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Cambodian Muslims with Tolerance and Peace

After the Liberation Day

HAM Karim
Cambodian Muslim Student Association (CAMSA)

September 23, 2014

1 Introduction
Islam means submission to the Will of God. In its ethical sense Islam
signifies striving after the ideal. A Muslim is one who submits to the Will
of God. Islam and Muslim derive from the same word as the Arabic for
peace. The traditional Muslim greeting is Peace be unto you.
If anyone harms (others), God will harm him, and if anyone shows
hostility to others, God will show hostility to him. Sunan of Abu-Dawood,
Hadith 1625
One of the most important themes of Islam is tolerance. There is no
forced compulsion on people to change their religion. Throughout Islamic
History tolerance was not only shown to Muslims who had dierent points
of view, but also to non-muslims. Today, unfortunately, many Muslims
have forgotten the true spirit of Islam. They are at times intolerant to
non-Muslims under their rule as well showing intolerance to Muslims who
disagree with their view. In a timely reminder we have edited a speech by
the great Muslim scholar Marmaduke Pickthall on Tolerance in Islam. The
lecture was given in 1927 in Madras, India. His message is just as relevant
today seventy five years later.
- Existence of Islam in Cambodia
- Cham Minority
- Win-win policy set by Prime Minister
- Stability of

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