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You're guilty of bribing a foreign government to get your pipeline.

Guilty as charged.
You think you're not replaceable?
I've been doing this before I met you, and I'll be doing it long after I've forgotten all
about you.
Please don't do this. Your beloved associates are mine.
What you want is a long, drawn-out trial - lung si istovitor that puts our stock in the
I'm here to tell you he's recusing himself from the case. So he appointed a special
I win, you back me for managing partner.
You want to take down Jessica. Yes, I do. Holy shit.
Was that a good "holy shit" or a bad "holy shit"?
Harvey, you just told me that you're planning a coup. Give me a second to figure
that out.
Not a coup. It's a move. And when you're done with your lecture-- No. No lecture.
I just have one question. Do I get my own office?
Harvey, if you want to be managing partner and Darby agreed to back you, then I'll
follow you to the ends of the earth.
But before we start, I want to make sure you're ready to do this to Jessica. I am.
Then let's go beat the shit out of Cameron Dennis.
I know you don't want to see me. And yet--I just wanted to let you know that I got
a copy of the letter that Jessica blackmailed me with, and I made it clear to her that
I would take it to the D.A. if she ever threatened me, so what I did will never
happen again. Never should have happened in the first place.
Close the door on your way out. Donna and I have work to do.
There's a harsh reality I need to inform you of, and it's a bitter pill to swallow. But
the truth is, a mistake was made. A fatal mistake. And as much as I hate to admit it,
our time together is done. No more work, no more laughter. Remember? No more
mentorship and, um, no more anything. See, I reached too high, and I fell. And my
punishment is the end of my tenure as head of the associates. So I would like to
leave you with the immortal sentiment of Robin Williams. There have been other
associates before you. They believed they were destined for great things, just like
you. If you just listen, you can hear 'em whisper their legacy to you. Carpe diem.
Seize the day, people. Make your legal lives extraordinary. Oh, Captain, my Captain.
There was a time I would've been relieved to see that-- no more Louis. PAST *
It's just wrong. This whole merger is wrong. How'd it go with Harvey? It didn't. HOW
Did you tell him about Jessica? Yeah. He didn't care. What? I just wish I could give
you a hug right now, but I can't because we still want to keep us quiet. WISH *
Well, come on. You can give me a hug. Something could've happened. Something
bad, like a...
My dog could've died. COULD HAVE
Oh, you have a dog now? I was really close to this dog.
Well, the best way to get over the death of a dog is to get a new one. I'm just--I'm
just too upset.
I'm--I don't know if I'm ready for a new fake dog right now. Just leave me like this.
How did it go? I don't know. Awful. Probably the hardest thing I ever had to do.
Louis, we just merged, and I wish I could undo you losing the associates, but I can't.
What I can do is take what you've been giving to so many for so long and have you
channel it into one.
You mean... I want you to mentor your own associate. Finally. The D'Artagnan to my
Athos, Porthos, and Aramis.
All for one and one for all. <i>En garde!</i> Sorry.
Jessica, wait. I can have anyone?
Louis, take your pick of the litter.
- Good morning, Ms. Paulsen. - Spit it out. Is that any way to start the day? You
want something.
I need the 411 on the breakup.- Are we in high school? - Life is high school.
And I need to know if the prom king and his boy wonder are still an item.
What high school did you go to? Donna, it's a simple question. Did Mike and Harvey
<i>break up</i> break up, or did they take a time-out and, like, say to each other,
"hey, let's see other people and make sure that we're sure." I see what's going on
here. Jessica feels sorry for you, so she's given you your pick of the litter.
And now you're sniffing around here, trying to put the moves on Mike behind
Harvey's back. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I would never do that. No, that's why I'm
here to ask permission. So ask him.
Well, I think it might go better coming from a different source.
- You want me to ask him. - Yeah. Would you please? No. Why? Because it would be
so much more fun for me to listen to you ask him.
Well, let me get this straight. You want my permission to take Mike and force him
to be your associate.
No, I would never force him to do anything. It has to be consensual.
Not like Sally Jones and senior prom. Wait a second. Did you just admit to a crime?
No, a crime was committed upon me.
Okay, I don't want to, but I have to. What crime? My mom felt bad for Sally, so she
forced me to take her. Well, what was so bad about her? She had four nipples.
Okay, if that date was so bad, I mean, how did you find that out? Okay, you know
what, Harvey, do I have your blessing or not?
Knock yourself out, Louis.
See, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're just saying that because you think he's gonna
say no. - Oh, I know he'll say no. - Well, I know you're wrong. So you better think
about this very carefully, because once permission is given, you cannot go back.
Speak now, or forever hold your peace. Fine. He's yours. I'm sure you two will
be very happy together. Good, 'cause when I'm done with him, Mike Ross will be
begging to be my associate.
Well, well, what a surprise. Jessica. Last time we saw each other, you were
blackmailing me out of my job. Here to do it again? Because you gave me what you
had on me. I just want to make one thing clear.
What I did to you, I did to you. Don't take it out on Harvey. Oh, that's sweet. Like a
mother protecting her cub. Take me on anytime you want, but don't punish Harvey's
client for what I did. You did?
You just happened on evidence from his time at the D.A.'s office? Oh. Ah. The
redhead. Well, it doesn't matter, because he may not have been the one to betray
me, but he didn't stop it.
So after you threw him under the bus and I saved him, he should have thrown
himself back under the bus? You just don't get it. Yes, I do. What you're really pissed
at is that he chose me over you. Not you.
What you are. I put bad guys away. You try to figure out how to let them do
whatever they want. So don't come in here telling me that I'm taking something out
on Harvey's client, because I'll tell you something-- she did this.
You made me a mixed tape. Watch it, and then make me an offer, which I'll reject
because... I got your client dead to rights.
Mmm, mmm. Well? This is the best steak I've ever had in my life. That is the best
steak you <i>will</i> ever have in your life. As much as I appreciate for once not
having to eat my lunch from the hot dog stand, what are we doing here?
Can't a man just take out another man in the middle of the day for some steak and
some wine and some cheesecake that's gonna knock your socks off? Uh, some men
could. But I think you and I both know that you are not one of those men. - True
that. - Mm. Want some more wine? Don't mind if I do. And you gotta try this
cheesecake. Oh, no, Louis, I'm-- mm-- You know what I mean, right? What do you
think of that? Hey, Louis! How was the steak? - Heaven. - How about you? Best
steak you ever had? Uh, best steak I <i>will</i> ever have. You taught him well.
What are you guys, brothers? Oh, I'm just kidding.
Louis here's got a lovely sister, Esther, two wonderful parents. Who the hell are you?
I am Mike Ross.
Louis and I work together. I wanted him to know who he was working for. - Oh. - And
I would like you to know who's working for you. 'Cause Mike here, he's the best
steak you'll ever have.
You want to know what you're working for? Tina, Gina, Adrian. They've been here 50
years between them. They are my family. That's what you're working for. I-I
understand. I do not understand.
Eminent domain. - Shit. - Final hearing's Tuesday. If we don't win, this place becomes
a shopping center.
Then this place becomes a shopping center, because nobody wins eminent domain
But what if we did, Mike? Then he'd get to keep his restaurant. He would get to
keep his dream, and I would get to keep my dream.
- And what is that? - To rewrite the law. And the way to do that is to win an un-
winnable case. What do you need me to do? You went to see Cameron? I was just
coming to apologize. For interfering on my case.
He's pissed at you. He's going to take it out on Ava. I wanted to let him know the
person he should be pissed at is me. Well, it's not gonna stop him from taking it
out on Ava. Which is why I was coming to apologize.
Are you also going to apologize for sending the message that I need you to help
me fight my battles for me? I don't want to fight Cameron for you. I want to fight
Cameron with you.
When the evidence is stacked against you, you do what O.J. did-- you hire the dream
Oh, that's our bar? O.J.? Did he walk or not? Fine. But I'm Johnnie Cochran.
You know. You know I know. Mike told me. Nobody had to tell me after you sent me
on that wild goose chase after <i>American Gigolo.</i> Oh, I'm sorry. You know, it's
not that you violated the sanctity of our friendship. It's that you violated the sanctity
of Richard Geresomething I would like to do, but not the way you did it. Look, I
was just trying to get Mike back with Harvey. I understand. Because I never want
their thing to be our thing. It's not.
And the way to keep it from becoming our thing is to stop talking about them.
Done. So you and Mike. I know. It's a lot. Do you want to talk about it? Of course I
do. Okay, I think we should start with the most important emotional question. Okay.
I'm actually getting worried for you. You don't know the half of it.
Louis, you said 5:00. It's only 4:30. I've been here since we ate. I've been
researching every eminent domain case ever tried, starting with 1905. Clark v.
Nash. I thought you wanted me to be doing the research? I did. But if I don't do it
too, how can I help you? You're helping me? Yeah. I help you help me. That's how it
works. Help me help you. What? Help me help-- it's <i>Jerry Maguire.</i>- Jerry Mc-
- You-- okay, if you've gone over every case file, then you know that the reason
nobody wins is because there is no chink in the armor. Well, then we make a chink
of our own.
If I'm on a jury, I'm looking at a bribe, plain as day. Because that's exactly what it
is. I don't care what it looks like. There's no audio. It's our story versus theirs. It's a
shady deal and a case full of cash.
Their story is going to be more compelling. Cameron's not going to risk trial without
- Do you think he has audio? - What would it say? It would have this gentleman,
Colonel Mariga, asking if we had the money and my number two, Nick Howell,
showing it to him. Then he would thank us for paying a pollution remediation fee.
That sounds environmentally sound.
Except we'd already remediated everything that needed to be remediated.
Which is how you knew it was a bribe. - Yes. - Hmm. The question is, did you ever
use that word in that room? I may be brazen, Mr. Specter, but I am not a fool.
Then the audio won't help them anyway. The Colonel? No, they're still in power. He's
not getting indicted. What? Cameron's got your protege. No. I've been grooming
Nick for ten years. I've taught him everything he knows.
Like how to bribe a foreign government? That is not the same. He would never turn
on me. You'd be surprised what people you trust would do when someone puts them
in a position where they think they don't have a choice.
Harvey's right. Once someone puts another person down the path of bending the
law, people tend to turn on each other.
You don't know him. When's the last time you spoke to him? A few days ago. Call
him. He won't take your call. You're wrong. He always takes my calls. Hi, it's Nick.
Leave a message.
Let me tell you what that message really said. "Hi, Ava.
It's Nick. "I'm not here right now because I'm cutting a deal to sell you out."
- Hey. - Hey. How's it going with Louis? You know, it's actually not bad. But the truth
is, I would rather be-- - No.
- What? Come on. It's the middle of the night. Louis could be back at any minute. -
I can be fast.
- I know. That was a one-time thing. Mm, mm, mm. Enough, enough. But I-- okay.
Yeah, you're probably right. The last person we want catching us is Louis.
Did it ever occur to you that's he's trying to recruit you?
Can we just for once assume that Louis doesn't have an ulterior motive? I got us
some refreshments. I will leave you two to your work. - So? - Yeah. Louis, it's the
middle of the night. Where did you get all this? I'm the new quartermaster,
remember? Okay. Here, check this out.
Whoa, no one's thought to come at it this way. Mike, this is outstanding.
I actually got the idea from a movie.
- <i>Moneyball.</i> - <i>I thought you hated sports.</i> <i>Moneyball</i>
<i>isn't about sports.</i>
- It's about math. - Exactly. One problem. It's outside the scope.
- What if it weren't? - What if I could fly?
Well, I can't help you with that. But if we want to get it in the scope, we just have
to get the other side to put it there for us.
Morning. Nice Mustang, Harvey. I see you're still trying to be Steve McQueen. Not
trying. Being.
This is the scene where he corners the asshole.
Speaking of movies, did you enjoy the one that I sent over?
It's not often we get the whole crime on film. All you have is a silent film with no
proof of anything.
And by the way, I'm going to have you sanctioned for withholding evidence. I gave
you that video in a timely manner. You gave us that video, so we'd take our eyes off
Nick who? The Nick you have stashed in a hotel room somewhere. Oh, that Nick.
Now that you mention it, I probably should put him on my witness list. I'm a little
out of practice. Yeah.There you go. Now... Why don't you get that piece of shit out
of my driveway, okay?
The first time I ever had steak, it was at Peter's. I mean, I'd had steak before... But I
never <i>had</i> steak before. But that's not why I'm here today. You see,
halfway through the meal, Peter came over to my table, and he asked how I'd
liked it. He wanted to know because he cared. He cared about me. I don't make
friends very easily, but the second I set foot in Peter's Steakhouse, I had made a
friend for life. And that is how Peter treats every single person who walks through
his door. So I don't care what they say. Your Honor, this is not a public benefit.
Your Honor, I'm... I'm touched. He makes me want to run right over there and get a
steak. But as for the Supreme Court decision in Kelo, public benefit is determined on
a quantitative, not qualitative basis. Well, I'm glad you brought up Kelo, because we
happen to have some quantitative evidence right here. Kelo was decided in 2005.
Eight years later and still, nothing has been built on this land. No jobs created, no
taxes collected, no money made. Zero quantitative benefit. Just because they say it
will be better doesn't mean it actually will be.
Even if it were true, we have every right to do it. The state determines benefit, not
the court, and until such time as the law is changed, you have no authority to affect
the state's determination. Uh, Your Honor, you can establish authority today. There's
no basis for that.
You have no choice but to uphold the established practice of eminent domain. I'm
afraid opposing counsel is right. Demolition begins next week.
I just remembered something about <i>Moneyball. </i>The A's never actually won
the World Series.
I'm sorry, Louis. Now is not the time to be sorry.
What is it the time for?
Get in. Nah, I think I'm good.Mike, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's just good,
clean mud. That doesn't make any sense. Is this about the fact that I'm in the nude?
Please don't harp on that. Yeah, I'm just saying, I know how the younger generation
gets hung up on that stuff, but you don't have to worry because you have your own
self-contained unit.
Okay, if I get in, will you stop saying words? PRESENT*WILL
You know, if you go in with boxers, you're not gonna have them later.
You're gonna have to go smokeless.
That disloyal piece of filth. Believe me, I know how you feel. Do you? Because I've
heard you prefer
to work alone. Well, I don't.
I may have been above him when we started, but for the last two years, we worked
together side by side. I'm not a sentimental person, but it meant something to me,
and I thought it meant something to him.
- He deserves to be shot. - He does. But I suggest we promote him instead. You want
to give him a new title to keep him from testifying? I believe it will require a
substantial raise as well. You know that's not what I meant. You're suggesting
bribing a man to get you out of your bribery charge. "In for a penny, in for a pound,"
mother always said.
This is what Cameron wanted. He didn't give us that video so we wouldn't find Nick.
He gave us Nick, so you'd try to bribe him. Well, how can you know that? Because
Cameron knows people are who they are. You bribed once, you'll bribe again. Well,
then what are you suggesting I do? Because I'm going to make a run at him. No, I'm
gonna make a run at him.
Louis. Yeah? This is the best damn mud I've ever had. Hey, I-- I know why you
picked me for this case.
I wouldn't have picked you if you didn't. If you wanted me to be your associate,
why didn't you just ask? Because you would've said no. - Louis, come on. - No, Mike.
I know what people think of me, and I know what you think of me. I knew you'd
remember all the bad things about working with me. I just wanted to remind you
of some of the good ones.
I remember all the good ones, but I also remember after those things, YOU GOING
BACK TO BEING the same Louis I met the first day of work. The Louis who fired
someone right in front of my face for the sole purpose of teaching me to be
afraid. You're right. I remember you once said that my actions matter and that it's
not water under the bridge. You've changed me. You make me want to be a
better man. Wait, are you saying I complete you? You have seen <i>Jerry
Maguire.</i> No, I'm quoting my cinema hero, the character of Melvin Udall,
expertly portrayed by Jack Nicholson in <i>As Good As It Gets.</i>
- Oh. Never saw it. - Oh, well, then you're lucky. Why is that? Because you can still
see it for the first time. The first time. - Yeah. - That's it, the first time. - What? - The
judge. You were making your argument about the first time. He wanted to rule in
our favor, but he couldn't. I know, that's why we need him to rewrite the law. No, we
don't, because there's already a provision in the law that works for us. It's in
section-- No, no, no, no. First of all, I cannot mix work with mudding, okay?Let's hit
the showers.
I can't wait to stick it to opposing counsel.
Do you need me to give you a hand out of there? I know who you are.
You shouldn't be here. No, Nick. You shouldn't be here. I'd like you to go. No. You
wouldn't. You'd like to give me five minutes to see if I can get you out of the box
you're in before you sell your soul. I didn't want to do this. You wouldn't let me in if
you did. I had no choice. Ava's in trouble whether I testify or not. That's what
Cameron wants you to believe.
- You haven't seen the video? - I saw a business transaction. - You don't believe that.
- I can sell that. You just got to keep your head and shut your mouth. Just do what
you're here to do. Threaten me, or offer me a deal. - I've considered both. -
Cameron said you would. Cameron's wrong. I'm not going to do either because I
think you care about Ava. I do. Then think about this. Whatever deal Cameron
offered you, it's based on a lie. He doesn't have anything. He's just trying to use
your fear to pit you against Ava.
Look, I've seen it happen before, and the one thing I can tell you is you go through
with it, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Because she'll never forgive me.
Because you'll never forgive yourself.
Okay, what is so important that we need to have an emergency hearing? Your
Honor, we need to be heard before demolition starts. What's he going to do now,
tell us about his first demolition? It was riveting, but this has nothing to do that.
Your Honor, based on the new zoning put through for their project, we're simply
asking for a revised valuation of the property that they're taking. $100 million? That
valuation has no basis. It has a mathematical basis. Specifically, the present value
of future cash flow, as shown right there.
Bullshit. You've heard of voodoo economics. This is voodoo math. They're making
crazy assumptions to inflate their value. Just like Kelo, but that really didn't seem to
bother you when it was in your favor. Your Honor, this is ludicrous.
They're only picking that number because they know it makes our project too
expensive to be feasible. Well, in the words of opposing counsel, even if that were
true, we have every right to do it.
Hi, Donna. I love your dress. And I love when you compliment me before you ask for
something. You're so insightful. Look, I know we said Harvey and Mike's problem
isn't our problem, but Louis is stealing Mike. It's not stealing when someone's
available for the taking. You knew? When do I not know? Louis asked for Harvey's
blessing with Mike, and he gave it. Why didn't you tell me? Because we agreed
that their problem isn't our problem. I know. But Harvey doesn't really want this. -
And you know that because-- - Because he can't. Look, he needs you to do your
Donna thing and help him get over it. Harvey listens to me because I tell him what I
believe. What do you believe? That Mike betrayed Harvey. - Mike was blackmailed. -
And then he betrayed Harvey. - Donna, how can you-- - How can I what? I just spent
the last year hiding your boyfriend's double life.
I'd say I'm a pretty understanding person. But what I don't understand is when
someone takes loyalty like that, and they throw it in the garbage. Would you like me
to say that to Harvey? Sorry I asked. Won't happen again.
- Yeah, that was awesome.- That was a great job, Mike. - Thanks, Louis.- Rachel. -
Looks like you won.
- The judge is ruling tomorrow.
Then what were you just celebrating? Well, we were dead in the water, and now we
have a fighting chance. I'm glad. Is something wrong?
Oh, I just got into a fight with Donna. About what? I went to tell her about you and
Louis, and she just--You went to Donna about me and Louis? - I thought she could
help. - You what?
I thought if she knew, she'd go to Harvey, and they'd just put an end to it. Someone
butting in and telling him what to do is only going to push him further away.
I didn't tell him what to do. I went to Donna. If Donna tells him, all it says is that I'm
too weak to fight my own battles. God, if it's coming from you, that makes it so
much worse. Why? What? Harvey forbid me to tell you anything.
You and Harvey talked about me? After we went out, I went to him, I said I wanted
to tell you-- And he said I wasn't trustworthy. It's not that. He didn't want you to go
out with me. No, it's not that either.
He didn't have a problem with us going out, he-- Oh, so it's okay if you screwed me
so long as you lied. Rachel. Oh, my God. That's why you cut things off with me. - I
didn't want to lie to you. - I can't believe him. Rachel, he didn't just risk everything
he had for me once. When Jessica found out, he put everything he had on the line
for me again. I hope you know as you stand here defending him, he has no intention
of ever forgiving you. Because I found out when Louis asked Harvey for his blessing,
he said, "Take him. He's all yours." So instead of getting mad at me for trying to
get Harvey to forgive you, maybe you should get pissed at Harvey and think about
moving on.
What the hell is wrong with you? I said I was sorry, I gave back the office, I helped
you with your case, I even blackmailed Jessica. Harvey, I get that you are pissed off
at me, but eventually, you are going to have to forgive me.
Forgive you for what, making me hire Katrina?
Getting high on the job your first week?
Betraying me with Jessica?
Or for telling Rachel about your secret?
YOU CUT ME LOOSE. Okay? You fired me. I was at my lowest point. She was there for
me. She's still there for me. Congratulations. I hope you two are happy together. So
you're gonna punish me by giving me to Louis? Well, let me tell you something.
It failed. I actually like working for Louis. He makes me feel like I'm working with
him, not for him. Well, I'm glad to hear that. Because I didn't give you to Louis as
punishment, I gave you to Louis because you and I are done. Harvey, I regret what I
did. But I'm telling you right now, you're gonna regret this.
Maybe you didn't hear me. I said you and I...We're done.
Whatever it is, I'm not really in the mood right now. Harvey, I know how Cameron
works. He's setting something up. You think I don't know that? He's setting Ava
up to bribe Nick. - Isn't that what you just did? - No.I went to him and told him he'd
regret being disloyal to her. Something I know a little bit about. Harvey, do you
know what started it between the Hatfields and the McCoys? I didn't catch the
miniseries, but I heard Costner killed it. Doesn't matter.
Because whoever they say started it, I guarantee you, the other side says,
You went to Darby for this merger behind my back. And then you picked a fight
with him behind my back. And then you blackmailed Mike behind mine. And I was
only able to do that because you brought a fraud into my firm in the first place.
So you do think it's my fault? What I think is I regret where we are,and I've been
trying to get us back to where we were.
And what would the evidence of that be? What evidence would you like?
Why don't you tell me the truth about why the hell I'm on this case? All right,
Harvey. I lied to you. When I told you I fought to get you on this case, I didn't. Darby
made that call. And I used it as an opportunity to reach out to you.
- "Used." - To reach out to you. Which I am now here doing without using anything.
So do you want to let it go or not?
I want to know one thing. If you had it to do over, would you do it again?
Deposition's on the books with Cameron tomorrow. You want me there or not?
Harvey, I'd introduce you to Nick, but I understand you two already met when you
witness-tampered.Nick works for Hessington Oil. We're their lawyers. Therefore, I
didn't witness-tamper. And if you say it again, I'm gonna slap you with a slander
suit. Well, let me slap you with something. Tony Gianopolous got a hold of that video
somehow, and he gave it to your shareholders. They're filing some sort of
lawsuit. I think he's trying to take over the company. You son of a bitch. You
leaked it. I deny that.
And if your client says that again, I will slap her with a slander suit to go alongside
her bribery charges. And by the way, Nick wasn't swayed by your attempt to tug at
his heartstrings. Emotional pleas?
What did you do to him, Jessica? This is not the kid I mentored. Hold on a sec. You
were never my mentor. Jessica was. You're just a fast-talking car salesman that
hides behind the line, "I do good."
Now get out of my face while I confer with my client.
You told me you knew this man. I thought that was an advantage. Instead, you've
goaded him into orchestrating an attempt to take over my company.
You know how sometimes the doctor says you're gonna feel worse before you feel
- What are you saying? - What he's saying is let us know how you feel in half an
- Hey.- Hey.Do you have a second? I want to talk to you about how we left things.
I don't know, did you run it by Harvey first?
- What? - I understand that he has final say on who his employees fraternize
Look. Harvey wasn't just trying to protect himself, Mike, Jessica, and me. He was
also trying to protect you. Right, my protection's at the top of Harvey's agenda. He
barely knows who I am. Rachel.
And if he did know me, he would know that I would never tell anyone. Okay, look.
You want to be mad at Harvey, fine. But you might as well be mad at me, because
I told Mike the same thing. What? I dragged Mike into Harvey's office, and I told him
that Harvey was right. - That Mike should lie to me? - No. I told him that he should
get over you.
Was that before or after I came to you and told you that I kissed him and that I
called him and told him how I felt? It was after. You told him not to be with me, and
then you let me think that he didn't care about me.
No, I told him what I thought, and then I tried to help you move on because their
truth wasn't mine to tell you. I thought you were my friend. I am.
You cared more about protecting Harvey than protecting me. Yes, Rachel! That's
my job.
I get that everyone's jobs are important. This wasn't about a job for me. It was
about having a life. But I guess you wouldn't understand that. Rachel... I'm
going to walk away before you and I can't go back.
It's the second largest oil deposit found in the last decade. We had the contract for
it, but to get it out of the E.I.R., we needed the pipeline. What were you told? And
by whom? We were told by Colonel Mariga we could build the pipeline if we paid a
pollution remediation fee. But? We'd already remediated everything that needed to
be remediated.
So what was the fee for? It was a bribe. And Ava Hessington paid this fee with the
full knowledge that it was a bribe? Yes, she did.
On this screen here, Nick, are you sliding a briefcase full of cash across the table to
Colonel Mariga? Yes. And you were aware it was a bribe? Yes, but-- How was Ms.
Hessington as a boss?
She taught me a great deal.- Did she trust you? - I believe so. - Rely on you? - Yes.
Did she look over your shoulder on everything you did? No. Was she aware of
everything you did? She was aware of this.
Yet all we have is your word on that. So let me get this straight. She groomed you,
promoted you, gave you autonomy, then you engineered a bribe. And when you got
caught, you cut a deal to lay that bribe on your mentor. Is that correct? She
knew. Yes. You claimed that before. If Ava Hessington were convicted of this crime,
who would be considered next in line? That's speculative. Is it at all possible it
would be you? Yes.
Wow, sounds like you have a lot to lose and even more to gain. We're not in court.
Your testimony doesn't help you here. No, but we wanted to give you a taste of
what it would be like in court when Nick still won't be able to look her in the eye
when he stabs her in the back.
We won.- We did? - We did. I just want to say one thing. You know, if Harvey had the
power to become Mariano Rivera, he would, because Harvey doesn't love the law.
It's just his vehicle for forcing his will on his opponents, for winning. But you
see, Mike, that's not how I feel about the law. I love the law.
And I'd never trade it for anything. I love it too. I also like winning. I think you're half
Harvey and you're half me. You've had your time with him. Now have your time
with me.
You here for an interview? They let you go already? You made your point.
If we go to trial, you eviscerate Nick. But we still have that video, she's on it, and he
says she knew.
And you know what? The truth is I believe him. And I'll make them believe him.
Then why are you here? Nice job, Harvey. You got me. They want you to cut a deal.
Against my recommendation.
I guess they know what you don't. You can't beat me. Here are our terms.
No, here are my terms. Our original offer stands. Hessington Oil pleads no contest,
we pay a $50-million fine, and all criminal charges against Ava are dropped.
They were going to go for that, but I convinced them to make one change,
nonnegotiable. Ava Hessington doesn't plead no contest. She pleads guilty. And you
get to call it a win.
Well, the record is going to say guilty. It <i>is</i> a win. I can beat you, and I did,
and it's going to eat you up. Dennis, one. Specter, zero. Take it or leave it.
- This deal is bullshit. - Harvey. Cameron can say what he wants. Darby asked you to
take this case. No way he doesn't consider this a win. I don't consider it a win.
Do you really want to gamble five years of her life, so you can prove you're better
than Cameron?
You know as well as I do, he's only offering this 'cause he knows he's got a loser.
It's the exact same deal we offered with one technical change. Do you know how
they enter a technical knockout in the record books? As a knockout.
I would. What? You asked me before if I'd do it again. I would.
You put me in that position again, and I'll do whatever I have to do to win. Because
we win.
Are you saying screw this deal, let's kick his ass? No.I'm saying take the deal. We
already did.
Sorry. Me too. You were just trying to help me. Yeah, but I shouldn't have said
something I knew would hurt you just to end an argument. I don't want to keep
secrets from you. You don't have to. So Louis asked me. And what did you say? I told
him I needed some time to think about it, and then I came straight here.
So you're really just apologizing because you need my advice. Well, I also want sex.
You can have one or the other. I really don't need any advice. It's a good deal, Ava.
Don't second-guess yourself. I'm not in the habit of second-guessing myself.
No, I just realized when I get back to London, my right hand is going to be gone.
Your right hand sold you out. You made it seem like he did it for his own personal
gain, but he did it for his own survival.
He still did it. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to miss him. Good-bye, Harvey.
Goodbye, Ava.
Do you want me to send a copy to Darby? I do. I thought maybe working with
Jessica would change your mind about taking over the firm. - It didn't. - Why not?
Because if she had it to do all over again, she would.
Harvey, if this whole thing is really Jessica's fault, maybe it's time we considered
forgiving Mike.
If she's not vacuuming properly, then just fire her. It doesn't matter. You'll get
someone--Mom, I gotta go. Bye. You make me want to be a better man. - You
watched it? - Loved it. Well, you had me at hello.
You watched <i>Jerry Maguire?</i>
Jerry, did you know the human head weighs 8 pounds? These are the A.B.C.s of me,
Show me the money! Ahh. You know, normally, I wouldn't want to jinx anything, but
I got us something. Okay. Its the perfect way to consummate our relationship. So
just wait right here. It's in the kitchen. Sure.
I can't let you do this. Let me? Don't do this. I already said yes. I can't go back on
my word. You're not going back on your word. You're going back where you belong. I
am. I am sorry. I know.
Look, why don't you take tonight off and go out with your girlfriend? Thanks, Harvey.
No, we're going up top. - Oh, really? - Yeah.
But if you come in late tomorrow, you're fired. We'll see.

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