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Damarius Dy-Dajnowicz


ECE English 1011

27 February 2017

Little Red Riding Hood Essay

Fairy Tales in Modern Times

The subdued fairy tale messages can be received and used in the current world. As

displayed in the variety of stories with Little Red Riding Hood, fairy tale lessons are actively

used to teach in todays society.

Little Red Riding Hood teaches children to not talk to strangers. This was a problem

that had to be addressed when the story was first written, and it is still relevant in todays world.

Little Reds first error occurred when she told the wolf, Im taking a hot loaf and a bottle of

milk to my grandmother (Unknown) because she broke her silence and exposed where her

destination was. This led to her own demise when she almost meets death because the wolf

admits his teeth are All the better to eat you [Little Red] with, my child (Unknown). The

story gives the reader a clear idea with Little Red about what can happen when talking to

strangers by showing her mistake and what the consequences of her actions are. This clear cause

and effect plot line makes it easier for the reader to grasp the moral of the tale. Even though

society has progressed from this time period, this issue is still taught everyday because it is

something that needs to be reinforced frequently. It is a lesson that carries on and is applied

through fairy tales, making it easier for children to understand at a young age. This is a solid

teaching method that gives children the ability to use the information as the world continues to

progress and the culture changes.

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The lesson of listening to parents is taught in Little Red Riding Hood as well. The

mother-daughter relationship in the story makes the readers feel a connection between the

characters. The mother gives the clear instructions to start now before it gets too hot; walk

properly like a good girl and dont leave the path (Grimm). She expects her daughter to obey

her commands, however, when Little Red ignores the directions and talks to the wolf, she has to

deal with the outcome. When arriving at the home, the wolf gobbled up poor Little Red Cap

(Grimm) along with her grandmother. It was to Little Reds advantage that a passing hunter

saved the both of them and she thought Never again will I leave the path and run into the

woods when my mother tells me not to (Grimm). Little Red is alive to have this revelation so

she can explain to the reader the moral of the story in the simplest of terms. She is given a

second chance and says she will always listen to her mother to show the acknowledgment of her

mistakes. This fairy tale is useful within the current society because it provides a lesson about

disobedient children and the consequences that can take place. However, mistakes are made and

can be corrected the next time, like how Little Red got a second chance to live again. Little Red

Riding Hood thoroughly explains the need of a functional relationship between child and

parent, and it can be used as a tool to teach in the modern world.

Fairy tales are useful in todays world when teaching a child a lesson at a young age that

will leave an impact on them for the rest of their lives. Even though Little Red Riding Hood

was written in a completely different society at the time, its morals are still carried within daily

living because of the strong message displayed throughout the story.

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Works Cited

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Little Red Cap. ECE English 1011. OWTS. January 2017. PDF

Handout. Print.

Unknown. The Story of Grandmother. ECE English 1011. OWTS.January 2017. PDF Handout.


Word Count: 587

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