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How far is it possible to identify similar representations of either people or

situations in the films you have studied for this topic?

Intro: Comment on how it is possible to identify similar representations of

people/situations in the Mexican films you have studied. Maybe state some of the
similarities you have found.

P: It is possible to identify similar representations of people in terms

People and Situations that should have been loyal marriages and best
friendships turn out to be disloyal

Situations People trapped by class

Situation - Political influences politics as undercurrent

Situation People want to leave their situations Octavio wants to leave, in Sin
Nombre they want to get to America, in Y Tu Mama Luisa wants to leave to spend
her last days at the beach

Situation Regretful situations El Chivo regretting leaving his family, Daniel

also regretting leaving, Jano regretting cheating on Luisa and Tenoch and Julio
regretting kissing which contributes to the distance that grows between them.

Situation Real life situations depicted in graphic ways sex and violence

People People trapped by class

People - People want to leave their situations

People Regretful people - El Chivo regretting leaving his family, Daniel also
regretting leaving, Jano regretting cheating on Luisa and Tenoch and Julio
regretting kissing which contributes to the distance that grows between them.

People -

How do the representations help drive the narrative.

How do they help the spectator identify with the characters and their motivations

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