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All Ri;g:b.ts ReseFve~d

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Publ,iS!i1JilIilQ, A,ndl DlstfU)utirl'g Isl'annic IBooks And la,pes: I'n 70 Ila~gua,ges, lHi EAlO OIFfill'(: ~: P .[0. If!!x 515, 19'5,. i~:iy,adlll '11 1514 - S Bud'! Ar,albll, l,el: ('966,.,1) 4.6,50ail,~l .. 4647213 ~ IFax:4,63S489

IBO OK S:MO PiS: R~yacUl! 1 ~412g,3471 Jieddafil ,2·M!r73,1,5.21'~hoba r 3,..,89458,21


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_ ll.iI~e lves ·an _ e "n01CiuOgy ...•..•••...•.........•.•..... " .... Iii


100 Introduerion to [slam , , .. , , . , . , + •• + 1

101 Islamic Beliefs (al- ~Aq.a "id) , , 3

102 Prophets of Cod .... ,. , .... + •• + , ., ••• , •••• , •• , • • • ••• 6

103 IslamicWorship (al=Jbadat) , 6

10'·4 Islamic Manners , , . , . .. . . . . '9

105 Islamic Morals , , ' .. '... 1:2

1 06 T:azkiy·yah..,... ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . a .. .. • •• l3j.

H)7'F.amay Life in Islam , .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 14

- - JOk d

2'0 I . .' ·t·· . a" . . • . . .' . • . . . ., , , . . . " . . . . .. . .. .. . • • . .. '. .' '. '. . . . .. • .. ... 1 7

202 Al·Halal wa ai-Haram . + ••••••••••••• , ...... " ••••• , ll9

3,01 The Islamic Social System , . . . . . .. . . . . .. 20

3.02 Economic System .. , , .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . 22

.303 Political Syscem , , . + • ••• • • • • • 24


100 A,t~QUT 'an , , , .. .. . . .. . . . . .2.5

101 Practice Reading of the quean in Arabic :26

102 Tafsir , . . . .. . .. .. .. 26,

103· A,l· Sunna.h ~ . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. :2,6,

104 Studyof H;(J,dith , _ _ :27


1001 Life of [be P rophet .... , . . . . a • • • • • • • • •••••••• , • • • • • 28

2001 Special Topics Concerning the Prophet 2:9

'201 The Prophet' s Family , , , . , . . . . . . .. 3,0

2.02 Companions of the Prophet , . . . . .. . .. 3,2


100 The Righdy-Guided Caliphs (ad-Khula/ah al+Rashid()Qln) 34 200 Banu Umayyah .. + ,. •• • • • •. •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• 36

201 The "Abbassyyah 38.

2102 N orth Africa and Spa in , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 39'


203 The Crusades and the Muslim Kingdoms . . . . .. . . . . .. 40

204 The IUehmaniyah (Ottomans) , + • •• 4l

205, Peraia " , , , .. " .. 42

'206 The Indian Subcontinent + , •••••••••••••• ,. • .. • • •• 43

:20'1 The Spread. of Islam in Other Areas , , . , " , . . . 4.5

208 The MusHmWorld Today 47


20'0 History of Religious ThougbE and Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . 49

'201 History of Education '. . 51

:202 Civil Life " + ••••• '" 5'2

:203, Architecture and Art , . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. 53

204 History of Science , . .. 55


100 The Americ,an Scene 57

101 A Muslim's View of Christianity " 58

102 The Islamic CaB. - .... , ... '" . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. ' .. ' , . . . . . 60

1013 The History of Islam in. America. , , . . . . . 6'2


1 (H]I Arabic I , , ; .. ; 63

1011 Arabic II , , " ' 65

102 Qur1'anic Arabic " 16,5

REFERENCE MATERIAL ,. ,. ; , ' ,. + •••••••• 65


In 1974, [he Planning Committee of the Muslim Students' Assocciauon of the U. S ,and Canada sparled the idea of designing a. comprehensive curricuhnnfor American Muslims who ha ViE recently embraced Islam. Such curdc:nJum isgre',atiy needed by a large popularion of Muslims in North America co help them, undersrand ) slamas a complete way of life, practice it and. live up [0 its ideals. To satisfy (his need, the task. ofproducing the 'Curriculum and its supportive material was entrusted to the Department of Education. Publication and Information. Through the efforts of that Department and [he Islamic Teaching Center, Dr. Mohammad Moinuddln Siddiqui undertook to work out ., A Program of Studies for New M uslims. ~ ~ His deep commitment to Isfarnand conviction of the significanc1e of education .as a. crucial v.e hlC le for social change prompted him tc devote his time and finish the first stage of this rremendous.and challenging wor l .. The second stage is the writing oft,ext books w hich are specifically tailored to the sequential Ievel series of this p,rogram of studie So.

'The rapid growth of lsI. am among the people of Ncrth America is encouraging and. a t the same time ~ chaUen:ging. The challenge lies with Muslims who must measure up to their responsibility of increasing the momentum of propagating Islam and effectively consolidating and strengrhening their ranks, Only through deve lop] fig the true Islamic personality j knowledge able and committed. capable of talking initjative and broad-rnjnded, can we meet thechallenge .. Education is tbe most effecti ve proces.s to acce lerate the development of suchan Ielamic personali ty and to strengthen and conselidaee jhe ranks of the Muslims, It is an acti vating force which will enable them to su bstieure actions based on U'uthand re a~ity 'f:oracdons rooted Tn imitation and outmoded traditions .Ed ue atiorr is a centred. 'tool U'JI bring about Islamic social change we want to see among Muslims in North America. Thi s cha.nge can come only from the actions of the Muslims themselves. To acr correcdy, a Muslim must firs'[ ac quire au thentic knowledge. change his mode of thought and improve his praetical abiliry. These changes :m ust re s u I,t from the


Muslims" own decisions ,and efforts if they are to be' educarionafly enduring I' religiously sound" secially impo'rt,aot and physically permanent, It is with this aim and intentibn that the Islamic Teaching Ce'n:~er has prepared '~AP'Fo,gl',am, of Studies for New Muslims. 1,1 It is, an attempt lie. enable the New Muslim to respond to his environment in North America. equipped with an ·1 I · f ~k fI' • hi 'b I'· r- 1 • d d-

5, armc ramew'or 7" -re,· eetmg jns ~ e! le_ s, values t IUltu_ es an-I

behavior which characterize him as ill new breed crf menenjoining right~ eradic,a,ting evil, fOirbiddin,g' 'wrong and believill\g in Allah,.

We pray€o Allah Ta' ala that this program ma,y prove beneficial to our brothers and sisters 'who hive reNcendy -,em.brae,ed Islam. Yet it is also a good idea lor aU of us 'to, use this program Ito increase our knowledge.

May Allah Ta' ala grant us success 'and keep us finn on His path.

YOUI' brother i'n Islam BITig'ani ,A. Abugideiri" Ph.D. Director General

Islamic Teaching Center

I., O'bjectiv,es

Tille main. objective of this 'pro'gram of studies Is to provide a concise yet broad framework for the study ,of Islam primaril y by Americans whoha ve recenrl y embraced it.. To auainthe main objective it is necessary that, in addition (0 the knowled,ge of Islamic beliefs and practices, the new Muslim should have some CJj,C adernic knowledge of the IQU.:r' an a,nd the Hadith, the life of the P rophe t ~ the polirica] and cultural history of Isl am, the lives and works of the Companions and the scholars of Islam. On a practical leve] he should ~earn how to perform ,sabu and H:ajj~ observe Si yam and giveZak:at" re:a.dand understand Qur' anic Ara bic t memorize shert surabsand esrabhsh a Muslim community.

The program is d.ividled into three levels wbich are progressively detailed: 100 series. :200 series and 300 series. The first level lsthe mese basic and should be mastered by every Muslim. The second and third levels are also important because they provide more derailed and specific in£olmaltion of the rna terials and eoncepts jntmduced in the first level.

2:.. M!ethodo~ogy

The program is. designed in such a way that .a new Maslim can use any or all g,fthe foUo,wing methods, depending on his situation:

1.. Self· study

2. Study chides (Hala,q ah)

3. Group discus sions 4:. Lect ures

5-.. Individual projects,

The lOO~lev'el cousses aremost suitable fO'1" self-studv and study

,I ~

circles. The 200- and SfJO·s!e:ries courses are academic in nature,

the 30Q,·lev,el courses beingjrather specialized. These course s should be taught by a competent teacher in a. classroom or in a group discussion set-up.

If this program. is structured as a formal class-type i:nsU'ucdon~ i& will require rhare Etch mstructor undertakes [he seleerion of


supportsvernarertals :and texts (the eighth part of the program is a. ~is.dng ofavailable refereneematerials ,and texts). However, the performance expected ofeaeb student is stated in generaleerme in the sequentially numbered items of the sylla bii, This, program of studiesv therefore. may be used witb students of various agles, and educational backgrounds by ,criti:cally selecting the appropriate materials and texts.

The following exampfe is pres'enl,ed. in order '[10 assist instructors in writingp,edorman1ce (Oil' behavioral) objectives. Each performance objectivernust include these four areas:

1. Who win ,be performing.

2. The specific performance expeered,

3,. The conditions under w hichthe performance wiU take place and,

4. The measuremene of the students' mastery of the performance.

Each ofthesequentially numbered items in the syUabi.i 0'[ this, program is a. concept easily restated as, a performance. The foUowing example from, Part I. course I OO~ ! ~ Introducrion to' Islam, ~ ~ should make this point clear.

I. _I Explanation of theConcept of Islam Performance obje.cdve:

Given selected chapters from Islam i.n FOCUiS and class discussion of what is Islam, the student will define (in writing or orally) what is Islam diseinguishing it from Muhammadanism. C:hris,tianityc)[ Judaism comph~telyand accurately.

1. WhowiU be performing?

Th,e student.

2,. Wha[ is the performance]

Defining (in writing or orallyjwhar is Islam disringuished from M uhemmadanism, Cheiseianiryer Judaism ..

3. "'Jhat are the conditions?

Given se leered chapters from Islam in Focus and class discussion, of wha.t is Islam.

4: What is the measurement?

Completely and accuratel y (mastery).

Eaeh of the preceding questions should be raised about each seq uenriall y mum bered item in the sylla bii, If [be instructor its diligeru in this regard ,the process of insaruction is quire manag·ea b~e and each student.' s progress is rrrea.sur a ble ..

Each instructor should select supportive materials which are

visually attractive. F~lm.s" slides a:nd odle'rinstrlJJc6ona.~ aids, should be used;

Individual projects m,ay be assigned to atudema. for example:

Write research papers on (I) The attributes of Allah (2) The Life Hereafter j 1(3) The Islamie conce P'[ of brotherhood and its application, (4)1 The methodology of Da'wab ill America.

For reaching eulturalhiseory it wi.U. be extremely useful tomake use of films and slides of mosques, bui]d~n.g·s. and cit ies 0.£ the Muslim world. A~so art objects, samples of calligraphy, dre sse _ ,. carpets ~ etc. ~ may be shown ito the class.

1 1


1.1 Explanacion of' the words: Islam, Muslim~AUah, alIQilr' an, SinMh., Islam is Dot Muhammadanism: why not? l.!'Map ,of the Mu,sUm world; .Mu.sUm :majoridesand

min 0 rities .

2. Is1€Z.m as a M!tM.stjgt~

.:2.1 Islam as a. m.essag'e born 'God to man, The ceritent of the' message, The messengers.

:2.2 The needfoI' messengera. The 1a.,5(1; pfop~het and messenger of Godwa.s Muhammad.

2.31 Aspects of the message: (I) faith~ and (:2) SharCah or w,ay lof Hfe,.

3. lsla,m'i, Ftti,tn

8.1 AI~~Al9,a ~i,d (the beliefs). The: signifieanee of Ithe: belief in the oneness of God, in. th!le unity of His mes,sagetand 'Of the belief in [he Hereafter.

S.2: Belief-systems of other r'reUgionsas eempared to Islamic beliefs.

3.3, Man' splace in the world.: vice-gerent 0'( God on earth; born 'innocent; spiritually :and morally responsibfe :lor his beliefs and acti.ons"

S i 4Islamicworld~vlew: oneness 0·:( 'Godimpli.,es unity lof nature ~ unity ofmankind, unity of all knolwled,ge~~ unity ,of man' s personalhy, :and uniformity of ,cril:,eria for judgement.

1 :2

4. Islamic Way of Life

4. I The basis ,of the Islamic w,ay 0"( Iife, the Shari'ai«: Th . fiXle,d prfneiples and the o,exibleas,pe'cts. of the Shari'ah. 4.,2 The' three d:assifi,c3itions: (1)1 beliefs, (2) worship" (5) human affairs,

,4.:3, A deseriptlon of the '~~fi.v,e' pillars" ,o'f islam and their s,ignifi,ca,:nce. No asceticism. A balanced 'way of life.

4.,4P,e'rsona~ character. In.f.'erp,er,so,naJ, relationshipa.

Emphasis on cooperadon rath r than eempetirion. Rigbts, and cbligations,

4.5 Permissjble and forbidden acts and things,

4.6, Social, economic and admmiserative principles.

4,.7 The dynamic prineiples: It',aqwa" ,amT ,61£ ,Qt-m, ~,amf and, ne,ki ',an al'~munkQr, ,andjtih,adfi ,$Q;,iJ..:I,a,llah,.

5. Islam in His,",ory

5.1 Islam is Dot an unattainable ideal. nor meant 001y for at few::::xcepdo',na~ persons, Islam ~ 5, actualiz3J'tJ,on in history. 5.2 The spread ,ofl:s,lamtbr'Qu,gh preaching and conquest, iQ com pulsicn inreligion bUlt the laws of God must prevail.

5.S I slam' is humanizing effects on eoncepts I' morals" manners, human d,ghts, a.nd,re's,poI,w,si,bilit-j"es,h:lw'and order, justice, w:arf,are~, role of wlol'm.en. slavery and internatienal relado,n.sbips.

,~,.4 Se,eking :knowledge is an. obU;ga.tion on Mu,slims,.

Mu,sHms," love of le.arningand research. 'O'rig~nation of :s,cie'Ddfi,c method. 'Co:Atributio,n,:s to seleaee, mediejne, tradeand commerce, travel, arts, and crates, arehiteeture and, engineering ~ and understanding' ,amon,g people,

16. Islam. in the COR,Cemporary WOT'I.d

,Et 1 lslam:ic movements In the Arab ecunrrles. Turkey ~ Iran, P:ak'ista,n~,lndon,es~a and .Africa.,

6 .'2:Ex:,t,erna~, conni,ets: PhiHp'pine's ~ Kasmir ~ Palestine ~ Eritel'ia, 'Chad~ U .. S.S~R .• Chin,a, Eastern EUT,ope ..

16;.3, Islam in ,Amed,ca.

6".4 Islam versus capita1i.s,m. Icommunis'm,. n:ad,on,a~iism,. secularism and, other i ·']sms..,·· Is~amis not apreduct 0,1' a reaction :1'0 some socic-polialca] ,condidrolD or previous religious herit,ag,e" bu,t ies source is outside of this world, 'God H~m,s,e~f.



1. Tauhid (Onen,ess of Gt),d)

1. 1 Allab is the Creator of evervthing. He is One and Unique ..

He is, not like ,any of His creatures, He has, no spouse, no. offspring and no partner,

1.2: The division of the Attributes of Allah: (1) concerning His being (Living, Eternal, etc .. ~ and (2,) in relation to Hils creatures (Provider, Merciful, Knowing. etc.).

1.3< The me aning of 4 'La ilaba illa A Ua,h .• , Ilah~ one who is worshi pp1ed and obeyed.

l.4 Tauhsd as a eoneeptual imperative: Oneness of the Creator implies unity of nature (universe and not a. multiverse); u.nityof mankind, unity ,ofre]igion, unity of knowledge ~ and uniformity of crjter'ia <of judging people here and in the Hereaften.

1.5, Tauhidas a 'psychological imperative: to purify our concept of God; Ito eliminate all forms of open and hidden shirk (association of orhers with God); Freedom from fear of death, poverty, dishonor: rehance on Allah; remem brance of AHah.

1. '6 Tauhi,d as a social imperative: compassion toward AUah; s creatures" animalsas wen as humans, i; unity IQf mankind; brotherhood of belilevers.;. uniform. justice; establishment of AUah's commandrrserns (awarn£T); jihad,

'2. Angels

2.1 The nature and functions of angels, jibril. and his role in revel .. a[ioln.M unkir and N akir .

2.2: Existence of jinnsand shay tans.

:3. Scrip tures

3.1 The ear li,er scriptures and their role in history. Their

f .. ' dll k f h .~

present 'orm. an1c . ac,.o autnermcuy,

:3.2 Purity and authentieity o.f the 'Q.u:r' an.

:3.3, The Q.ur';an as the abrogation of all previously revealed scriptu res.

4. .M essengers

,4.1 Need, f01" messengers, Allah'.s promise te send guidance


to mankind. Is, sending of' messengeraan interference ,in na t uralproc e sses ~

4,.2, :M'esseng,er'8, are chosen by Allah, 11:t) one' can attain P'J:\op"h:e'l:tU]od, thf\O:~lh ,effon ,01' ,choi,ce' ,i

4~,3Wahy ,and its various m,ean'ing:s occurr~ng in the 'Q.ur' an .. ;Wa,h), sene to p'fOlphet,s andmessengers.

4.4 Meaning 10i£ I ~ MuAamma,d(J." R'asul' Al.eah. JIM uh;ammad-'s sunnak as an example to' follo,w. ,Obedi,=nc:e to M uhammad Is obedieneeto ,AUab.

4 . .5 Muhammadislhe' t Seal oft'he Prophets i '. ;; Later elaimanss to :prophethood, or messengership aFe necessarilyfatse. The ces,s,at:tOID IOlf 'w,tlh,',.

4Ji 'The names of 'messengers, mentioned in the Qu,r~:an,.

,5. ,Life-Her,eaJler

5,., 1 Human. soul i,1 an tam., cfAllah,

5,.2: Tbe Day ,of' .J udgemene, Th'e' Book iof ,ACCO.oDIS,. 'The:

B,aia.nce "

,5.:3 jannak and jano.n,nam (their feal:ilty'~. their dur:ado,o.)..

,5,.4 Sup,edolrit,y 10':£ tbe: life :m the Hereafrer OV1e:f Ith,e present life.

51.5, Wha't kind of Pi eo ple wiU deserve J(Jfln.h~ and what kind J (J,kannam.,

5;,6 Theresurrecden IOf the' body"

16. 'Clad:,.

6,.1 Meaning o·f the wo,rd. ~~·qa.dT·"

6.'2 '[,ady eontroversy a 'bout its meaning and sirnincance,. 6;5 True meaning' of this belief ..

". Na.iuf'l(lo! K'H/'"

7.1 The' various meanings Qf ·kufT ~ oct,uDin,g' in the Q;~r' an, W:hi() is akaft'r?' ,I. mUiR(Jfiq? a mus'Arik? ,3. sinu,er?

7,.:2 Avoidance of sh'zrk, /tufr and major sins. Abstainin,g from c,aUinl a p'fo,fes,slng Mus.Iim a ,i,aftr ..

8., Na,ture of Islam, Ima,nand lAssn, 8.1 The IQuranifi:: m:eanin;K ·of Islam.

8.,2 T:he ,de'finido·~n, and role olf Iman Is every M~sHm a,

<Ift.u )'_, ~~on " ,r ~1""Mi f"'~."I!\,~

8.3, The Quranicme:aniol 'o,f Ihs,an.



t. Inh'oau€,tion

1.1 The meaning ofrhe words rdsul (messenger] and nab~~


1.:2 The' Prophets mentioned in the 'QuF':an..

1.3 The various ways nivineI'!eve,lalt,ion came to mars, 1.,,4 The characteristics of prophets ..

1.!5 The ['o:~:e 0'( prophets in hi,SitO'ry.

2:. Ibrahim,

2:.1 Early Ufe.

2:.2 Isma' H and the ordeal of saeriflee. The building Oil the K ~ a:baa., The birth of Isba,.

2:.:3 Ibrahim t s cbasaererand preaching.

3,. Mus,a

3,. 1. Historieal background. 3,.:2 Early life:

3.3 Can to messengership, S.4 Life in the wiilde:rness. 3.5 'Problems in the Torah.

4. 'Isa

4.1 Hiscorie aJ background, 4.:2 Early Iife,

4.3 'The propbetbood if "lsa ,

4.4 Problems of the New Testament Gospels. 4 the nature of ! Isa "s te'a,ehing:s?

5. ¥usuj

5.1 Eady life, Tbe dream

5.:2 life in Egypt .. Temptatien, im.prisonmeDit f estabhshment, 5.3 His. encotmter wilth his brothers.

5!.4 HIs, teachings ..


I. Intr'(uiulc£z·on

1.1 The concept of 'ibaaah in Islam, The purpose of man t s life is the worship- of Allab. WO'I'sbip of Allah freesm an man from worship of ethersand of self,

1 .. 2 Elements. ofworship: eleansing, intention, observing the {'orm and. order' preseri bed. by the Prophet, Attltudes: h umi lilY, sincerity and eeecentraden.

1.:3 O'bH,ISI)tory worsbips: ,su'st) Sawm" Za,kat and Ha_jj. 'ConditIons, rendering them obligatory: Islam, pu berry ~ possesslon of' senses, powe'f and ability,.

I .4 Other forms o,r worship: dh"ik'r', reading Oil the Q.Ul"~ an, taU)'b1ak" is"i,Afa'l'~ supplicaeion, teaching and Iearning of Islamic knowledge I' meditation.

2.1 ShOT 'i 'meaning of tahamh and"najasan. Kinds, lo,'f n.ajasah ilnd how Ito cleanse 'ntJjastih 'fro!l;11, body and from Clothing"

2.2 Wud'u. Elements of IV'udu. What nullifies wud'u and wha.t

does not. For what purposes it is necessary: fOir Salat, for touching the Arabic Qn:r' an, for lawai of K· abah.

2,~:S G,nusl.Eleme:nts, of ,hus' When ,husl is necessary: janabah, me n:struation;, post~p;artum flow.

'2,.4..'-Wha't 15 haram when janab: S,alat; touching' the: Arabic Q.ul"l',an,; reading the Q:ur' an, goi:n,g into a masjid~ UlU)(J! Whalt is hal',am durine mensrruation or post-partum bleeding; the above, as well as fasllting and sexual intercourse.

2.5, Sunnah gnusl, and recommended (must,alutb)l.

2,.6 Maslah and t,a)Hlmmum. W'hen they are permissible and bow they are done

What nunifies masah.What nullifies tay'ammum.

2,. '7 How dUTUTah (necessity or cempulsion) cancels ebligariens.

!t Sela«

The importance of Sala', On 'whom ,salat is obliga'~ory,. The times and the forms of 's,alat' ,fliom the Q.ur~,anand Sun,na,h. Why pnlyer.i m ust he' perfDnrled in Arabic, Kinds of prayers: lard" . sunnah" Mfil'. lndividualand eollective. Janar.'alt-.

Conditions for the soundness of Saillt.~ unsdu Oir 'ay'ammum.. covering of ~awra\h) clean place, Iacing q:e'blahJ' intention,

Elements IOf Salat: ford elements, sunnah elements. recommended parts ..

Derailed deseription of performieg- Scdtit (illustrated by picrures or slides). Loud and silent parts. Sujud for


fot',g'etting some parts,

5,." What extraneous a,ctions are p'ermi8.sib~e during Salat e!,.g,.,, crying with fear of Allah, picking up an infant. What acts, are ,dis,appro,veld, and whar acts nullify Sa,la,t

5,.8 CoUective prayers, Imam and foUow,e:r,s. Adhan, l:qa:mah1' ,stl"'aightenilng of Iines, foUowin:&:' the imam :a:nd- never precedin,g hilD" H,ow to join ,an ;alre,ady stareed prayer and how t.OI complete it~!, attending collectlve prayers, their rows, child:r,en.~,s FO'WS" A. wo,man canlead :a congregarion of women only,

3. 9 Friday prayers: ghusl" rime of prayers I' Tlak 'ass .. Khu.tbt.Jh, manner o,f Iistening. 'Eid praY'e~rs:g,h.ust takb'Ts), form, k,hut IJI,ah.

S. 1 OPray,ers, ,on. special IQllccas,ions,.,Wh:en entering the masjid mid-morning, Iare night; during the ni:,lhts, of' Ramadan, and funeral pray,ers ..

3. I I Shorteningof prayer'S. 'C.onditio,ns.A rraveler followinga resident imam:! a resident foUowin.g a traveler, Combining prayers,

3.1.'2 Missed plrayers. Keeping order in making UP' missled prayers.

S .. ' 13F'o'rm. of prayer during sickness 101' during eravel in 8. public conveyance,

3. ].4 The importance of the m,asjid. Manners.ina,masiid. 1!;'2~lu'f

8; .15, Supplicarion .. ,

4. Sfy,am

4.1 Meaning of fas:ti,n,g'; kinds of Iasdng: :pro,hibit,ed days,

4" 2 Islamic c,alendar I R,am,ad,an;:Lcdlat el- Qadr,: the Battle of Badr.

4. 3 Elements of fa,sting:wh,at is permissible :a.'nd what is,

prohibitedwhile fasting: stdzo.()'T',; ifla:,..

4.4 Exemption from f,astin,g;penalty 'for breaking fast. 4.5 Tarawih prayers.

4.6, 'Eid al~Fitr ..

4.7 Najil fasdn.,g and kaffar:ah fasting.

5. Zakat

5., I Meaning of Zaka,t and its im portance: Salat and Zakat:, and Abu Bakr' s action.


The spirit. of .lakat; the Islamic artitude toward money and possessions.

The benefits [of Zakat,; to the giveT'~ '[olb.e recipient, itO the society i

Kinds of property on which .Zakt(J.,t is obHlacoI'yand the rates. Cattle" sheep, goats. camels, gold, silver, goods of trade, minerals, :agrlcuhur:aJ prodeets and fruits, Conditions wbic:h make Laka,' obUgatory: ni,sao" being free Q1f de ots, j one yea:r~ s :p, ~ savings and not Income.

5[.6 Recipients of Zakat ..

5!.7 Regulations concerning .la-kat·. S(uJtaqah (charity); z,ak,tlt ,al1itr.

..... '2 :J'. _

6 .. Hajj

6. 1 The m.e aning tOfHajj.

~i '2 The si:gnificane,e of Ha_ji: Ibrahim and Isma II U; the brotherhood [of Muslims: remerobsance of the Day of J u dgrnen '£.

6.:3 The conditions under which Ha_jj is obligatory; the condi lions for the correctuess of Ha_jj.

6.4 M akkah: K j abol«,

6,. 5E lements tofHaij.' iih1'am,) its place j what is, forbidden during ~·hFam~ use of perfume, hair oil, combing hair, etc.: taui]; sa'i; · Arafar; Muzdalifah and Minai: stoning the jamarat; sacrifice.

6,.6' Um ran and! the conditione for ~ UmT:ah'j~ elements 0'£ 'umrah; lard', $unn.ah and mustahab parts of J Umr,fl,n.

6. 7 Haji oiran, hlmait t "u and single Haji

6!.8 Sacrifie ia] a nsmal, kinds of animals: place and time of sacrifice: method of sacrifice: recommended and reprehensible things concerning' sacrifice.

61.9 Ziya,rah of al-Madina and the Ma5j];d al-Nabeun; what is permissi ble and what is reprehensible, .Ziyara.h to ] eru salem ..

6.10 Practleal suggest'iions: travel arrangements, visa, 1'n uta lJJ)waimoney .

7. DIlle" Form s of J/I/orsh£p

7.1 Reading the Qur' an: wudu~:r'eading without uride rsta ndin,g; reading wit h understanding; readin,g the QIIJ'T" an

during Ramadan: at. other occasions.

7.'2 Dhikr: after each pra y,er;: at various occasions, The pronouneement ·ofBismillah upon beginning. Insha 'AUa,kjAlhamd'ul'iUah) ja%(Jk Allah, m,a:sha 'A,Uail.~ etc. The merits of Dhikr.

'7.3 D ·U(J. and istighjaf".. .Asking God for everything: forgiveness t patience, strength, guidance, knowh:~dge., health, wealth, children .. Conditions, '0'( d ;ua; sincerity .. , h u'mility., good. intemioas .Pro'phet ! S ,d, "uas.

7.4 Medication 'fmllTaqibah}, ObJects, of meditation: creation, self, death ~ Day of Jud.g;n~.entt L:if,e He'·re'aft1er. ones past Iife, self" evaluation, attri bmes of Allah ..

'7 . .5 Teaehing and learning. Understanding religious ha;l,aqa,h for study of the Qur' an. Hadi,ihl, Fiqh and DhikT.

7.,6 lh.san. Constant awareness of Allah j S presence ..


1.. Salutation

1 .. 1 WOI",ds of salutation and responses; the~r meanings .;, ehe

blessings of salaearion,

1 .. 2 Who should be Iirsr In salu ting whom: shaking hands; standing' up for respect.

1.3 Who, should not be salueed and why ~

2 .. I Cleanliness; washing. wudu" gku,S'l~ use of perfume.

Cle ansing after use of toilet.

2.2: Hair: hair dressing: a rrificial hail"; dyeing hair: moustache ,and beard. Removal. of body hair.

2.,:5 Nails: ell tting 'of nails I use IQf nail polish.

2 .. 4 Disapproved 'practices: wbisding,! clapping, sanng m public with le·gs apart, yeU~ng" loud la.u.ghu.~r j. winking, shaking hands with- or touching wornert. ..

2 .. 5 Sneezing and yawning.

3,.1 The meaning of the phrases Bismillah~ AlhamduliUah, insha 'A lian, 5u,bhanAllah, mas haA llah, }azakAtlah, _:Vel rha mak'A Uah) A Uah u A k va''') ta hawl'a 'W,t1 la qu wwata illa Billah, Disapproval 'of saying ,'! WaUah" or ~ 'Billah: ~ I

4. ~Uann,ers of Eating and Drinking

4.1 Food which is permissible and acquired lawfully,

4.2 Saying , 'Bisra illeh. ,: " eat ing wit h right hand; fee 1 ing happin ess: ending with Alhamdulillah; lh blessing of

" .

company in eaung;

4.3 Manner of eating: pJ, ....

eating together. 4.4 Hospitality; manners of hosts and guests. 4.5 Moderation in eating habits.

4.6 Dri n king in three swa llows ~ what drinks are haram .

and utensils [silver, gold ';

. ;.1 Privacy: cleanliness: concept of najasah; wearing shoes , or slippers: entering wich left foot and leaving 'with right; d 'UDS,

6. Clothing

6.1 'Awrah for men and women; what may be worn by women in the presence of others : conditions of pr-oper dr s for women: proper clothing for prayers.

6.2 Conan. silk, wool, etc.

6.3 US-) of rings, jewelry, for both men and women: use of ma ke - up and nail pol ish.

7' .Sle etn'ng

7" I Th position of the body. 7 .2 The cove ring of the body, 7 ,,3 Sleeping in a rnasjid.


8. Naminlg

8.1Tbe best names ..

8.2 A review ofnames and .. ·8.3, Musllm names and Islamic Idendty.

9! Manners in sjJea,king and Us.t,ening. 9'.1 Naif raising ehe vcice.

9.2 Bering aeeentive,

101. .Manner s o] s:iUing and walking.

1.1. ManneTs in a gatherring OT o1",ganiz(J,tional meeting.

):2 _ Visi,ting tlut si:ck and bereaved, and condolence s.

18. Duties IOJ 4 Mu.slz~m to a Fellow MusUm 13,.1 'salutadoiD, sneezing, sickness, funeral ..

1 s.. 2 Not to praise unduly j not. to slander nor baekbite ~not to be sarcaseic OF a busive, not to spy or gossip j ito avoid SUspICion.

15.3 He~pand protecden, removal of needs, forbearance, forgiveness.

13.4 Smiling, good tempe'l\ honor 1[0 eldedy and love for <children" compassion forweak, ~nfirm~ needy.

14. Manne'" s with Family Members

14.1 Announcilngwben 'ent1ering home; salutation. 14.2, Gendeness in speaking: showing affection.

14 .. 3 Firmness, against ltn-Islamic and disrespecsfu] behavior of ehildren.

t 4. 4\ Sexual propriety.


1.1 The meaning of mo,r,ali,ty"

1.2 Foundation olf Islamic mOrralitYi fairh and knowledge. 1.:3 The cbjectivee of the Islamic 1[le(u:;:h~lJ!g: a balanced life. 1 .. 4 The wisdom of the Divine commandments.

2,.1 Sincerity) rtroithfolness, and teqeoa, 'fuJfiUoong obligadcas and promdses.

2 J! Gu,arding Ichasdty ~ 'clov:erin,g of !Iaw-r,ah.

2~,3 Thankfulness and hnm,illty before God: trust in God. and.

Sit e adfas me s s '.

2;.4 ,Moderatiron 1:0 spending and mode of living,

2.5 Gen"erolsity~ eeurage, eombaeiveness [C)l1' the sake of God; standing up for truth a,nd. jusrlcer patience.

2:.6'.' A" id f maiorsi Ii- e d h

- wmaance o~ major sins i repema nee: I,ear ano nope,

3. Impe:rsmnal Relations

3,.1 Hil'm" forbearance I"kindness and forgiveness.,

3,.2 Gentleness in speechand behavior, reatraining anger, 3~3 Refraining from ,gossip, slander, backbiting, spying,

suepicioncmocking or defaming others,

3~4 Cooperation on the basis of biTT and. taoui«, not in sin and rebellion ...

3,.5. Returning' good forevU; defending and protecrtin,g Muslim.s! life, plJioplerty and honor.

4. S oci:a:l /l,e sp!o nsi brili tie s

4.1 Basic prlnciples: mutual respensibllity: authority eemmensurate [0 responskbillryrgeneral good: coopera· tion ratber than ecmpetltion ..

4.2 Parents and children,.

4.3 Husband and wife: ;'amr and shura in the horne 4.4 Relatives,

4.5 Neighbors.

4. ,6 Orphans and widows". 4. 7 Those in need,

4.8 FeHow Muslims.

4.9 Animals

4.10' Inanimare world.

5. Business Dealing»

5. 1 Tijar,ah and riba.

5.2: 'Prine i ple s of ownership: personal. property ~ inherieance. 5.3 Returning of trusts, debts.

6. Administrative AjJai'f's

6., I Resporssibiliries oif administratorsand judges; justice and un b iasedness.

6., 2 ~'A m,. and sti UTa..

7. Jihad

7.,1 The meaning of ii.h.,ad.

7.2; The kinds, of ii,had . asghar and all bar.

7.,3 En jeining good and forbidding evil; social action,

7.4 Fighting in the cause of Allah; positive aspects: rules of warfare,


1,. Introduction

1.,1 !' Meaning of Taz}u7YjuJ.hj• therole of Ithe Prophet concerning "azki)Jy'ay • 'islam, i'man., 1·hsan.

L 2: The' immortality .of the soul, the~mpon ance of the Here-artie r .

1 ,5 The- purpose of hurna n life: worship 'of Allah, know ledge of .. \Uah, nearness jro Allah.


I A Who are the auilia Allah?

2. Purification oj Heart

2.1 Coneernpladon of the- Unity of God: removal of all kinds, of shirk f rom the heart; trust in G"ocl and removal of f ears 'of de ath i' poverty, etc,

2,2: Contemplation of s,elf:intellect, speech and hearing" know ledge j life processes and death.

2.3 Self-accounting: repentance, asking forgiveaess of sins

f ." d . '.

o cornrmssuon ano OmlSSlQIl.

2.4 love of God, fear of God;: love and fear 0:[' GOld: loving for God · 50 sake and hating foil' God! s sake; weeping with fea r of GOod.

2.5, Reading of the Qur 'an and contemplaclng its meaning, 2.6 Dhikr, na/it prayers: mUTlaqi(b,fl,h.

:). Purification. of Life

3.1 Kasb halal;avoidaonce of doubtful things. 3.2: Avoidance of major sins.

,3.5 Avoidance of idle talk, idle pursults, idle thoughts.

5.4 Moderation in Iiving: detachment from material things, 3.50 Humility, avoidance of pride: manner of speaking and


3 . 6 Company Q1f good people: avoiding ignorant and bad people except when helping them.


I. Sex

1. 1 A pierson's spiritual nature and ultimate gloat The' purpose: ,of instincts I appetites and desires in human life. No asceeicism and no indulgence but a. disciplined and balanced life.

1.2 Permissible and haTam in sexual expression. The concept of 'ismat for men and women. The concepts of


2:. Ma.rriage

2.1 Ma .. niage and family life: is, ordained by AUah;; it it;,i sunnah. No celibacy nor monkery in Islam.

2.2 The pu rpose ofmarrlage: fulfillment of the sexual urge; procre ation; love and ccmpasaiona rrefaxaricn and 'comforts of home: the fa:mily as a socio-economic unit; U pbringing the young: effort and sacrifice: com panion ~ ship and is bura.

2,3 Rights and obllgatlens of marriageparrners. Leadership role of man:' mehr, supporr .. avoidance of injustice.

2.4 Obligations of w·lome.n: guarding husband's property and trusts" obedience.

3. Steps for Merriag«

3" 1 Se Iecrion of the spouse. Qualieies to be so,ugh t.

3.2 Lega] eligibiHty. Permanently forbidden relatives, polytheisrs: People of the Book.

3 .. 3M arriage contract, Requiremenrs lor it to be' valid I'

3.4 Marriage celebration. Feast given by the bride groom.

4.. Ramily Living

4.1 Mutual right and obligation. Sharing of household work, rearing of children, sexual etiquette, birth control and abortion ..

4 .. :2 Upbringing 10£ children, Teaching Islamic beliefs. praetiees an,d manners, Respect for parents and elders, 4·.3 Birth: initial adh.a.fl~ elrcumcision of males, 'aqiqa.kj nursing of i·nfaots.

4\·.4 Extended family ..

4.5 Pluralwives: why they are allowed: rules of ereatmem, abuses ..

5. Divorce

5.1 Permissibilhy of' divorce if unavoidable.

5,.2~ Stepsbefore divorce: mediation toreeoncile, waiting for matters eo improve.

5.S Kinds 0'£ dworce: 1laj"i (nullifiabJ,e d'uring 'id,dah), ba\yan (ordmary) and mutlsq (absolute]. Divorce procedure. 'iddah,

5.4 Relationship, during the procedure IOf divorce.

S.5 Responsibility of husband and wife toward each other and toward chHdren in case of divorce.

5.6 Kn:ul 'a; wom,en initiating the divorce procedure, a,nd its rules,

S.7 Ita and zihar, and the' atonement for them.

16 . The Mtt.dim Famayin .America

6.,1 FamHy solidarity: praying together ~ eating tog'e the r I reereations and vaeations,

6.20e'Ve~oping Islamic aw,a'reness in children: incalcaricn of a bsol utereligious valuesrather than thecultural values ofthe "home country", ~, Ccuntering outside influences ..

,6.3, A(:tivi,lty in local Muslim comrnunity life. Prayers, Q.u.r~an stud y ~ meedngs ~ so,cialfuncti:ons" JieHgious feseivals ~ Ra.madanifta'T s, Islamic seheo], Th,epracticing Muslims constitute Qll,e j s ccnnmunity j: other relationships are only peripheral ..

16.4 Activity in broader MusUm, commumty. Youth camps, summer schools, conferences, eonvenelons, Strengthen ~ ing ties with commit.,ted MusU:ms al':Du:nd the ICQ1untry. Engaging in various forms, 0'( Islamic work. Travel ee the MusUm world.

6.5, Alcernatives to outside attractions. Healthy sports, reading habits, travel and vacations, visiting Muslim homes. Giving as much responsibility as -a youngster (5 ready fo:r J [0 provide healthy a~llerDad,ves.

6.6; Attitude development tow:ard dating and mixing of sexes,


al,coboland drugs. televisicn and movies, Christian and nariena] holidays" the rele and behavior of women"

1-201 JIHAD

1., I ntr(jld, U cti on

1.1 M eaniag of Jihad} slrivin,g within and stri,ving 'without~ 1 . '2 The stages of }ihad'; a review of the Prophet ~ s strU;li1e (1) to ponder over wa,k." and transmit it [0 Closest. people, (2) to propagate ehemessage I' 1(8)1 t~OI pat:~ently persevere. (4) ,to or:ganiz,e a community ofMu,slims~ (,5) 'to defendthe Muslim community fremoueside attacks, 1(6)i tOI initiate preaching to oeher groups, and nations, and (7') to demolish 'by force any resistance and the structures 0'(


1.S The ultlmate aim ,ofjihald is the uplifting' orf the Word of God above all other words" within every human soul and within every' ,gr'oup of people, not for garin of t:erli:to:ry 01' imperial dommadcn.

2" Th,e Char,act,enstt'ts o/Jihad

2:.J Islam i,5, a practical religion and uses praetical means: preaching or fighting if necessary.

2,,:2 jiluJd' is a dynamic response to new challenges . it is not necessarily j defense of ehe homeland of Islam. ;

2.3, It is, not "nationalistic, j' not even in relanon to ~MusUm nationalism, t Islam t s call is to all p,e,op,le.

2.,4 I,s~am~egulaltes, the relationship ,gfEhe' Mu.slim community with non-Muslim communities ,. A eontraetual 1"' .. 1ation,s,hip: itfcon.t:racts, are broken then ii,had becomes meum bent,

3,. E'stabUshment ,a/Allah 's Authority

3 .1 Islam is a, call for human freedom t Lor aU mankind: freedom from. fearof deatb. poverty" of lordship of one


human being over a nOlhe:r,j 'of pessecution,

81,,2, Islam does not permit Mus'Ums~o do injusl:i!c,_' no:r 'to suffer injusrice. 'If preaching is, ,a,1; ineelleetual pl,an=-!, movement is, atpractical and, material plane:.

3",31 The mleaning of 'wlo'rs.hip~'ru,b':ud,l:ya,h). De'votional activity, absolute Ioyaley ~ obedience.

3,. '-the meaning of human freedom. Islam,·'s freedom versus, [he Wleste:rn id ea of 'freedom.'

~t51 The me,ani:ng of ~ho,:m,e:~and olf Islam' (d;g, (d-lstam).,

4:. The C ommand':'me:nts io/Jihad'

4.1 The Makkan perilod. - t:be re'aSOD:S .Jihad' was: clonfin,eld~o preaching,

4.2: The M adman period ~ the gradu,al ],egis,i.atioID ,of iJ:htJd.,

5. Tbe B,aule s during thle P'rophe'lf'sTim,8

5.1 Badr ~canln~S't the battle its,elf; dJ:e result, the trearment of th prison. rs ..

51.2 Uhud ,. ,caU5e~SI the battle 'its,elf, def;eall• :PUfSUi't, at ~~a\w be h.

S.! Khandaq (the Trench).

3,&4 Baetleswith the }ewish tribes - causes and, treatment o,l various tribes.

5,.15 Conquest lof Makka.h and later baerles.

6,. Ji,~t(}Jd in M odern n;tne S'

6.. 1 U surpation of M u slim lands. - P ales tine . K,a:shmir, USSR, Ethiopia, etc.

6,.2 Persecution of Muslims _, Philippines, Thailand. USSR~ Chad, EriteriavIsan, etc.

tL3 Propagatlon of Islamin Afriea, Eruope North and South America I Asia. Methods and means.

1··2'0:2 AL~HA.LA.L WA AL~HARAM'

1. Basic Pn~nci;P'l'e's

1 .. 1 Eve:rything is permissible except what i.s forbidden.

1.2 Forbidding .and permitting ls she ri.ght. of GOld .onl·y:. to forb~.d what is permissible or 1[10 permit whal :is forbidden

• L· L

15 sntre:

1~.3 Forbidding is not: arbitrary; forbidden things are harmful and God kno·ws what is harmful or beneficial lorman.

I,! 4 What leads ·tlo k,t'DiQ;'m ls also .R,fJtl'am .. : .Roo,d i'nte:rnd,o:rlIH5, de nOlI 'changr karam ..

1 .. 5 WJnu is haram is ha1'am for everyone. 1.,6 DUTurah makes exceptions.

2. Basic Prin,cijJ,l,e's

'2:.1 Islampermits clean food and forbids whitt is unclean ..

Porbiddeu are dead anjmals, bleed, swineflesh, ·wh.a't is dedjcated 'to other than. God;. the wisdom. ,o,f these. Fish. seafcod and locusts are exempted :fl'o,:m this rule, Dead animals I ski:n and bones: dururah. makes them kalal.

Medk,al necessity, Sea naimals are all h,al·al.

How to, slaughter,aJ. Chri.sltia.nand. Jewish ,UIJ.abUI·a. Stunning' by electric ShO'Ck., Nor to ask concerning what is not: seen by us.

HUDtin.g and its rules '.

Every intoxicane is forbiddee, even in small q·uandtie,s. Any kind of dealinl'~n intoxicants is, ha'T,am~· st;ayi'nl·away from where people are drinking.


The prohibited land animals,

2 0, .s

Cl' 41


'2 .. 5



(!ji -7·

lti.'!!! '_"

3,.1 Dress is for covering ,and for beauty .. ReH;gion requires decency Ii cleanllness and be autifieation .

3.2 Go~d and silk are forbidden for men but not for women: f'ea.SOn. ..

3· ... 3 Dress of a Muslim woman. Imitaring "th,e dress of the


Opposlt.e sex ...

3AMake-upl;. hair-dressiag: cluting of meusraehe.

4. Ho'Use'hol'd Items

4. 1 Islam requires cleanliness and beauty i' bus no ostentaticn or waste, Gold and silver utensils"

4.2 Pictures: complete and imoompleu~; paintings, sculpeures, photographs"

4.3 Dogs; huntin,gafld watch-dogs. Cat,


- -

1. islamic FOIU1ul.a.ti,ons of Social ]usticle

1.1 Development OIl' a conscience: fear of God~ purity of faieh, sincerity of action.

1.2: Brotherhood of Muslim,s; no priesthood; imporrance ,of know ledge: men and women are all servants of God;: no distinction exeeplt through knowledge and taqwa.

1.3, Definition of mutual rights and res:p·Q·nsibiHdes: rights. of self: 'rights of parents: rigbrs of spouses: rig'h'ts of children, Coopennilon in good, Obedience 10' Anah~ the Prophet, the amir.

2. Wa:,s oj E.staJJli's.hin,g Social Justic,(~' :2. ~ Trust in individual; witnessing. 2. 2: .zaka~!and charity.

2.3, Teat h~ng of mercy II kmdness I justice ,generosity, hospitality, m usual concern. cooperation fur good. No di stinction except on basis of tat} wa and knowledge ..

2.4 Crimes. and 'punishments. -

3. Individual Muslims

3.1 Right 1[0 life, pr'Operty~ honor, free status, marriage, ha ving children, legitbnare work, assembly, due process

IOf law. trave]: -

3.2 Responsibiliriesto acquir religious knowledge, skins for earning a living, paJt.icipa.tion~n obligatory Friday pra~leI'S 1 paying Zaka: if applicable. partie ipa ring in I am r bil rna 'ruf and. in jihad .

4. Reietions Betuieen the Sexes

4.1 Purity and chastity are essenelal lslamie qualities for both men and woment Muslims' interaction. is, 'to be based 'on sincerity, responsibility and purity,

4.2: The family is the' basis of Islamic society, lr m ust 'be safeguarded by every possible means, The sanctity i()! the marriage relationship: the importance of two, parents for rearing children.

4.3, Regulation of relations between the sexes is essenrlal to. any ,civilized society. No free mixing' between men a,nd women; no being alone together or pre-marital intimacy: observing the' limits of P'fop':rie'tyifmixing O'CC1!.U·,S; Islamic dress and behavior.

4.4: Islamj,crlegula:tion,s concerning sex designed to limit sexual expressionberweerr h usb and and wife,

4.51 Islamic dress for women: ne'flectsthe concept 'Of' womanhood which Islam desires ~ not simply a matter of external form. hut of great social sig'niHcancein maintaining' pure rela tions between the sexe 8,. The' requirements of Islamic dress for women; for men.

4.5, Islamic teachings regarding fornication, adultery ~ homosexuality, masturbation,

5. FamilJ'Life

~5.i. Harmony rather than strife " ceoperaricn (.s:huTla) rather than competition; aUevialing siblin,g rivalry; eating together; sharing household work.

5.:2 Religious 0 bligations 0 bserved: collective plrayers; collective fasring: encouraging' Ichild.r, n[.IO ask questions: a program for teaching religion to children,

,5.3 Visiting and inviting other Musllms, pardcipadon in community activit ies, Islamic ideo!dty cernes before everyth ing else; thus. associates are oil great importance: counteractjng un-Islamicacrivitles by strong family life and suitable activities.

5.4 Travel and recreation, . 5,.5 .old parents and relatives and 'their care.


6. Community'Life

s.i Themasiid, Frida Y' prayers,

,ft 2 Islamic education forchildren: ha,laqahs for adulrs.

6.3 ,ZaluU collection and distribution 'to, the needy, orphans, widows old people,

6,.4 S,enHng family disputes ,cQiuns,ehn,g j ways of mutual help, mediation.

,6L 5 Performing M uslim ceremonies, birth, rnarriage, funeral, burial.

61-.6 Public health. hospitals,

6i.'7 Sports. recreations, and entertainments. tbe arts,

'1. Holidays 7',.. Friday 1.:2 ~Edis,

7'. :3L,aHat al- M era] I Lai~at al- Qadr I 15th. Sha ban, "A Prophet Is. binhday.

8,. Ceremonies

8:.1 Birth.

Sl.2 Circumcision I' in-it iation into reading the Qur I' an. 8~:2 Wedding.

8.,4 Funeral.


1. Priuate Property

] ~ 1 Theright to own property'; punishment for th,eft.,

1.2 The nature of ownership, a. trust; the share of the comm unity; community property (water ; fire , grass" minerals).

I .3: Acquiring private property: to make waste ~;and productive; to mine'; 101 work for wages and salary; gift for government; inhernance.

L4 Increase in property: trade, irnprevement of methods, cultivation IOf land, indu.,s,try.

1 .. 5 Prohibitions: interest, &,amblin,a, pro,hibition of land rent and share-cropping, hOiarding. seUing something which one' doesn't own. m,onopo,ly. trade in prohibited things such as alcohol, drugs.


:2.1 Za,kat

2.1. I Zalu'lt. on cash, gold and silver, articles of trade. 2.1.2 .Zalud en cattle. sheep, goats and camels.

2.1.3, Zaked on produce of the' earth.

'2.2 Reuenue

2.,2. 1 Land tax.

~2.~2. 2: Customs, and tolls. 2,.:2.3, [ax 'i.,o.

2:,,:2.4 Tax on mines.

2 .. :2.5, Est a te on intestate pier sons: other 'taxes,

2JL6, Income from governm,enlt-owned and run property and industry.

'2. 3, Expendit u re

2.3.1 Expenditure of Zaka«. Beneficiaries. 2.3.2 Public adminisrrat ian.

2.3,.3 Defense.

3. Policies of the Prophet.

. I:) I"" if- '~r

-l. roucies o· L mar.

5.1 Banking, savings and! loan aasceiations, credit unions. 5.2 Corporal ions.

5.3 Insurance.

3.4 N, ,5.5 Use of rechnclogy.

5.6 Sa vings and i nvestments .

6. lloxseh old Budgeting

6. I Keeping records of income and .expendirure. ,R curring

'and non-recurring 'e,x.penses. . .

6.2 Control on expenditure: estimaricrt and budgeting ..

6.:3 Planning for' future: insurances. savings and investments.

6.4 Computation of Zakat 6',5 Making of wins.

1. ,P:oliti!f;al T'IuJory

1 ,.1 The Sorvereitgnty 'rOf 'God,anrd the vice-gerency of man;: the f b S'h ., II 11 d d All' 11.

5upremac:y o_ t __ e_l_an a,_';,_"L~Ur __ _J~_'_.Q __ ,

1.2 The purpose of dIe Islamic state: establishment of Sialart, Zakat; enjoining ,good and fo,rbldding evil: rdefenrding the homeland ef Islam; givinglsiam,jrc advice in Intemat:lon,al affairs". 'Other purposes: tb:e welfare of 'the people ; administration; justice; secudrtYi: eduearion; public health; public services.

2. The St11Ucture

2,.1 The leader (ami:r)~ qualification :an.d seleerion: Um,i.ts ,of his power: change of leadership.

2.2 The Skura (adviso:ry ceuneil),

2~. 3 Justice.

3" Pr(i! ohrte

.r "

3.1 Muslimsafld non-Musllms. :3. 2 Rights. of the' individual.

3r.3 Duties of the individual,

4. Case' Slud,'·ies

4~ 1 The Prophet as Head of the Islamic state. 4'.2 Al~Kh"lafa (J1~R'4sh'id.()ron,

4.3 Ummayah and "Abasiyyah,

4 .. 4 The 'Uthmaniya,h.

4.5 P alistan.





1. In tJ:111ductioD

1.1 The nature of w:ayh; J ibriland his role; different h:aditbs concel'ninghow wahy cameto the Prophet.

1.2 The first revelation: It he Prophet j s distress and.

Khadij ah' s faith ~ intersupdon andr,es.umption of revelation.

:2. Thecomplatioo of the' Qur'an~

5. The contents of Itbe :Qur'aLD

5. 1 The U nseen: Iegislation concerning' permissjble and prohibited.

5.2 Muhkamat. and mueashabihae,

5.3 Guidance of the Islamie vmovement; types of people (believers ,rejec.tors, hypocrites. the re bellious, the thankless ~[bo!!Jlle who. love the world, the bum ble j the leamed.uhe thankful, ere.),

5. 4 Moral teachings; stories of the prophets and. their peoples ..

5.5, Thegenera] and the specific.

6. The Style of the IQar' an

6.1 · "Teaching" ~ repetition wirh variety: emphasis on the main themes; the whole truth.

16.2 God~s word is simaar 'In God~s work .. Inimitible - only God could do it.

6.3 God ~ s speech addressed tc man ..

. 3 g;

7. How ro Read theQu:r~ an 7. 1 Re ading fo:r dhikl' ,

7.:2 Re ading for information Of action.

g,~ Selections il'om the Q,u'l"'an,~


1. Emphasis on reading co'needy,.


1. Principle so:i Tafsir

1.1 Woords have meanings: far-fetched t3W'U can be misleading; apparent meaning and principles of,t3wil.

3~ Tafsir OIf Selected, Su:rahs fr'Q:m J uzu 30o,

4],. Tafsirof al- Baq arah, Ale-Imran, AI~N isa,

11·103 AL .. SUNNAH

I, ,. The Importance 0:1 SURnah

1.1 From the Qur" an. from rheHadith, from the Companions, from the Iuqaha, from the imam,s.

2~ Classific:ati.on ~ll' S'Unnah

2.1 Verbal (Hadith).

2.2 Action, ,2,.3 A pproved,

3,. 'Compiladon Orf, H:adidl

o· h ,. S L "h" ' 'd' ,L," " ' . ~1

oJ'. 1 Tf e SlX .. aIIIS" anc tneir compuers.

8,.2 The difference between Hadieh and, Sunnah.

4\~, CI,as,s:ific:ati.on ,of Hadith.,.

5. The 'Cont'ents ,of Haditb. fi~ Selecdonslrom H:adith,~

U .. 104 ,STUDY OF :H,AD,ITH

- - '.

A systernaric study'of Hadith under, the guidance of seme knowledgea ble person.







1. A 1'tloia B,e!of'e Isltzm

1.1 Origin of idolatry among the Ara'bs;: the Arab cbaraeter and 'way 0,' HI'e.

1.2 Makkah and the QUFRysh; mternal dissensicns: Abraha ~ 5, atrack on M:akk,ah.

2., Muhllm:madjr'ofn Birt,h U) Mamag,€ 2., I Genealogy_

2.,2 "Abdul-MutUalib :and his sons; VOiWS 1[0 sacrifice a son. 2.,3 !IAbduUah and Amin,ah.,

2.4 ThePro:phet's bi.rth and foster mother.

:2 .,S His mOithe'l"~ s death; the death of ! Abdul- MuttaHb.

2; ,,iii Abu 'Talibbeclomes the Prophet ~ s guardian; the jou.rney to Syria,.

2 ! 7 The sacreHgiolBs WiU:-',

2.,8 Marriag!e to Khadij ah: ric building ofK",abak.

S ~MuJuunmad's Call to' Mess6,ngership,

3., I His Ican and ithebeginnilng of the QUl',tan Khad'ija,h accept.s, IsJam; pr:a.yer pres,cribed ..

;5,.:2 The first MU5,lims, ·'.Ali. A'bu Bakr and his, companions. 3.3 Open preaching: persecution; Hamza' s Islam; 'Urbah I'S attempt at c()mpromise': Ibn Mas/ud recites the IQul"a,n pobUcaUy.

:3.4 Persecurion of Muslims:. Yasir :and his f:amily~Bila~~ Khab bab: persecution of other cemparaions.

3.5 Migration to AbyssInia; the Quraysh's deputation and

Ja..' far 18, speech.

3 a, 6 'Umar accepts Islam ..

S ,'1 The' boycottand aftermath, 3,,8 M'iT'(Zj.

3 .. 9 The death of A btl! Talib and Khadijah.

3 .IOThe first Ahnsar, and the first pledgeat al- ~Aqab(lh.


3.11 The Friday prayersIa Madinah. 3 .. 12The second pledge ae al- 'aqabah;

4,. Hirahatui Liife in Ma.dina;h

4.1 Prophea'e h,~'rd,h/ bu:Udilng of mosque and houses. 4.:2 Covenant with the J ews,

4 .. 3 Brotherhood between Mun!fJiirnTIJ ,and Ansa~r; regularion

Qif life itnM,edinah. 4.4 T'he Adha».

4:.5 Jews, and hypecrites: the depueaeioo of Chrisrians, 4.6 Change of Qibl~ah.

4.1 Battle of Badr and its causes: Qurtanil(.': verses coneerriing

Badr: Quraysb and Banu Qunaiqa ...

4.8 Batele o:f Uhud: verses concerning Uhud ..

4.9 Banle ·of the Di tch and raid on Bano 'Q.uray:za~ 4.10Al·Hudayhiya and the p'

4.11The occupation Oir Makkah: the B,;31td!e of Hunayn,

, 4. 12A:ra bia accepts Islam ...

4. i 3, The farewell pUgdma.,ge.

4 .. 14Usama ~ s expedition; the Pf1opb!et invites. rulers to Islam, 4. 15 The Prophet ~ s death.


1.. The Prophet '.5 Cja1lac.tlfer-istics and Cha,rtu;!te'T' 1. 1 His person: his manners.

1 .2; His ch araeter .

2.1 2 ... 2 2 .. 3 2 .4~

ISFraand M·'irai ~ detailed description, M:ira,e les ..

Intercession on the Day of Judge·ment ..

E'"", ~ m C C ple fr' "",,," rL,Q. "M, ..•.. ·U sl '1' m ! "" ~ .... ~ .,"'" 0·' if- h~I_, li'm~ :: €1 ;; "'i' C~'I ~ rn hent "'0

~~g._= '" IJ~ :lIru~ 1!I.,,,il\:; ." ., ,~. ,. ~ .• luv~ ·.L . ,,~ ... J L~1.3 .IJ,.l.tI. .. UJ I ,u~ It V • J

Muslims. His exampleas a Iegialaror ,tealcher t friend, husband and father, human being, messenger.

3.. Th« Pv-opl'te'/i t'11 tlie Scrip~ur'e5 3.1 In the ~ur·,afl.


! .. 2 In Ibe Taurat:~. the InjU, the Hlnduserlprures.

4. The Propheit 'sMe·itho,dol,og, of Da'wa.n

4.1 Early preaching of theQ;uraysh; perseeution a.nd.his response. 'Utbah: meeting with the Ieaders: Ibn Maktum.

4.2 Preaching itO Arab tribes, 4:.:S Preaching to An.sar ..

4./4 Preachingto Jews and Christians. 4J5 Deputadcns,

4~16 Letters to rulers.

5. The P1'oph.e,t J sTrtltn'~ng of His Com.panl~ons

5 .. 1 Strengili:hening of the faith; gentleness and forbearance. 5.:2· Dependence on. the Q.u.r~ an alone"

5 ~s. Break from jahi";· habits.

5,~4 Tralnin.g for complete obedience.

5, .. 5 Eaeh SuccoiJidin,g to h:is ability .and tasee ~

6. The. Consti:tution ofMadinah

1. Wives

1.1 Khadijah. Genealogy. Eadie.r Marriages, B.usioless., Ma·rriage to the Prophet. Acceptance of Islam . Love ef the Prophet. Charactee a.ndper:soinali.ty.H'u:ii~.s eoneerniag her merits, Children .. Death ..

1. 2Sauda.h.Genealo,gy~ Eadiermaurrla,ge to the Prophet.,.

Personality andeharaeeer. Children, Death.

1.:5 ~AI~s.hah. Gen.ealogy. Birth and ehildhoed, Ma.n'iag,e to rhe Pro'phe't! Emi,lradoo and jloininK her husband, Rumor concerning her I' and the Q.ur j anie ateestarion to her innocence. Her love of the Prophet ,and his love ·0£ her .. Her persoloj dressand character, Her piety J hos,pitaUty ... Her deptb of knowledge and 'ijtiha,d. Her Hfe after the d"eath of the Prophet, Her merits . Death,

1.4 Hafsah_ Geneal,ogy.Birth .. Acceptance 0.£ Islam. First

marriageand emigratioa. M arriatge 'to the Prophet. The incldene of itahrim., Character. Merits. Death.

1 .. 5 Za.YRab d'augh.te!r of Khazimah., Gea.:no,),ogy. EadieI' marriages. Marriage to the Prophet ,. Character. M erits. Death.

].6 Imm Sa,lmah. Genealogy, First marriage. Acceptance of Islam. Emigratlon and life In Madinah. Husband's martyrdom, Matriagie to the Prophet. Life with the Prophet, Children (from her firs.t marriage) .. Character. MeTits.. Death ..

1 ... ' .laYBa,b d:('T of }ahash. Genealo'gy.. Islam and eim.igra·t:ion., "irSI; marriage, Divorce. Marriatge to the Prophet." Character, Merits. Dea th,

1..8 Juwl(J;yri!yah, Genealogy. First marriage. Marriage to the Ptophet. Character . Merits, Death,

1.,9 Umm Habi,baB. Gea.neaJogy. Firsl[ marriage. I.slam and emilI'adoD,. Death of her ,~ hus band. Mar:riag'eto the Prophet, Character. Merits. Death.

1. I OS,aji"ah. Genealogy, Earlier marriages ..M.arrilage to the Prophet, ChaF:a..Cter. Merits. Death.

1 .. 11R':ikanah .. Gen!ealogy .. Firsit m,af'fi,ag!e. :Marria:g'e 'to, the Prophet". Death,

1 ... 12Ma,munah. Genealogy .. Filrs[ marriage ,. Mard:age [0 the Prophet" Characterv Merits. Death.

] .. 13Ma.rya the i(;opt. :Son Ibrahim. ,and his death in infan,ey.

2.. D'alUgkleTs

2 .IZaY'ltab.Birth. Marri,ag!c. Islam and emigration. Gienenll deseription of her life. Children. Death ..

:2 •. 2 Ruqayytlh ..Birth ,. FI.rst marriage and divorce . Mardage to 'Uthman, Islam and. emigradon. Children .. Personality and, cheracter. Illness and death.

2 a, SU:mm KiUlthurn. Birth. First marri,age and divorce .. Islam a.nd! eml,gration.Marriage to "Uthman after Ruq ayyah j s death, Character" Death,

2.4 Fadm.ah., Birth. Marriage [0 ~AU" Descrjptlon 'of the man:iag!e as told by ·tAli" and dowry. Merits. H,er life. The Pro'phef' sdearh and her gri,eLHe'r sickness and death,

3, Sons

g . 1. Qasim, ~A bduUah. an.d. l.bra.him ~ both died :in j,nfa'Rcy,.

4.. Qat janie verses and hadi,.hs concerning tlul PrfJphet j.51 housB'Ro,ld.


1. In"Toduct~:on

1 ~ 1 Who werethe Comp,anion,snf the Prophet]

1.:2 Early Companions ; MuhtJjirinj: Ansar.· panleipaats In Badr: Ahl,al~Ba)'t~:IIAsk!1'aMu,ba:s,hs:kirifi.

1.:3 Qurl :antc ayal'sconcerning the: C:om.panions ;IUlil,ilhs

eonceraing them,

1.4 Pro bityand iitijad of the OompaniolD,5.

1 ,,5 Companions as anactualized ideal community.,

1 ,,16 Kh ulafahJ ,generals I' scholars and ueaehers, preachers, the pious,

2:. Their Salbr VntleT' .PB'TS6'cut'i!on

2'" 1 Yas!:ir and his, family;. Bila] ,and K~habbab I Suhayb. 2.2 Mig:ratiJon 'to Abyssinia; J"afarts speech.

2.3 The boycoee.

S,. The~:r TCllqwa

.3.1 Abu Bakr II S ullqwa. 8<.:2 'Urnar' s talqwtJ,

3,~3 Hanzalah "s story.

3,.,4 Other Miscellaneous stories.

It 4:. Their D1evo!'tion in Sa:lat .

4.1 Abo Bakr' s, "Abdullah 'bin Zubair~·.s, 'Uthman' Sit 'Ali'5 I Muslim, binYasir'!!I $,alat. 4.:2 Salat while watching; "Ammar and · Ablba.d ..

4.:3 Ibn 'Abbas andsalat.

5" Ch,an~ty and' Self-Sacrifice.

5.1 Abu Bakr's, 'Umar's, 'Uthman's and 'Alj,ts sacrifices,. ,5.2 'Umars trying tOI emulate Abu Bakr.

5.! Sahabah dying thil's'lY for others,

5.4 t Urhman' oS genc'rosi,ty.

5,5 Abu Db.arr :rcp':rimands his eervant, 5.6 1 Aish:al 5 charity.

5.7 ; Abdullah ibn "Abbas' charlry.

06. Thei'" ,L01J8 oj th,e Ptophe"

16.1 I AU speaks up although a boy;, his sleeping i:n the

Prephet's bed,

'6.2 Abu Bakr in the Cave olf Thawr, ,6.3 Miqdad'a speech.

10.4 t Abdulla.h bin ~Abdullah bin Abi Sulul'a Incident. ,6.,5 Abu 'Ayyub Ansari's, stories.

16 Ji, ' U rw ah bi n M,a s "u d ~ ,5 re port C:o Q.u,raYls h a ftel Hudabiyyah.

16." An AnS:ST woman's concern about the Prophet after


t6.8 Aby "Ubaidah loses his teeth at Uhud. :6.9' Zaid "s refusal togo with his, father: 16.1'OOthe:r miscellaneous incidents ~

· "



t .. 1 The meaning of calipb (kh,tlUjah).

1 .. 2 The significanc:e of the ealiphate ~ pollnco- r·eUgious offlee.

1 .. 3 The principles of Islamic polity. 1 .. .4 Caliphate and kingship.

2., Abu BaiT 2 .. 1 Fa da il ..

2 .. 2 Early life: his titles,.~ his physical appearance. :2 .. 3 Conversion fo Islam; his propagarion of Islam.

2 .. 4 His devotion. to the Prophet; gives his daughter in marriage: ,h~j,.ah with theProphet.

2.:' Abu B:akr" s sacrifices at Madinah: his participation in

various battles.

2.6 As imam during the Prophets last illness"

2;. 7 The Prophet ~ 5 death and his eleetion: inaugural address. 2:. 8U samah '5, dep9!'rtufle to Syria ~his cperatlons and the

result "

2;.9 The apostates, the siege ofM adinah and its defeat.

2 .. 10 The reconquest of Arabia: Khalid's opem-ationsagainst T'alha~. reclamaalon of the Bani T:ayyt the Battle ·of Buzakhah, Bani. Tamin ; the tria] of Khalid: Khalid' s ope:rat:ionsa.lainstMusaylama.h j Saj ah ithe B.atde ef Yamamah ..

2.11 Bahrain ,Um.all.and Ma.hrah.~ Yaman and Hadl'a..m.:lult. 2 .. :12 The franti,er expedieions,

2 .. 13 Iraq t Syria; K.h and " M.utban.n.a.

2 .. 14 Abu Bakrs illness ,. choice ofa successor ..tesltamenl. 2 .. 15 His, death,

2 .. 16 His, fa,mily, his, home and his habits; his love o·f tbe Prophet.

3,.1 Fadail.

8;,.:2 Early life. Grandfaeher, father; 'Umar's birth. ''UJTtar~5

'training and achievements before Islam. 3,~,3 Convensien of Islam"

3' .. ,4 Hiirah and his, life with. the Prophet.

.3,~ 5 His role in Abu Bakr' s eleetion and during his - caUphiate. 3'~16 'Umartscaliphate.

3,.7 The conquest ,of .[ra'qa:nd Syria: ehe Battles of Bu w,aib, Q_a,disiyyah I' Y,ermuk; }eru,sa,l,em and 'Umar' s entry into ·[he dty,.

3,.:8 The deposition of KhaJiid.

3,.'9 The·co,nqu.est~f the Iranian provinces. :5.,1,0 The ,as,sas,sinatio,n olf 'Umar,

3.11 A review of (he conquests.

3.1,:2 'Umar'e policies: toward the dh,immi$J'~~ toward the governers: toward the people; ijtihad.

3.1.4 'Umar's personal habits" eharacterisdcs and family life. :3.15 Had:iths concerning 'the merns 0'£' Umar .

4:. 'Uthman. 4.1 Fadail.

4. 2 Earl:y~if:e ,.

4.3 Conversion toIslam, Marriage tOI 'Rulqayyah. Persecution and hijT:ah,to A bysainia. Return. to M,akkah. and h~irtJ,h to Madinah.

4.4 Life' with the Prophet, Generosity; buying of aweU; buying' 'of land near the ":l'rophet"s mosque: Badr, Uhud:

Ruqayyahs death and lJil"la.Irial,e to Umm Kulthum, Chief Officler of the Propuet is Ma.dinah., Ba'It Radwan;; equipping the Tabuk expedition ..

4.5 His role durin.g Abu's and 'Umar's caliphates, 4.,6 His eleetien to khilGJat.

4~ 7 'Urhman's /l,hita/at. Conque'6ts,; Armenia, Ca,uca,SUth Anatolia, AfghanisEan t North Mric:a, Cyprus, Cenrral Asia, Nubia.

4.:8 Expan,sion of the Prephee'e .mo\sqne~, cOipying of the (tur' an and its distribul:Lon"

4,.,'9 CiviJI disnarbences: their causes: AbduUah ibn Saba; the


rebels '. demands, 4'.1 (J! 'Uthman' s acrioas,

4. 1) 'Uehman' s martyrdom. 4,.12 A review of the events.

4" 13 'Utbman ~ scharaeter and qualkies.

4,.14 Hadz~t,hs: ,coft!cernin,g the merits, ,of 'Uthman.

5. jAli

~5.1 Fada,il.

,5.:2 Early lile. His em bracinglsi.a,m;: life in thePropbet! is bousehold.

5.3, H1.j'rak and life in Madlnah. Pa:rticipa.tio,ft in baerles.

5.4 Role' durin;. the kkita/tlts of ,Abu. Bakr I, ~ Umar and


5.5 Election to, ,k,hi!lajat. Controversies: banles, Jamal and

Siffin; arbh:r,at:iJ9n: khto:riiiY,fJh; m,artyrdom. 5." A review 0,1 the events.

5 . 7 j AU I' S adminiseradcn: his justice,

5.8 His other aecompllshmenrs: character emd qualities. 15,,91 Radiit,hs cencerning the merits of' AU.

6. A ,Review of This Period' ,an,d Its imp OTt anC6 JOT Musl'ims 6. I The rapid espansien of Islam,

16.2 Commerce.

16. 3. Adrnirristrarion. 16.4 Finances.

6. ,5 Social serueture.

6 .. 6 The ideal Islamic state.


1.. A mi» M JuaruiY(J,h,


1.1 His plersonality; political acumen and statesmanship; his

winningover of his. ,enemies (hUm),: his assistants:: his bold. team paigns.

1.:2 Early life; l:sla.m after the conquest of Makkah j; Prophet '5 scribe.

1 .. 3 His Tolle during Abu Bakrs, lUmarJs, and 'Uthman's

khilafars ..


1..4 tAli's ,ele,ction.' AU's, decision to depose Mtu,awiyah:

M 'uawiyah'!Ii Insistence on retaliation. 10.£ the murder of 'Uthman; Siffin; arbitration.

1.5 'A~rs assassination: Hasan's abdication. M'uawiyah consolldates his rule.

1.6 Conquests: Balkh: Hirat:, Khurasan: Mukran: Kabul:

Ghazni I Bukhara: Tirmidh,

I , 7 Attacks on the Byzant:ines; M'tuawiyah~5 n,avy,conquest of Cyp:rusandRhode~s. AUa,ck on Constantinople (Ibn II Abbas, Husain and Abu A yyu binvolved].

],.8 'Uqbah bin Naf'i1s, conquests in, North Africa,.

I,! 9 Bay ~ ah for Yazid: UJasi,yah to Yazid; eencerningH usain, Death.

1" 10 M 'uawiayh'a adminiseranon: anllY and navy; postal service; agriculture ~ water m,anll,gement: redress of grievances, j , injustice: religicus freedom and toleranee: propagation of Islam; construction of masjilds)7 translation of medical hooks.

1.11 M'uawiyahs character and 'quali.ties.

2. Husain


2,! 1 Husain · s character and qualities: his relacions with M~uawiyah.

2 .. '2 Husain leaves Madiriah for Makkah after Yazids


acc:eSS,l,on ..

2.,8 The mes,sages from Kufahi a.dvoce by well-wishers:

Muslim bin "AqU sent 'to Kufah; betrayal by Kufans. 2.4 Husain leave's fOir Kufah: he is surrounded by Hurr: his attieude .

2 .. 5 Husain'a martyrdom, Effe,ets, of his ma,rtyrdo:m". 2~6 "Abdullah ibn Z,'s stand. and khila/a',

3. Banu Umai,yah jf-IOom 68,() to' 7',0 s.i Yazifj:: 1(6810 -0I,83}1.

!,J~ Ma,fwan Ibn al-Hakam [(68:5-685)..

!I.§ ~ Abdul Malik. (686~?U5).. AI:-Hajjaj ibn Usufand' Abdullah ibn Zubair, Al~H;ajjaj reduces Arabia and Iraq. M uhamrnad ibn s conquest of Sind ~ eonquest of Central Asia; Byzantines and Berbers, ArabirIzin,g o.f the admlnlstrarion. Partisans of '~AIi and Khwarij, ' AbdulMalik" 5 achievements.


8.4 AI.~W·alid (7'05-715,). Con.questof Spam. Tariq ibnZiyad., Musa bin N'osairt :an,d M:uhammad ibn Qasi,m.

:S.OI Sulayman (7151~ 717). .. Aue',mpt to conquer Co, :5.6; bin "AbdJUl~' Aziz (118-72)0). Remmro Islam i.e rule .. 'Umar sreforms, j Umar'seharacter and qualities,

:~. '1 Yazid II ( ,'210·724) and Hisham (7!4~748). The Battle of Tours (,7,82). U'prising',s of Shean ~Ali and the ~ Abbasiyyah.

:5·.8 The' end IOf the Umayyabs. The reveo,ge by Saffah., .

.3.'9 A re'vie:w .g" the Umayyahs . .Administtat:,ion;: m.ii.lit,ary organi,z8Jltlon; IcoRlque,sts; the people ~ Arabs". new M'U.sli:ms~~ dldmml:s and :sla:ves~ social life'~ intellectual. acdvitties; kalam, poeery, education and 5ei,enc,e~ architeeture: hade and. clOmmerce;control Oil the Mediterranean,


1. The Bo/rIJ' 'Alb b!asi,~aA (1'0' .. 84")

1.1. ~ Ab ba.siyya.h heritage. T'he Muslim world and civilizadon in 750 ..

1.2 A,m~Sa:(fa.h (750~1754) and. al~Mansur ('7541-775;). The Dew order; suppression of u:prisings. Wars with the:

Byzantines .. Found.;atilon (),f ('62,),. BarmaIds.,

1. 3 Al~ Mahdi (7" 5!~ 7815). The rise o,fBarmaki:s. Patronage of the arts ~ Am.~Hadi ('78;5~ 7'1'6)~

ill.4: Hananal- Rashld (7801-;809). Jihad a.gainst:the By:zantin,es.

Style of IUein8a.ghda.d .. · LOve ,of learnin;g . Uprisings in al~Ma,ghrib and Samarqand, Hanan's ch:aracte:rand qualjties.

l. 5 AI-Amin (SO'9~8IS!). Civil war.

l.6 AI· Mamun (,81 g ~8;S,g).. Trouble in Iraq, Egypt. Conquest in. the .Me,diterrane·an.. Bait aJ'~.Hikmah. M~utQziZah comreversies. Imam Ahmad Han bal.

I. , AI~Mutllasim (8:22~:842). Turkish. bodyguard. Samarra, the neweapita]. Wars wii~h the Byzantin.e:s .. Afshin'~8 revolt .. 1.8Al~Wathiq ,(842~S49)~ Correcting the miseakes of his predecessoes.

1 .. 9 Are-view of e'arly 'Ab basiyya.h. Administration: vizier j: revenues; the alluy~ ,posud aerviee) provincea; qad€Jlat ..

Social life. Sciences and arts: medicine. philosoph y • marhemadcs, astronomy, alchemy, geography, history" al-.I-1alrlith, Fiqh., Sea, trade, erade with. Europe, Industry" Elementary and higher 'education.

:2. LaUtT 'Ao'lbas(y:yah (849'-1'258')

:2. 1 The loss iQf power; the slow decline.

~2.2 The review of events frorn al-Mutawakkil to, the fall of Baghdad f8,57'~ 12:58). Breaking U'PI o'fthe k.hila}at'. Q~ramit,ahs,~ Ismailis, the Sufis. Autonomous kingdoms; Tahivis: Saffarls: Samanis;;Gha:znavis. Mahmud Ohazaavi, Buwayhis, ~ Ada.dul Daulah; the Seljuqls, Tu,gbr,at Alp Arsalall, Malik Shah, Ni,za'm al-Mulk, the decline 'of the Seljuqis. Cenghis Khan, Hulagu:

Baghdad fans (1258).


1. Introduction

1.1 Conquests westward from 'Umar'a time ec Banu Umayyah • s. time.

1.2 Conditio,ns after the conquest.

'2. Um:a':rj,ah DJnaslty (7j6~1'OJ1')

2.] I Abdul Rahman al- Dakhil. Consolldation 010£ terrirories.

Be,gionin,i of Islamic culture. Treatment 'of dhimmis. Spread of Islam.

2. 2; Al~ Hakam ("96~ 88'2) and 'Abdul Rahman II (.B2:2~ 852)., The influence of Muslim culture: the 'Christian fanatics .. 2;; 3, Muhammad I 110 Aibdulla.b (8,52~9 'J 2)"

:2.4 'Abdul Rahman III (!912 ,. 9 61).. F atimis of Tunis. W,ars with Christians .. AI·Nasir. Al-Zahra, His administration, 2 + 51 AI~ Hakam II (961· 9',6,). Peace and prosperity ~ The library of IQurt uba,

2.6 A brief S,U rvey of the period from, 91'6 ~ 1492. Hisham II, Hajib al-Mansur: the Hammadis: the petty kingdoms: al-M'utamid (1068- 1091): al-Maghrib .a:nd Idrisis; Aghlabis, Isma' ilis ; :M ura bits, of Moroeco: Yusuf ibn




T,lshfin; Le Cid: tAbdulMumin" al·M.arn,sur; Naslrits;: Abu tAbduUah.

2.1 Muslim. c'ulture in Spain .. The: p'hnolsloph,ers:.lbnBajjab.~ Ibn Tufail, Ibn Rushd~ Ibn Maimnn., The Sufis: Ibn 'ArabLLiterature: Ibn t Abd Rab blhi, Ibn Hazm, History:

Ibn Khaldun, Travels: Ibn Battutah t. Ibn J Translation bureau i.n Toledo, The sciences: .al~·Majriti~ al-Zarqall, Ibn al-Ba.yta.r. Medicine: and surgery:: al- Z:ahlawi~ Ibn Zuh.r. Industry;- Educadon~

2 .. 8 Otb·er events. Cenquest oif Sicily .. Mus.Hm,kingdom,g of SiciJ.·y. M.uslim. cultul'ie in Sicily. 'Iulunis of Nor:thAfrica.; Ikhshidi:s~Ka:fur~ The Fatlrnis of E,IYP't.~ Ubaidullah's andal-Qaim'a conquests in the Mediterranean. J a wha.r and. [he foundarioo lo·f ;al-Qahir:ah', Niz:ar al··~Azi:z. 'The fall of the Fatimi.s. Al-Hakim'a.exeesses 'in reHgilonand love rnm ear t the: Durzis . AI~ T.a.hi.r; al ~ B,as,a,sirf ,5 capture of Ba&hdad! Ans and sciences under the Fadmis., t'Ali ibn Yunus, Ibn al-Haytham: archltecture and crafts ..


l~ Olrigin of,Eady' attempts. by Chri:stian.s,; paper propaganda, First ·Crusade (1 O~96~ 1 0'99'). The Chris:tian kingdoms. Impact 10£' Islam on the Crusaders.

2:~ l,angi:s and Nuris (112'!-11tU!)~ The Second Cru,s,adl:e

(I.l47~ 1149). Nur'Uddin~ Shi.rk.uh:. Salahu.d.din Ayyubi (I 16·9~ 1195) . Liberation. of Jerusal·em.. The Third Crus,ade (1189~ 1.192). Fall of J'.Akk_ah.. Peace: setflemem. S:alaihuddin' s chsraerer and qn.ali~ies..Ayyo bis ..

3.. Feurrh (1202 ~ 1204) and Fifth (1218-1221) Crusades, Th.e sack

- ,

o.f Consta.Dlinopie. Al-Kamil, The :5ixthto the Ninth (12,2,8-1274'). Al-Sa1ih~ Turan Shah.

4. Tbe Sahri Mamlllkes, (1 25:(Fl..S82). AI.~Zahir Baybars Ruknud.din ~ s victory over the Mongols. Campaign again Sit . Christian kingdoms. Restorarlen of 'Abbasi klu·l'afa~. Character of .Ba.ybarrs. Qala wun and his achievements .. Burji, Maml.uke:s (I :38·2 ~ 151 'l. Timur, Capture o,f Cyprus ..

. 56

,5. Culture, Ibn Taimiyyah; :lbnKhaldun; Abdu,l Fida; al-Maqriz:1,. Science andedue:adon" Industry. Trade. Social and political structure ~


1. Anaitol,a during the Period of the Selju'qis

1.1. Turkish mi,grat:i'ons and ghaxwahs in AnaiEoli,a (lOl:S~ l071)~ The foundation of Seljuqi stale in Anatolia, :Ka'Y .. Qubad (12:20-1:237,;.

1.2 The Mongol Invasion and. the destruction of Seljuq! state. I.. S The Seljulq i administration tthe l.sla:miza tion process: the economy, trade, and foreign relations.

1.4 The formarion of princip,aHties (Bey ''iks )1. The spirit 'Of ghd%wah, among tile Turkish tribes.

2. The Earl" ~,Uthmani,ah

1.1 The a'lilm of the "Utbmaniyah ni be.

2.2 Osman CUthma,n) (12:90~lS2Ej.). His conquests: character and achievements.

2,~ Orkhan (131216-15519). Conquest o,f Brusa and Izmit.

Bu.ilding activlty: educational activity", The' qaftUB and ShtJriJah. His admlnisaration, Conque'.st ,of GalHpoli.

2.4 Murad I 1(15591-1389)., European conquests. Crusades.

Conquests in the Balkans" Fight with 'the combined force 5, of Balkans an.,d Murad! I' s martyrdom. Character and achievements 0'£ Mu'(;ad.

2;5 Bayazid (1389-1402). Conquests, in Asia Minor. Attempts at Constandnop:le. Tirmrr crushes Bayazid. Fratricidal. 'wars.

2 .. 6 Muhammad I (Mehmet T) (1402.~1421) and MUI~ad n I( 14:21-1451 )., Re-establishment Q1f unity and resumption, 'of wars in Europe,

3. The' ~ Uthm,aniyah (Ottoma:n) Empire

3,.1 Muhammad II (Me'hmet Fatlb), the Conqaeror (14.51- 1481)., Conquest of Constantinople I( 14,5:S). Expansien in Europe and Black Sea .Reconstrucrion of Constanrinople.


Muhamm,adFatih·s admiDi,stl'ation; finan.ces; land referm: trade.

3.2 Bayazi.d II {1481-l512), Selim t (15,[2-1520), and Sulayma.n. the M:agnimeent (1!51:0·15'66,).. Wars with Venice, Pereia, Egypt,. Huncary; the Se:~ie· of Vienna~ allianee with Franee: in the Medite:D'anean.

3 .. 3· The s,li::ate ,of the Emp,ire at the time of S111aym:an .. The :go¥,ernme:nt;: the anny'; the la.w; the: people; th,te eiconomy: foreignl'eladons.

5.4 Selim II (156'6~1574). The Battle Q·fLepaDito (16,il)'~ The Turkish fleet"

4,.1 of D~cline.

4· .. 2 Murad II]! (l57'4~1595,) .. NurBanu (mother and Safiyah '(wi£e)~ Wa:rs.with P,ersia ,and Austria~.

4,SMnbamm;ad III"Admad [~Osman n (159'5-16:2S}. Treaty of ;Z.sitva~·To,,,ok "16;06). Re/vQlt in Syria and Asia Minor. War with. Shab.t'A bbas,

4.4 The later 'Uthmanily.ab. 1(1 i:2S-18U7) ~ Wars, with Eu.rope:an power.s and Russia,

4 .. 5 The s,[,ate of the E'mpire at the end of the eighteenth ,century.,ation Gf the Empin ~ law iand order;~ ,hie Sufi orders; the :societ.y;. Africa.; ~lYPt~ Syria. and al-Hijaz,

IV·205 PERSl'A

1. The .11 KhllnS' (12'B~lj49)

1.1 The MusUm wOl'ld m 126iO.

1.2 The II. Kh:ans and their administra'lioD..Hul.agu. and his suecessers, Dev,ast;adoD ,g·f CeDltra), Asia. .Ahmad (l811 .. 1284 )J' AJ"lbunand Gaykbatu (,128:4- ].295)i~ and Ghazan (12:95 ~·13M). Ghaza:n defea,ts the Mamluk; eonquers Syda .. IGhazan buUd,s np Islamic Institudons.

1,,8 ~linorkin:8'dDims.

1,,4 Timur t(13S6~ 140:5). 'Co.quesls be:giD; T"un.a.r and Bayazid.

Timur's eharacter.

1 .. 5 :Kba.lim _ Sultan l( 1404·l409)j, .S;,hah Rlllkh (14M~·1"7)J


UI,o,g'b B,e,8~ Abu Said (1,4!5,2" )46'9')~ Uzun H:asian (l4S3,~ 147;8), an,d the Tu:rkorne:n of the While Sbe'ep. Yaqub (1478,.141910)",

1 Ji Persie at 'the lend 0:£ the fifteen century, Rumi, J ami; histo,rians,; arehiteeeure.

2,,, Tone S~fi(Jvis

2:" 1 The' origin.,

2",2 Isma'Il [ (1~500·15:24l. War wi,th Uzbegs. Persecution of the Suanis. Cias,h w:ith Selim tHis, charaerer.

2~3 Tahmasp (15,:24-157'6)., 'C~a:s,h 'with Srt.llaym,an,. Hamayun takes refuge wi,th Tahmasp, Treatywirhthe 'Uthmaniyah:

bc't:ray:a] ,0[' ,Z:ay',a:zi,d l( 1,;lfji 1),., European intrigue. .

'2.4 'Abbas I (I 57:S .. 16'29)., En,gUsh advisers. W,ars, with

Uabegs and tbe~Uthmaniy':ab., ~ Abbas; administraticn. 2:.5 S:afi,.( 1,6:29-1642) I' and the end, of the Safavts.

,2.'6, Sa,filvl, adm,inis:trad,o:n.,

2:.7' P'ers:i.1 du:rin.' the ei,ghteen'til eentury, Na,dir Shah, ;0 A,dU Shah, . Abdali" Z,and d.yaa,stYIl Lutf" Ali. Kluul ..

2.8, P,ersian. eulture, Socie'ty and educa1tlon; rellgion: arehitee-

f d 'I .' '. ~

ture; era ts: carpets an-. texU eSI ceramics, pamnng,

enamel work.


1. Ar;ab.s in India I( ,0' 1)

1.1 Mu.h,a:mmad :ibnal-'Q,;arsim (1'1.2) andthe Iconqu,e'sl lo!f ,siold.

Hi:s recall,

1.2 A:rab expeditions in, western India ('12,~105'I). Their social relations.

2. T:u,.,lisk ,and 1'.(/),1'&0,0 Kin,'s ,(919,S·,lJ2'6)'

2.1 Mabm.u.d (,9'9'8-, 11050)" Mahmu,d '5 expeditions in northern, India, The' .Ba.ule'of Somnatb l( 19:26),. His :in.nuence on India ..

2;.2 Mahmud",g, successors (ll.,',!),·,12:9'1lJ).. Mub.amm,ad Chand (11.7,5~l:206),. Q.u.tbud,d'io AY'bed '(12tQ16~12Ul');,ash (121l ~ 1:2,8,6); Radiyah l( 125161~ 1:2,40): Na:s~ruddi,n, M ahrnud

(1:!:416,~ 12:616); Balba:n (:1216,6-1290). Th.e achievemems ,of the ~,~ slave dlynas,ty .. t ,

:1. S The .K.hiljis, (l:290~ 1.:82111)1, J al:alu.ddin and' Atau,ddin ... Ea.rly· ,conquest:s of t'Ata'llddin .. CQD:qu,e:lt of Deec,a:n,. ".Alauddin.l:s administm-ation., His su.elces,s!oJ's::Mubal'ak~, Khusrol.,

r -- - ",.

2 . 4: The Tughluqs, (lS,20~ I'll!). ,Muhammad (182,4·-l!,5Il).. His,

'J'lefonns,~the :shilitiog, 10'( 'th,e eapit:al~ to,'hen, cUI"l",e'Dty~ M;ong,ol i:nvas;ioDj internal itElo'uble:s, F'iru:z a:nd la:te.f TU,gbl.uqsw Tim\lr~'rS, inva:sio,n (139S:), .

2,,5 Tbe 'sayY~ds and I(i;'he: Lodh:is (1414-] 626,) . Khi,dr. Khan;, B,.a.hlul,~ S, a:m:d Ibr, Ledhi,

2.0' D,elbi;su,l"ana,te" A,dmln:lstmdon; rev1enue; :a:tl;rJy;t~re31t~ ment of Hindus.;, lea.rniol. S,cbolars,: am -·,~al.:Blai.h,a,qi., ~Uri.. Economic ,canru.tio:ns; .social 'CiODdt,tio,ns,.

2" '1 The Islamizati.o!n p,r(,u~jess.: ·Eb.e 'clonvers,ions;tbe' Sh\a,n~'tJh; edu C8lt~on..

3. 'Ike Mrug,haZ's (.1'2'6-.18")

3.1 In.dia arthe tim.e of Baba:r "s in:va.sion. D:elh:i s.l:"a.nat,e" of Ibrahim Lodhi .. Kin .. ldom ·o·fKa,shmir (lS,46,~l540). Sharqi ki'DIS of J,aullper.M usUmking~d.olms ,of :Malwa ,and. GuJrat~Kbande:sh~and B,an,l,al. TheB,ahmains of Deccan, Tbe·lslamizadon. 'of Jndia., ' teaehere.

,5 .2; Zahiru.dldin. Baber (14S!,-lSSO),. Bab!ar's eaf'ly life. The fir'slt Banle ofP:anipuit (,~ .,abart KiDe lo,fDe,lhl .. Batbarr!' is eharaeeer ;aDd Sllchie've",eots.

S.51 Hum.ayu:R, :His che(,:ke[led Ule 0, His c:am.paip ;a.lain:st.the Lodhis and Guj!fat.. Hils deJ:eat 'by Sber 'Khan Sur.i, ,and . . night to Iran, ,Sh'el" Sbah .suri (15410~·l545). Sbe!' Shahts ;aeh.ileve:menl:;s,. .R.etnm. cO" Hllmayun.

3.4 A:kb,a.r (15511~16'~)51). Seeond Balde ,a,f P'aniput~ B:ayram.

Khan, Akb:ar~,s poUdell policy." ,Ak..b'arj',s, lJ(luq,.,e,slts. Din Uahi.

S ,5 j ehangir « 11605-162,8.).. :Eady years" KhDs,ro~ I, revolt;.tl:he hos,tility o:f Sllchs 0, Nur J e'hant slinfiuen:ce.. Hi:s, wars,. ISh.ah. J,ehan' ,5, revole, Jeban,'s 'cba:rac·t!ter. Shaikh Ahmad 'sirhiDdi. E,uropeaD.i~~e~e$'ts.

S.6 Shah J ehan (~628:~1658)'..Co:nsoUdationof powlel' ~ S,hab.

J,ehaft· 31:8, :3. as at builder" The ~o:u.r 9o.nsol S,hab. JlehllD and the'ir s'tmille for powlel'.

~. 7 Aura.n,gzeb II Alamgir (l'858~·l'7'07). Ext,eDsi.on of empire,


Restoration of Islamic practic\es. His trearmene of nonMuslims. The S,lkbs; Rajputs and Maratthas, Rise of Sivaji., 'The c:am:p'8ri,gn against Deccan. Aurangzeh's character and aehievemems,

3.8 TheM ughal adminiatrarion: public aervicee; the army:

Iaw and order': revenue, syseem: education and learning:

urban life; indus,tI'Y;: ,co,mmunic,adon;so,cial Hfe. -

5.9 The decline of the' Mu:ghals", Auran,lzeb*'s sueeeasors.

The rise of Maratthas: Ahmad, Shah AbdaU and the third, B,atde of Pan:ipu,t (1 761)., Th,e Sikhs. Tbe coming of Europ,e,a.ns,.

1 ~ SOtutlleast A,sia

1.1 The coming of ISllam. T:r,aders, awU.; and native klngs, Sum.atra!ts, ,MusUm isl aDds, ! Ferlee and Pasai (Samudra 1281 or before). Ibn B au uta ; 5, visit (764/13,4,5).

1.:2 From Sumatra to Malacea (1400). Sultan Muzaffar Shah (1,44.5.14,591). M,ala,cc,an dependencies adopt Islam.

l,S Acheh adopts Islam in the' mid-fourteenth cenrury. ~.AJi Mughayat Shah capture's Pasai in. 152,4 Irom Portuguese. I Alaulddi:n (154;8~ 1571) fights Portu,guese. Iskander M.uda (6l08-U:i.S7)~ Women",s rule : 1641 .. HU19) .. Islamization o,f n,eigh boring islands,

1 ,4 Berneo, Sulu and ,Mindana'o Islamized by Arab traders, Spalnards' resistance' (1570).

1 is Islam in Jav,a (1400-). Is:lamic preachers' activity. Shaikh Ibn Maulan:a's efforts, in wes,t Java (1,&,26i),i South and central Java ~ 5 conversion by (JwU •..

1. 6 Moluccas. Maulana Husain' s preaching of Islam" Zain al-' Abidin (14818-1!500). Islamization of the island., South Borneo's conversion.

1. 7 Celebes, and East Borneo, Prince of Tallo embrace s Islam (1605). His subjeeta adopt Islam and become its, champions .. The conversion of Raja Makota by two, preachers ~ followed by his courta:nd later his people.

1.8 javanese Islam. Sultan Agunl (1613,·164J6) and mystics,


:2. Sub~Sah.'ra. Africa

2.l Bila,dal-Sw:lan.,.AI~P·aza.rit s· mendon lof Chana in eighth century; al-Bakri (4610/1.06,7 -1 WI6S) supplies more detail, Muslim traders and their s.opedoir pesition ..

'2.,1 T'akrur ,(Se;nelal), and MaJ.a.iwer,e Muslim in eleve'nth eenmry. t Abd.ullah. bin Yas~n t s pre,aching aadrefoem; his conquest ·of Sijilmasa.

2.5 Mali. ManIa Mus:a's (l312~lS37) conquests,.[bn BaU.llt2':5 descri.ptio,ft (7 5!~4/l8 5:2~ 3). Mall t 5, relarlens tribes. N,ortb. Africa. a.nd Middle East.

2..4 SOlllhay empire.. Tbekinl ado'pts, 15:1am in the fdthl,eleventb.ce,ntury. Mali's and Songhay's relationship, Sonnit AU" Baru~ atndAskiya Muhammad, The innuc'nce of Muhammad brine "Abd ail~·KarilDaJ.·Malhidi:

Tak,edda. Katsina and Kane: jiRad'al',ainst .~ "mixers, ,,~ D:au.d bin ('956-9{1il /1545·-1583)..

2. •. Ii Bornu·K.anem,. Um.a:yyab'nce ,on. Kanemi Islam, L'inks N,grln Africa. t;heMiddJ.e Eastj aDd with. M.aH~

2.6 Hausa, Islam comes from Mali ,in e'arly ei .. htblfo,u:rteenth century .. F'ulani 'ulama 's inOuence. Mubamma.dllumfa "s eenu,allzat:lon of pow1er."Umaru hin.K,an:ajeji.I':s rule (9dll15th )1. Fu.iani'u,IQ.llna ',is :infi:uence :inBagirmi .and Wada.y~

2.,7 Moroccan conqacs,t and. the rule of tbepasha,s 1. 591~ 16,60)~

2 .. 8 :groups. Islam In Gambia. Ivory 'Coast. Upi.pe1" 'Guinea and Liberia.,

2.,9 Refonu movements of e:i,htee:nth century, Ibrahim Musa t s:jihdd (172!5) in FUla. Jallon I(SenegalandGambia) .. Puta 'Taro"! reform movements. Sulayman Bal. and "Abd a.1 ~ Qadi'r .

2 1,10 "UthmaD dan Fedio (b. 1167/17'54)~'Ulthman.:· sJama t'. and. its inOue:D!ce: and power. ~Utbman' s jiA(J,d~

:5.. Ba:J~' Afn,,:a

8" 1 :E:arl.y eontaets. The first hii1'iah to' A byssini.31 .. Trade .alon.g the cease. ICoasta.1 setdements of Kilwa, Ibn .. S,attli1.1ta.t's visit fl!;.J 118~ll).

S ,,:2 The H:om Oil Somali coa:staltowns )Zayla~ Mogadishu,. Islamlsation 011 Zanzibar. Ar.a.h traders and .imm.lgranr;s.. Mu.:sUm I~at.e,s :in Iheinterlor~i'n Shoa


1(288/:8,96~ ")~ Sev,enk,i:ngdo,ms as tribueaeies of Abyssini:a.. Deserkpeion of r:b,eMuslim, society by 'Ibn Battuta, Relarions 'with Cbrist,ja:ns, and nomadic tribes".

310 3,P'o,["[u,gue'se: and. • Uthmaniyah int:el",e',s,ts, in th'e' slxteendl eeneury, Ahmad GI,an' s ii-had. Harral ;asa center ,of Islamic learning. The Galla kingdoms ; ICan in:flu,encle. ,3;,.,4 The Yae people seutb 0'£ Somalia,

1., Dljs£nlt,ef1'a,~'i;(Jn ,of ,Mu1.$Um P'ow'er

),.1 The deeline of the ~U'thmaniyab Empbe. Napoleo,n :in.

,B,g, , _,""!JP, t - dsin:,fT,, ',-,s in E"'~ITOp' 'If"" s·-' erbia 'G~:r',~,oQ'.ro,,,,,,,, 'M,uh- ,e ,a' m m,"::iI,d,"

D1', r; _':t - --,D- _' , --- u,~, '_' ,;- Y [PI - .,!"'-", ,U'_'_:II ,_ .. ~I!jw.~~ 11 -' 'U'" .1 " .j '~'" •

".AU, of Egyp,t and h,ilsfievo~t.Warg wbh Russia,. The Wahhabi n'lovlement; Saud ibn 'Abdal- t Aziz., The mahdi of Slldan,~AbdaJ·j'.A2b fU~,611"18i(1) and. '.Ab.d al-Hamld " 18j"6-1'90~91).

1.2 N',ortb Afric,a. Frenchimperialismin Algeria, Turdeia and MO'IiOC(:O.

1.'3, the B,ddsh in. E,8S,t and W,est the Du~.cb in IndOIDle:si.a.

L4P,ersia:the IQajar dynasty (1'795~ 1825). Muhammad Shah ..

Nasiruddin. Babi:sm and B.aba'is,rn .. :Muz,a.ffaruddin.

1,.5, Th.e d:is,iotegratio:rn 0:£ tbeMUlgha~. Empire, 'Myso'n~'.

Shab' AI,a.m, and. the :Ma.rhanas.. The Brirish Eas,tlnd]a, Company and its conquests. The vrevolt of 1857 and Brids,h rul,e,8· plrejlu,dl()ea:gains,t; the Muslims of India.

1.16 Attempt s at Islamic revival, J a,malu,d.din Afghani. Sir Syyed. Kb.a.n and. his defearisr mentality j, Apoio,gist wrllte'rs ,of Turkey •. Egypt and India,

2,. The .MusUm J.l':of'ld ~odi(l:'Y

z.i The stare efthe aft,er'Wor~dWa:.r I. The Eu.ropeanslI'ule su prem,e.

2,.2 Turkey. Atatnrk and his hatred of Islam. Turkish secu~.arism :andwesre:rniza.d.oo. "Ismee bll!CIInu.Res't;oration ,of democracy. Islamie rnevements in


the Turkish. population. The continuing struggle.

:2. S The' Arab eounrries. Re'volt against the 'I' Uthm ani yah .

B,et'fB,yal. by the :Brb:is.hand French. The hist.ory of Z,ionism,~ Struggle for independence, The, nation states and kingdoms. Islamicmcvemenrs. Gamal i abd al-Nasir and his hatred of Islam. Th.e wars with Israel, The newfoundwealrh: oil. The .. Arab worldtoday,

:2.4 Iran, Ahmad Shah (1909~1912'9)~World War I and the rise of Reza Khan. Reze Shah Pahlavi (192:5-41). Iran after W,odd War II. The Islamic movernent and the tyra,I'l0Y of ehe Shah.

2.5 India and Pakistan . Struggle for inde:pe'ndence. The' Indian Natlonal Congress and. the Muslim League, The' partition of India ~ The Islamic movements jn Indi,a and Pakistan. Hindu and. W·estern ino.uences [on the Muslims of the I'D beoneinent. The Indo- Pakistani w,ars and the separanon of Ban,gladesh. India, Pakissan land Banlladeshroday,

:2.6 Seuth-East Asi,a,~ Independence of Indonesia and Malaysia. The Philippines, Islamic movements.

:2.1 The Africa:n -countries, The'eme'r;gence: of African. nationalism. Independence of African countries. Islam in Mrica today.

2.8 Mus,ums in the eomrmmist world: China, USSR and East,ern,E urepe,

3. A Review of the Mu.dirn. World

3;-1 Independent Muslim countries. Population, Political structures" The eco'nomics" Education.

S.! The rise of Islamic eonscioasness. Anti- and un -Islamie governments, The Islamie movements and sheir role in .awak!ening the Muslim conscience,

:3.,3; Islamically-oriented ,gov[ernments and their efforts in restoring the Islamic wary 0" life'.



1. TAj'si'r of Ule {.biT'S,"

1.1. MleaniDR oftajsir.,Principlel of la/sir' (OF lta.ill. N,eed, fo'r ttl/siT. Tis/sir 1.1 one of the functions ,of messeagerehip. 1 . .2 Com,pamoDs ofthePropbet,: A,hu .Bah,"Umar,'Uthman" • AU~, t Aishah~, ,Ibn MiaS,'~odj Ibn "Ahbas, I,b.n K'ab, Ibn Zubair I ,Abu Mu,.a.

1~4 Famous t(J/si:rs: Tabari, al .. A6h"ari, Zamlakhsh;ad~ al-Razi~Ia1~Bayda,wi~ Ibn Kathir ~ al-Sruyu:ti~ J al,alayn.,

1.,4 ReceJlttafsi,s~' Tal'lu,wtSyyed 1000tbtMa.ndudt S:aid N:oor,si.

1.5 ,Danger,s of fal'"fC!~ched, 'ami',' wOIds, lose meanin;ls; no soUdfoundadon.

o TI'L ~'..Ii'. L

.Ii .' JOe .c:I,lJalt,.

!.1 Hddlif,h durinl1th.e Pliophet~fs time.

S.I Compan:ioDs,:Abu B,ak:r1t sand tUmar's attitudes" Aba Hurair,a,~ '~Aishah~, Ibn t Abbil,s"lbn Mas,~'u.dl' An;as~

2,5 Compilations ofhadith: ~. 'AI.~'M.wa',ta ~, .01' Malik and ~ ~.A.l-MUnad ,., IOf' .Ahmad. Han:bal. The 'two ~ 'Sahihs ~ .• of Buldtari and Muslim~ ·["The ;Sm S.'"hil:lS'~ tl Oimer oollections.

2.4 The science ofcriitical bio,grapby. ~"TCl6a:f,atU of Ibn .si~,ad.~


.5., I The meaning of Figh, .. 'The ~urt':an. andHCf.ditk as themain sources~ 'Omel' seurees: :analogy. Icon,census1 eonsidered


S .. 2 The Companions:: t Umitl ~ ~Ali~,lbn 'Ab bas,.t Aishah.

S .. ! The Qu,r'an and Heclith as sources of legal judgmenes judglDeot,s durin the period of ehe Khu!lafuh allIdsR'idoon and. dur~g tb.e Umayyab period ..

!.4 FOllnalizatio.D !of .Fi"h.Majo,r schools :M,aliki.H.anifi~

Shan' i.andHanibatlL Other sehoels: J~.afa.rt Zahirt ana ~Ibadi.

5.5 Harun al-Rashld :adopts hanafifiqh. ,l ~K:itabal~kkaraj~" of Abu Yusuf. Popularity of the various schools,

3.6 Principles ofijtihad. Knowledge and understanding ,of the Qart :a:nand Hadi~;h; knowledge 0'( subject 'matter; con:sis,tencywi,th other principles of S'.hari ~ah; the princip,~eofistiksan; the concept ef dUTu;rcan (N,e,ee:ssity and duress) ..

4 .ts« ,Kalam

4.1 Haal'ths concerning' sp"ecuiatil,on 'in theology.

4~ 2 What kinds lofl'B!tion:ai debates are permissible: tbe attrfbntes of AUah~ t:heir perfe,ction ~ the relationship betweenman and Allah; the nature of human knowledge. 4 ... .3 Ha.san ,81-· Basri, 'M)' uraailah. al ~ Ash. ~ ari,

4.4 The philosophveal-Razi, al-Parabl, Ibn Sina,. Ihn Rushd.

Al -Ghazzal! ~ s j "Inceherenee of ehe Phllosephers;"

5.. The: 'Theories of Leadership

5, .. 1 The P:ropnet':s varieus roles: bearer ofrevelation and its expcunder t example in character and conduce, teacher of beliefs, and religious practices, titular he'ad ,ofrhe'M nsUm Icomm.unity J ecmmander-iu-chief, chief judge,

5,,2 Succession in Prophetic roles: J'ulama as successors in religious teaching. It.hula/an as snceessors In the: policieal sphere, ja,qiJu as sueeessers in legisia.t:ion,q,adis as sueeessors in setding dispuees and. determining punishments.

5 .. 5 The charaeteristics sought in. a polirical

5" 4 Islamic democracy. 'The sovereigney 01£ AUah; obedlenee to AUah and His Prophee: elecdon ,of ehe ruler: principle of consultation and. advice (shuta).

5" 5 The development of political eheories: ithe emergenlcy of monarchy; kh!atifah and sultans,7 the role ,of 'ulama; the Shtliikhal-ls,iam during' 'Uthmaniyah and Mughal periods.

5 .. 6 The Shi Ia theory of Imamat The: Khariji theory.

Re:be IUons and failures"

5" 7 Islamic democracy in modem times,. acase study ..



16. TasQ,UJlwuf

16.] The 4lUni'ty ,of Allah" from the Q.ur' an and Hadit"; niether

Ism nor uanthei

momsm nor pant I eism,

16.2 Tbe eencept o,f 'neames:s to Allah I in the: Q.ur' an and, Haditk} and tb:e W[ly to auain i:t.

16.3 Tbe concepts ,of 4iskan' and poverty if8qr)l, p,nriflCatioD of self (tlazkiiYl'dh)., religious practice ('ri)l'ddah).[ ,an.d deraehment :from the: world as [exemplified in the: lives of the, Prephet and his CO'mp,8nio'Ds.

16.4, Islamic tasawflJuJ: '«qwa} jilu/'d~ and following the Sannah-in its totality.

16.5, Example's o,fM:us.lim. Sufis: Ju.nayd~ 'Abd :al-Qadir Jilani"'uddin, Chisbd. .

6.6, The theory of "."~"ah. Wha,c: 'is pra,ise'wonhy and what is, reprehensible in it" The dangers: monasticism, limit1cd brotherhoods I as,sociationvnth ,AU:ah~ €:Iontempt 0" ,Shari'lah:.. Iazlness and easy way out.


1. Aims 0/ Mus,Iim, Education

1.1 The importance of the knowled,ge of reli.gion from the Q.ur~an and Radit,lI.

1.2: Religiou.s, aimsrto understand Islamic, fai,th and practice: tOI devrelop l:sl.amic persona.lity in morals and, manners; to read and. 'un.delstlnd the 1Q.u:rf an; I,tudy of tb.e Prorphe:t ~ s life and S"nn~h; t~[ grasp Ithe dynamicprinciiple: ,o,f Islam; to be' a MWiliim by commitment by re.alizinl' Islam t 5 perfection and superiority over ,aU man-made sryst:ems,.

1. S Secular 8(i'ms!' purs,uit of all 'knowledge as the revelation of the attrihu.tesr of Allah; to learn, some plliofe,s,si,on lor means olf liVelihood.

1.4, Universality ·of elementary education.

2. The' O,:ga.,zalioR of Et4'uctJtion 2,,1 'The halq'lJh (ehe circle).

2.2 'The makllQbl I(the writing school).

2.3 The mosque :sc:bool; 'the bookshop school.


2.4 The maaras,ah (school of public instruction). 2.5 The university.

3. Th,e CumctJ,lum

3.1 Academic: Tofsir, h,(l:di'th), Fiqh)' mathematics, science, rnedicine , logic and philosophy" language and literature; social sciences, hiseory, geography, political science, law; sociology. psychology.

3.2 Vocational: very comprehensive studies jn ,aU applied


SCI e Die e s,

3.3 University curricula iSher JiY')Jat;, literary studies I rational, studies (including science),

5 .. Methods

5.1 Formal Iecrures, Reading of a, text, explaining difficult pass,ages. Three -step presentatiomgenera] outline, more depth, singling out difficult portions,

5.2 Memoriza don by students ,repetition of what is memorized, reeflecltion Q1n thecontent, and application. 5.3 Service ofthe teacher and dose personal associatien with him.

6. Libraries

6.1 Libraries as centers vof eduea t ion i Important Muslim ljbraries .. Their destruction.

7., C~'tlssifica,Uon of SubJects.

v - 202 CIVIL LIFE

1. Cities

1.1 Theearly settlements: B,a'SJa and Kufah in Iraq, Fustat in E,gYP't, Q.ayrawan in Maghrib, Ba,ghd:ad a little later. 1.2 Population: Arab t rib es , ma:waU (the new Muslims)', dhimmis. Fusion of different grou:ps In lAb basiyyah times.

1.5 The layout ,o~f cides: the je.m 'i; thepalace of sunoundin,gs" the auq's and gro'l1p,in,g ,of 'trades. q,uarters fO.r v,arious, religious and e'lhni.c 'poups,; city plaooiDgl streets, I,a;r'dens, :an,d parkl t l'Iesidential quarters,.

1.4 Life in the ciapitam,: the khallJah and his court, the princes and the 'h~gh officials I' thehureaDcrarey. The -w€U.J"., Various, de'partments,: antly:. land, !distribution., treasury, justice, 'The qallis" 'The merchants, 'craft5'menand arrisans, Muht4Sib. Mosques, schoo1s and colleges. The servants and slaves. Baths iand public p,!ace,s. -

2. Countryside'

2:.1 The Muslim world inearly period~ desen and sub .. desert rc,gions"Qase'St fertile laRd ,a:ioDi&' the dyer's. Wa,ter'; network ,ofirrigation., weUs and wheel,s" :fair distribution

of w,ater,. -

:2.1 Noma.m:sm: camel-nomadism and sheep- and eattle .. n\oim,adism~,

:2.5 Agriculture: the science of agronomy I development of large estates into gardens. Old methods and Icrops. Introductio'D o.f new ·crops:mDls'~1 5ug,areane'., New m'ethDdO:lolY= lug,ar, OUt cotton;, WDe,lt,.· biarley p :lFl' and vegetables, Classification of land:; s,ubjicictto "h(R'(J,j~, waqf Large and small estates, Peasants, land lownen.

:1.4 Mbieral resoDr,ces ~irr'OD and ,coppe'r as; the basis. of metaUur:gy;; silver and ,old. Other minerals: alum ,and natron, Jio,k salt I' istone quarries,.

s. Industry"

:5.1 Seate-regulated iadustries: :anns and arsenals, p'apyrus, and papeT I' :luxury, comale miinl:s,.

:5".1 Plloe~ !cr.ftl"Dllm,erous, and varied, T,e.tUes and 'Ie.tile oorpora.tioD-'J :works.o,ps, al'tis81ls and :appreloticel .. Guilds of c~aft8men., Muhlasib.


Note: This course should be tatl,lht with ,Slides of hllUdincsand art Obj~Ct9,. and if po~lible with displays of actual art ,and and CI'aft objectl,.


L Archicecture

1.1 Mosques. Basic elements ·of a, mesque: mikra.b} and covered area. Other parts: courtyard, water fcumain II

,i d · d-I

mmerets, aome, 'WIn; ows.

1.1.1 P'liop,het"'s mosque: al[ the tim,e of the Prophet: later additions; the present mosque, Mosques of early lthulafah's time in. Basra, Kufa and Fustat, Dome of the Rock and Umayyah mosque~ in Damascus ..

1 ~ I. 2 Arehheeture of thee mosque from the 'time' lof It he' Umayyah Ito the present: structure, mo'~ulic5" calligraphy ~ geumetric des,ilns. The concepts, of simplicity ~ unity ~ abstraction and. iufinilty as, expressed in large mosques"

1. • .1.31 Umayyah, ~'Ahb,asiyyah; Se')juqi., Fatimi, Mccrish, Ayyubi,.Mamluk, 'Uthmaniyah, Safavi, Mu.Cha] and South Asian architecture, with emphasis on their different styles and charaeeeristlcs. Names of gflt!a.t arehitects and patrons ..

1.2 Tombs and jJ'ala,cI6s. Uma,yyahbuiJdiD;ls, in jerieao, Syriaand J ~ A bbas:iyyab buildiD;ls, in Ba,lhdad and vicinity. Alhambra. in. Granada, Fatimi buildings in Tunis and C:;airo~ eembs of SeJju.qi period :in A:na'toUa and USSR" Safavi. 'Uthmaniyah and .Mu.ghiJ1l. tom bs ~palaces and pablie buildings,

] .3 Pu bUt: taorks: Famous lITigation works~ bridges, karavans,er«i, madr·a.sahs and universities.

2. Arts and Cra.fts

:2.1 Deeorative art: on mosques and buildlngls, en 'l!exdles,


:2.2 Pottery: ungla.Zied, glazed, paint, lustre technique, :2 .. 3 Metal wo:rkand woodwork.

:2.4 Miniature paiolEinli the Seljuqi, Pe1'si,anand Mughal. schools.

2-.5 Calligraphy: Kufi, Naskhi, Nast'aliq ..

:2,.5 Carpets I' rugs, brocades, velvet and ern broideries.










1., 1. Arlthmetic~ Tra.nslatio-ns,.Hindi':,Arabi,cnumerahh Me11.bod:s, of calculation. Tha bi.t ibn Qur~a, al-Karaj! and 3!1~ Kashi.

1.,2 Geomerry, Translatlons, Contrlhutio'ns, of Abu Kamil, Abu. al~ Wafa II al- Kuhi" 'Umaf'Kha:yyamand Ibnal~ Ha 'ytha,m., ApipU(;:adons~;_ ~

1. !SAlgebra.. The origination. AI- Khwari.zmi and · Umar Khayyam.,

1.4 Trigono:metl'y~lnvention of Plane and spherieal

trilo\nomelry. ,Abu al~Wafa ~s and aJ~B!atta;ni ·'5

'·b- •

conertbunons .'

1.5 Astronomy. Translations., AJ.~Faraz.i, al,~Khawadzmii~ 31 ~F"argh,ani~ 81- B," al- ,Z, al-Birual, Ulugh Beg. Obslerva,tor,ies,~ In:stmments,~ tbeol'ies,.

1.,6 App,iicatioRs. Music. M,c-chanics and hydl",auIic5'~ A:su~ology., Daily matters: khaTSJ~ %akatJ, inheritance,

!If"1 I

speer ie :gravlty.

2. Na,tuTial Sciences

2.1 Physies. Properties ,of mat1ter,. S,tudie s of sound, li8'ht,~ magnetism" moticn, weicht and Iravity. AI-Kindi~ 31:1- Razi, aI-.F 3lrabi~lbn a.l-Ha.~ytham,! al ~ B.iruni t ' Umar

Khayyam ..

:2 .,2 Alch,emyand che:mistry ~ Chemical ploperties lof matter.

Chemicill proeesses. AppUcati.on of chemical k:nowle'dge .. Al a Rari, Abu Mansur Muwaffak,~Abu ,al-Qasim.~ 31 ~ Mardini, Ibn Sina,

.2 ,,8 Natural history, Pla,nts and anlmals. .AI.~ Asma. ~~,j' Ali al- Taba.ri, al-Dinawari, Ibn W:ah.shiy,ah.~ M uwaffak~ al- Biruni, al- B,akrl.

2: ,,4,. Geodetic measurements I' description of g,e0 graphi.l':sl lea.l:urels of countries Ii t, largescale m,aps, int1:uenc:e of geo'F,aphy on civiU:z:ations!. AI~Khw:ariizmi., Ibn Kbordadhbib, al-Y'aqub], .Abu Z,aid, Ibn. Serafion, Ibn F;adlan.~al- Mas "udil; Sll~B,alkhi,Ibn Hawqal, al-Maqadda:si" al-Bakri,

:2 •.. $ Other seieneese alr~culturej biolo,1Y ,I,eology ~ botanyand ZQol;QIY.


S . Medi"al Sci'etnc'e,,s

S.l Physieiane of Umayyah and ' Ab basiyya,h courts ~


:5.2 The great masters: al- Raz], al-Zahrawi, Ibn Sina, :3.! Research in diseases, infection:sand. cures. Surgery.

S .4 Hospltals and dispensaries. Phann,acoI1ogy. Al -Biruni, Ibn al-Baytar, Jabir ibn, :Ha;yya'D, al~llazi"Muw:affa;k.,






1.. Tlu~ Bases of Wesifem Tkou,gh., and PTa·c,tic'e

1.,l World view: the influence of Gree·!kthought, ithe sup~emacy of human reason: the influence of Christian the()logy: sin" goUt and vlcarion:satonem,e'n.t.Lackolf inte:gratioR,.

1 .. :2 Duality·~ as ill!c hero: thie reaultant pessimism and humanism.

I .. ;5 Braocile:s o:f Wes,lern thougbt..lndividualism and human rigbt:!; democr'adc tr,adidf"n; nbe~raUsm and seculansra ... Dial,e'ctic materialism and com,munism;the rights Qif s:oci.ety :an.d Slate~

2.1 Tbe~ utilitarian principl,e and materialism. Land :an.d. wealth as, isymbols. Siocc:ess, and progr,ess. Rea,etiolll among the y,ou:ng and itsvarious m,ani:f.eslt,ation,s.

2 .. 2;,~ The Protestantwork ethic. English elitist a:nd ehe frontier experience. The industrial re volue ion. The' 101S:8 ofrel~giO'ns vahres followin:g IChrislianity~s ·enc'ounterwith seienee. The ;llrreakdc)wn of t.heFa:mily. Alienat:i,on, and is!oiil,tioo',.

2.3 P,atnodsm. Loyalty 110 the Ico'unt:ry~tQ group' ;and race ..

Slecr,et organizations. P:r'''!s,sure gJ10ups ..Ethnic loyalties .. Zioniism.

2' .• 4, Free en.terprise:~ MORey ma.kesmoney. UtiHtari.a,n prin.cipll,e; of optimization. BigveEsus small bus,mess. Upward mobility. The end (making money) jinstifies the means, Consumpdon a.nd w.a.ste~ buillt~in o,b soleslCe nee ;,dedine in quality in 'fa.vor of quantiry~. lackofsespeer for eavironmem and :reSOUf1Ce s; business pressure groups ..

2.,5, Freedoms,.,FFomwhat? :fol'whom? to do what? The U.S .. 'Constit.ution. Sla,very. Emancipation, The: de've;,lopment of democracy ~


2.6, 'Work. The Protes,tant theola,S'),,: w:o,rk as a Divine:no!1m necessary for slavarien. Efficiency. :Lack of personal fulflllment in present WOl"k sys:l!em,&. WOlmen better the home: and the labor market,

:2.' :Religion. Pretesrantismtattitude to,ward other religions.

IChu.rch: leader or .foUower l' Ske:ptic:ism, atheism ~ lexistentialis,m. H;ow America:n society is inimical to faith and real religious va)ues~ Trend toward Eastern reH,gions,.

! '. 81 :Family. Nuclear fam:Uy. Parent-child relasionsbip.

IChild~pa:renl: relationship in ad\ilthood~ Equali,ty ,of sexes. Housework- who ,&h;aU do it? Wife and, mother er secretary ~ Binh control and abortion. Lack of religious constraines equals Iaek of concept of limIts and concept of llesponsibility. Sexual chaos"

2.91 Leisure. R.ecreation :aDd sports, Travel: thie everbeckoning oatdeora and recreation spo'ts. Lit,eratUI'C, theatre, music t cinema, tele'Vision~ art. Spotts" SociaUz~ ing,. D:rugs and. aleehel,

2:.10 Sc:dlen,ee t pure and applied. Tlechnollogy and labor- saving maehines, Is manebsolete? Medicine' and pu.blic health. The immense increase in knowled:ge in the second balf of the tw!endetrh century. Myths we live with: man is :all~:po'werful; no limit 't'o hi,s knowled,ge~ wha't be eannet find out on his own is no,t worth knowing about; he is respoeaible to DO one: 'but himself.

2,.11 Social sciences, Genedca and, evolutionary theory: man is ,an ,animal. Sociolo:I')'::: re:ligion is a respense te hmman societal needs. Ps,y,chology: the importance 10£ the 15 elf; how 90e feels. is the detcnniniog factor; the discarding' of common sense ,aprproach,esin favor of ,~~ the experts' t

approaches. Since r:eligion is: a man-made sy.stem, bean be' di_sca:rded 'Of :replac}ed; thle ,c,once'pt of sin and ,a,ccouDtabUity are lost.

2,~ l2Professioos., S'peci,alization. Profeselonals: the new

:prie s t.s '.

2,-;; l SEducBltiol1,. ,Ex,periments with methodolo,IY. School

atmosphere, thee role 'of the school in the aUitude and vahie-training' of the YOUDgslter"the roles of theteachers ,an,d administratlors,. :Hi:sber· education.

2:~ '14 'The American· bn~am. Diream or r,ealityP Ideas ve'rsus ideologies I



1.. Christian Theology

1.1 M:an~s relation tOI God. dlrou Christ., Trinity ...

Resurrection t juclgm.ent~ heaven and. hell,

1.2 View of ma.n. Origina.l sin. Vicarious ato'DeDlent~ .~ "Godso loved the world ~ .. t ~ , ~ Being saved~ t throl-..h faith~ Belief vers,us action. Abolition ,o.f Divin.e I,aw of Moses,. Christian virtues: eelfbaey, monkery, View of women ..

1 . .8 The Q.ur"an~s erltique ofrthe Trinity. j,es,ul in the QUII'an and Hatlith.

1.4: The h:ist-Ory of Cbri.stian ItheoiolY from. the dme of IChrist to the present Iday.

2. Cat,holicicsm

2. IIbe Caehelle ChuJ)ch.. Its structure aDd heirarmy.

2.2 The rol.e 0.£ the chu.rchln the )ife ,of a Catbolic ~ InfaUia bilit.y of the Pope. The Sacramenta, M'ortai and venial s,ins,~ confe~ssionandabsolqJtion.

2. g History eftbe Church. Popes, and kings in the M~ddle Ages .... lndulgences. The lnqu:isition.. The 'Church and scientists. Reformation. ..

2.4 The itntluen.ce of lslamictbo·ug!ht.

:3 "Pro.te's,ta·n,tism

3.1 Historical aspects: 'Luther ~ Calvin~ Z,wingli. The place of

the B~ ble. Fa.ith in the p!rop,he,cies, ..

S.2 Dozens of ,denominations; Whilit is, ,co,mmona.m,oDI them~ 3. S Social eencerns: missionariesand rheiracriviries.

:3.4 The Prorestant eithic:: liberalism, humanism I' hard workJ thriftiness,.

g.5 Splinter IfOUP:S: .MormDns, Christian Sci.entists'j Uni.~ earians, Qu.akers.

4: • Historical .RI·,lati,01uhzip Be~ween Muslims a1l,,1 Chnstla,fts

4.1 The Q,ur1a.nlc injrun:ctions concerning relatjens wlth

People of the Book. --

4.2 The Prophet' streatment of Ithe Ch.ristiaos of Najran . 4.3 'Umars document to the Christians of EiHa ..

4.4 Chrisrian snbjlects under various Muslim dynasties:

Umayyah~ tAbb.asiyyah.,Umayy,ah of Spain.,I'Uthmaniy,ah., 4.5 Muslim, sQ,bject,s under Christian rule:S,pain~ Cza:ris,i[ Russ,ia ~ French~ Brit,ish and Du:tch :im,peri:aUsm"Rtbiorpia ~ Plhili.ppines,~

,4.1 Crus,ades. Propaganda Islam, the Prophet and.

Mu,s:Ums~ and iits las,ling effec:m: tathe present time.

4." Chri,stian 'sehelars' of Islam. O:rientalists, and their and ..

Isl:amic propaganda.

4.8 The :influence: of Muslim sci.ent;ists, and philosophers.

R.enaisslance . ReloHtlati,on, the :scientific: awak.enmg"

medicin,e alld hygien,e. -

,4.9: The interface: the esseot;iaD,yfixed boundariesl of Chrisrtendom; Islam and C:hristianity in. .Afrlca,~ Islam in Europe t America and A.ustt,a.tia..

vr .. ]02 THE ISLAMIC ,CAll

1., Pligh,t oj tAeKafirr

1.1 Varietie:s of i"U/r: Unbelief~As:sociatio.n~, Insra'ltitude J' Pride,

1.1 M,a.'Il.i£esta'tio·ns of ,"u/r; self .. ind .n,cc'"pe,s:s:imisID, loss

of direction andpurpose, tyraDlly'!.atienatioDt crime ..

1 . .5 M,odern expre:ssions of IUft; Scientism J Secularism, Hiumanism.. Materialism~ Co.mmunismJ NatioDaHsm~,tendaUsm.~ Racism~, 'socialism. and. C:ap1iulUsm ..

1.4 Min alain,st hisl own ,soul; man ag.ainslt man; man al,aiDst nature; man against God..

1 .. 5 The search for knowledge aad truth, The expanding universe and ehe shrinking man, Man the unknown. Mrove.mentwithoo!t propesls,

2 . Th,€ lSrlamic CaU

:2.J Call toward su bmise ion; belief~, lIa.t:i!tude ~ humility I, a eknowledgementof being a creature,

2.2 Mani.fes,tations of Islam:self-dlsclp-Unet. hope, direction and purpose, justice, love, ldo,mg :good til] ()Ithe'l",s.

:2.5, The Islamie' hammee:" breaking of modern idolbJ. Islamic foundations of science, of life on this earth, of, rel ationsh ips I of wealeh and reseurees, of human ranking, of human gr1oupings ..

:2.4 Milln is un.i.lred wilth his own soul, with his, fe:llow man II

with :nat' an, WIth [Goer.

2.5 ,Knowltu'lge' and tRl,tb,. The revealed knowl,edgeand itru1th,., 'Th,e ,acquisi'l:ioD, lofmowledtle'" revealed ,and learned, T.b,e ui),timat!e ,pal,.

s, Me,,~'hlJld'(JI'oO' 0/' f',e' ls,la""it:, ,CIIlI'

3,,1 Fonnation of ,8 vanguard. AslOCilltion, o,n the basis of commitmen,t to, I' ,lam; mutual 'tl',ainmg and, e,ducation,.

5.2 'Formation of an a,ssocia,lion., In:vi,tq' otber,I'~ Selection of' active persons Ii and their trainiol and edu,c,ation,. Speakers, write'rSi and o~ga'Ri2ers". R'g'les for change 'of' leadership, Shu~a:.

,5.,!! C:h~1"alct,er.isdcis 10" 't'he associadoD: 'Islamic 'objecltives,I' s,p,idtu,al and meeal streo;gth ,o~f' :iltSi WOI'ker,5i" J:slamie limitsi on its, activities.,

S,.,4 A€!dvides,:: spliea:ding the me~ssllie of' ]slam t.hl'Oru;.'h the spoIC,en ,ao,d written' 'word" 'publicatiollsi,Beminar.j CO'D," fe:rence',II. cam,p., schoo,Is" Islamic Ice'Dters and :mosqucs,. circles for lIe'aching and leaminBt c'iircies lOT' ,dhikr and • i'b{ula,t!

S.S, The MS,A as a, ease study, Its fotmationand ,growth" IconsdtutiOD1 activitie,5,. :Ii'ulare ,081:8,.

4.1 Defiui:don io,f a oomm,unity ~ Alsoci.don on 'the hasis, of o,hjec!lives.,

4.1 Elem,en,ts of' a commamt,y:: objiectivc'I,;,,sbip, and :J'lIuT'd; ac:tiv,e' workers;, plaDning;' finances; parti,cipadoD

of members, -

,4.9 MetbodololYt:or eSitablish.iDg a, M'usUm community ~ R,elquiremeDt8,:a pOD.p ,of Muslim, famUie,s in one: town., :ao,d a de,si~e ~for' :lliamic: i,ldeotity,. Step,s:: tomlin,g ,an .sso:cialtio'Il;;: es,ta1btishiD;1 :Fri__4ay'· p,r,.reEI :aad fa:sliD!l' ,of' Ramadan:;. ,ce:mebr;atin, :Islamic lott,ailions: coUec:rion. of Z;aAa,:; ,purchasinl' homes, ,m tII,e'.alDe locality::: slmmc b1ils,iness'e~s,:: Y'.slim, prolessio,nals ,and, wIQ1rb'rs: JDOBque~" 5,cbool and ee'JDetery;; pardc;ip.'l,ioa·' in, civi~ affair.i; l'eprese,Dtat.ion, in, ,city~ county and state' go¥emm,ents,.


] '. The' ft~ts,tM~slims in ,Amen,c,a, 1. ,j' 1, Mu:slim explorers,

1.2: The Ada:ndc Slave Trade and. Muslim Africa.

1 . .3 The preservation of iii synererieed M:usUm consciousness in Slave sccierles.

:2 _, 1':/u4 RisI6 ,of ~ 'IBach U', ls,lam J" Mo'vements

2.1 The' existence OIl' M'usU'ms, after th.e legal a,bol:i'tion of


2.2: The po.s,s,ih:l:einflu,e'oee ,of M,QsUms,on, M,ar,cus Garvey., ,2. S NoblieD~ewAliand iheMoorish Americans,

2.,4 E.lijah Mubammad and the Nation of Islam,

2.,5 Fard ,Mubammad's, role in the development 'of th.e Nation ,of ]'s,lam.,

,3 _, ,In.d.ig'6R,()'Us ,A,meTif:8n, Mu.s,lim,s ,in the Twe'nliety CeR~u"r)l1

g.1 Muslim or'g'aniz~lItiOinS" centers and masjids in North Arn,

S .:2 The Wodd Comm,u.nity '0'£ :ls,la'm 10, the Wes,l and WaUac,e :D~ :Muha'mma.d.

'S .,' N:adonaJ Muslim movements.

4. TAe Imp,(J:d' €Jj,lmmigra'mg ,Mu$li~m,s' Ion islam, in ,A, me riCfJ, 4,.1 The main source areas lof imm.I'ration~

4.1 'The proba ble reasons for immigration.

4.3 Prospects Ior cooperation among al] 'the varlous groups,.




vn 101(} ARABIC 1

1,. Tbe alpha bet.

2:. C:ommOin Arabk expressions us!ed by Musllms.

4. The Arabicarticle

6,. Nouns and adjectives.

" . Pronouns.

81. Verbs: simple Iconjugations.

91. Simple forms ,of broken plural.

10. Special vocabulary of important words.

vr.ioi ARABIC II


I. Nouns: duals and cases,

2:. Verbs ~dedvadves and ehelr conjugaeions.

3,. Adjectives: 'comparatives and superlatives.

4. Adverbs.

5,. Prepesitions and their effect in sentences.

6,. Serucrure of the Arabic sentence,

". Numbers ~ cardinals an.d 'ordinals.

VII-lO! QUR'~ANIC ARABIC 1 ..The QUI" anie veca bulary,

2. The reading of Juru 3·0 with.wO'rd~'by~wol'd rransladon,


I ,r~:r ,A :1"1:0- T:ICI A C.l,U!'Ii,r:C'CC- If" • .!i{.:t.rAlrul.-~· ~ ~I' :_~n!' j"."l_~1 .·I~I

Th.eMess~le ,ofls),am

Is,Jamie 'Co:rr-esponde,nce 'Collrse (11 'Units) T'Dwar:ds Understanding' I,slam

(slam j,n Foc::u;s

:Mysterias '0'( F'ast,ing

Marria,le in, I,slam



_' ,e'Slone.,

Social Justice: in Islam Parreots,·' :M,I,Du;a'1

Eoonomic PrlQblems: of ,Nan I,. :Iami,c 'Theory of laler,el't P;oUti'c,al 'Tbeory ,of lala'lD

Firs!t Prima,pl,e,s of tOe Islamic 5'tatJe

'M' 'Me'S'"d' di~ •

.' . ','1'; I '-1 ~ I' " I

,'~ " ,~,I, qU,1

M. M. S,iddiqui,

A- A,', ";j!' --.1.-,-..1:: __ ~ _c_:~ .iI:¥:I,auUJuw

:H., ,Abdul, ,An al~,Ghazzali M,. ABdul Ra,uI

-- "----

A. A~' 'I\,A'alu,.,-uT Id., I

I J_" j~._ ..... _

Syye1d Q.u,tb:


~eb,a Siddiqui

A A' M- -_~_.J! ,..I,~:

I 'iii'" ~I __!.. "_L.u.uU,aJI,

A" I 1n."~'es;lh:·'

'- _" ~ "'C-I'I - ,I,

A A 'M d' d"'·'-

, i_, ,,', ',~U' I, .r~,:< IJI

1 __ ~ I _I., , '.' .•.. _ ,'U, ,

A., A. Maududj,

Articles fromlslam__k

II~ 1'H8' flUB ':AN' AND THE ,S'llNNAH The Holy' Q,ur"an Tafldm a),·',1' an ,Sahill :M,U\slim, ,Mis'h,m' ,td-Mu,a,bi.

lS.amin F',ooas~ Appe.ndix I,

Islamic IConespoDdence ,elcu.rse I(Unit 10)

Text~ and A~ y'us,ul ,Ali ~ s tfan:slation T,e:xt, and commen,tary' by' AI' A: M:a.ududi

TlaDll,adon 'by .A. H~ ,S,iddliqi Tr,aDsiadoD 'bY' ,j;amles 'RobISOD :-8' Abd~·'lI: A ,0 , ,t "._l~ __ I," '. ,tl

M ~ 'M,.~ ,Siddiqui


. Islamic 'Corresponden.ce C:ourse (Unit!) Th.e Bene:faC:lOl('

Life ,of'Muh,ammad

Life of Mubammad,

Only a Prophet. Could D,D' :1,

M. M., Siddi.qui.


Ib H" I' h

_ '.8 '.·:~I" ;am

M' '8" 'H'-' ''11.., I

__ ' •.. :.~ c; I,B,y..:a_

,A. H~Nadlwi


Some Companions of the Prophet, Heroes of Islam Series

F azl Ahm;ad

A H' Siddl · .' .'1 ~ , lql,

IV- PO,,;f tttc 'AL" R'''S- T-O'i,D 'Y'~ '0' IF l' e :rAIIM

' .• ,'-··!_'.L.J..l.Jr-ln I~JI"-_' ,i-.···n-.: _'_" -:',~.:"

l:slamic Cerrespendence Course (Unit 7) Life rofAbuBa'kr

Om,l,r 'he Great" Volumes 1 and 2:

Some Companions of the Prophet I( 1 Jr :2 and, 3) A ShoTit History of Islam

The Preaching of Islaro

The Cam bridle History of Islam, (I a.nd2)

M. M,. Siddiqui H~ R. Sherw,a:ni, Shi.bli. Num,ani.

FazlAhmad S- F'. Mahmud T. W. Arnold H:olt .Lambton, Lewis:


His,t,ory of Islamic Ori,g'i,n,s o:f Wlesit,ern Educa.tion M. N akhosteen

The' Cambridge History of Islam (Vol~ :2) H:o:lt" Lam,bton"Le:wisr

Art of Islam C,.j. DuRy

Islamic Architecture Dr. Hill and O~ Graber

A Short History of Islam Sr~F . :Maihmud.

Non~M:nslimsi Under Muslim Rule A. H,. Siddiqi,


- -

1:51am and Alc1oholisim Birth Control

Parents j Manual

Isl 11m. and. the Wodd

Th Five 'Great Religions Hi.s.todlcalAdas of the ReliigiolDs Christian Ethics

M:alik Bradyj A,. A ... Maududi Zeba Siddiqu.i A" H., Nadwi L R. al- Farooq,i L R. al-Farooqi

VII:. SUPPLEMENTARY' SUBJECTS Arabic fo,r En,gUsh-Speaking Students 1Q.u.r' anic Arabic

M. Abdul Ram 'Mabmoud Sri,eny

In all categoriesarticles from periodicals should be extractedand compiled,

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