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Mother perspective
Make child successful
Emotional ( doesnt want child to grow up)
Excited for real world
Doesnt see reality of it
Going to miss bayside
A mothers main goal in life is to successfully raiser her kids. In order to do so, he must

train her children to become independent, well educated and prepared to enter the real world. I

am delighted to say that I have done just as what I described. My daughter, Jayla Danice Harris,

will soon be graduating from the Health Sciences Academy at Bayside High School. She will

finally cross the stage and receive her advanced diploma on June 13, 2017.

Now, I cannot sit here and say that I am so thrilled that soon my youngest child will be

off to college soon. I am so proud of Jayla and all of her accomplishments but I am not ready to

see my angel go off. In all honesty, I would love for her to be 7 years old again. I am prepared to

shed a few tears on June 13th. After Jayla graduates she will be getting a part time job for the

summer. Since she is becoming an adult, she will be getting more responsibilities.

My daughter is going to Old Dominion University on a scholarship. This is one of the

many accomplishments she has made that I am the most proud and appreciative of. She is very

excited about starting college. I know she will eventually miss high school. I dont think it has

hit her yet that all of her friends she has been with for the past 4 years will not be at ODU. One

thing I will miss is going to my daughters games. She is the head varsity cheer captain at her

school. She followed in her mothers footsteps! I am so glad I convinced her into trying out for

the cheer team. If she was not a cheerleader, I dont believe that Jayla would have gotten very
involved in her school. She also is a member of National Honor Society, Medical Honor Society,

and HOSA.

Senior year was a blast for Jay! Sometimes she did seem overwhelmed and stressed but

that is every senior. I am glad she was able to manage her busy schedule this year. I told her

before the year even started that I understood she had a tight schedule but somehow someway

those scholarship applications better get done. Jayla acts like she is so ready to leave High

School. Im almost a grown up mom is what she tells me. If she really believes that, shes

going to have a rude awakening soon. I think that deep down, shes really going to miss


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