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Microsoft (R) Visual Basic (TM) Professional Edition

Part 1: Software Installation Information
Part 3: Notes for "Learning Microsoft Visual Basic" Tutorial

Part 6: Notes for Microsoft Visual Basic "Language Reference"
Page Section/Note
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21-22 Action Property (OLE)
In the Settings table, in Setting 5, the reference to None in the
second sentence of the third paragraph should read as follows:
"If the Paste was not successful, the OleType property will be set
to 3 (None)." In Setting 12, the constant should be
OLE_READ_FROM_FILE, not ReadFromFile. In Setting 14, the constant
41 AutoActivate Property
In the Note, replace the words "the double-click event" with
"a DblClick event."
53 BorderStyle Property
The OLE control cannot have a setting of 2. Remove the setting and
description for Setting 2 in the OLE control table.
65 Check Box Control
Add DataField and DataSource to the Properties list.
82 Color Property
The "Applies To" line should read "Common dialog (Color dialog)."
89 Common Dialog Control
Add "FilterIndex" and "MaxFileSize" to the Properties (File dialogs)
93 Connect Property
In the Note, change "SourceTable" to "SourceTableName."
97 Copies Property
The "Applies To" line should read "Common dialog (Print dialog)."
100 CreateDatabase Function
In the code example, replace "False" with "DBVERSION10." Also, in
the table above the code example, replace "DB_COMPACT_ENCRYPT" with
111 Data Control
Add UpdateControls and UpdateRecord to the Methods list.
112 Database Object
In the Properties list, the QueryTimeout Property should be identified
as being available only in the Professional Edition.
117 DataText Property
In the code example, change the two instances of "MSDRAW" to
134 DefaultExt Property
The "Applies To" line should read "Common dialog (File dialogs)."
185 Field Object
The Properties list should refer to SourceField and SourceTable, not
SourceFieldName and SourceTableName.
195 FileTitle Property
The "Applies To" line should read "Common dialog (File dialogs)."
Add the following to the Remarks section:
Note: If the OFN_NOVALIDATE flag is set, the FileTitle property will
not return a value.
198 Filter Property (Common Dialog)
At the beginning of the topic, add "Applies To...Common dialog (File
dialogs)." In the Remarks section, after the third paragraph, add
this text:
Here is an example of a Filter in which the user can choose text
files or picture files that include bitmaps and icons:
199 FilterIndex Property
The "Applies To" line should read "Common dialog (File dialogs)."
229 Frame Control
Add the Name Property to the Properties list.
231 FromPage, ToPage Properties
The "Applies To" line should read "Common dialog (Print dialog)."
240 GetAttr Function
The final Sub...End Sub block in code should read as follows:
Sub File1_Click ()
Const ATTR_READONLY = 1, ATTR_HIDDEN = 2 ' Declare constants.
Dim Attr, FName, Msg ' Declare variables.
If Right(Dir1.Path, 1) = "\" Then ' See if root file.
FName = Dir1.Path & File1.FileName ' Get file path.
FName = Dir1.Path & "\" & File1.FileName ' Get file path.
End If
Attr = GetAttr(FName) ' Get attributes.
If Attr > 7 Then Attr = Attr Xor ATTR_ARCHIVE ' Disregard Archive.
Select Case Attr ' Look up attributes.
Case 0: Msg = "Normal"
Case ATTR_READONLY: Msg = "Read-Only"
Case ATTR_HIDDEN: Msg = "Hidden"
Case ATTR_HIDDEN + ATTR_READONLY: Msg = "Hidden and Read-Only"
Case ATTR_SYSTEM: Msg = "System"
Case ATTR_READONLY + ATTR_SYSTEM: Msg = "Read-Only and System"
Case ATTR_HIDDEN + ATTR_SYSTEM: Msg = "Hidden and System"
- + Msg = " Hidden, and System"
End Select
MsgBox UCase(FName) & " is a " & Msg & " file." ' Display message.
End Sub
256 hDC Property
The Usage line should read:
{[form.] [commondialog. | picturebox.] | Printer.}hDC
Also, the second paragraph of the Remarks should read, "With a common
dialog control, this property returns a device context for the printer
selected in the Print dialog box when the..." (the rest of the text
remains the same).
258 Height, Width Properties
The See Also line should refer to the "Width # Statement," not the
"Width Statement."
274 Image Control
Add DataField and DataSource to the Properties list.
280 InitDir Property
The "Applies To" line should read "Common dialog (File dialogs)."
297 KeyDown, KeyUp Events
The See Also should refer to the SendKeys Statement, not the SendKeys
299 KeyPress Events
The See Also should refer to the SendKeys Statement, not the SendKeys
303 Label Control
Add the DataField, DataSource, and Parent properties to the Properties
336- ListFields Method
In the second table, the fifth and sixth entries in the Field column
should be SourceTable and SourceField, not SourceTableName and
SourceFieldName. The code example and the headings of the table
below it should also refer to SourceTable and SourceField.
345 ListTables Method
In Remarks, the first paragraph under the TableType field table should
read: "When you use the ListTables method to create a Snapshot, you
can evaluate the contents of the Attributes field in the Snapshot by
referring to the TableDef property settings table in the Attributes
property topic.
361 Max, Min Properties (Common Dialog)
At the beginning of the topic, add "Applies To...Common dialog (Font,
Print dialogs)."
363 MaxFileSize Property
The "Applies To" line should read "Common dialog (File dialogs)."
390 Name Property
The "Applies To" line should include the Database object.
432 Partition Function
In the code in Example 3, the second five lines of code duplicate
the first five lines and should be deleted.
439 Picture Box Control
Add DataField and DataSource to the Properties list.
444 PopupMenu Method
In the Syntax line, there should be a comma immediately before the y.
455 PrinterDefault Property
The "Applies To" line should read "Common dialog (Print dialog)."
536- SourceFieldName, SourceTableName Properties
All references to SourceFieldName and SourceTableName in this topic
should refer to "SourceField" and "SourceTable" instead.
538 SourceTableName Property
There should be a full entry for the "SourceTableName" topic. See
online Help for the text of this topic.
565 Text Box Control
The second piece of art is incorrect. It should show a text box
on a form but instead shows a menu title and menu items on a form.
Also, add DataField and DataSource to the Properties list.
595 Validate Event
In the third paragraph following the Constants table, change "edit
buffer" to "copy buffer."
619 Trappable Errors
In Appendix B, the odd header is wrong. It should read "Trappable
Errors," not "Trappable Error Messages."
634 Trappable Error Messages
In Table B.6 ("Data Access Trappable Error Messages"), Error #3137
should be deleted.
Part 7: Notes for Microsoft Visual Basic "Custom Control Reference"

Page Section/Note
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xxii Visual Basic Executable (.EXE) Files
The Visual Basic run-time file is listed incorrectly. The first
bulleted item should read VBRUN300.DLL, not VBRUN200.DLL.
147 Graph Control
In Example 1, the following line contains two "=" characters:
Graph1.LabelText = "Data point" = Str$(i%)
The line should read:
Graph1.LabelText = "Data point" + Str$(i%)
148 Graph Control
In Example 2, the following line contains two "=" characters:
Graph1.LabelText = "Label" = Str$(i%)
The line should read:
Graph1.LabelText = "Label" + Str$(i%)
176 Key Status Control
The table for the Value property incorrectly states that False is
the default value. The default value is determined by the state
of the keyboard.
180 MAPI Session Control
There should be no footnotes, since the MAPI controls are
only available in Visual Basic.
186 MAPI Messages Control
There should be no footnotes, since the MAPI controls are
only available in Visual Basic.
Part 8: Notes for Microsoft Visual Basic "Data Access Guide"
Page Section/Note
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23 Creating New Table Definitions
Delete the following line of code from the example:
On Error Resume Next

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