, actually a piece broken off the end of the dentary,
Long et al. 1997). The hyomandibular canal for the or whether it is part of the anterior division of the
n. ramus hyomandibularis is clearly seen in the angular (as it is labelled in Figures 58, 6A). The
posterior region of the lower jaw on the holotype
middle of the bone.
There are several other robust, large elements of shows the close association of the quadrate and its
the visceral skeleton preserved immediately condyles, as well as the long retroarticular region
adjacent to the hyomandibular. One of these is with articulation surface for the symplectic. The
particularly broad and flat and is identified as posterior margin is prserved as a blunt, square-cut
possibly being the stylohyal that connects the end of the jaw, as occurs in Nesides and Diplocercides.
ventral end of the hyomandibular with the The angular shows that the mandibular sensory-
interhyal, bracing the lower jaw on the line canal runs in the middle of the bone, closer to
retroarticular process. The other stout, visceral arch the dorsal margin where it exits posterior to the
elements are most likely ceratobranchials of the articulation area for the symplectic. This also occurs
to a lesser degree in the lower jaw of Nesides?
visceral arches.
heiligenstockiensis (Jessen 1966) and the isolated
Middle Frasnian jaw from Iran assigned to
Lower jaw
The anterior and posterior regions of the intact Diplocercides sp. by Janvier and Martin (1979).
left lower jaw are preserved on the holotype The dentary is a straight, deep bone with a
specimen (Figure 3), with the anterior region of the slightly concave scalloped dorsal margin, thick
right lower jaw on the associated fragments, tubercular ornamentation along its outer surface,
assumed to also belong with the holotype (Figure and a short protruding anterior section of meckelian
5). These corroborate the size and shape of the bone for a small symphysial tooth plate, probably
dentary as being a large bone, approximately 36- the modified anterior coronoid. Underneath the
50'';''0 of the jaw length, depending upon whether the dentary on the right side is a small sliver of bone,
small dermal bone at the posterior of the dentary is here interpreted as either part of the front of the
46 J.A. Long

Figure 8 Gavinia syntrips gen. et sp. novo The tail, anal and posterior dorsal fins as preserved from A, the right side,
and B, the left side. NMV P106709. Latex casts whitened with ammonium chloride.
New Devonian coelacanth from southeastern Australia

splenial, or the anterior prominence of the angular. Ope rCllllllll

The prearticular is poorly preserved, apart from The operculum is a very large bone, and most of
the smooth dorsal margin of it which protrudes it is well preserved except for the posteroventral
above the dermal bone of the angular (Egure 6). part of the ventral margin (Figure 3). It is distinct in
There is no distinct dorsal extension of the having a scalloped anterior margin with a well-
prearticular above the angular as occurs in defined notch in the dorsal region which contacted
Migllaslzaia (Cloutier 1996, figure 5) or all of the Bear the cheek. it has gently rounded dorsal and
Gulch taxa (Lund and Lund 1985). posterior margins. Overall its shape can be restored
The anterior two coronoids are preserved in close along the lines of that seen in Oiplocercides, and in
proximity to the front of both dentaries (Figures 4A, this regard differs considerably from that of
5, 6). The anterior-most coronoid bears a row of Migllasllllia. It has three small pits present near the
enlarged teeth forming a small parasymphysial contact with the cheek, as also occurs on the
tooth whorl (Figure 3A shows this clearly), and this operculum of the Mt Howitt dipnoans Howidipterus
bone presumably sat atop the smooth platform of and Barwickia, suggested by Long (1992) as being
bone extending from the front of the dentary for sensory pit clusters.
(Figures 3B, 4A). Both second coronoids are poorly
preserved. From the left specimen it appears to Body and axial skeleton
have relatively large teeth, and is slightly larger The body is known from a large specimen
than the small anterior coronoid tooth whorl. showing the tail and posterior region of the trunk,
The reconstruction of the lower jaw shown in preserved in both part and counterpart (Figures S-
Figure 6B is based on the actual specimen, with the W). The scales on the trunk here precisely match
missing sections restored after other primitive those of the section behind the head (Figure 4B), so
the two specimens are referred to the same species.

.~:---- dorsal fin

~~+;-_ segmented, short


:,.~,-- . ventral hypochordal

lobe of caudal fin


The tail, anal and posterior dorsal fins as shown from the left side, sketched
Figure 9
J.A. Long
hypoch ordal lobe of the caudal fin. The anal fin is
suppor ted by a robust distally -expan ded fin basal,
but the second ary radials are not seen.
The hetero cercal caudal fin is well preser ved
showin g rows of large fin basal elemen ts which
closely match those seen in Miguashaia (Clouti er
1996, figure 16A), as do the short, irregul arly-
shaped , interlo cking lepidot richial segmen ts (Figure
10). The main axis of the tail is straigh t, appear ing
to have been reason ably stiff in life. It has a small
epicho rdal tuft develo ped at the end. There are
about 36--40 rows of lepidot richia in the main lobe
of the ventra l hypoch ordal region. Each row of
lepido trichia meets one caudal fin radial. These
rows branch distall y, a feature otherw ise only
describ ed in Miguashaia.

The scales are best seen near the posteri or end of
Figure 10 Gavinia syntrips gen. et sp. novo Detail of the the skull on the holoty pe (Figure 4B) and on the
right side of the tail, main section of ventral
hypoch ordal lobe, showin g fin base and
trunk near the tail region (Figure 8). They are finely
short, disjoin ted lepidot richia. X2. NMV striated with slightly wavy ridges in the central
P16070 9. Latex cast whiten ed with region, becom ing narrow er and more paralle l-sided
ammon ium chloride. toward s the edges. There are few bifurca tions of
these ridges, of which there may be up to 25 on the
largest scales. The preorn amenta l field on each scale
The specim en shows the poster ior dorsal fin compri ses a zone of short, pointe d tubercles, closely
(Figures 8, 9), which is of similar shape and size as crowde d, which increas e slightly in size toward s
the anal fin, lacking the stiff fin-rays seen in the first the beginn ing of the linear orname ntation .
dorsal fin of most coelaca nths. The posteri or dorsal
fin is slightly more posteri orly positio ned than the
anal fin, but of similar size, and is estima ted to ISOLA TED BONE AND SCALE FROM
contain close to the same numbe r of lepidotrichia. PAMB ULA RIVER
The posteri or dorsal fin basal is not seen. The anal Part of the lower jaw (angula r) and a scale are
fin is positio ned very close to the ventra l here describ ed from the Pambu la River site, near

Figure 11 Gavinia gen. novo species indeterm inate, from the Pambul a River
site, New South Wales (Givetian). A,
isolated scale. B, part of the right angular , Vl564 (AGSO collections).
Latex casts whitene d with ammon ium
New Devonian coelacanth from southeastern Australia 49

Hadronector donbairdi Rhabdoderma elegans

Early Carboniferous Early Carboniferous

... ~." ..

Nesides heiligenstockiensis Miguashaia bureaui

Late Devonian Late Devonian

Gavinia syntrips
Middle Devonian

Onychodus sp.
a primitive sarcopterygian

Figure 12 The heads in lateral view of primitive coelacanths and an onychodontiform sarcopterygian. Gavinia gen.
nov. original; Hadroncctor after Lund and Lund (1985); Mzgllashaia after Cloutier (1996); Nesides
hei,iige'nsfod:lClI'sis is a new reconstruction, modified after Cloutier (1991); OnycllOdlls sp. from Gogo, drawn
from WAM 92.8.2; Rhabdoderma after Forey (1981).
50 J.A. Long

Eden, New South Wales (late Givetian-early and the ventral margin of the lower jaw is relatively
Frasnian age: Young 1993). The scale (Figure llA) straight to convex; and the second group consists of
closely resembles that of Gavinia syntrips in its those like Diplocercides, Nesides, Hadronector,
overall shape, and nature of external Caridosuetor and Allenypterus in which the lower jaw
ornamentation, and is here referred to that species. may be concave along its ventral margin or strongly
However, the lower jaw fragment (Figure lIB) is arches with the dentary inflected strongly away
more difficult to interpret as it is relatively from the angle of the posterodorsal margin of the
incomplete. It appears to be the posterior region of angular (the latter feature being most pronounced
the angular from the right side, as it has the clear in Hadronector). If these observations are any
row of sensory-line canal pores for the mandibular indication of early coelacanthiform phylogenetic
canal and the beginning of an angular pit-line canal trends (reflecting perhaps distinct feeding
groove. There is also a smooth unornamented area adaptations), then it would suggest that Gavinia is
that possibly represents an overlap area for the more akin to the former group.
lateral gular plate. The ornamentation of this bone The shape of the operculum in Gavinia suggests
is very close to the Mt Howitt specimen in that it is closer to Diplocercides than to Miguashaia,
comprising vermiform linear ridges with tubercles. the latter having a relatively smaller operculum,
Not enough of the Mt Howitt specimen is preserved high up on the cheek, and not coming close to the
to allow direct comparisons, so the jaw material ventral margin of the cheek area. In Diplocercides
from Pambula River is only provisionally referred and Nesides, the operculum is very large and
to Gavinia sp., based largely on the similar triangular in form, extending below the ventral
morphology of the scales. margin of the cheek. Although the ventral edge of
the operculum is tentatively restored in Gavinia, it
still shows that this is a very large bone and may
DISCUSSION easily have extended to the ventral margin of the
Phylogenetic position of Gavinia gen. novo Figure 13A shows the latest hypothesis of
The Coelacanthiformes have been defined as a sarcopterygian interrelationships, based on the data
monophyletic group by Forey (1981), Cloutier (1991, matrix analysis using 140 characters (158
1996) and Cloutier and Ahlberg (1996), as they apomorphic character states) by Cloutier and
possess at least 11 synapomorphies. Of these, the Ahlberg (1996). It can be seen from this scheme that
only ones that are seen in Gavinia gen. novo are (1) onychodontids (as known from their relatively
tandem double lower jaw joint, in which the long incomplete data set) are regarded as more derived
retroarticular process of the lower jaw is braced than Coelacanthiformes. Cloutier and Ahlberg
posteriorly behind the quadrate by the long (1996) based this on nine characters but only one
symplectic; (2) pore system in the snout (implying was not subsequently transformed: the presence of
the presence of a rostral organ), and (3) short a surangular in the lower jaw. From this larger
dentary, relative to the total lower jaw length. Of scheme their basal coelacanthiform cladogram
the remaining synapomorphies listed by Cloutier placed Miguashaia as the primitive sister taxon to all
(1996), the loss of the maxilla and absence of a other coelacanthiforms, with Allenypterus being the
surangular are consistent with the known next most primitive form, and Diplocercides spp.
morphology of Gavinia. representing the first node of the base of the more
Gavinia gen. novo shows typically coelacanthiform advanced coelacanthiform groups.
features in its lower jaw structure; complex hyoid Cloutier (1996) united all coelacanthiforms (apart
arch with short, broad hyomandibular; large, deep from Miguashaia) on the basis of the following
operculum; and tail with short, interlocking characters: loss of the intertemporal and
lepidotrichia. Similar linear, vermiform heterocercal type of tail; presence of a subopercular
ornamentation on scales and dermal bones is seen that is longer than deep; a supplementary caudal
in many primitive coelacanths, but also occurs on fin; and having the distal ends of lepidotrichia
the dermal bones of many early actinopterygians branched. Gavinia gen. novo is seen to be as
(e.g. Howqualepis, Long 1988). primitive as Miguashaia in that it appears to have an
In having a relatively long dentary for a intertemporal present, and has a heterocercal tail.
coelacanth, Gavinia is seen to resemble the primitive However, in having a caudal fin with branching
condition seen in other sarcopterygians lepidotrichia and a weakly developed epichordal
(onychodontiforms, porolepiforms, osteolepiforms). lobe (on the dorsal hypochordal division of the
There appear to be two lines of evolution for the caudal fin), it appears to be more derived than
lower jaw in basal coelacanths (Figure 12). The first Miguashaia, according to Cloutier's (1996) analysis.
group contains those like Miguashaia, Rhabdodemza, Gavinia gen. novo shows other features here
Lochmocercus and Polyosteorhynchus (Lund and Lund deemed to be more primitive than Miguashaia in (a)
1985), in which the angular is rounded posteriorly the presence of a relatively longer dentary, (b) lack
New Devonian coelacanth from southeastern Australia

A 1'--_ _ Elpistostegalia

L- Osteolepiformes
L- Rhizodontiformes



L..- Onychodontida

L- Coelacanthiformes

...-_ _ Rhabdoderma
B Other coelacanths

L -_ _ """uniplocercides

L..- Allenypterus

L- Miguashaia
L- Gavinia

Figure 13 A, hypothesis of sarcopterygian interrelationships, after Cloutier and Ahlberg (1996). B, simplified
c1adogram of early coelacanth interrelationships, modified from C10utier and Ahlberg (1996) to show the
suggested phylogenetic position of Gavinia gen. nov., as discussed in the text.

of a high-profiled angular, (c) having an anterior as a sister taxon to Miguashaia, based on shared
coronoid developed as a small parasymphysial absences of the more derived coelacanthiform
tooth plate (although this could alternatively be synapomorphies listed above. The closer similarity
regarded as an autapomorphy of the genus), and between the proportional shape of the head of
(d) possessing an apparently longer cheek region. Gavinia gen. nov., when compared with the most
Although unknown in Miguashaia, the large lateral primitive of the remaining sarcopterygian groups,
rostral of Gavinia gen. novo (being of equal size to the onychodontids (based on the Gogo Olllfchodus,
the premaxilla) is a character not found in any other Figure 12), shows that the long cheek, low, elongate
primitive coelacanth. The premaxilla of Gavinia gen. lower jaw, large dentary, and relatively larger
novo appears to be significantly larger than the premaxilla, would suggest that Gavillia gen. novo is
premaxilla, relative to overall head size, in the Early less derived than Miguashaia in terms of general
Carboniferous forms from Bear Gulch (Lund and sarcopterygian skull structure. I therefore suggest
Lund 1985) and in Rllllbdoderma elegans (Forey 1981). that it be placed as the plesiomorphic sister taxon to
At this stage, without more material to elucidate all other coelacanthiforms (Figure BB).
the anatomy of this tantalizing form, Gavinia gen. The fragments from Pambula River attributed to
novo can be placed equivocally as either the basal Gavillia gen. novo sp. indet., dated at possibly
plesiomorphic member of the Coelacanthiformes or earliest Givetian, constitute the oldest coelacanth
52 J.A. Long
remains currently known. The older age assessment Cloutier, R. and Ahlberg, P.E. (1996). Morphology,
of the Mt Howitt site as being probably early to characters, and the interrelationships of basal
middle Givetian, as discussed in the beginning of sarcopterygians. In Stiassny, M.L.]., Parenti, L.R. and
this paper, and the plesiomorphic nature of Gavinia ]ohnson, G.D. (eds), Interrelationships of fishes: 445-
479, Academic Press, London, u.K.
gen. nov., compared to other Oevonian coelacanths,
Cope, E.D. (1871). On two extinct forms of the
prompts the suggestion that eastern Gondwana
physostomi of the neotropical region. Proceedings of
may have been the location for the origin of the
the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia 12(86):
coelacanths. The presence of other primitive 53-55.
coelacanths along the northern margin of
Forey, P.L. (1981). The coelacanth Rhabdoderma in the
Gondwana (Frasnian of Iran, Janvier and Martin Carboniferous of the British Isles. Palaeontology 24:
1979; Morocco, Lelievre and Janvier 1988) adds 203-29.
further weight to this hypothesis. The rapid Gess, R.W. and Hiller, N. (1995). A preliminary catalogue
dispersal of the group to Euramerica by the late of fossil algal, plant, arthropod, and fish remains
Givetian is also in accord with the faunal from a Late Devonian block shale near Graharnstown,
interchange event for this time between East South Africa. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums
Gondwana and Euramerica proposed by Young (Natural History) 19: 225-304.
(1981). This working hypothesis, however, can only Huxley, T.H. (1880). On the application of the laws of
be tested further by the predicted discovery of evolution to the arrangement of the Vertebrata and
coelacanthiform remains in older deposits of Early- more particularly of the Mammalia. Proceedings of the
Middle Oevonian age in Gondwanan regions. Zoological Society of London 1880: 649-662.
]aeckel, O. (1927). Der Kopf der Wirbeltiere. Ergebnisse
der Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte 27: 811-927.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ]anvier, P. and Martin, M. (1979). Les vertebres
devoniens de !'Iran central. II - Coelacanthiformes,
This work was started in my undergraduate days, Struniiformes, Osteolepiformes. Geobios No. 12: 497-
so I sincerely thank Prof. Jim Warren, and Or Pat 51l.
Vickers-Rich, Monash University for their support ]arvik, E. (1972). Middle and Upper Devonian
and guidance during those times. Thanks to Or Porolepiformes from East Greenland with special
Richard Cloutier, Parc de Miguasha, Quebec; Or Per reference to Glyptolepis groenlandica n. sp. Meddelser
Ahlberg, Natural History Museum, London; Or om Grenland 187(2): 1-295.
Richard Lund, Adelphi University; Or Peter Forey, lessen, H. (1966). Die Crossopterygier des Oberen
Natural History Museum, London; and Or Michael Plattenkalkes (Devon) der Bergisch-Gladbach-
Coates, University of London, for helpful Paffrather Mulde (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge) unter
discussions about the material. I thank Or Gavin Beriicksichtigung von amerikanischem und
Young, ANU Canberra, for kindly sending me europaischem Onychodus-material. Arkiv Zoologi 18:
photos of the Pambula River specimens and
]ohanson, Z. and Young, G.c. (this volume). New
allowing me to describe them in this paper. Mrs
Bothriolepis (Placodermi; Antiarchi) from the
Oanielle West is also thanked for her help with
Braidwood region, New South Wales, Australia
drafting the figures. (Frasnian). Records of the Western Australian Museum
Supplement No. 57: 55-76.
Lelievre, H. and ]anvier, P. (1988). Un Actinistien
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