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1. EXT.

March 2040. Five oclock in the evening. We have a shot of the
sky above, the camera slowly goes down to level to the woods
(Voice over)
Its the year 2040, we are currently in Brazil searching for
my brother, he was last heard from 3 months ago where he went
to discover the disappearance of mankind in the forest in
Brazil. As he searched, he discovered a new plant that he
named Ophiocordyceps. No man has ever found this plant before
and he was testing it the last time we spoke but now I
The camera pans into a close up of the JOHNs face to
show him recording himself on tape
Am going to find my brother and help discover and test on this
plant. I am here with my team of five to protect, aid and help
me on this quest, where we are going into depths to discover
the plant
The camera pans out to see 6 other people behind him, 2
that seems to be scared as if they were new, 2 with big guns 1
of them besides the main and 1 who is carrying a med kit.
(Hes struggling for breath as he brushes past the trees)
You know, we should probably rest soon; its bad for the body
to do this much exercise and not rest with some water to keep
you hydrated.
(He rolls his eyes and turns around)
I have no time to rest, I am on a budget that wont last
forever if all we do is sit around. I wont get funded forever,
the sooner we find my brother and this plant, the sooner we
can rest. This is very important
All I am asking for is 5 minutes to rest, it looks like your
team needs it.
(He sighs and lifts his dead up)
Fine, as soon as we get up that hill, we can take a rest and I
can look out for our next plan
In the woods, the group have sat down in a circle, all
eating and drinking. JOHN is away from the group looking
through his binoculars, trying to look for his new path. The
KERIA gets up from her seat and goes over to the main
Do you see what you are looking for?
No, unfortunately. I have no idea where my brother and the
plant could be growing, theres no sign of humans being here
and no idea what atmosphere it grows in
JOHN carries on talking, we have an over the shoulder
shot of JACK, he turns his head and looks confused like he
hear something. He heads down the hill slightly, where he
trips over a vine and falls down the hill screaming, hitting
his head against the tree. We see the team turn towards the
scream and look at each other. We go back to the man where a
plant seems to be going towards the open wound on his head and
going in. The team are seen to be heading down the team and
reaching JACK. AIDEN kneels down and checks his pulse
(He stays still for a few seconds)
Okay, hes breathing, pulse steady and he has a wound in his
head. Im going to have to stich it up.
AIDEN, SEAN, LILY and AIDEN heads back up the hill to
grab the things. JOHN looks around as a soldier looks over the
body. The main stops for a second and watches the group bring
down all
Theres a flat surface over there, good to set up camp. If
someone wants to start up a fire and start cooking dinner,
Ill look around more and AIDEN can take care of JACK
Roger that, sir.
They have set up a camp, its around 9 oclock at night.
Theres a light coming from the first aid camp. The medic
comes out the tent
Okay, Ive stitched up his head. Hes got a high fever but
with the right treatment he should be fine.
Okay good so we dont need to call anyone. Great. So heres
the plan. We sleep the night, and in the morning me and the
soldiers will go search some more whilst you guys stay back
and look after JACK
The team settles down and sleep throughout the night. The
main and the soldiers wake up at 7 oclock in the morning and
head off on their adventure. The rest of the team wake up at
10 oclock in the morning
Morning, how the rest of the team doing?
Last time they spoke to me on the radio to check in, they
found a cave or something, the radio signal dropped after
that. They want to look for the plant there. Something about a
change of climate down there.
JOHN, SEAN and KEIRA are down in the cave, they are
holding torches desperately trying to find the plant they look
dead ahead.
Maybe the plant lives within these cold structures, they can
easily access water and in the right place, sunlight too.
I have no idea, Im just here to protect you if something goes
I dont think anythings going to go wrong, Im just looking
for a plant
Say that to JACK
(Looks down to himself as he blames himself)
Thats why I didnt want to bring the students, this is too
They need to learn some how, I wouldnt be here if it wasnt
for Sargent here.
Hes got a point, Im a good teacher
The team gets to the end of a cave to an open room, there
seems to be a source of light on a boulder with vines growing
around it. JOHN stares at it in shock whilst the SEAN and
KEIRA look around. The main slowly goes towards the light. We
enter an old room that seems to have been knocked down and the
ruins around them have drawings on the wall.
I have never seen anything like this, it is this the
Ophiocordyceps for sure, I have seen nothing like this, this
source have ever been discovered for sure. But by the looks of
things, this plant isnt the first, the vines follow far back,
Ive seen theses vines before but never connected them to the
Ophiocordyceps. So why hasnt this been discovered a long time
ago. People used to live here, but it has been abandoned. But
He goes up to the plant closer, he stares at the light and
reaches in to touch it when KEIRA stops him
Are you sure you want to do that sir, you dont know what that
(Pulls away and steps out of his daydream)
True, guess I got ahead of myself. Im going to take a sample
of one of the plants as well as some of the vines, then well
see if this is dangerous or not.
JOHN sets up and the camera changes to a POV of KERIA. We
see her watch him as he takes a sample of the plant and goes
back to his set. A few hours later pass and the soldiers have
sat down and the JOHN is still busy at work. We hear a beep
from his computer. Time has passed and the lighting has gone
(Looks very shocked and confused)
That is strange, the scan isnt showing me much, there's a new
substances that it cant recognise. It seems to have similar
cells to humans but something stronger
What does that mean?
It's like they think like us but they're stronger. See humans
were made to adapt physically in the world, we evolve. We were
built to make our way up in the food chain and build upwards
in the world. The only down side is we have emotions. This
plant is almost the same, it's been evolving for some time and
is changing the atmosphere around it like we did. But they
dont have emotions, or communication, they almost built their
skill set to be able to manipulate the atmosphere around them.
Is that good or bad?
I dont know
The conversation is then interrupted by screams coming
from the camp, the three people look at each other and the
soldiers run back to camp. The main grabs the main part of the
plant and puts it in his briefcase before following.
The two soldiers come running into the camp site with
their guns ready, they slowly walk round the tent to see
assistant 1 on top of assistant 2, he has taken a bite out of
assistant 2 and there are roots going into the bite seen on
the back of assistant 1s head.
What is going on
(Hiding behind the tent)
Shoot him, he attacked him and killed him!
Yeah I see that but why would he do that? He wouldnt hurt a
(Shaken up and scared)
He must be possessed or something, I dont know but he still
attacked him
Im not shooting anyone till I know what caused this and whats
going on. Wheres the professor?
(Looking around)
I dont know, I thought he followed us out of here
JOHN shows up out of breath with his equipment. He goes
to the team and looks shocked
What on earth happened here?
JACK just attacked her for no reason. Hes possessed and she
wont shoot him
(He points at KEIRA)
(Sounds angry)
Hey! Im not shooting anyone till I understand the situation. I
wanted to wait for you know the professional who may know what
the hell is going on!
(Looks under pressure)
I dont know whats going on to be honest
(JOHN goes closer to JACK and LILY and takes a closer look)
Thats interesting, JACK has vines growing out of his skull,
like the ones we found in the cave. AIDEN! How have you not
I thought he was fine. But it still doesnt mean he can jump
on Assistant 2 and take a huge bite out of her
(Gives Medic an evil look)
Let him finish, he may be going somewhere
As I was explaining to these 2 earlier, I was saying that the
plant has the capability of controlling the world around them,
but it may not be as simple as mind control, maybe they need
to get to the centre of the thing before he can control it. So
when JACK bashed his head, the plant was able to access the
brain study the anatomy of the body and control him.
So why on earth did he attack LILY?
I dont know, I think its trying to find out more, like
collect data and discover how we work. Like how we collect
data, we need more than 1 test subject to get a clear
perspective on things before see the use of it and take action
They all look at each other worried
So do you think they have a plan? Because if its going to go
round killing people for test subjects. I dont wanna be next.
Well, I dont know if its killed people or whether its just
taking them over for a certain amount of time.
Im sorry but JACK has just taken a huge bite out of assistant
LILYs stomach, theres no way shes going to survive that, so
yeah Im going to stick with kill it
Id rather not anger it, I want to see what its done to JACK
and LILY.
KEIRA smacks JACK over the head, knocking him out
Im going to run some tests on him and see the change within
It is the next evening, around 6pm where we see the
doctor over 2 bodies, looking closely at them. The camera pans
out where SEAN is close by the main.
By looking at JACK, I can see that the plant we saw in those
caves are like embedded within the veins. When he smashed his
head the vine almost entered his skull and implanted a seed
almost into his brain, which is why theres vines growing out
of his head. None the less, the vines followed through to his
veins to basically make him a puppet.
So why did he attack assistant 2?
Well as I said the plant seems to want to discover people, so
they need more than 1 test subject
But he took a chunk out of her!
Yes, by the looks of it the plant needs to have a deep wound
to get within the body to almost control them, it needed to
access the vein to get around the body with ease
So what about us? I mean what happens after it takes over the
body, what theyre free? No offence but I have a family and if
this trip is a death trap then I want to go
Soldier get a hold of yourself, this may not look good but it
doesnt mean its the end
True, I dont have all the answers for you Im sorry. I dont
know what happens to them after and I dont know what they
want from them. But I do know that I am going to find out.
(shocked and angry)
So youre going to stay here? 2 of your men are down and youre
telling me you want to stay here!
We need to figure out what this is and if its a danger to the
rest of the world
It is a danger, 2 of your men. Basically dead and have a
possibility of attacking us to! Of course it is a danger to
the rest of the world
(goes up close to the AIDEN and clearly states)
Well, we need to figure out how to destroy it
We here a groan from LILY, she falls of the bed and gets
up, her walk is slow and slightly limped
I think wed better run
Good idea, try not to hurt yourself, we dont know how well
the plant is at sensing a way to change you. Head to the cave
The team run in the direction of the cave, the soldiers
start shooting at LILY. We then see JACK follow.
Its around 9 oclock in the afternoon, the team make it
to the cave and the Professor looks around in a rush. We see
him look up towards the middle of the room. He goes closer to
it and we zoom in on the plant to see a dead woman in the
centre of the room with a flower growing out of her.
Oh my god
The team all look round
What is it now?
(Looks shocked)
Look, this plant, its a human. She got infected by it and she
has grown another plant out of her
What does that mean? What has that got to do with our
situation right now
It means this thing isnt a plant, its more like a fungus
trying to spread. They use humans to find a new place to bury
itself. By the looks of this flower growing out of the woman
its not used to this atmosphere which is why shes here. It
main place to grow is somewhere dark and damp. Up here is dry
and sunny. I think these vines are sending almost information
to the main so it can adapt and spread
So what youre saying is, this whole island is almost a plant,
sorry fungi, and its using humans to spread.
Basically yes.
The man takes out a microscope and takes a closer look at
the woman
And by the looks of things its animals too, theres ants and
insects in here with the same plant growing out of the back of
its head. It must of started with ants and started looking for
bigger test subjects to control
Theyre interrupted by it (WOMAN 1) waking up and
screaming in their face. The main jumps back and the woman
slowly crawls over as shes ripping the vines from the ground.
JOHN stumbles to the back corner of the room but the woman is
stopped as the main vine connected is stuck to the ground. The
group looks at each other as the KERIA looks at the vines
trying to determine where the main source is.
It looks like the vines are leading that way
KEIRA points in another direction and the team heads that
way. We leave with a close up of the woman growling towards
the team trying to go after them.
As the team go through the woods they come across a bunch
of equipment scattered across the woods. They then go into a
close up of JOHN
Is this what I think it is? It looks like my brothers teams
equipment. Its from the base.
Looks like something happen. I dont want to be that person
but do you think they were infected
No, my brother is smarter than me, he should of survived just
like me.
Maybe he was like you and wanted to stay to find a way to
destroy the virus
JOHN looks down, his face is full of doubt. He picks up a
piece of equipment that he found on the floor and looks
closely at the logo.
Weve got to get going
They continue to follow the vines. The camera fades to
white to a flashback
We see an over the shoulder shot of FINN on the phone. He
hangs up the phone as JOHN walks in

Hey lil brother
(he looks around to see suitcases packed and laughs)
Another holiday?
(Looks down and puts his hand on his neck)
Er no. Im going to Brazil on another business trip, Ill be
back in a week.
Alright then, see you soon I guess?
Screen fades to white and comes back with team at the top
of the hill to see a reasonably large plant spouting out of an
opening in front. There is much equipment scattered all about
the ground around them.

What happened here?
JOHN begins to walk towards the plant. He notices weird
shapes and colours underneath it.
(Confused talking slowly)
I have no idea but this plant, Ive never seen one quite this
size. Its beautiful.
JOHN takes a closer look at the plant and notices that
there are a large quantity of dead bodies. He begins to circle
the plant. He pauses and double takes at one particular

No, no, no. Its Finn
JOHN begins to tear up as he inspects the body of his brother.
He notices a book hanging out his inner pocket and takes it
What is it?
It seems to be his logbook from his trip.
JOHN reads aloud from the book.

I have been here for a month now. There seems to be a virus
spreading in the lost village of Okatakao. Its taking over the
villagers like some sort of zombie horror film. Its a savage
mess everywhere.
What the fuck?
(Turns the page and continues to read)
I managed to rescue one of the villagers who spoke to me about
a plant that takes over the brain and turns them into
(Sounds terrified)
Sir? You might want to look around
JOHN stands up to see zombies all around stumbling
towards them. SEAN and KEIRA look around worried
Sir, no offence to you, but were screwed. I these guys dont
go down. Ive shot JACK, but he didnt go down. I shot him in
the head too
I dont know! I dont know. I dont know. I dont know
The team backs away from the infected. The soldiers look
at JOHN trying to look for answers and commands. JOHN is
breathing quickly and heavily, the last thing we see is FINN
jumping on top of JOHN and he looks him in the eye. The screen
goes black.

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