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M.Fadillah W.

XMIPA 11 / 21

1. My teacher new book yesterday.

a. bring d.was bring
b. brought e.was bringing
c. brings

2. I Julian at the Nicks party. He was handsome.

a. see d.saw
b. seeing e.was sew
c. seen

3. Julio. student last year.

a. was active d.actived
b. were active active
c. is active

4. I was watching movie when my mother me.

a. was calling d.caller
b. calling e.calls
c. called

5. I was writing journal when my brother game.

a. played d.are playing
b. was playing e.player
c. plays

Jawaban :

1B , 2.D ,3.A ,4.E,5.A


1. We have . . . . . in Bandung for several years.

a. Live b. Living c. Lives d. Lived E.Liver

2. Bagas : You look so unhappy, Nata. Whats the problem?

Nata : My father . . . . . his job.

a. Has just lost b. Have just lost c.Had just lost

d. Losing e. Loses

3. Fadhil . . . . . in that Company for 2 years.

a. Serve b. Have served c. Serving

d. Has served e.Served

4. They . . . . . resigned their current jobs this year.

a. Have b. Has c. Are d.Had e. Were

5. We . . . . . out of gasoline.

a. Have just run b. Has just run c. Have just running

d. Has just running e.Had just run

Jawaban :

1.D.Lived ,2.A.Hast Just Lost ,3.B.Has Served ,4.A.Have ,5.A.Have Just Run

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