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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 69, No. 5, 2006, Pages 11901216


Requisite Scientific Parameters for Establishing the Equivalence

of Alternative Methods of Pasteurization

NACMCF Executive Secretariat,* U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Service, Office of Public Health Science,
Room 333 Aerospace Center, 1400 Independence Avenue S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-3700, USA

MS 05-702: Received 12 July 2005/Accepted 22 August 2005

Executive Summary
I. Charge and Statement of the Problem
II. NACMCF Definition of Pasteurization
III. Response to Questions in the Charge
1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used to determine if a process is equivalent to pasteurization?
2. What, if any, further research is needed to determine criteria?
3. What is the most resistant microorganism of public health significance for each process?
4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically validate and verify the adequacy of a proposed technology? How
much data would be considered adequate? To what degree can models and published literature be relied upon as
contributing to validation?
5. What biological hazards might be created as a consequence of the pasteurization treatment?
IV. Conclusions
V. Processes and Technologies
A. Cooking
B. Microwave Processing
C. Ohmic Heating
D. Steam and Hot Water Treatments
E. High-Pressure Processing
F. UV Radiation
G. Irradiation
H. Pulsed Electric Fields
I. Chemical Treatments
J. Pulsed Light
K. Other Technologies
Infrared Processing
Nonthermal Plasma (e.g., high voltage arc discharge)
Oscillating Magnetic Fields
VI. References
Appendix A. Milk Pasteurization
Appendix B. Crabmeat Pasteurization
Appendix C. Egg Product Pasteurization
Appendix D. Juice Pasteurization
Appendix E. The Application of FSOs and Related Concepts to the Pasteurization Process
Appendix F. Regulations Pertaining to Irradiation of Foods Contained in the Code of Federal Regulations

* Author for correspondence: NACMCF Executive Secretariat. Tel: 202- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
690-6600; Fax: 202-690-6364; E-mail:
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and In- In response to the Farm Security and Rural Investment
spection Service; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food Act of 2002, which calls for a broadening of the definition
and Drug Administration, and Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
tion; U.S. Department of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service; of pasteurization, the National Advisory Committee on Mi-
and U.S. Department of Defense, Veterinary Service Activity. This ar- crobiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF) was charged
ticle may be reproduced without prior permission. with determining requisite scientific parameters for estab-

lishing the equivalence of alternative methods of pasteuri- In addition to traditional thermal pasteurization, other
zation. technologies can satisfy the definition of pasteurization for
NACMCF agreed to the following definition of pas- certain foods: ohmic heating, microwave heating, steam and
teurization to guide its work: hot water treatments, high-pressure processing (HPP), UV
radiation, irradiation, pulsed electric field (PEF), and chem-
Any process, treatment, or combination thereof, that is
ical treatments. Other technologies, such as filtration, infra-
applied to food to reduce the most resistant microorgan-
red, and high voltage arc discharge, may also have the po-
ism(s) of public health significance to a level that is not
tential to be used alone or in combination with other treat-
likely to present a public health risk under normal con-
ditions of distribution and storage.
As new technologies are applied commercially, con-
NACMCF recognizes that pasteurization does not nec- sumer research is needed to develop label statements about
essarily achieve commercial sterility and that many pas- pasteurization that are understood by consumers.
teurized foods must be frozen or refrigerated to preserve
product quality. While some pasteurization processes are I. CHARGE AND STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
based on traditional thermal pasteurization, alternative non- The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002
thermal processes and combinations of processes and treat- (FSRIA) was signed into law on 13 May 2002 as Public
ments for pathogen reduction can be equally effective. Law 107-171. This law was passed to provide for the con-
NACMCF recommends that regulatory agencies estab- tinuation of agricultural programs through 2007. FSRIA ad-
lish a Food Safety Objective (FSO) and/or a performance dresses commodity programs, conservation, trade, credit,
standard for food-pathogen combinations that can be used rural development, research and related matters, forestry,
as the basis for judging equivalency when a proposed pro- energy, and miscellaneous items. Title X, Subtitle I, Section
cess is evaluated as an alternative to traditional pasteuri- 10808(b) of FSRIA broadens the definition of pasteuriza-
zation. tion by mandating that Section 403(h) (Misbranded Food)
One must consider numerous factors when establishing of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act be amended
the efficacy and equivalency of different pasteurization pro- to include a definition for pasteurization. Section 403(h)
cesses, including identification of the most resistant path- reads as follows with the FSRIA amendment:
ogen(s) of concern in the food, the efficacy of the specific
SEC. 403 [343] A food shall be deemed to be misbrand-
technology to reduce the pathogen(s) of concern, the food
matrix characteristics, normal conditions of distribution and
storage, and the intended use of the food. NACMCF rec- (h) If it purports to be or is represented as
ommends the following guidelines as essential to devel- (1) a food for which a standard of quality has been
oping a proposed pasteurization process: prescribed by regulations as provided by section 401,
and its quality falls below such standard, unless its la-
Conduct a hazard analysis to identify the microorgan-
bel bears, in such manner and form as such regulations
ism(s) of public health concern for the food.
specify, a statement that it falls below such a standard;
Determine the most resistant pathogen of public health
concern that is likely to survive the process.
(2) a food for which a standard or standards of fill of
Assess the level of inactivation needed. Ideally, this
container have been prescribed by regulations as pro-
would involve determining the initial cell numbers and
vided by section 401, and it falls below the standard
normal variation in concentration that occurs before pas-
of fill of container applicable thereto, unless its label
bears, in such manner and form as such regulations
Consider the impact of the food matrix on pathogen sur-
specify, a statement that it falls below such standard;
Validate the efficacy of the pasteurization process.
(3) a food that is pasteurized unless
Define the critical limits that need to be met during pro-
(A) such food has been subjected to a safe process
cessing so that the food will meet the performance stan-
or treatment that is prescribed as pasteurization for
such food in a regulation promulgated under this
Define the specific equipment and operating parameters
Act; or
for the proposed pasteurization process. This may in-
(B)(i) such food has been subjected to a safe pro-
clude developing specific Good Manufacturing Practices
cess or treatment that
(GMPs) in addition to the Hazard Analysis Critical Con-
(I) is reasonably certain to achieve destruc-
trol Point (HACCP) system.
tion or elimination in the food of the most
Research needed to determine the equivalency of new resistant microorganism of public health
pasteurization processes is technology dependent. All pas- significance that are likely to occur in the
teurization processes need to be validated through the use food;
of process authorities, challenge studies, predictive model- (II) is at least as protective of the public
ing, and/or safe harbors. All pasteurization processes must health as a process or treatment described
be verified to ensure that critical processing limits are in subparagraph (A);
achieved. (III) is effective for a period that is at least
1192 NACMCF J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 5

as long as the shelf-life of the food when The following discussion further clarifies important
stored under normal and moderate abuse phrases in the above concepts.
conditions; and
(IV) is the subject of a notification to the Any process, treatment or combination thereof . . .
Secretary, including effectiveness data re- Historically, pasteurization has had two roles, one being
garding the process or treatment; and public health protection and the other being shelf life
(ii) at least 120 days have passed after the date extension. This document focuses on public health pro-
of receipt of such notification by the Secretary tection.
without the Secretary making a determination Pasteurization can be achieved by using multiple treat-
that the process or treatment involved has not ments that in combination achieve the intended effect but
been shown to meet the requirements of sub- individually do not.
clauses (I) through (III) of clause (i). Pasteurization should not be equated with commercial
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and sterility. Pasteurized products usually require refrigera-
the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and In- tion, whereas commercially sterile products are shelf sta-
spection Service (FSIS) are seeking the advice of the ble. However, pasteurization in combination with other
NACMCF to determine appropriate requisite scientific pa- factors, such as pH, can provide a shelf-stable product.
rameters for establishing the equivalence of alternative Traditional pasteurization processes are based on thermal
methods of pasteurization. In order to do so, FDA and FSIS inactivation as practiced for milk and liquid eggs.
have determined that the following questions deserve con- The same principles of microbial inactivation apply to
sideration. other technologies based on thermal inactivation, such as
microwave processing, ohmic heating, and surface pas-
1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used to teurization with steam.
determine if a process is equivalent to pasteurization? The mechanisms of microbial inactivation may differ for
2. What, if any, further research is needed to determine technologies not based on thermal inactivation, such as
criteria? high pressure, UV radiation, and irradiation.
3. What is the most resistant microorganism of public
health significance for each process? . . . that is applied to food to reduce . . .
4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically validate
and verify the adequacy of a proposed technology? How This phrase means reasonably certain to achieve de-
much data would be considered adequate? To what de- struction or elimination in the food as provided in Sec.
gree can models and published literature be relied upon 403[343].
as contributing to validation? Elimination can refer to the removal of undesirable mi-
5. What biological hazards might be created as a conse- croorganisms and their products, such as through filtra-
quence of the pasteurization treatment? tion.
In principle, total destruction or elimination cannot be
II. NACMCF DEFINITION OF PASTEURIZATION achieved because there is a statistical probability that an
Traditional time-temperature pasteurization is well un- organism will survive in a fraction of products (e.g., 1
derstood by regulators, industry, and consumers. Informa- in 1,000,000 packages). However, the level of pathogen
tion on the history of pasteurization of milk, crabmeat, egg reduction is such that the product does not present a rea-
products, and juice is presented in Appendices A through sonable certainty of harm to the consumer.
D. An examination of the development of these pasteuri- Pasteurization was first developed for raw liquid prod-
zation processes can assist in evaluating the equivalence of ucts, but it is now applied to solid foods as well.
alternative processes and underscores the need for periodic For most products, pasteurization assures that every par-
reevaluation of such standards to protect public health. ticle of the food is treated, e.g., milk and liquid eggs.
Based on NACMCFs evaluation of traditional pas- In some instances, pasteurization can be applied to food
teurization processes, it was evident that the term pasteur- surfaces when internal contamination is not likely, such
ization has no universally recognized definition that applies as when the product was previously cooked, e.g., hot
to all foods. Therefore, the NACMCF agreed to the follow- dogs.
ing definition to guide its work. . . . most resistant microorganism(s) of public health
Any process, treatment, or combination thereof that is significance . . .
applied to food to reduce the most resistant microorgan-
Epidemiological data of relevance to the targeted food
ism(s) of public health significance to a level that is not
should be considered in selecting the organisms of con-
likely to present a public health risk under normal con-
ditions of distribution and storage.
Organisms of concern may include infectious and toxi-
The Committee recognizes that although an effective genic bacteria, viruses, and parasites. The Committee did
pasteurization process will deliver a safe product, public not address fungal toxins and prions in the scope of the
health protection cannot be assured without steps to mini- document because other mitigations are necessary.
mize the potential for recontamination. The identification of the organism(s) of concern is a

function of intrinsic resistance, initial populations, and 1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used
the influence of the food on growth and survival. to determine if a process is equivalent to pasteuri-
Pasteurization typically is designed to inactivate the veg- zation?
etative cells of pathogens, including vegetative cells of
sporeformers. The term pasteurization has been used to describe a
In limited instances, pasteurization is also designed to process or a combination of processes that has been broadly
inactivate spores, e.g., nonproteolytic (psychrotrophic) applied to different food-pathogen combinations. As ex-
Clostridium botulinum in pasteurized crabmeat. amples, milk pasteurization is based on inactivation of at
least 100,000 guinea pig infectious doses of Coxiella bur-
. . . level that is not likely to present a public health netii ((51); see Appendix A); the process for pasteurized
risk. crabmeat is based on shelf life extension and significantly
Public health risk is a function of the specific patho- exceeds a 12-log reduction of type E nonproteolytic C. bot-
gen(s), initial populations and types, the ability of the ulinum ((132); see Appendix B); the reduction of Salmo-
food to support pathogen growth and survival, and the nella in liquid eggs was originally based on an 8.75-log
susceptibility of the host. reduction, whereas in-shell egg pasteurization targets a 5-
Presence of a pathogen does not necessarily mean that a log reduction (see Appendix C); and juice pasteurization is
public health risk exists, e.g., pathogenic sporeformers in based on a 5-log reduction of the most resistant microor-
products that do not support growth. ganism of public health significance ((33); see Appendix
If the food product supports the growth of the pathogen, D). As these examples illustrate, currently recognized pro-
the length of the shelf life can influence the potential cesses are not equivalent in reduction values, but all af-
public health risk. For example, certain sporeformers ford an appropriate level of public health protection.
may not be inactivated by the pasteurization process, but An FSO and/or a performance standard to achieve an
their population may be controlled throughout shelf life appropriate level of public health protection for food-path-
through time and temperature or other means. ogen combinations could serve as the basis for judging
Pasteurization does not protect public health when the equivalency when a proposed process is evaluated as an
product is subsequently recontaminated during manufac- alternative to traditional pasteurization (Appendix E).
ture or after the container is opened. One must consider numerous factors when establishing
The concept of public health risk is intended to address the efficacy and equivalency of different pasteurization pro-
whether the product bears or contains numbers of organ- cesses, including identification of the most resistant path-
isms of concern or levels of their toxins that may render ogen(s) of concern in the food, the efficacy of the specific
it injurious to health. In addition, this concept of risk is technology to reduce the pathogen(s) of concern, the food
intended to address the issue of reasonable certainty of matrix characteristics, and the intended use of the food.
no harm. NACMCF recommends the following guidelines as essen-
. . . under normal conditions of distribution and stor- tial to developing a proposed pasteurization process:
Conduct a hazard analysis to identify the microorgan-
Pasteurization is not intended to prevent growth of mi- ism(s) of public health concern for the food.
croorganisms under all time and temperature conditions. Determine the most resistant pathogen of public health
The manufacturer should specify how the product should concern that is likely to survive the process.
be safely handled and stored. Adequate or proper refrig- Consider the level of inactivation needed. Ideally, this
eration temperatures vary depending on the qualities of would involve determining the initial cell numbers and
the food product. normal variation in concentration that occurs before pas-
Normal conditions of distribution and storage include a teurization.
range of temperature conditions. In many instances, this Assess the impact of the food matrix on pathogen sur-
will include conditions of moderate abuse with respect vival.
to the product. Validate the efficacy of the pasteurization process.
Based on the Audits International study (10), a signifi- Define the critical limits needed during processing to
cant number (90%) of consumers refrigerators are below meet the performance standard.
458F. However, optimum refrigerated storage is #418F. Define the specific equipment and operating parameters
Temperatures above 508F for the shelf life of the product for the proposed pasteurization process. This may in-
would be considered gross abuse for most refrigerated clude developing specific GMPs in addition to the
foods. Storage time must also be considered when de- HACCP system.
termining if a situation constitutes abuse.
Pasteurization should not be expected to provide protec- Like traditional pasteurization, alternative technologies
tion under gross time-temperature abuse conditions. for pasteurization greatly reduce the numbers of pathogenic
and nonpathogenic microorganisms but do not destroy or
III. RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS IN THE CHARGE eliminate all microorganisms. Thus, to prevent spoilage
The five questions posed to the Committee are an- throughout the shelf life of the product, traditional preser-
swered broadly below. Additional consideration specific to vation techniques, such as freezing, refrigeration, low pH,
a given technology is addressed in Section V. low water activity, high salt, or modified atmosphere pack-
1194 NACMCF J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 5

aging, could be used in addition to pasteurization to pre- and technical information to determine if the treatment,
serve the product. These parameters need to be assessed to when properly applied, will effectively control the haz-
determine critical factors for the specific food when defin- ard(s).
ing the proposed process. For validation, an expert in the technology area needs
to determine the critical factors for each proposed use.
2. What, if any, further research is needed to determine
Product and process variability, batch-to-batch variation, in-
fluence of product characteristics, size of product pieces,
Criteria to determine the adequacy of thermal processes etc., need to be considered. Guidelines for challenge tests
are well established. As illustrated in the examples for tra- and inoculated pack studies have been published (63). Im-
ditional thermal processes, it is difficult to assess equiva- portant considerations include
lence of different pasteurization processes for different Statistical power in experimental design, such as con-
commodities (Appendices A through D). Research needed ducting multiple trials.
to determine the adequacy of alternative technologies can The specificity and sensitivity of the validated method
be found in Section V. The following research needs apply used to recover the target pathogen.
to all pasteurization processes. The use of multiple microbial strains including clinical,
Identify surrogate organisms for in-plant validation of environmental, and product isolates for the food being
processes. studied. Use strains with high but not abnormal resis-
Determine initial populations of pathogens in products to tance.
be pasteurized. Varying the critical factors to determine the margin of
Identify appropriate indicators of microbial safety or safety achieved by the process. This may be useful in
quality if relevant for the product-process combination. evaluating process deviations and assuring uniformity of
Develop, optimize, and validate recovery and enumera- treatment.
tion methods for process validation purposes. The use of appropriate experimental and data analysis
Identify factors that influence reproducibility of resis- procedures to confirm that the least lethal treatment is
tance characteristics for test strains. included in measurements.
Develop predictive models for pathogens subjected to Predicting the degree of inactivation that is achieved may
processes used alone or in combination. be difficult if delivery of the process is nonuniform, e.g.,
nonuniform heating by microwaves or in particulate
3. What is the most resistant microorganism of public foods.
health significance for each process? The use of previously validated approaches or safe har-
The microorganism of public health significance for a bors.
specific process depends on its resistance, the process, the It is important to note that validation studies are not
initial numbers present, and its ability to grow in the food. always necessary when the safe harbor approach is used.
As with thermal processing, the most resistant microorgan- A safe harbor, for the purpose of this document, is defined
ism of public health significance depends on the food prod- as a recognized procedure that can be employed without
uct, its intended use, and the technology used to process further validation studies.
the food. The pathogen with the greatest resistance to one There are sources of variability and uncertainty in-
treatment, e.g., heat, may not be the most resistant to an- volved in the design of a pasteurization process that need
other type of treatment, e.g., irradiation. The most resistant to be considered in the validation studies. The sources for
microorganisms for specific technologies are discussed in variability include the choice of the isolates used for the
Section V. When determining the target microorganism, it validation study (e.g., to determine the D-value [decimal
is necessary to consider all pathogens that have an epide- reduction time, or the time required to destroy 90% of the
miologically relevant association with a product because organisms, or the time at a given pressure to effect a 1-log
the most resistant pathogen may not be present in the high- reduction of a target organism]), the phase of growth in
est numbers. Conversely, pathogens controlled by other which the organisms are harvested (e.g., for Listeria mon-
means may not be of public health significance in a product ocytogenes in refrigerated foods, a growth phase culture
when growth is required for illness (e.g., C. botulinum type may be appropriate), the substrate upon which the culture
A control by refrigeration in pasteurized crabmeat). The is grown and the associated environmental conditions (e.g.,
term pasteurization implies destruction, elimination, or con- pH, temperature, atmospheric conditions), the suspending
trol of all microorganisms likely to pose a public health medium, the sample size and packaging conditions, the
risk in the specific product. method (including media and counting method) by which
the cells are enumerated following the process, and the se-
4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically vali-
lection of appropriate measurement systems.
date and verify the adequacy of a proposed technol-
Predictive models and published literature can be used
ogy? How much data would be considered adequate?
as tools in validation of pasteurization; however, there are
To what degree can models and published literature
limitations. Models may not include all the influences on
be relied upon as contributing to validation?
microbial growth and survival for the particular food to be
Validation is the collection and evaluation of scientific treated or all the critical parameters for the specific pro-

cessing technology. However, models that represent a con- than pathogens and therefore limit pathogen growth. Once
servative estimate of the potential for growth or survival products are pasteurized, therefore, they need to be pro-
may be used (89). Laboratory studies may not reflect actual tected against recontamination. For example, Staphylococ-
processing conditions. Scale-up of laboratory-based studies cus aureus is noted for its inability to compete with other
in a pilot plant may be necessary to confirm that the pro- microorganisms in food. Once competition is removed it
cessing parameters and conditions are consistent with the can grow to high numbers and, if conditions are satisfac-
laboratory studies. In-plant validation is rarely done with tory, potentially produce toxin. The elimination of spoilage
pathogens; nonpathogenic surrogates are used for such organisms can also extend shelf life to a point where tox-
studies (109). When surrogates are not available, it may not igenesis precedes spoilage, e.g., nonproteolytic C. botuli-
be possible to obtain data on the pathogens of concern un- num outgrowth in a refrigerated product.
der actual production conditions. Despite these limitations,
Selecting for more resistant organisms. Microorgan-
laboratory studies have been used successfully to validate
isms with resistance greater than the target microorganism
traditional pasteurization processes and should be useful in
can survive the pasteurization process. For example, path-
the future.
ogenic sporeformers may germinate and grow unless proper
The hazard analysis may change as research provides
controls, such as refrigeration or formulation, are applied.
new data or epidemiological data on pathogens and/or ef-
ficacy of technologies. Models are particularly useful in Sublethal injury. If organisms are injured rather than
evaluating the effects of formulation changes on efficacy of inactivated during processing, assurance must be provided
treatments. It is important that published literature and that they do not repair and grow during the product shelf
models used are appropriate for the food being studied. If life. Although research has shown that sublethal injury can
there are significant differences between the intrinsic prop- result in increased resistance, at least one study has dem-
erties of the food of concern and the properties used in the onstrated that this may not be significant with respect to
model or the literature study, then the model or study may some heat processes (92). There should be an awareness
not be applicable to the product. However, if the validation that application of one mechanism of processing may result
study is conducted using parameters that are more conser- in concomitant selection for resistance to other mechanisms
vative (i.e., the actual process would provide a safer product (72, 78). Although it has been proposed that cross adapta-
than the parameters tested), then additional validation stud- tion could have a significant impact on food processing
ies need not be conducted. For example, if a pasteurization (e.g., if acidification of food products is combined with a
process is more effective at lower pH, then validation stud- pressure treatment) (133), this has not been shown to be a
ies conducted at pH 6.0 could apply to product with pH 5.0 problem to date in commercial processing.
if all other critical factors are the same.
The need to revalidate should be assessed when new IV. CONCLUSIONS
hazards are identified or changes are made to the process In response to the FSRIA of 2002, which asks for a
or product. For example, milk pasteurization was reassessed broadening of the definition of pasteurization, NACMCF
when the hazard of L. monocytogenes was identified (Ap- was charged with determining requisite scientific parame-
pendix A). The need for additional validation studies should ters for establishing the equivalence of alternative methods
also be determined when there are unexplained process fail- of pasteurization. NACMCF recommends the following
ures. guidelines as essential to developing a proposed pasteuri-
Verification includes those activities that demonstrate zation process:
the system is operating as designed.
Conduct a hazard analysis to identify the microorgan-
Once the critical factors have been identified for a pro-
ism(s) of public health concern for the food.
cess, they are monitored and documented during process
Determine the most resistant pathogen of public health
delivery by a manufacturer. This information can also be
concern that is likely to survive the process.
independently verified by observations of monitoring and
Assess the level of inactivation needed. Ideally, this
record review.
would involve determining the initial cell numbers and
Effective pasteurization should deliver lethality such
normal variation in concentration that occurs before pas-
that testing finished product for pathogens is impractical
and has no statistical reliability due to sampling probabili-
Consider the impact of the food matrix on pathogen sur-
5. What biological hazards might be created as a con- Validate the efficacy of the pasteurization process.
sequence of the pasteurization treatment? Define the critical limits that need to be met during pro-
cessing that will meet the performance standard.
The Committee limited its response to this question to Define the specific equipment and operating parameters
changes in microbial ecology and new microbial hazards for the proposed pasteurization process. This may in-
that might occur due to pasteurization treatments based on clude developing specific GMPs in addition to the
guidance from the NACMCF Chair. HACCP system.
Eliminating competition. Pasteurization will inacti- Research is needed to determine the adequacy of pas-
vate many nonpathogenic organisms that may grow faster teurization for alternative processes and is technology de-
1196 NACMCF J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 5

pendent. All pasteurization processes need to be validated teurization of these types of fishery products is performed
through the combined use of process authorities, challenge on products in hermetically sealed containers (see Appen-
studies, predictive modeling, and/or safe harbors. All pas- dix B).
teurization processes must be verified to ensure that critical
1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used
processing limits are achieved.
to determine if cooking is equivalent to pasteuriza-
In addition to traditional thermal pasteurization, other
technologies can satisfy the definition of pasteurization for
certain foods. These include treatments such as ohmic heat- As with any heat treatment, time-temperature parame-
ing, microwave heating, steam and hot water treatments, ters are critical. In general, these depend on two main fac-
HPP, UV radiation, irradiation, PEF, and chemical treat- tors: (i) knowledge of the thermal inactivation kinetics of
ments. Other technologies, such as filtration, infrared pro- the most heat-resistant pathogen of concern in a specific
cessing, and high voltage arc discharge, may also have the food product and (ii) heat transfer properties of the food
potential to be used alone or in combination with other system. The pathogen of concern will be product specific.
treatments. The cooking process should be designed to deliver the re-
The Committee recognizes that while an effective pas- quired heat treatment to the slowest heating point in the
teurization process will deliver a safe product, public health product. Heat transfer is influenced by many factors, in-
protection cannot be assured without steps to minimize the cluding type of food and its characteristics, e.g., shape, size,
potential for recontamination. composition (moisture, salt, etc.), whether or not the prod-
Finally, NACMCF concludes that consumer research is uct contains multiple components (such as stews), state of
needed to understand how consumers interpret and respond the product (liquid versus solid), consistency or viscosity,
to labeling statements about pasteurization and related etc. Some cooking processes are applied to products prior
terms. More research is needed to develop label statements to packaging, whereas others, such as cook-in-bag or sous
that are understood by consumers. vide processes, are applied to packaged product. When
product is cooked inside the package, the type of packaging
V. PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGIES material and shape of the package may influence heat trans-
This section describes considerations that are specific fer. When the cooking process is applied prior to packaging,
to each technology. Traditional thermal processes, nontra- prevention of recontamination with pathogens is essential
ditional thermal processes, and alternative non-thermal for the cooking process to be considered equivalent to pas-
technologies, are addressed, in that order. Where possible, teurization.
all questions posed to the Committee are addressed for a
2. What, if any, further research is needed to determine
technology. However, for some technologies, research is in-
sufficient to address the questions, and they are only briefly
described. The Committee believes that the criteria listed in Sec-
tion III above are adequate to determine if cooking is equiv-
A. Cooking alent to pasteurization. Research will be needed to develop
Although cooking has not traditionally been referred to data on these criteria as they apply to specific products.
as pasteurization, it is clearly capable of achieving that ef-
3. What is the most resistant microorganism of public
fect. FSIS has developed lethality performance standards
health significance for cooking?
for the production of certain meat and poultry products
(e.g., cooked beef, roast beef, cooked corn beef, and cooked The pathogen of concern will depend on the product.
poultry products) that require a 6.5-log reduction of Sal- Bacterial spores are more resistant than vegetative bacteria,
monella (or alternative equivalent lethality) for certain beef viruses, and parasites. Cooking processes are not designed
products (26) and a 7-log reduction of Salmonella (or al- to inactivate spores.
ternative equivalent lethality) for poultry products (28).
4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically vali-
Time and temperature parameters to comply with the per-
date and verify the adequacy of cooking? How much
formance standards (safe harbors) have been published
data would be considered adequate? To what degree
by FSIS (124, 125). FSIS is proposing similar lethality per-
can models and published literature be relied upon
formance standards for other ready-to-eat (RTE) meat and
as contributing to validation?
poultry products. FSIS has determined that products meet-
ing the lethality performance standards, when properly The critical process parameters in cooking are the time
cooled and handled, would contain no viable pathogenic and temperature at the coldest point in the product. This is
microorganisms of concern. influenced by a variety of factors, most notably product
FDA, in its Fish and Fisheries Products Hazards and formulation and equipment design. There are many models
Controls Guidance (127), indicates that cooking processes for inactivation of pathogens by heat. In most cases, process
are generally designed to eliminate vegetative cells but not validation would be to determine the coldest spot in the
spores of pathogens. FDA considers L. monocytogenes to product and develop data to demonstrate that the required
be the target pathogen and a 6-D process to be suitable. time-temperature parameters are met at this point. In some
FDA notes that cooking is usually performed before the instances it may also be necessary to determine the heat
product is placed in the finished container, whereas pas- resistance of the pathogen of concern in the food.

5. What biological hazards might be created as a con- the oven; agitation; presence of stirrers and turntables;
sequence of cooking? frequency (2,450 and 915 MHz); and age of the mag-
Cooking does not create unique microbiological haz-
The effect of packaging material on process delivery.
ards other than those previously discussed in Section III.
Demonstration that lethal temperature is achieved in all
B. Microwave Processing parts of the product.
Reliable means by which to monitor temperature during
Microwave processing is defined as the use of electro-
the process to prevent significant process deviations.
magnetic waves of certain frequencies to generate heat in
a material. Since it is an electrothermal process, microbial Time-temperature history at the coldest location in the
destruction by microwave occurs through heat. Industrial product will determine the safety of the process. Both the
microwave pasteurization and sterilization systems have magnitude of the time-temperature history and the location
been around for over 30 years. The most promising relevant of cold spots in the product are functions of the critical
applications include the following: (i) continuous pasteuri- process factors listed above. Time is a factor in that as the
zation processing of milk, (ii) pasteurization of juices (ap- food heats up, its microwave absorption properties can
ple and orange), and (iii) pasteurization of intact shell eggs. change and the location of cold spots can shift.
Bacterial pathogens whose inactivation has been demon-
strated with microwave technology include the following: 2. What, if any, further research is needed to determine
Bacillus cereus, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium perfrin- criteria?
gens, pathogenic Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp., L. The Committee believes that the criteria listed above
monocytogenes, S. aureus, and Salmonella spp. Parasitic are adequate to determine if microwave processing is equiv-
pathogens (Trichinella spiralis, Toxoplasma gondii, and alent to pasteurization. Research will be needed to develop
Anisakis simplex) have all been found to survive various data on these as they apply to specific products.
microwave treatments, but this is probably due to uneven-
ness of temperature distribution during the process (45, 61). 3. What is the most resistant microorganism of public
At the time of document preparation, there was no literature health significance for microwave heating?
available on enteric virus inactivation specifically using mi- The kinetics of microwave inactivation of organisms
crowave heating. should be the same (except for cold spot issues) as for con-
1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used ventional thermal inactivation. There are no notable micro-
to determine if microwave processing is equivalent to wave-resistant foodborne pathogens. As with heat, bacteria
pasteurization? are more resistant to microwave heating than are yeasts and
molds; spores are more resistant than vegetative cells. A
Microwave technology is capable of achieving an ef- recurring conclusion is that if nonuniform heating occurs,
fect equivalent to thermal pasteurization. In studies where then there could be survival, and this must be addressed by
microwave heating is compared directly to conventional equipment and process design.
heating, microwave heating is frequently found to be less
effective due to nonuniform heating effects, the unpredict- 4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically vali-
ability of cold spots (areas of less heat penetration leading date and verify the adequacy of microwave heating?
to lower internal temperature and less destruction of target How much data would be considered adequate? To
organisms), and changing product parameters (such as spe- what degree can models and published literature be
cific heat). Because traditional thermal destruction param- relied upon as contributing to validation?
eters form the basis for microwave inactivation, time-tem-
The critical process parameter in microwave processing
perature parameters are critical. In general, these depend on
is the location of and temperature at the coldest point in
two main factors: (i) knowledge of the thermal inactivation
the product. This is influenced by a variety of factors, most
kinetics of the most heat-resistant pathogen of concern in
notably product formulation and equipment design. For val-
a specific food product and (ii) heat transfer properties of
idation and verification purposes, determining the effects of
the food system. Accordingly, the scientific criteria that
small deviations in food formulation on heating patterns
should be used to determine if microwave heating is equiv-
would be advisable. Microwave systems are not standard-
alent to traditional thermal pasteurization include
ized, making comparison between makes and models dif-
Type of food and its characteristics, e.g., shape, size, ficult. The design of equipment to assure uniformity of
volume, composition (moisture, salt, etc.), whether or not heating is critical. Finally, establishment of reliable moni-
the product contains multiple components (such as fro- toring methods and the means to detect process deviations
zen dinners), state (liquid versus solid, including the would also be necessary to validate the process.
presence of ice). Although literature regarding the efficacy of micro-
Properties associated with the process, such as power wave heating for cooking and even for achieving commer-
level, cycling, equilibration time, and the presence or ab- cial sterility abounds, there is very little information in the
sence of hot water or air surrounding the food. published literature about microwave pasteurization (Table
Properties associated with the equipment, including di- A). In many instances, the literature reports inactivation of
mensions, shape, and electromagnetic characteristics of total aerobic bacteria, coliforms, or other normal spoilage
1198 NACMCF J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 5

TABLE A. Summary table of microwave applications to pasteurization

Microorganisms Food Commentsa Reference(s)

Aerobes, coliforms, psychro- Milk Compared LTLT batch process (658C [1498F], 30 min) us- 82
trophs ing MW versus conventional heat; both achieved 6-log
reduction in three groups of microorganisms and nega-
tive phosphatase test.
Aerobes, coliforms Milk Compared continuous MW heat at 728C (161.68F) for 15 s 65
to conventional HTST process; methods gave compara-
ble inactivation and negative phosphatase test.
Salmonella Typhimurium, E. Milk Examined MW as means to deliver LTLT and HTST pro- 69
coli, Pseudomonas fluores- cesses; LTLT treatment reduced S. faecalis by 3 to 4
cens, Streptococcus faecal- log; MW treatment at 78.68C (173.58F) for 65 s did not
is completely inactivate organisms. Suggest survival due to
nonuniform heating.
Yersinia enterocolitica, C. Milk Batch process at 71.18C (1608F) for various times. Com- 22, 23
jejuni, L. monocytogenes plete inactivation (8 to 9 log) of Y. enterocolitica after 8
min, of C. jejuni after 3 min, and of L. monocytogenes
after 10 min.
Salmonella Enteritidis In-shell eggs Hot water, hot air, and MW compared; combination of rap- 116
id MW-heating step to 558C (1318F) followed by hold-
ing at 558C (1318F) in hot air or hot water resulted in 7-
log reduction.
Lactococcus plantarum Orange juice Continuous-flow MW process at 708C (1588F) for 15 s 91
produced 6-log reduction; 808C (1768F) for 15 s elimi-
nated the organism.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, L. Apple juice Compared batch heat treatment with continuous-flow MW; 117
plantarum faster microbial destruction rate with MW.
a HTST, high temperature short time; LTLT, low temperature long time; MW, microwave.

microflora, rather than evaluating the behavior of a target umetric flow rate has been studied. Mean passage time de-
pathogen. Predicting the degree of inactivation that might creases with increase in flow rate; however, mean required
be achieved by microwave technology may be difficult if passage time remained constant with an increase in solid-
nonuniform heating occurs. particulate concentration. A wide range of temperatures in
the heating section was observed. Large standard deviations
5. What biological hazards might be created as a con-
in required passage times during heating were observed,
sequence of microwave heating?
which could cause problems of overcooking some particles
Microwave heating does not create unique microbio- to ensure commercial sterility (49).
logical hazards other than those previously discussed in Commercial and pilot-scale ohmic heaters heated a ho-
Section III. mogeneous liquid uniformly except in certain sections of
the heating column where lumen size changed. Heating of
C. Ohmic Heating a fluid containing suspended solids was a function of par-
Ohmic heating uses electrical resistance to heat prod- ticle location and concentration when electrical conductiv-
ucts. Currents (usually alternating current [AC]) are passed ity differed between liquid and particulate phases. Heating
through the food or other material by electrodes in direct of potato chunks in a sodium sulfate solution showed
contact with the food. In ohmic heating, heat energy occurs marked nonuniform heating within particles. Solids heated
from within foods as opposed to microwave or inductive faster than liquid (21).
heating. In inductive heating, electric coils placed near the Ohmic heating is used in the following fruit and juice
food generate electromagnetic fields that send electric cur- applications:
rent through the food, thus heating it. There are no known
Pasteurized whole fruits (Japan and United Kingdom).
current commercial applications for inductive heating, and
Pasteurized sliced peaches and pears (Italy, Greece,
it will not be discussed further.
Spain, France, and Mexico).
Ohmic heating behavior is different from conventional
Pasteurized orange juice (Mexico).
heating. With conventional heating methods, liquids heat
faster than solids. With ohmic heating, solids can heat faster Applications of ohmic heating include cauliflower (48),
than liquids because the heating rate is a function of particle fluid containing apple particles (131), apple slices (15), and
shape and particle orientation to the applied electric field. prepared meals (141). Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canadas
Therefore, process parameters for ohmic heating depend on Food Research and Development Centre, has studied the
food characteristics. use of ohmic heating in meat product cooking. Experimen-
Time as a function of particle concentration and vol- tal trials have not only yielded excellent results in energy

savings but have also produced brine-cured meat products D. Steam and Hot Water Treatments
that are of excellent visual quality, closely similar to prod- The most likely application of steam or hot water to
ucts made by conventional cooking (74). achieve pasteurization would be for precooked, prepack-
1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used aged meat and poultry products that have been exposed to
to determine if ohmic heating is equivalent to pas- the processing environment between cooking and packag-
teurization? ing, particularly where the product surfaces exposed to the
environment remain as surfaces readily heated in the pack-
Ohmic heating is a thermal process. As a result, the aged state (i.e., whole muscle as compared to sliced and
same traditional time-temperature relationships for pasteur- shingled products where interior surfaces exposed to a con-
ization can be achieved. Critical factors that must be known veyor belt may be buried within the shingle pack after
or monitored include packaging and, thus, are not readily heated).
Time and temperature. There may be other examples, e.g., seafood products,
Physical properties and composition of the food product where steam or hot water treatments may lead to pasteur-
(e.g., pH, water activity, fat content). ized products (see Section V. A. Cooking). In some in-
Heating characteristics of food components of the prod- stances, regardless of the food type, a raw product may be
uct. packaged and then heat treated with steam or hot water to
become pasteurized by definition. In these instances, the
2. What, if any, further research is needed to determine raw food product will be cooked in the package to destroy
criteria? all potential hazards.
One possible barrier to the use of steam and hot water
The following research needs were recommended in
is that the product characteristics may be sufficiently
the Institute of Food Technologists report (62) and endorsed
changed to result in the product no longer being considered
Develop a more complete body of knowledge to assess 1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used
the impact of deviations for specific designs of ohmic to determine if the use of steam and hot water are
heaters. This would include improved models for ohmic equivalent to pasteurization?
Develop methods for monitoring temperatures within in- In traditional thermal pasteurization, steam and hot wa-
dividual solids. ter are often used in an indirect manner (i.e., without direct
food contact through a heat exchanger) to produce the heat
3. What is the most resistant microorganism of public for thermal pasteurization. An alternative to this traditional
health significance for the use of ohmic heating? thermal pasteurization is the use of steam or hot water for
Ohmic heating is a thermal process that is rapid, vol- foods that are prepackaged in films to avoid additional wa-
umetric, and uniform, and the most resistant pathogen is ter gain and prevent negative organoleptic changes. As for
likely to be the same as that for other thermal processes. traditional thermal pasteurization, this application of steam
No organisms with unusual resistance to ohmic heating or hot water has the potential to reduce the populations of
have been identified. pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria but does not elim-
inate all bacteria.
4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically vali- Additionally, the application of steam or hot water for
date and verify the adequacy of the use of ohmic pathogen reduction for packaged food products will be
heating to achieve pasteurization? How much data most often used for reducing or eliminating the potential
would be considered adequate? To what degree can for pathogens on the surface of the product since treatment
models and published literature be relied upon as times typically are limited. Thus, the heat transfer will be
contributing to validation? limited to surfaces of the product and will not penetrate to
Since the main critical process factor is the thermal interior surfaces of the food product. To prevent spoilage
history and location of the cold spot in the product, the throughout the shelf life of the product, traditional preser-
effects on microbial inactivation are the same as for thermal vation techniques, such as freezing, refrigeration, low pH
processes (106). or low water activity, high salt, or modified atmosphere
packaging, must be used subsequent to hot water or steam
5. What biological hazards might be created as a con- to preserve the product. Clearly, the scientific criteria for
sequence of the use of ohmic heating to achieve pas- establishing if hot water or steam treatments are equivalent
teurization? to pasteurization are linked to the specific food type.
The criteria used to measure the efficacy of traditional
The biological hazards discussed in Section III should
thermal pasteurization in creating safe food are appropriate
be considered. In addition, slow cooking can also present
for treatment with steam or hot water as well. The criteria
a hazard as prodigious multiplication of vegetative bacterial
used to assess a specific steam or hot water process would
pathogens can occur during the come-up period of the
include the following:
cooking cycle. Such multiplication should be minimized in
order to ensure that the process is adequate. Temperature of steam or hot water.
1200 NACMCF J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 5

The resulting temperature profile on the surface layer of knowledge on the inactivation kinetics of the most heat
the food product. resistant microorganism of concern for each specific food
Type of food processed and its characteristics, e.g., den- product and determine the heat transfer characteristics as-
sity, physical dimensions. sociated with the treatment of each specific food. For food
Specific information on how the food was handled be- products, there are physical and chemical characteristics
fore, during, and after treatment with steam or hot water, that determine the effect of heat on pathogenic microor-
e.g., prior heat lethality steps, packaging conditions. ganisms, e.g., product thickness and density.
Target organism to assess the efficacy of the steam or The thermal treatment that is provided to a food prod-
hot water process. uct by a steam or hot water process will be determined by
regulatory requirements or scientific considerations. The
2. What, if any further research is needed to determine
optimal approach is to have knowledge on the range of
potential contamination levels by the hazard of concern
The defining criteria for pasteurization by steam or hot (e.g., based on actual enumeration results from positive
water treatment do not require further development. How- food product samples) and then base the validation (i.e.,
ever, the specific criteria associated with various food prod- lethality) requirements on these results.
ucts treated with steam or hot water will need to be devel- Models have been created to demonstrate the effect of
oped for each product category (e.g., precooked, prepack- food type and characteristics on the efficacy of thermal pro-
aged whole-muscle products; precooked, prepackaged, cessing using steam or hot water to process prepackaged
stacked sliced products; precooked, prepackaged, shingled foods (8587). As for any model, the assumptions and un-
products). certainties must be clearly stated. The value of the model
will be more useful if the product used to create the model,
3. What is the most resistant microorganism of public
and the conditions surrounding the steam or hot water pro-
health significance for the use of steam and hot water
cess used for development of the model, are similar to those
to achieve pasteurization?
for which the model is being applied.
The organism used to assess the efficacy of steam or
5. What biological hazards might be created as a con-
hot water as a pasteurization technology will be linked to
sequence of the use of steam and hot water to achieve
the specific food product, its history, and its intended use.
For a selected food product, there may be multiple organ-
isms that could be considered as potential hazards. The or- There is no evidence that biological hazards might be
ganism of concern would be that one most likely to be created as a consequence of steam or hot water treatments.
present at the time of steam or hot water treatment with the
greatest resistance to the steam or hot water process being E. High-Pressure Processing
used. HPP is the application of hydrostatic compression in
For example, in the case of processing precooked, pre- the range of 100 to 1,000 MPa that is capable of inacti-
packaged deli meats, the organisms of concern identified in vating microorganisms. In the early 1990s, Japan and other
an HACCP plan might include E. coli O157:H7, L. mon- nations introduced the use of HPP of food to inactivate
ocytogenes, and Salmonella. However, after a validated barosensitive microorganisms. An advantage of HPP is the
cooking process, these pathogens would be killed; subse- minimal effect it has on covalent bonds; thus, minimal dam-
quent handling, slicing, and packaging may reintroduce L. age occurs to flavors, aromas, provitamins, and vitamins.
monocytogenes as a hazard. In this instance, the steam or A brief review of high-pressure biotechnology in medicine
hot water treatment would be developed based on a vali- and pharmaceutical sciences discusses some effects of HPP
dated thermal destruction of L. monocytogenes that may be action on biological substances (80). HPP has been suc-
on the surface of the sliced product. cessfully applied to RTE meats, seafood, marinated raw
Bacterial spores are more resistant to steam and hot meats, and some processed fruit and vegetable products.
water than are vegetative cells; thus, if bacterial spores are However, HPP caused product damage to watermelon, raw
considered to be the microbial hazards likely to occur and apple slices, and bread.
present a problem (i.e., through growth) during subsequent HPP is used in commercial operations to specifically
storage and distribution, steam and hot water treatment like- reduce Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus to
ly would not be a technological solution to pasteurize the nondetectable levels in raw molluscan shellfish. Insufficient
food product containing these hazards. data are available to determine if other more resistant bac-
teria are destroyed by this process. HPP has current com-
4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically vali-
mercial utility as a L. monocytogenes postlethality treatment
date and verify the adequacy of the use of steam and
for packaged RTE meat and poultry products (Table B).
hot water to achieve pasteurization? How much data
A recent review by Koopmans and Duizer (70) lists
would be considered adequate? To what degree can
many processes that successfully inactivate foodborne viral
models and published literature be relied upon as
agents; however, only one example of HHP was cited. Wil-
contributing to validation?
kinson et al. (134) indicated less than a 1-log reduction in
In general, to validate that a steam or hot water process poliovirus (a highly resistant virus) following HHP treat-
is adequate to pasteurize a food product, one must have ment at 600 MPa for 1 h. Kingsley et al. (68) demonstrated

TABLE B. Selected examples of high-pressure processing

Microorganism types Foods Commentsa Reference(s)

Enterobacteriaceae Sausages 500 MPa for 5 min 5 808C (1768F) for 40 min. 139
and Listeria
L. monocytogenes, Milk Required multiple passes for pressures ,300 MPa. 46 to 130
Salmonella, and E. 608C (114.8 to 1408F) prior to DHP enhanced killing.
coli O157:H7 DHP less effective than HPP. Best if total bacterial load
E. coli O157:H7 Milk 400 MPa at 508C for 15 min treatment for 5 log reduction 94, 95
(NCTC 12079)
L. monocytogenes Milk Growth at 438C (109.48F) increases resistance to HPP. 18
S. aureus, Bacillus Juices and organic 8-log reduction at 345 MPa at 508C (1228F) for 5 min ex- 2
spp., L. monocyto- acid liquids cept for S. aureus. Most vegetative cells are sensitive to
genes, E. coli O157: 700 MPa, but not spores. 8-log reduction in yeast at 304
H7, Salmonella En- MPa at 258C (778F) pH 4.0 for 10 min. Generally, Gram-
teritidis, Salmonella negative bacteria are more sensitive to HPP.
Typhimurium, yeast
Multiple pathogens Yogurt, jams, jellies, Use where spores are not an issue because they cannot grow 59
juices, tomato out at low pH. Variable pressure sensitivities with various
sauces, and other commodities. Exponential phase is more sensitive than sta-
acidic products, tionary phase. Strain-to-strain variability is greater for
guacamole, dairy HPP than for other processes. Net volume decreases, pro-
products, fish, teins may denature, gelation may occur, lipid phase chang-
sliced meats es may occur, increased ionization of dissociation.
E. coli Eggs Accumulation of injured cells at pressures 400 MPa. Biphas- 76
ic inactivation of E. coli at 58C versus linear exponential
at 258C.
Small size and cocci Vegetables and gen- Mechanisms of pressure resistance. Small size and cocci 9
eral shape are generally more resistant to HPP. Specific porins
increase resistance.
L. monocytogenes In general Heat shock proteins provide cross-protective resistance to 72, 78
a DHP, dynamic high pressure; HPP, high-pressure processing.

a 7-log reduction in hepatitis A virus (HAV) after 450 MPa bial inactivation by pressure will not take place regardless
treatment for 5 min. Complete inactivation of a 7-log 50% of process time (;300 MPa). Important items of informa-
infective dose for feline calicivirus (a norovirus surrogate) tion not to be overlooked in HPP are the come-up times
was accomplished by a 5-min treatment at 275 MPa, sug- (period necessary to reach treatment pressure), pressure-re-
gesting the value of HPP as a treatment for contaminated lease times, and changes in temperature due to compres-
shellfish. sion. Obviously, long come-up times will add appreciably
Although well suited to the destruction of vegetative to the total process time and affect the product throughout,
cells, HPP has limited efficacy against sporeformers unless but these periods will also affect inactivation kinetics of
combined with other treatments, such as heat and pH. microorganisms; therefore, consistency and awareness of
these times are important in the development of HPP con-
1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used
to determine if HPP is equivalent to pasteurization?
2. What, if any, further research is needed to determine
Due to the wide variety and combinations of HPP pa-
rameters, it is currently necessary to define a process for
every type of food treated. Defining a process requires care- HPP is very difficult to evaluate because of the mul-
ful monitoring of food composition, including pH and water tiple combinations of pressure with temperature, number of
activity. Critical parameters for the process include initial passes, pH, time, isotonic strength, and content of organic
temperature, process pressure, process hold time at pres- compounds. Some of these relationships are not linear, and
sure, time to achieve pressure, decompression time, treat- although some mathematical projections have been devel-
ment temperature, and the absence or presence of added oped, the combined effects listed above may need to be
CO2. experimentally determined. There is a wide variety of con-
Factors such as pH, water activity, composition, and ditions discussed in the reviews listed in the following ta-
preservatives need to be evaluated to determine if normal ble, but one of the biggest obstacles is understanding the
variation makes these critical factors for a specific food. various mechanisms of resistance to HPP. Specific structural
There is a minimum critical pressure below which micro- mechanisms, such as porins (proteins that form transmem-
1202 NACMCF J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 5

brane channels for entry of molecules into the cell) and The critical process factors in HPP include pressure,
broad-acting stress resistance proteins, affect the ability of time at pressure, time to achieve treatment pressure, decom-
organisms to survive. pression time, treatment temperature (including adiabatic
There is a need for the development of models to pre- heating), initial product temperature, and vessel temperature
dict survival and calculate processes for HPP. Modeling re- distribution at pressure. Product variables, such as pH, com-
search using data generated by multiple-cell pressure units position, water activity, and packaging material integrity
that allow for similar come-up times should be conducted. must also be considered. Pressure pulsing would require
Although HPP-derived semilogarithmic survival curves ap- additional monitoring of pulse shape frequency and high
pear nonlinear (for example, sigmoidal or biphasic), in HPP and low pressure values of the pulse.
predictive microbiology, a logarithmic order of reduction is An increase in food temperature above room temper-
normally assumed. This assumption carries the danger of ature increases the inactivation rate of microorganisms dur-
underestimating the subpopulation of pressure-resistant or- ing HPP treatment (2). Temperatures in the range of 45 to
ganisms. Synergistic effects among pressure, temperature, 508C (113 to 1228F) appear to increase the rate of inacti-
CO2, and other variables on microbial survival exist. vation of food pathogens and spoilage microbes and, thus,
There is also a need for research on the mechanism(s) merit the development of processes that incorporate a uni-
of resistance to HPP. Investigation of the influence of pres- form initial food temperature in this range.
sure on reduction of microbial populations using the proper
5. What biological hazards might be created as a con-
experimental design (statistically valid, collection of data at
sequence of HPP?
different pressures, and control of temperature and product)
so that kinetic parameters are quantified is also needed. In Resistance to HPP does not create unique microbiolog-
this way, critical process factors can be evaluated for sur- ical hazards other than those previously discussed in Sec-
vival of pathogens or surrogates in a statistical manner. Ac- tion III.
curate predictions could be used to develop HACCP plans.
More research will be needed to establish an equivalent F. UV Radiation
to the traditional temperature-related D-value. Since the UV processing involves the treatment of foods with
ease or difficulty of irreversible protein denaturation is a radiation from the UV region of the electromagnetic spec-
function of protein structure, a wide range of pressure re- trum to inactivate microorganisms. UV has wavelengths in
sistances must be expected among microbes. the region of 100 to 400 nm. Wavelengths of 200 to 280
nm inactivate bacteria and viruses. Sastry et al. (107) re-
3. What are the most resistant microorganisms of pub-
viewed critical factors relevant to UV treatment of food
lic health significance for HPP?
products (excluding pulsed UV). The effectiveness of the
In general, gram-positive bacteria are more pressure treatment depends on the specific product characteristics.
resistant than gram-negative bacteria, and spores are more The technology can be used as an alternative to chlorine
resistant than vegetative cells. There appears to be a wide for disinfection of water and wastewater (20, 115). For mi-
range of pressure sensitivity among the pathogenic gram- crobial inactivation in water, 400 J/m2 must be achieved in
negative bacteria. Some strains of Salmonella and E. coli all parts of the fluid (115).
O157:H7 have demonstrated relatively high levels of pres- UV treatments have been applied effectively to water
sure resistance (16, 53, 94, 95, 111). supplies and food contact surfaces (107) and to apple juice
Published data are supplied in Table B for salmonellae, (60, 97, 137). Pulsed UV has a higher penetration depth
Listeria and Clostridium spp. in meats, milk, and sausage. and may be more effective than continuous UV light (71).
Extensive work has also been done to examine the reduc- Pulsed UV has been shown to inactivate 4-log CFU/g E.
tion of S. aureus and L. monocytogenes in milk. There has coli O157:H7 on alfalfa seeds (110). Monochromatic
been a great deal of information collected on HPP reduction pulsed UV has been shown to inactivate bacteria in milk
of E. coli O157:H7 in fruit juices. (114); however, its effectiveness against the target organism
for traditional milk pasteurization, C. burnetii, has not been
4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically vali-
evaluated, so equivalence to thermal pasteurization is un-
date and verify the adequacy of HPP? How much
data would be considered adequate? To what degree
FDA has given premarket approval to use UV radiation
can models and published literature be relied upon
for the treatment of water and food (including juices) under
as contributing to validation?
specific conditions of use (39). The technology is capable
There is a vast amount of data in the literature; how- of delivering a process that achieves an effect equivalent to
ever, it is all unique in terms of the pressures and other thermal pasteurization in some foods (e.g., fruit juices).
contributing conditions used for each commodity. A de-
1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used
tailed literature search could likely lead to enough data to
to determine if a UV process is equivalent to pas-
establish some criteria for HHP; however, much of the data
may not be comparable and D-values may need to be gen-
erated and not extrapolated. Mathematical models that deal General considerations described previously in Section
with multiple variables are difficult but can be applied if III apply to UV technology. Specific critical parameters that
substantial numbers of data points are available to plot. must be considered in monitoring, verifying, and validating

the effectiveness of UV treatments include light (radiation) m2 (180 to 330 J/m2 when considering photoreactivation),
and product characteristics. UV wavelength, intensity, du- whereas poliovirus, rotavirus, and S. aureus phage A994
ration, and number of pulses (if pulsed) impact the effec- required 290 to 380 J/m2 for the same lethality (107). Hanes
tiveness of the treatment. System configuration is critical, et al. (60) demonstrated the effectiveness of UV for inac-
because this will define the thickness of the radiation path tivating Cryptosporidium parvum in apple cider. A 3.8-log
through the food. Shielding of organisms will reduce the reduction could be achieved for E. coli O157:H7 in apple
effectiveness of the process and must be considered. Prod- cider, with turbidity of the cider impacting effectiveness of
uct characteristics that influence shielding include surface the treatment (137). A 5-log reduction was achieved in ci-
geometry (solid product); transparency and depth of fluid der containing low initial levels of yeast and mold with
column (liquid product); product color, solids content, and high UV doses and a slow flow rate. However, Duffy et al.
overall chemistry; homogeneity of product flow pattern; (46) and Quintero-Ramos et al. (97) have demonstrated at
and packaging transparency and color. least a 5-log reduction of an E. coli surrogate for O157:H7
In determining the effectiveness of UV treatments, the in multiple trials using the CiderSure UV pasteurizer. Data
potential for repair of the organisms under normal handling on UV effectiveness against L. monocytogenes are not
conditions should be considered. The mechanism of inac- available, and data on Salmonella are limited. Sommer et
tivation of microorganisms by UV involves damage to nu- al. (115) showed that UV inactivation of eight strains of E.
cleic acids, and some strains have enzymes that can repair coli differed considerably, with a 6-log reduction of the
UV damage through photoreactivation or dark repair. The most sensitive strain being achieved with a fluence of 12 J/
report by Sommer et al. (115) is an example of how inac- m2 and the most resistant strain requiring 125 J/m2.
tivation and repair are both considered in demonstrating the
effectiveness of UV to achieve a 6-log reduction of path- 4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically vali-
ogenic strains of E. coli in water. date and verify the adequacy of a proposed technol-
ogy? How much data would be considered adequate?
2. What, if any, further research is needed to determine To what degree can models and published literature
criteria? be relied upon as contributing to validation?
In addition to general research considerations that ap- General principles described previously for validation
ply to all technologies (see Section III), the following needs and verification apply to UV (see Section III). The effec-
are relevant to UV radiation: tiveness of UV treatment for water has been demonstrated
(115). Sastry et al. (107) described considerations for fruit
Establishment of parameters such as suspended and dis-
solved solids concentration.
UV treatment does not demonstrate linear inactivation
Identification of pathogens most resistant to UV.
kinetics. Initial treatment damages or injures cells, which is
Optimization of critical processing factors and develop-
demonstrated by a shoulder in the inactivation curve. Rapid
ment of protocols to monitor critical factors.
inactivation is often followed by a tailing of survival. Some
Identification of differences between pulsed light tech-
of the tailing effect can be explained by shielding effects
nology and UV (254 nm) treatment, especially with re-
of the microbes in the food matrix. Models would need to
spect to mechanism of inactivation. It has been reported
account for the nonlinearity of the inactivation curve. Som-
that pulsed UV light is more effective than continuous
mer et al. (115) stressed that the microbiocidal effective UV
UV light for inactivation of microbes due to higher pen-
dose cannot be calculated or predicted by mathematical
etration depth and greater dissipation power (71).
modeling but must be proven by standardized biodosimetric
3. What is the most resistant microorganism of public full-scale testing.
health significance for UV? Because variations in the manufacture of the quartz
tubes for the CiderSure UV pasteurizer can alter the fluid
Although there have been numerous studies published dynamics and bacterial efficacy of the UV process, the in-
on inactivation of microorganisms by UV light, the most dividual tubes were validated to deliver a 5-log reduction
resistant microorganisms of public health significance have (46). The investigators modeled the variability associated
not been fully determined. Bacterial spores appear to be the with UV inactivation of E. coli in apple cider and suggested
most resistant forms; however, they may not be of concern that consistency of the log reduction could be improved by
when water or fruit juice are the products undergoing treat- more stringent criteria for a tube to pass. Quintero-Ramos
ment. Chang et al. (20) described UV inactivation of E. and colleagues (97) have developed a predictive model to
coli, Salmonella typhi, Shigella sonnei, S. faecalis, S. au- relate the log reduction factor to the UV dose. They deter-
reus, Bacillus subtilis spores, poliovirus, rotavirus, and mined that doses of 6,500 mJ/cm2 or more were sufficient
amoebic cysts. The doses of UV light for 99.9% inactiva- to achieve a greater than 5-log reduction of E. coli in apple
tion of the vegetative bacteria were comparable; however, cider; pH ranging from 2.99 to 4.41 had significant impact
the viruses, spores, and amoebic cysts required 3 to 4 times, at higher UV doses. However, the authors note that the
9 times, and 15 times, respectively, the dose required for predictive model should be combined with knowledge of
E. coli. A 4-log reduction for a variety of bacteria has been other factors, such as physical and chemical properties of
achieved in water at exposures ranging from 50 to 200 J/ the cider and other microbial physiology concepts that were
1204 NACMCF J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 5

not considered in the development of the model. Thus, it 1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used
would appear that models, where they exist, can serve as a to determine if irradiation is equivalent to pasteuri-
guide, but additional data will be needed to validate UV zation?
The scientific criteria that should be used to determine
5. What biological hazards might be created as a con- if irradiation is equivalent to pasteurization are linked to
sequence of the pasteurization treatment? the specific food type and include
Use of approved source of ionizing radiation and selec-
Depending on commodity, surviving pathogenic spo-
tion of an appropriate source and technology to achieve
reformers may require additional controls. Recovery of in-
the stated purpose.
jured microorganisms may occur in UV-treated products.
Selection of appropriate absorbed dose that is within reg-
Because of this, the potential for repair, either through pho-
ulatory limits (note: dose of 1 Gy involves the absorption
toreactivation or dark repair, needs to be considered in re-
of 1 J of energy by each kilogram of matter through
lation to the distribution and handling of the product in
which the energy passes; 1 Gy 5 100 rad).
Type of food irradiated and its characteristics, e.g., com-
G. Irradiation position, temperature, density, and packaging.
Specific information on how the food was handled be-
In the United States, governmental agencies have ap- fore, during, and after irradiation, e.g., time and temper-
proved irradiation (gamma energy, high-energy electrons, ature profile, history and types of processing steps, and
X rays) for various food items. The U.S. regulations per- packaging conditions.
taining to the irradiation of foods are contained in the Code Target organism and efficacy of the irradiation process
of Federal Regulations (Appendix F). Worldwide, over 50 in controlling the target organism.
countries permit the use of irradiation on over 50 different Selection and use of appropriate dosimetry system for
foods and classes of food. One can refer to the joint Food the product and its processing requirements (dosimetry
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/Inter- in food irradiation facilities should be conducted accord-
national Atomic Energy Agency (FAO/IAEA) food clear- ing to American Society for Testing Materials [ASTM]
ances database to determine the specific food approvals in standards or equivalent).
specific countries (55). Selection and use of approved and appropriate packaging
When food irradiation is approved, the upper treatment materials; packaging material suppliers can obtain pro-
level (referred to as dose) generally is limited to 10 kGy, prietary approval (an additional list of approved pack-
with the exception of spice treatment in the United States aging materials is also published (41)).
and some countries where higher doses are approved. The
effect of the irradiation process on food safety needs to be 2. What, if any, further research is needed to determine
equivalent to that of thermal pasteurization and result in no criteria?
changes in the food that present a public health risk. FDA The Committee believes that the criteria listed above
has approved the use of irradiation for several foods as well are adequate to determine if irradiation is equivalent to pas-
as some packaging materials. The Joint Expert Committee teurization.
on Food Irradiation representing the FAO/IAEA and the
World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that irradia- 3. What is the most resistant microorganism of public
tion of any food up to 10 kGy caused no toxicological health significance for irradiation?
hazards and introduced no nutritional or microbiological Viruses, bacterial spores, and some mold and yeasts are
problems (135). An expert committee gathered under the more resistant to irradiation, e.g., whereas doses between 1.5
auspices of the WHO recently reconfirmed the safety of and 4.5 kGy typically kill vegetative cells of bacterial patho-
doses above 10 kGy (136). The Codex Alimentarius Com- gens, higher doses will be required to inactivate bacterial
mission adopted a standard in 2003 for irradiated foods that spores and some viruses. Thus, if these more resistant micro-
accepts the use of doses higher than 10 kGy for food prod- organisms (or the outgrowth from spores) were considered to
ucts to achieve specific technical purposes (43). As with all be microbial hazards likely to present a public health risk
processes, the minimum dose required to achieve the in- under the proposed storage conditions for the food, irradiation
tended effect will have to be established for each specific may not be a technological solution to pasteurize the food
product. product containing these hazards, depending upon the maxi-
Irradiation can achieve an effect equivalent to thermal mum allowable dose and organoleptic changes.
pasteurization. While irradiation is useful for a wide variety
4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically vali-
of foods, its use is limited for some products, e.g., some
date and verify the adequacy of irradiation? How
dairy products, because of negative organoleptic changes
much data would be considered adequate? To what
that occur following treatment. Irradiation at doses higher
degree can models and published literature be relied
than required for control of sprouting or disinfestation can
upon as contributing to validation?
damage or soften some produce items. The end result de-
pends on the type of produce, variety, harvest practices, and There are many sources of variability and uncertainty
other treatment issues and cannot be generalized. involved in the design of an irradiation process. These need

to be considered in the validation of an irradiation process ing field strength correlated with increased leakage of UV-
(120). To validate that an irradiation process is adequate to absorbing cellular material and the loss of ability to main-
pasteurize a food product, one must have knowledge of the tain pH homeostasis (104). There was no correlation with
irradiation dose required. The dose of irradiation that is to inhibition of membrane H1-ATPase (as is for high-pressure
be provided to a food product will be determined by reg- treatments), indicating this is not a site of bacterial inacti-
ulatory and scientific limitations. The maximum permitted vation (112). Teissie and colleagues (119), however, indi-
radiation dose for meat (4.5 to 7.0 kGy) and poultry (3.0 cate that it is not only the membrane that is altered but also
kGy) is sufficient to reduce common foodborne pathogens, changes occur in the cell wall, indicating hydromechanical
e.g., Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7, at least 1,000-fold and electrical stress. Nevertheless, the fatal event is un-
(57). doubtedly the membrane damage. Further research is re-
Thayer (120) pointed out that the absorption of radia- quired to understand the specific alteration in the lipid bi-
tion by food depends upon its bulk density and the energy layer (especially with regard to composition of the lipids
and type of incident radiation. It is important that the mag- when cells are grown at low versus high temperatures) and
nitude, location, and reproducibility of the maximum and effects on altering resistance.
minimum absorbed dose for a given set of experimental
1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used
parameters be determined. The dosimeter must be appro-
to determine if PEF treatment is equivalent to pas-
priate for both the dose range and temperatures of the pro-
cess, with reference to the national standards (6). The var-
iability of the absorbed dose needs to be reported as part General considerations discussed previously apply to
of all validation research. The radiation processing industry this technology. In addition, scientific criteria that should
in the United States follows and recommends that food ir- be used to determine if PEF treatment is equivalent to pas-
radiation be conducted according to ASTM standards. teurization will include an understanding of the effect of
There are approved ASTM standards for gamma and elec- the type of food to be processed and its characteristics (in-
tron beam facility operation; irradiation of food and pack- cluding electrical conductivity, ionic strength, pH, water ac-
aging materials; and selection of appropriate dosimetry sys- tivity, particulate size and content, viscosity) on delivery of
tems, products, and practices (7). the process. Additional hurdles, e.g., organic acids, can en-
hance process efficacy; the presence of such hurdles may
5. What biological hazards might be created as a con-
be critical to achieving equivalence with thermal pasteuri-
sequence of irradiation?
zation. Specific equipment and operating parameters based
Irradiation does not create unique microbiological haz- on equipment design, including static versus continuous
ards other than those previously discussed under general processing, flow rate (if applicable), pulse width, pulse fre-
considerations (see Section III). quency and duration, and electrical field strength are critical
to deliver required inactivation.
H. Pulsed Electric Fields
2. What, if any, further research is needed to determine
PEF treatment involves the application of high voltage
(typically 20 to 80 kV/cm) to foods placed between two
electrodes (11). Energy loss due to heating foods is mini- Survival curves extrapolated from few experimental
mized, reducing detrimental changes of the sensory and values cannot correctly calculate the inactivation kinetics to
physical properties of foods. Destruction of microbial cells obtain reliable kinetic parameters, hence multiple experi-
is the result of electroporation of cell membranes. The pro- mental data points need to be calculated for target organ-
cess can be static or continuous. Due to design limitations ism(s) and specific process parameters (3). Currently, com-
of current treatment chambers (gap between the electrodes parison of PEF inactivation reported in the literature is dif-
is in the range of 3 mm), the process is currently limited ficult because of the different experimental conditions em-
to fluids. However, one investigation used a static process- ployed and lack of kinetic parameters. Research is needed
ing chamber into which an inoculated molten medium was in areas of effects of combining one or more hurdles with
flowed and allowed to gel before applying PEF treatment; the PEF treatment.
the results indicate that inactivation of microorganisms
3. What is the most resistant microorganism of public
within the homogeneous semisolid was more effective than
health significance for PEF treatment?
in a fluid menstrum (140). One research note reportedly
tested the effects of PEF on beef burgers; however, no de- Rotovirus is completely resistant to PEF processing be-
tails of how the researchers did this, or of the process con- cause it does not have a lipid membrane (67). Yeast cells
ditions, were provided (17). The researchers concluded that are more susceptible to PEF treatment than bacterial cells
with their system, the process was ineffective for inacti- (one investigation had an exception (66)). It is not unequiv-
vating E. coli O157:H7 on beef. ocal that Gram-positive bacteria are more resistant than
Considerable data have been published that support the gram-negative bacteria; however, L. monocytogenes (NCTC
adequacy of PEF technology as a feasible pasteurization 11994) is more resistant than Salmonella Typhimurium
treatment for fluids. Data substantiate the mechanism of (strain CRA 1005) in distilled water (at 10, 15, and 20 kV/
inactivation as electromechanical instability in the cell cm), Tris-maleate buffer, and a model beef broth at 15 kV/
membrane at a critical electric field strength, with increas- cm (105).
1206 NACMCF J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 5

Of note is the work done by Lado and Yousef (73) versus no pulp. Ionic strength, conductivity, and pH also
comparing the sensitivities of nine different strains of L. influence the effectiveness of the process. There is evidence
monocytogenes to PEF treatment in 0.1% NaCl and 25kV/ of additive and synergistic effects with the addition of or-
cm. Two regimens were used: 238C (73.48F) for a treatment ganic acids, antimicrobials such as nisin, and high-pressure
time of 144 ms and 378C (98.68F) for 72 ms. Under the first CO2 treatment either prior to, during, or following PEF
set of conditions, inactivation ranged 0.7 to 3.7 log; at the treatment (102). Further research is needed to understand
higher temperature and shorter time, inactivation ranged the mechanisms of such additional hurdles in potentiating
from 0.3 to 2.5 log. Strain OSY-8578 was significantly the effectiveness of PEF.
more resistant than other strains; Scott A (often the L. mon- Modeling PEF inactivation is complicated by the large
ocytogenes strain of choice for PEF investigations) was one number of different parameters involved. The individual ef-
of the most sensitive strains. This was confirmed by plot- fects of each parameter are not easily separated (4, 5, 113).
ting survivor curves for PEF in diluted acid whey at pH Various models have been proposed to describe the kinetics
4.2. Clearly, the most resistant strains of a pathogenic spe- of microbial inactivation by PEF using Weibull distribution
cies must be identified for PEF process optimization and functions that attempt to account for all relevant parameters
validation. This study also noted that (a) resistance is not affecting the inactivation kinetics (electric field strength,
genotype-linked and (b) the resistant strain OSY-8578 was pulse wave strength, pulse wave shape, pulse length, num-
dramatically less sensitive to phase of growth than the Scott ber of pulses, and temperature (1, 99, 100)). Although the
A strain. The latter observation differs from the general process is considered nonthermal, the electrical charge does
thinking (based on laboratory data) that bacterial cells are generate small temperature increases, which affect fluidity
more sensitive to PEF during exponential growth versus lag of lipids. Variation in cell sizes and, hence, stage of growth
or stationary phases. Scott A, however, was more sensitive (cells in exponential versus stationary phase) are suggested
during early stationary phase but acquired some resistance by Lebovka and Vorobiev (75) to cause the deviation from
in late stationary phase. This phenomenon has not been first-order kinetics of inactivation by PEF.
noted for other microorganisms; however, studies of this Work by Lado and Yousef (73) and others indicating
nature are limited. Resistance variation among three sta- that significant differences in resistance to PEF may exist
tionary-phase serovars of Salmonella enterica has also been among different strains of a pathogenic species suggests
described (3). that developmental investigations using a single strain
With consideration for establishing processing criteria should be interpreted cautiously. Some anomalies have
for any one commodity, the potential presence of stressed been reported by researchers using exponential wave puls-
cells before PEF treatment may be of concern. Evrendilek es, e.g., the pulse is followed by a short spike that in-
and Zhang (52) investigated the sensitivity of E. coli O157: creases the inactivation rate; however, the authors of such
H7 in M9 medium to PEF at three field strengths (20, 25, reports do not offer an explanation of how and why spikes
and 30kV/cm) after exposure to different stresses. Incuba- occur.
tion at pH 3.6 for 0 to 6 h at room temperature or at pH
5. What biological hazards might be created as a con-
7.0 for 0 to 6 h at 48C (39.28F) and 408C (1048F) resulted
sequence of PEF treatment?
in significant decreases in sensitivity (similar results were
noted for inactivation by heat at 608C [1408F] for 3 min). A potential consequence of PEF processing, as with
Pretreatment with PEF at doses of 10, 15, and 20 kV/cm other processes, is sublethal rather than lethal injury of cells
were reported not to have any effect on resistance to the that may later repair and multiply under storage conditions.
treatment field levels. However, the authors did not com- Total plate count studies of PEF-treated liquid whole egg
ment on the fact that their data also showed that at all levels have shown a sudden microbial growth during long-term
of PEF pretreatment and all levels of subsequent treatment shelf life studies from undetectable levels posttreatment,
at 20, 25, and 30 kV/cm, the levels of inactivation were suggesting the presence of injured cells that could repair
considerably lower than for nonstressed cells (pH 7.0 at during refrigerated storage of the product (58). However,
room temperature for 0 to 6 h). the majority of studies with pathogens indicate that once a
critical electric field is applied, cells are essentially com-
4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically vali-
pletely inactivated. At less than the critical level, damage
date and verify the adequacy of PEF treatment? How
is reversible (121). A thorough investigation of this phe-
much data would be considered adequate? To what
nomenon by Wuytack et al. (138) compared Salmonella
degree can models and published literature be relied
survivor counts on nonselective and three selective media.
upon as contributing to validation?
No difference in counts was noted between the nonselective
Processing criteria must be established based on the media and certain selective media. Inactivation was linear
characteristics of the commodity (e.g., electrical conductiv- between 15 and 30 kV/cm. Counts were slightly less on
ity, ionic strength, pH), and further research is needed for tryptic soy agar adjusted to pH 5.5. The authors propose a
fluids containing particles and viscous fluids. Liang et al. mechanistic model to explain differences in induction of
(77) noted significant differences in Salmonella Typhimu- sublethal injury by different nonthermal treatments, with a
rium inactivation by PEF treatment of inoculated orange single-target, single-copy mechanism for damage in-
juice when the juice was pasteurized (greater inactivation) curred by PEF, consistent with the all or nothing obser-
versus unpasteurized and contained pulp (less inactivation) vations made by most researchers for a variety of micro-

organisms (Salmonella, Lactobacillus, Micrococcus luteus, of chemicals to reduce pathogen levels on fresh and fresh-
L. monocytogenes, and E. coli O157:H7 in apple cider). cut produce has been reviewed (93).
This is due to the physical and structural damage caused
1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used
by PEF rather than physiological or metabolic alteration. It
to determine if the use of chemicals is equivalent to
is noted, however, that one study (77) does report conflict-
ing results for Salmonella in orange juice with greater de-
grees of sublethal injury. As for traditional thermal pasteurization, the applica-
A recent study by Reyns et al. (98) describes secondary tion of chemicals to a food product during processing and
inactivation of PEF survivors (E. coli, Salmonella Typhi- before packaging has the potential to reduce the populations
murium, and L. monocytogenes) when treated then stored of pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria but most likely
in certain buffers and water containing 10% NaCl. Popu- will not eliminate all bacteria. Frequently, chemicals are
lations of nonexposed cells decreased when inoculated into used in combination with other treatments, such as heat,
PEF-treated solutions, indicating bactericidal agents gen- HPP, freezing, refrigeration, low pH, low water activity, or
erated during PEF. The Ames mutagenicity test showed a modified atmosphere packaging, to improve effectiveness
mutagenic effect in PEF-treated Tris buffers and treated in controlling pathogenic bacteria. The effectiveness of
grape juice. The authors suggest that it is the formation of many chemicals is influenced by the presence of organic
chlorine and hypochlorite as a result of electrochemical re- compounds and other food constituents; therefore, the sci-
actions that produces these effects, which should be con- entific criteria used to establish if chemical treatments are
sidered in the specification of treatment conditions. equivalent to pasteurization are linked to the specific food
type, how it has been processed and packaged, and its in-
I. Chemical Treatments tended use.
Chemical treatments are not typically considered pas- In addition to the general criteria described in Section
teurization treatments. Nonetheless, chemical treatments III, the criteria used to assess a specific chemical treatment
have a long history of effectiveness in controlling and in- would include the following:
activating microbial pathogens. Chemical treatment tech- Concentration of the chemical(s).
nologies can cover a wide range of applications, including The immediate and persistent antimicrobial efficacy of
fumigation (e.g., spice treatment), liquid treatment (e.g., the chemical(s).
ozonation of water and juice), topical treatments (e.g., ap- The antimicrobial spectrum of the chemical(s).
plication of bactericidal sauces or marinades), and formu- Type of food processed and its characteristics, e.g., pH,
lation (e.g., mayonnaise and salad dressings). Chemicals water activity.
can also be used in combination with other treatments to The impact of organic load, pH, and other intrinsic prop-
enhance the effectiveness of the lethality treatment (e.g., erties on the effectiveness of the chemical.
nitrites in heat-treated cured meat products and acidification Specific information on how the food was handled be-
of low-acid foods). fore, during, and after the chemical treatment, e.g., ad-
A discussion of the broad spectrum of chemical treat- ditional lethality steps, packaging conditions.
ments available is beyond the scope of this document. A
list of chemicals that have potential food application in- 2. What, if any, further research is needed to determine
clude ozone, peroxyacids, chlorine dioxide, ethylene oxide, criteria?
acidified sodium chlorite, hypochlorites, and organic acids. The specific criteria associated with various food prod-
Organic load can have a marked influence on the effective- ucts treated with chemicals need to be developed for each
ness of certain chemicals (e.g., hypochlorites), and this product. Furthermore, research on the potential impact on
must be considered in the evaluation of food applications. human health is needed to ensure that the use of the chem-
One example of chemical pasteurization is the use of ical is safe.
ethylene oxide in spice reconditioning. Dimethyl dicarbon-
ate has been approved for use as a microbial control agent 3. What is the most resistant microorganism of public
in beverages such as tea and carbonated dilute beverages health significance for the use of chemicals to achieve
containing juice (37). The compound has been shown to be pasteurization?
more effective than either sodium bisulfite or sodium ben- In general, microbial resistance to chemicals from most
zoate against E. coli O157:H7 in apple cider at 48C (54). to least resistant is as follows: bacterial spores . fungal
Anhydrous ammonia has been used to achieve lethality of spores . nonenveloped viruses . fungi . vegetative bac-
pathogens of concern in raw beef (90). The process in- teria . enveloped viruses. There are, however, notable ex-
volves injection of ammonia gas, which combines with the ceptions.
free moisture in the product to form ammonium hydroxide. The organism used to assess the effectiveness of chem-
This causes a dramatic pH change from approximately 6 to icals as a pasteurization technology must be linked to the
9, which results in cell injury, especially to gram-negative specific food product, its history, and its intended use. For
organisms. Chilling the meat to approximately 288F causes a selected food product, there may be multiple organisms
the formation of ice crystals that are believed to further that could be considered potential hazards. The organism
cause cell disruption and death of injured organisms. Use of concern would be that one most likely to be present at
1208 NACMCF J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 5

the time of chemical treatment with the greatest resistance croorganisms. Pulsed light technology is generally restrict-
to the chemical treatment being used. ed to surface treatment of foods and packaging materials
For example, in the case of processing precooked, pre- because of the lack of penetrating power of UV radiation.
packaged deli meats, the organisms of concern might in- The technology has been approved by FDA for control of
clude E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes, and Salmonella. microorganisms on food surfaces (40). Most applications
After a validated cooking process, these pathogens would target spoilage organisms for shelf life extension rather than
be killed; however, subsequent handling, slicing, and pack- pathogens. A commercial application for treating grapes in
aging may reintroduce L. monocytogenes as a hazard. In Chile has been reported (12); however the reported wave-
this instance, the chemical pasteurization treatment would length (247 nm) is in the UV range. Pulsed light containing
be developed based on a validated destruction of L. mon- higher levels of UV light has been demonstrated to be sig-
ocytogenes. nificantly more effective than that with low levels of UV
(103). Significant gaps in information related to the effec-
4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically vali-
tiveness of this technology against a broad spectrum of
date and verify the adequacy of the use of chemicals
pathogens and in specific food products make the potential
to achieve pasteurization? How much data would be
application as a process equivalent to pasteurization unlike-
considered adequate? To what degree can models
ly at this time.
and published literature be relied upon as contrib-
uting to validation? 1. What are the scientific criteria that should be used
to determine if a pulsed light process is equivalent to
There are sources of variability and uncertainty in- pasteurization?
volved in the design of a chemical pasteurization process.
General considerations for verification and validation apply General considerations discussed previously in Section
to potential chemical methods of pasteurization. It is es- III apply to this technology. Both product and light char-
pecially important to consider the effect of variations in acteristics are important considerations in monitoring, val-
organic load, temperature, and pH for certain treatments. It idating, and verifying the effectiveness of pulsed light pro-
is beyond the scope of this document to address all relevant cesses. Critical characteristics of the light include wave-
factors in detail because these will depend on the specific length, intensity, duration, and number of pulses applied.
chemical and food under study. Published literature may Product surface properties that may provide shielding of
provide information on some chemicals; however, it is im- microbes, the transparency of the food, the depth of re-
portant to avoid extrapolation of information generated in quired penetration, and light-absorbing properties of pack-
water, for example, to food systems, which may have a aging materials (e.g., transparency and color) are also im-
decided influence on the effectiveness of certain chemical portant.
treatments such as chlorine. 2. What, if any, further research is needed to determine
Models have been created to demonstrate the effect of criteria?
food type and characteristics on the efficacy of chemicals
in killing or inhibiting the growth of pathogens. As for any Extensive research on the effectiveness of pulsed light
model, the assumptions and uncertainties must be clearly on pathogens is needed before this technology can be dem-
stated. The value of the model will be enhanced if the prod- onstrated to be equivalent to pasteurization. As previously
uct used to create the model and the conditions surrounding mentioned, most research has focused on spoilage organ-
the chemical treatment process used for development of the isms rather than on pathogens. The effectiveness of pulsed
model are similar to those for which the model is being light treatments is, at least in part, related to the intensity
applied. of UV light in the pulses (103). The discussion on UV light
is therefore relevant to pulsed light.
5. What biological hazards might be created as a con- In addition to general research considerations that ap-
sequence of the use of chemicals to achieve pasteur- ply to all technologies, the following are relevant to pulsed
ization? light:
There is no evidence that biological hazards might be Data on pulsed light effectiveness for specific commod-
created as a consequence of chemical treatments. As men- ities.
tioned under research needs, potential human health factors Comparison of resistance of specific pathogens, includ-
from exposure to the chemicals or their byproducts must be ing bacteria, viruses, and parasites, exposed to pulsed
considered. light.
Identification of critical process factors and their effect
J. Pulsed Light on microbial inactivation.
Pulsed light technology involves treatment of food or Optimization of critical processing factors and develop-
package material surfaces with intense, short-duration puls- ment of protocols to monitor critical factors.
es (,1 up to 2 ms) of broad-spectrum white light that Suitability of the technology for solid foods and nonclear
includes wavelengths in the UV to near-infrared region liquids.
(200 to 1,000 nm); other systems use pulsed UV light (247 Differences between pulsed light technology and UV
to 248 nm; see discussion on UV). Barbosa-Canovas et al. (254 nm) light treatment, especially with respect to
(12) reviewed the use of pulsed light for inactivating mi- mechanism of inactivation.

3. What is the most resistant microorganism of public Nonthermal Plasma (e.g., high voltage arc discharge)
health significance for pulsed light processes? Arc discharge uses electricity to pasteurize fluids by
applying rapid discharge voltages through an electrode gap
The most resistant microorganisms of public health sig-
below the surface of aqueous suspensions of microorgan-
nificance have not been determined for pulsed light. Patent
isms. This technology was reviewed by Barbosa-Canovas
application data demonstrate significant reductions of veg-
et al. (14). A multitude of physical effects (intense wave,
etative bacterial pathogens and spores, with spores being
hydraulic shock) and chemical effects (electrolysis) are gen-
more resistant than vegetative cells. Rowan et al. (103)
erated, inactivating microorganisms by damaging cell mem-
demonstrated the relative resistances of single strains of or-
branes. The potential for the formation of highly reactive
ganisms on agar plates from most to least resistant as fol-
chemicals that occurs during the discharge requires consid-
lows: L. monocytogenes . S. aureus 5 Salmonella Enter-
eration. This technology was first used in the 1920s in com-
itidis . E. coli O157:H7 . B. cereus vegetative cells 5
bination with heating to 708C (1588F) to inactivate Myco-
S. cerevisiae . P. aeruginosa. No data are readily available
bacterium tuberculosis and E. coli. This was one of the first
on the effectiveness of pulsed light on inactivation of vi-
electronic techniques used by the food industry to pasteur-
ruses or parasites. Data on inactivation of spores of path-
ize milk. A 5- to 7-log microbial and endotoxin reduction
ogenic sporeformers are also lacking. in citrus juices and a 6- to 7-log reduction of pathogenic
4. What data need to be acquired to scientifically vali- bacteria in milk have been reported. These results should
date and verify the adequacy of pulsed light process- be independently validated, and there are insufficient data
ing? How much data would be considered adequate? in the literature to determine critical process factors.
To what degree can models and published literature Barbosa-Canovas et al. (14) identified the following
research needs:
be relied upon as contributing to validation?
Understanding how delivery of highly reactive ozone
Because the targeted application of this technology is and UV irradiation by electric arc discharge inactivates
reduction of spoilage microflora, particularly molds, rather microorganisms.
than the reduction of pathogens, there are no models, and Quantifying the inactivation kinetics and mechanisms.
published literature is insufficient to validate effectiveness Identifying reaction process products generated during
for a process equivalent to pasteurization. Most of the data the submerged arc discharge process due to the highly
on pulsed light are limited to those provided with the patent reactive nature of ozone and UV irradiation.
application for the technology; therefore, peer-reviewed lit- Defining maximum allowable dose in a manner similar
erature for validation purposes would be needed. to food irradiation.
5. What biological hazards might be created as a con- Although this technology shows some potential, chem-
sequence of the pasteurization treatment? ical reaction products need to be identified and results val-
idated in order to determine if this process meets the current
There are no known biological hazards that might be definition of pasteurization. Based on this information, the
associated with pulsed light applications other than those Committee concluded that due to a lack of data on the
noted in Section III. efficacy of this technology, it cannot be applied as a process
equivalent to pasteurization at this time.
K. Other Technologies
Oscillating Magnetic Fields
Other technologies may also have the potential to be
Preservation of foods with oscillating magnetic fields
used alone or in combination to achieve pasteurization.
(OMF) involves sealing food in a plastic bag and subjecting
Some of these technologies are briefly discussed here, but
it to 1 to 100 pulses in an OMF with a frequency between
the Committee felt that there was not sufficient information
5 and 500 kHz at temperatures of 0 to 508C (32 to 1228F)
in the published literature for a detailed discussion. There
for a total exposure time ranging from 25 to 100 ms. The
was insufficient detail to determine equivalence with tra-
factors determining the effects of OMF on microorganisms
ditional pasteurization. These technologies are briefly de-
are not well understood but may include magnetic field in-
tensity, number of pulses and frequency, and properties of
the foodstuff (e.g., resistivity, electrical conductivity, and
Infrared Processing
thickness of the foodstuff). Experiments have been con-
Infrared processing is a nontraditional thermal heat ducted with milk, yogurt, orange juice, and bread roll
process that is used commercially to pasteurize the sur- dough.
face of meat products that may have been recontaminated Barbosa-Canovas et al. (13) reviewed research on
with L. monocytogenes after cooking. Little information is OMF and concluded that reproducible microbial inactiva-
available in the published literature regarding its application tion results are needed before considering this technology
to reduction of microbial pathogens; however, it has shown for food preservation purposes. Based on this information,
some use as a means of postlethality pasteurization process, the Committee concluded that due to a lack of data on the
e.g., infrared tunnels to inactivate L. monocytogenes on the efficacy of this technology, it cannot be applied as a process
surface of cooked hot dogs (56, 84). equivalent to pasteurization at this time.
1210 NACMCF J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 5

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of the IFT for the FDA, September 30, 2001, IFT/FDA contract no. milk. J. Food Prot. 65:14801482.
223-98-2333, task order no. 3.) Available at: 115. Sommer, R., M. Lhotsky, T. Haider, and A. Cabaj. 2000. UV in-
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94. Patterson, M. E., and D. J. Kilpatrick. 1998. The combined effect erichia coli O157 and other pathogenic Escherichia coli strains in
of high hydrostatic pressure and mild heat on inactivation of path- water. J. Food Prot. 63:10151020.
ogens in milk and poultry. J. Food Prot. 61:432436. 116. Stadelman, W. J., R. K. Singh, P. M. Muriana, and H. Hou. 1996.
95. Patterson, M. E., M. Quinn, R. Simpson, and A. Golmour. 1995. Pasteurization of eggs in the shell. Poult. Sci. 75:11221125.
Sensitivity of vegetative pathogens to high hydrostatic pressure 117. Tajchakavit, S., H. S. Ramaswamy, and P. Fustier. 1998. Enhanced
treatment in phosphate buffered saline and foods. J. Food Prot. 58: destruction of spoilage microorganisms in apple juice during con-
524529. tinuous flow microwave heating. Food Res. Inst. 31:713722.
96. Piyasena, P., E. Mohareb, and R. C. McKellar. 2003. Inactivation 118. Tatro, M. C. 1970. Guidelines for pasteurizing meat for the blue

crab (Callinectes sapidus), Contribution no. 419. Natural Resources 138. Wuytack, E. Y., L. D. Phuong, A. Aertsen, K. M. Reyns, D. Mar-
Institute, University of Maryland, Crisfield. quenie, B. De Ketelaere, B. Masschalck, I. Van Opstal, A. M. Diels,
119. Teissie, J., N. Eynard, M. C. Vernhes, A. Benichou, V. Ganeva, B. and C. W. Michiels. 2003. Comparison of sublethal injury induced
Galutzov, and P. A. Cabanes. 2002. Recent biotechnological de- in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium by heat and by dif-
velopments of electropulsation. A prospective review. Bioelectro- ferent nonthermal treatments. J. Food Prot. 66:3137.
chem. 55(12):107112. 139. Yuste, J., R. Pla, M. Capellas, E. Ponce, and M. Mor-Mur. 2000.
120. Thayer, D. W. 2000. Sources of variation and uncertainty in the High-pressure processing applied to cooked sausages: bacterial
estimation of radiation D-10 values for foodborne pathogens. OR- population during chilled storage. J. Food Prot. 63:10931099.
ACBA News 5(4):15. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of 140. Zhang, Q. H., F. -J. Chang, and G. V. Barbosa-Canovas. 1994. In-
Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis, Washington, D.C. activation of microorganisms in a semisolid food using high voltage
121. Ulmer, H. M., V. Heinz, M. G. Ganzle, D. Knorr, and R. F. Vogel. pulsed electric fields. Lebensmittel-Wissenshaft Technol. 27:238
2002. Effects of pulsed electric fields on inactivation and metabolic 243.
activity of Lactobacillus plantarum in model beer. J. Appl. Micro- 141. Zuber, F. 1999. Stabilization of prepared meals: ohmic heating lim-
biol. 93:326335. its cooking. Viandes-et-Produits-Carnes. 20:233239.
122. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.
1969. Egg pasteurization manual. ARS 74-78. U.S. Department of APPENDIX A. MILK PASTEURIZATION
Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Albany, Calif.
123. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service.
Milk pasteurization is based on two fundamental principles:
24 September 1997. Pasteurized shell eggs (pasteurized in-shell (i) every particle must be heated to a specified minimum temper-
eggs). Fed. Regist. 62:4995549957. ature for a specified time and (ii) equipment is properly designed
124. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Ser- and operated. The evolution of U.S. milk pasteurization require-
vice. 2004. Compliance guidelines for meat and poultry jerky pro- ments demonstrates the need to make adjustments to standards
duced by small and very small plants. Available at: http:// based on new information as scientific knowledge expands (Table Ac- 1). The first federal standard for milk pasteurization, 61.78C
cessed 23 April 2005. (1438F) for 30 min, was established in 1924 based on destruction
125. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Ser- of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (81). In 1956, C. burnetii was rec-
vice. 2005. Time-temperature tables for cooking ready-to-eat poul- ognized as the most resistant organism of concern, leading to an
try products. Available at:
increase in the minimum batch pasteurization temperature to 638C
FSISNotices/RTEpPoultrypTables.pdf. Accessed 23 April 2005.
126. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Hu-
(1458F) for 30 min and establishment of HTST pasteurization of
man Services. 19 January 2001. Hazard analysis and critical control 728C (1618F) for 15 s (51). These conditions eliminated 100,000
point (HACCP); procedures for the safe and sanitary processing infectious guinea pig doses or more. Enright (50) demonstrated
and importing of juice; final rule. Fed. Regist. 66:61386202. the need for more rigorous pasteurization treatments for cream,
127. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Hu- chocolate milk, and ice cream mixes (Table 1). This work was
man Services. 2001. Fish and fisheries products hazards and control also based on destruction of 100,000 infectious guinea pig doses.
guidance, 3rd ed. Available at:;comm/ The effectiveness of milk pasteurization was reexamined in the
haccp4.html. Accessed 8 August 2004. 1980s after several milk-associated L. monocytogenes outbreaks
128. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Hu- (19). FDA concluded that existing requirements were sufficient to
man Services. 2003. Grade A pasteurized milk ordinance, 2003 control L. monocytogenes.
revision. Available at:;ear/pmo01toc.html.
Thermal pasteurization as recommended by FDA in the cur-
Accessed 8 August 2004.
rent edition of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) (128) is
129. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Hu-
man Services. 2004. Juice HACCP hazards and controls guidance, conceptually founded in four generic premises:
1st ed. Available at:;dms/juicgu10.html. The human pathogen that is most resistant must be identified.
Accessed 8 August 2004.
In the case of thermal pasteurization of milk and milk products,
130. Vachon, J. F., E. E. Kheadr, J. Giasson, P. Paquin, and I. Fliss. 2002.
Inactivation of foodborne pathogens in milk using dynamic high
the most resistant known organism is C. burnetii.
pressure. J. Food Prot. 65:345352. The thermal process must be applied at levels of intensity that
131. Wang, C. S., and J. S. B. Wu. 1999. Ohmic heating of fluid con- will inactivate the most resistant pathogen and assure the safety
taining apple particulates. Food Sci. Agri. Chem. 1:154161. of the pasteurized milk or milk product. In this case, the times
132. Ward, D. R., M. D. Pierson, and M. S. Minnick. 1984. Determi- and temperatures that are specified in the PMO and in 21 CFR
nation of equivalent processes for the pasteurization of crab meat 1240.61 (42) are appropriate.
in cans and flexible pouches. J. Food Sci. 49:10031004. The thermal process must be applied in properly designed and
133. Wemkamp-Kamphuis, H. H., J. A. Wouters, P. P. L. A. deLeeuw, operated equipment and is dependent on raw material quality.
T. Hain, T. Chakraborty, and T. Abee. 2004. Identification of sigma In the case of Grade A pasteurized milk and milk products, the
Factor sBcontrolled genes and their impact on acid stress, high PMO provides detailed specifications for state regulatory agen-
hydrostatic pressure, and freeze survival in Listeria monocytogenes
cies and the dairy industry in regard to fail-safe systems that
EGD-e. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70:34573466.
must be used to deliver the pasteurization process, as well as
134. Wilkinson, N., A. S. Kurdziel, S. Langton, E. Needs, and N. Cook.
2001. Resistance of polio virus to inactivation by high hydrostatic initial quality (Grade A standards for raw milk).
pressures. Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 2:9598. There must be some means for regulators in those jurisdictions
135. World Health Organization (WHO). 1981. Wholesomeness of ir- that are receiving the pasteurized milk and milk products to
radiated food. Technical report series 654. WHO, Geneva. independently verify that the thermal process has been ade-
136. World Health Organization. 1999. High-dose irradiation: whole- quately applied. In the case of milk and milk products, the
someness of food irradiated with doses above 10 kGy. Technical phosphatase test is commonly used for this purpose.
Report Series 890. WHO, Geneva.
137. Wright, J. R., S. S. Sumner, C. R. Hackney, M. D. Pierson, and B. Processes other than thermal pasteurization, which are pro-
W. Zoecklein. 2000. Efficacy of ultraviolet light for reducing Esch- posed to be applied to milk and milk products, must be rec-
erichia coli O157:H7 in unpasteurized apple cider. J. Food Prot. ognized by FDA as equally efficient in the destruction of micro-
63:563567. bial organisms of public health significance. It is reasonable that
1214 NACMCF J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 5

TABLE 1. Evolution of milk pasteurization standards in the United States

Product Batch HTST Target Reference

Milk, 1924 61.78C (1428F) for 30 min None M. tuberculosis 81

Milk 638C (1458F) for 30 min 728C (1618F) for 15 s C. burnetii 51
Cream 668C (1508F) for 30 min 758C (1668F) for 15 s C. burnetii 50
Chocolate milk 668C (1508F) for 30 min 758C (1668F) for 15 s C. burnetii 50
Ice cream mix 698C (1558F) for 30 min 808C (1758F) for 25 s C. burnetii 50

the same generic premises as addressed above, modified based on grow under normal storage or moderate abuse conditions must be
the alternative technology involved, would apply. considered.


In the United States, crabmeat is sold in three forms: fresh, Traditional Egg Processing
pasteurized, and shelf stable. Traditionally, live crabs are cooked,
and then the meat is hand picked and packed in containers for Under the Egg Products Inspection Act (47), egg products
market under refrigeration and sold as fresh crabmeat, or the crab- are, with few exceptions, pasteurized before they leave the official
meat undergoes further heat treatment and is sold as a pasteurized plant. The term egg product means any dried, frozen, or liquid
product with an extended shelf life (6 to 18 months). Canned, eggs, with or without added ingredients. The term pasteurize
commercially sterile product is also available. means the subjecting of each particle of egg products to heat or
Early in the development of crabmeat pasteurization, the em- other treatments to destroy harmful viable microorganisms by spe-
phasis was on extending the shelf life of this perishable product cific processes prescribed by regulations. Egg products must be
and no target spoilage organisms or pathogens were identified. free of viable Salmonella microorganisms (36).
Later, because of the documented presence of type E C. botulinum, The current FSIS regulations governing the processing of egg
a psychrotrophic pathogen commonly found in the aquatic envi- products require the use of a combination of times and tempera-
ronment, there was concern about the safety of pasteurized crab- tures for pasteurization in order to inactivate Salmonella in liquid
meat. Subsequent studies to determine the thermal death time of eggs (29). The pasteurization requirement for liquid whole eggs
C. botulinum type E in blue crabmeat found that an F18516 of 4.2 (608C [1408F] for 3.5 min) is expected to achieve a relative 8.75-
min resulted in a 12-log reduction of C. botulinum type E (24, log reduction of Salmonella (122). Currently, FSIS regulations
79). Currently, the National Blue Crab Industry Pasteurization and provide pasteurization times and temperatures for liquid whole
Alternative Thermal Processing Standards define pasteurization as eggs, albumen, and yolks, with or without added salt, sugar, or
a thermal process short of commercial sterilization whereby blue other ingredients. Pasteurization parameters for dried egg whites
crabmeat products are packed in hermetic containers, heated to are also provided (Table 3) (32).
achieve a specific standard (F18516 $ 31 min) and stored/distrib- Pasteurization procedures must assure complete pasteuriza-
uted at refrigerated temperatures (Table 2). When L. monocyto- tion of the product, and holding, packaging, facilities, and oper-
genes was recognized as an organism of concern in refrigerated ations shall be such as to prevent contamination of the product.
RTE products, the thermal resistance of the organism was evalu- The FSIS Administrator may approve other methods of pasteuri-
ated and determined not to be an issue in pasteurized crabmeat zation when such treatments give equivalent effects to those spec-
(24, 79). ified in Table I of 9 CFR 590.570(b) (30) for those products or
With respect to fishery products in general, the 2001 FDA other products. Nonetheless, these other methods of pasteurization
Fish and Fisheries Products Hazards and Control Guidance (127) must result in Salmonella-negative product (31, 32).
defines pasteurization for seafood as a mild or moderate heat
In-Shell Processing
treatment, usually performed on fishery products after the product
is placed in the finished product hermetically sealed container. Technologies are being developed for in-shell pasteurization
It indicates that the purpose of pasteurization is either to make the of eggs. As one example, eggs pass through a series of clean warm
product safe for an extended refrigerated shelf life or to eliminate water baths that provide enough heat to kill salmonellae without
or reduce the numbers of other target pathogens (e.g., L. mono- cooking the eggs. The FDA criterion for pasteurization is a 5-log
cytogenes, V. vulnificus). FDA considers a 6-log process for non- reduction in Salmonella count after introducing a mixture of sal-
proteolytic C. botulinum to be adequate for pasteurization of sea- monellae containing Salmonella Enteritidis into the intact egg. An
food. If a target pathogen other than C. botulinum type E is se- evaluation of the pasteurization process includes a review of the
lected, the potential for C. botulinum type E or other relatively time-temperature data necessary to achieve a 5-log reduction of
heat-tolerant pathogens to survive the pasteurization process and salmonellae and an evaluation of survival and growth of bacteria

TABLE 2. Evolution of blue crab pasteurization standards in the United States

Batches Container Target Reference(s)

171.18C (1608F) for 10 min and

76.78C (1708F) for 1 min Not specified Shelf life extension 8
858C (1858F) for 1 min 401 3 301 can Shelf life extension 118
858C (1858F) for 4.2 min 401 3 301 can C. botulinum type E 12-log kill 24, 79
858C (1858F) for 31 min Any container C. botulinum type E .12-log kill 132

TABLE 3. FSIS pasteurization requirements (29, 32) may be a target organism. Guidance on validated pasteurization
treatments for juices can be found in FDAs Juice HACCP Hazards
Minimum temp, Minimum
Products 8C (8F) holding time
and Controls Guidance (129). Although treatments such as high
pressure and UV can be used to deliver the 5-log reduction, at
Albumen (without use of 56.7 (134) 3.5 min this time, juice produced by such means cannot be labeled as
chemicals) 55.6 (132) 6.2 min pasteurized.
Whole egg 60 (140) 3.5 min
Whole egg blends (,2% 61.1 (142) 3.5 min APPENDIX E. THE APPLICATION OF FSOS AND
added nonegg ingredi- 60 (140) 6.2 min RELATED CONCEPTS TO THE
ents), sugar whole egg (2 PASTEURIZATION PROCESS
to 12% sugar added), and The concept of FSOs is emerging (64). The following terms,
plain yolk as defined by the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene, apply:
Fortified whole egg and 62.2 (144) 3.5 min
blends (24 to 38% egg 61.1 (142) 6.2 min Food Safety Objective (FSO): The maximum frequency and/
solids, 2 to 12% added or concentration of a hazard in a food at the time of consump-
nonegg ingredients) tion that provides or contributes to the appropriate level of pro-
Salt whole egg ($2% salt 63.3 (146) 3.5 min tection (ALOP) (44).
added), sugar yolk ($2% 62.2 (144) 6.2 min Performance Objective (PO): The maximum frequency and/
sugar added), and salt or concentration of a hazard in a food at a specified step in the
yolk (2 to 12% salt add- food chain before the time of consumption that provides or
ed) contributes to an FSO or ALOP, as applicable (44).
Spray-dried albumen 54.4 (130) 7 days Performance Criterion (PC): The effect in frequency and/or
Pan-dried albumen 51.7 (125) 5 days concentration of a hazard in a food that must be achieved by
the application of one or more control measures to provide or
contribute to a PO or an FSO (44).
Microbiological Criterion (MC): Defines the acceptability of
a product or a food lot, based on the absence or presence, or
from eggs held for 30 days at 58C (418F) after pasteurization. number of microorganisms, including parasites, and/or quantity
Additionally, processors are also required to demonstrate that of their toxins/metabolites, per unit(s) of mass, volume, area,
product integrity can be ensured after pasteurization. This is done or lot (44).
by the marking and/or packaging of the pasteurized eggs to ensure
In the context of a risk analysis framework, an FSO would
that the unpasteurized eggs are not substituted in the containers
be based on a public health goal that provides an ALOP. (A gen-
after processing (123).
eral ALOP for food in the United States can be expressed as
APPENDIX D. JUICE PASTEURIZATION reasonable certainty of no harm.) The primary purpose of an
FSO is to translate a public health goal, or ALOP, into a parameter
FDA has for many years had a regulation on pasteurized that can be understood by those who have to deliver and verify
orange juice (35); however, this regulation is a standard of iden- control measures. Since an FSO applies at consumption, if the
tity, and the pasteurization process is for quality (to reduce sub- hazard can increase in the food it may be necessary to establish
stantially the enzymatic activity and the number of viable micro- POs that are essentially FSOs at points in the food chain prior to
organisms). As a result of several outbreaks of foodborne illness consumption. Performance criteria reflect the outcome of control
from juices, the NACMCF was asked to address the issue of fresh measures that are applied to meet a PO or FSO. A performance
juice safety. In April 1997, the NACMCF made recommendations criterion is met by implementing process criteria (the critical fac-
for control of pathogens in fresh juices (88) that were subsequent- tors of a process, such as time and temperature of a thermal treat-
ly accepted by FDA and incorporated into regulations (33). In ment) or product criteria (such as pH, water activity) that control
these regulations, FDA requires that juice (defined as the aqueous the hazard.
liquid expressed or extracted from one or more fruits or vegeta- We have defined pasteurization as
bles, purees of edible portions of one or more fruits or vegetables,
or concentrates of such liquids or purees) to be used in a beverage Any process, treatment, or combination thereof that is applied
be processed under HACCP. HACCP plans must include control to food to reduce the most resistant microorganism(s) of public
measures that will consistently produce, at a minimum, a 5-log health significance to a level that is not likely to present a public
reduction of the most resistant microorganism of public health health risk under normal conditions of distribution and storage.
significance in the product (34). This performance standard, which
The most resistant microorganism of public health signifi-
was recommended by NACMCF, defines the term pasteurization
cance may be different for different food products and different
with respect to juices. Any beverage containing juice where nei-
pasteurization process technologies. Because the level of contam-
ther the juice nor the beverage has received this 5-log reduction
ination that would lead to a public health hazard may be different
treatment must bear a statement that says, WARNING: This
for each organism of concern, the FSO needed will be different
product has not been pasteurized and, therefore, may contain
per organism. Therefore, it is difficult to establish a specific FSO
harmful bacteria that can cause serious illness in children, the
or other criteria that can be used to define pasteurization in general.
elderly, and persons with weakened immune systems.
Application of these concepts to pasteurized milk is as fol-
A detailed discussion of the pathogens of concern in juice
can be found in the preamble to the rule, published in the Federal
Register (126). These are dependent on the juice product and pro- FSO: low probability that a serving of milk contains a viable
cess, but include E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, and Cryptosporid- vegetative pathogen (e.g., ,1 cell per 1,000 servings).
ium parvum. For low-acid juices such as carrot juice, C. botulinum PO: generally the same.
1216 NACMCF J. Food Prot., Vol. 69, No. 5

TABLE 4. 21 CFR 179Allowable irradation doses for food (38)

Use in food Minimum dose Maximum dose

For control of Trichinella spiralis in pork carcasses or fresh, nonheat-pro- 0.3 kGy or 30 krad #1 kGy
cessed cuts of pork carcasses.
For growth and maturation inhibition of fresh foods. #1 kGy
For microbial disinfection of dry or dehydrated enzyme preparations (including #10 kGy
immobilized enzymes).
For microbial disinfection of the following dry or dehydrated aromatic vegeta- #30 kGy
ble substances when used as ingredients in small amounts solely for flavor-
ing or aroma: culinary herbs, seeds, spices, vegetable seasonings that are
used to impart flavor but that are not either represented as, or appear to be, a
vegetable that is eaten for its own sake, and blends of these aromatic vegeta-
ble substances. Turmeric and paprika may also be irradiated when they are
to be used as color additives. The blends may contain sodium chloride and
minor amounts of dry food ingredients ordinarily used in such blends.
For control of foodborne pathogens in fresh or frozen, uncooked poultry prod- #3 kGy; any packag-
ucts that are (i) whole carcasses or disjointed portions of such carcasses that ing used shall not
are ready-to-cook poultry within the meaning of 9 CFR 381.1(b)(44) or exclude oxygen
(ii) mechanically separated poultry product (a finely comminuted ingredient
produced by the mechanical deboning of poultry carcasses or parts of car-
casses) (27).
For the sterilization of frozen packaged meats used solely in the NASA space 44 kGy
flight programs.
For control of foodborne pathogens in, and extension of shelf life of, refrigerat- #4.5 kGy for refriger-
ed or frozen, uncooked products that are within the meaning of 9 CFR 301.2 ated products; #7.0
(rr), meat byproducts within the meaning of 9 CFR 301.2 (tt), or meat food kGy for frozen
products within the meaning of 9 CFR 301.2 (uu), with or without nonfluid products
seasoning, that are otherwise composed solely of intact or ground meat, meat
byproducts, or both meat and meat byproducts (25).
For control of Salmonella in fresh shell eggs. #3.0 kGy
For control of microbial pathogens on seeds for sprouting. #8.0 kGy

PC: treatment sufficient to reduce the levels of C. burnetii by FSO 5 food safety objective
greater than 6-log cycles (inactivation of greater than 100,000 PO 5 the performance objective
guinea pig infectious doses, assuming that each guinea pig in- H0 5 the initial level of the hazard
fectious dose contains at least one, and more likely more than SR 5 the total (cumulative) reduction of the hazard on a log
one, viable rickettsia). scale
Process Criteria: 62.88C (1458F) for 30 min; 728C (1618F) for S I 5 total (cumulative) increase of the hazard on a log scale.
15 s (minimum time to destroy 100,000 guinea pig infectious
doses plus 2 s).
MC: not practical
Application of these concepts to pasteurized juice is as fol- CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS
Irradiation in the Production, Processing and Handling of
FSO: the level of enteric pathogens is ,1 CFU/10 L. Food; Subpart B: Radiation and Radiation Sources; Ionizing ra-
PO: the same. diation for the treatment of food (Table 4) (38):
PC: treatment sufficient to reduce the levels of the most resis-
tant pathogen of concern by 5-log cycles. Ionizing radiation for treatment of foods may be safely used
Process Criteria: depends on the juice and the treatment used. under the following conditions:
MC: not practical for juices treated after expression from the (a) Energy sources. Ionizing radiation is limited to:
raw fruit or vegetable. For juices for which the surface of the (1) Gamma rays from sealed units of the radionuclides
fruit is treated prior to expression of juice, two 10-ml samples cobalt-60 or cesium-137.
are tested for generic E. coli every 1,000 gal with a 7-sample (2) Electrons generated from machine sources at ener-
moving window, c 5 2. gies #10 million electron volts.
(3) X rays generated from machine sources at energies
A PC is expressed by the equation
#5 million electron volts.
H0 2 O R 1 O I # FSO (or PO), (b) Limitations.

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