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Which *f the fcll*wing grsups

ccntains islands whi*h are NOT I
5. the tenn '*cui.tur*" ffiay BEST be
located in the Caribbean Sea? defined as
I. th* way *f life of a people \
a) Bermuda, Cuba, Jamaica II. arJistic and literary creations
b) The Bahamas, Ber:nuda, III. n*rrns and values
c) Berxnuda, Cuba, Turks and a) I *nly
Caiccs b) tr II *nly
d) The Baharrras, Bermuda, s) tr and III
Turks and Caicas d)

2. Which of the f*llnwing Amerindian

groups sefilcd in Central funerica in 6. The casts system has been called a .

pre-Columbian tir:les
,'"?closed systern af social stratification
a) Mayas f. membership is through bkth
b) Tainos IL members within the caste are
c) Cib*nsys expected ta interact
d) Kalinag*s III. membsrs within the caste ata"'
expected tc int*f,rtrarrp "r
J" A scciety may BES'il be described as a) I anly
b) I and II *niy
a) s*t CIf *';stoms and traditions c) I and III only
bi piace t* prastise norrns and
d) I, U, and Itrl
c) gr:up of people from the 7. The movernents that impact and
salne race influence the earth's surfase are also
d) rotrlection af people living in knourn as
th* sarrls area
a) oceanic activities
4. Which nf tia* BHST b) plate tectonics
describes the EE+=;; ,..= ;,;;lfEc=;,il?gti*n af c) plate boundaries
the indig*Hr*u$ p*pulation #nused by
d) Caribbean activities
Europe&n cxploration and sefflement
in the Caribbean regicn?
a) Slav*ry
b) Sui*ide
c) g*nonids
d) infanticide
8. The terrn 'crecle' has been used ti 11. Whish of the f*llcwing family types
refer to wa$ introdused tu the Caribbean by
I. a language East Indians?
il, &white person born in the Caribbean
ilI" enslaved persons barn in the a) Nuclear
Caribbean b) IrTeolocatr
c) Matrifocal '
a) I only d) Joint Househcld
b) I and II only
c) I and III only L2. Which of the fallcwing Caribbean
d) I, n and III culinary practises did indigenous
peoples influenee?
9. IvIr. Falygan has been aCvised by the L {Jse of cassffflep
agricultural agency in his country II. use cf satrted c*Cfrsh
that the BEST farnring technique fcr III. trishes ffinde frnm maire
him to use *n his trand is sail a) Itrtr tnly
conservatitn. which cf the fallawing h) I and trI cnly
rnethods of *sns*rvaticn should he c) I and III only
practise? di II and III anly
a) Monocropping 13. Which of the foltrawing statements
b) Shifting sultivation does NGT apply t* the N*tting Hill
c) Crop r*tati*s= nn qlii'.-+r=aiication tarnivat?
d) tsulldozing i:ril:=i+les and land
clearans* a.} It is held in L*eds
b) It is one *f the largcst in Europe
10. which of the foll*wing is N*T c) $fest Indian migrants introduced this
regarded a-s a typical family type in carnival
the Carihbean? d) In 1976, ricts sccurred which
a) Nuclear involved youth and the palice
b) In vitr*
c) Extencieci l4.l4rhich of the fcllcwing sports was
d) Single parent used by the white planter class to
demonstrate morals and racial
superiority oyer their black subjects?
a) Soccer
b) Cricket
c) Football
d) Baseball

15. Julia migrated to the United States 19. Gender inequality is a factor that
where she works and sends money to hinders development. Which of the
her mother who takes care of her following actions results in gender
children. this money is known as inequality?
I. Fathers are denied paternity leave
a) revenue , II. Women can fight discrimination in
b) reparation the law courts
c) remittance III. Males are guaranteed secondary'
d) investment education lc

16. Which of the following types of a) I and II only

development seeks to protect future b) I and III only
generations worldwide? c) II and III only
d) I, II and III
a) Global
b) Human 20. "ICT is a driving force behind
c) Economic changes in industry" \lhat does ICT
d) Sustainable mean in this statement?

12. whichorthe rorowingindicesare l] ll[ffififfiffiffiT]lllu*o,,

measures of human c) Information and Computer
I. Life expectancy Technology
il. Literacy d) Information and Communications
ru. GNP Technologies

a) I and II *nly 2I .In which -vear was the World Trade

b) I and III Organization formed?
c) II and III *nly a) 1795
d) tr, II and 3IH b) 1 885
c) 1945
1S. Which *f tEa* #*llowing flaet*rs can d) 1ee5
hindsr dev* i,;{:u:--. o:=r?

a) Efficient justi** -= "' : *c y 22. Which of the fq]l!*wing gives ths

b) Rigid ctrass stnntiffi*atian CORRECT order of progression to
c) Technological mdvftncf;ment x Caribbean integraticn?
d) Increased foreign islvestffile:at a) Federation-+CARIFTA+CARICGh/f
b) CARIFT A-+CARIC*hI--*Federatian
c) Federation-+CARIC*M---oCARIFTA
d) CARIC*M--*CARIFTA**Federati*n
23. The Organizaticn af Eastem 26" The tenn 'indigenous p*rspectives'
Caribbean States {OECS} is a was coined by West Indian scholars
recognized sub-regional gr*uping in the enrly nineteenth century tc
within CARICOIvL The members of a) explain why the transatlantic slave
the OECS share more ashievernents trade \ryas nsressary
among themselves than with their b) convince Caribbean people that the
CARICOM partners. Kalinago$ were cannibals
c) give credit to the Europf,ans for
Which of the fallowi*g is I.,iOT a common
being salely rssponsible for shaping
achievement of the OECS?
a) C!**ncy d) reject the noticn held by Europeans
b) High Ccurt that the indigenss were dacile and
c) Governrnsnt backwarC
d) Central Bank
?7 . The m&$s media in the Caribbean is
h4.Which of the fcllawirrg Caribbean seen a$ pron:*ting cultural
countries wsn its first Olympic imperialism hecause of
rnedal at th* 2*12 Summer Olympics I. its fucus on Amcrican talk shows and
garn*s in L*nd*n? celebrity interviews
a) Cuba II. its relay of the Z4-hour H,uropean and
b) Grenada American news cSrcle
c) St. Kitts and llevis the cmphasis placed on showcasing
d) TriniiSad aE:4 'l- ha* Caribbean indigenous cultural
25, Sporc ccmtributes tr Caribbean
societies by a) I anly
I" gsnerating income b) I and II *nly
II. promcting healthy lifestyies c) I and III *nly
$I. helping to develop Caribb*an d) tr, il, and III

a) I and II *nEy:
b) I and III *nly
c) II and ItrI anly
d) I, II and III

28.In its manifest{r, a p*litical party 32. A re$f;&rch meth*d that presents
, , findings using numeric data and
applies deductive logic in its
relatianship arnong all classss of
society, ffid the guarantec af equal explanaticn is consistent with \
social and economic oppcrtunities a) scientific research
for all citizens'o. b) systernatic inquiry
c) qualitative research
Which of the following is the party d) quantitative research
33- Teenagsrs who bleach their skin have
a) Social justice l*w self-estee*r
b) Citizens'right
c) Charter of rights This statcmsnt is an example of a
d) Citizens'charter a) hypath*sis
b) research questicn
29. Reliability ih research means c) dependent variable
a) getting similar results after repeating :d) problem staternent
b) accessing up-to-date inforrnation for 34. Which of the follorn'ittg criteria are
rescarch w*rk used for evaluating informatian from

c) making accurate inferen*es based on websites?

rsssar*h findings
d) getting different results fr*m a I. Length

lng aS Uf 1T.=l- .1' == : "? -=:=-:'-ifff gnt

trI. Content
ru. Currency'

30. The resear*h process is systernatic

because it
a) I and II onl1'
b) I and III onlS'
a) allows foq scrutiny c) II and III only
b) is fact finding and thecry based d) I, II and III
c) employs rep*rting fomaals which are
35.'A research is being canducted in a
d) is ccndu*t*d en a structursd wey so rural cornmunity cn traditional dances
that it can be s'u=t=:=;a-+t*d
that ar no longer practised, Which of
the following wauld be the BEST
31. The procsss *f ideratifying a pr*blem source from which to collect data?
to investigate involves
a) inteqpr*ting data a) Internet
b) condu*ting archival research b) Oral histarian
c) making inf*rence$ frcm statistical data c) Meeting minutes
d) reformulating a t*pic to make it d) Existing literature

36. Which of the following methods may 40. The act of Plagiarisrn is unethical in
be used in a quantitative surysy? researsh beca$sf;
a) Discussion
b) Questionnaire I. it is a crirninal act
c) Call-in programme IL the findings wi[] be hetrd as invalid
d) Farticipant observation Iil. the findings will be held as reliable

37. Ms. Joseph was conducting a study on a) I only

the characteristics of all 'barrel b) I and II oniy
children' in the third form. She c) I and IItr only
included all third farm students rather d) Io IIu and III
than choosing a $ar{1ple. This is an
atternpt to gather information on a 41. All of the foll*wing are non*
a) focus group a

insurrecticnary forrns of resistance

b) target population EXCEPT;
c) participant sample a) Paisoning of rnrhites an the plantation
d) representative sarnple b) rebellions
c) De structian cf planters' properties
38. The findings from an investigation d) Folk and work songs
which uses Focus group discussions
are BEST presented as 42. In what year w*s International
Monetary Fund Estabiished?
a) text a) t912
b) tables b) 1e4s
c) bar charts c) Ig47
d) line graphs d) 1s62
39. Ivls. Whyte canductcd an interview The cptions below pertain to question
with a group sf per$ons infected with 43 and 44
HIV/AIDF. Which principle of I. Trlegritude
research would NOT influence II. Fan-Afrieanism
presentaticn af the data? III. Indo-Caribbean perspectiyss
[V. Feminism +
a) Respect for privacy
b) Interviewee's consent 43. With which of the intellectual
c) Integrity cf the research traditions abave is Walter Rodney
d) Reliability nf thc instrumcnt associated?
a) tr II
b) I and III
c) II and III
d) III and IV i

44. Sf,hich of the two traditions above are
MOST Similar in their pu{pose and
a) I and II
b) I and III
c) II and IItr
d) III and fV

45. Which of the following factors is

MOST CRITICAL for engendering
and empowsrrnent of citizens?
a) Freedsm af speech
b) Capyright laws
c) Freedorn *f the press
d) Public swnership the media

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