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Name : Andi Wardatul Wahidah

Reg. no : A1 D2 13 119
National examination is a test that have contribution to deciding a student in our
country to graduated in their school. This examination actually will be faced by the
student when they in the six grade for elementary school and for student in the
thrid grade for senior and junior high school. For mayoriti of student in this country
national examintion like scary thing when they want to pass their school. Actually
national examination like two sides of coins. In one side there are some advantages
when national examination conducted, such as the student can learn to be honest
with their ability after 3 yers they join the teaching and learning process in the
school. Beside that, they also can know their ability and also answer the question
are they mastering, remember and aplicate the knowledge that they receive in
three years. In another side, there are also many contradictive when this
examination condaucted. First, the student will feel stres when they faced this
examination, there are many news that we read or we watch in televition ar in
newspaper and another media the student get suicide before they doing the test in
national examination. Second, many student feel it is not fair for them when they
study about three years and the result of that only decided in three days. Next
problem is environment problem. To fullfil the paper for national examination of
course we need to increase the material of paper. And the material of paper is tree.
It means that we need to fell more tree to fullfil this. Threfore our environtment will
threatened. So, we as thye society must consider about this problem, so we do not
forget about student needed and also the everlasting of environtment.

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