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Assignment Score Teacher Comments Improvement


Socratic Seminar 30/33 or 90.91% What would I do to Try and speak louder
improve for the next and interject my
seminar? thoughts into the
conversation. I would
end bringing up
points that would be
related to a past
discussion that we
had already moved
on from by the time I
was able to talk and
get my voice heard.

Juvenile Justice 40/50 or 80 % Provide more Making sure the

Essay evidence or using it in evidence I use is in
a more accurate way. its most effective
way. Also making
sure I add in the
necessary citations.
There were places
where I left out
citations on quotes.

Language, Gender, 44/50 or 88% Discussing further on Use evidence but

and Culture Essay. my evidence and explain further how
fixing some grammar this piece of evidence
errors. relates to the topic
and helps boost my
arguments. Also,
make sure I double
and triple check my
essays for any
grammar mistakes
such as using the
wrong your and not
writing out numbers.

1984 essay 39/50 or 78% Need more evidence I struggle a lot with
in my essay. Provided supporting my claims
claims without any with proper evidence
support. points to back it up so
I need to make sure if
I create a claim, I
state credible sources
to back up that claim.
1984 socratic 23/25 or 92% What would I do to Bring more people
seminar improve for my next into the conversation
seminar? who I noticed havent
talked very much as
well as bring up
evidence to support
things I say during
the conversation
instead of making
claims without

Bullying Final Project TBA TBA I am pretty proud of

the pamphlet my
group and I created.
The only thing I would
say we all need to
work on was time
management. We
would get distracted
really easily because
we were all friends
and go way off topic
when in a group
discussion. Since we
were getting off topic,
we had to get
together over the
weekend and work on
it in order to finish. I
think if less of those
digresses occurred,
we wouldnt have to
meet over the

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