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Olivia Bonvenuto


A) Theme: Hard work may seem painful and hard at the time but
eventually it all pays of

B) Reading Hebrew 12: 11-13

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on,
however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those
who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms
and weak knees. Make level path for your feet, so that the lame may
not be disabled, but rather healed.

C) Reflection:
In life, there will be times when there are situations you are put in to
work hard, whether that be in a job, a sport, or in school. At the time,
many may think to themselves that it is all too hard and think about
giving up. A lot of times people do not understand why it is hard or
why they are being pushed to do even more. The reasoning behind all
that is to be able to become better, to become better at the sport you
play, to be better at your job, or to be a better student. Over all
teachers, mentors, and coaches all push you to become a better you,
in the end you will realize that all the hard practices, the hard
homework assignments, and all those papers you had to type up of
that sales of the year were all things to help you become better at
what you do.

D) Prayer:
Heavenly Father
Come into my life and save me
Help me to understand your plan for me
Your plan for me holds great things I know it
Grant me your love so I may be strong
I pray you will grant me wisdom
O Lord help me through these tough times
So, that I may be able to be the best me I can be
And so in the end I may be happy and feel accomplished with my

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