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Related Colour Schemes

The way that you use a colour or combination of colours when planning an outfit or decorating a room is
called a colour scheme. Related colour schemes are those having colours in common. Monochromatic
colour schemes are made of one colour in varying values and intensities. Light blue, medium blue and
navy blue, for example make up a monochromatic colour scheme. Analagous colour schemes are made
up of two or more colours next to each other on the colour wheel. Yellow, yellow-orange and orange
would form an analogous colour scheme. Analagous colour schemes blend better when the colours are
similar in value and intensity. For example red and red-violet blend better than pink and red-violet.

Task: Use magazines to find an outfit that has a monochromatic colour scheme and an outfit that has an
analogous colour scheme. Paste them in the spaces provided and clearly write the specific colours used.


Contrasting Colour Schemes
Contrasting colour schemes are those containing colours that are opposite or near opposite on the
colour wheel. Three common types are complementar, split-complementary and triadic colour schemes.
Complementary colour schemes combine colours that direct opposites on the colour wheel, such as red
and green. When complementary colours are used in equal intensity a very bold colour scheme is
created because the colours emphasize each other. An outfit with this type of colour will draw attention
to you. A softer effect can be obtained by using different values and intensities. Split-complementary
colour schemes are made when one colour is used with the two colours on either side of its direct
complement. For example orange, blue-green and blue-violet make up a split-complentary colour
scheme. This colour scheme is more common and easier to wear since the colour combination are lessc
bold. You will often see a split-complementary scheme used in plaid or print fabric. Triadic colour
schemes contain three colours that are of equal distance from one another on the colour wheel. The
primary colours are an example of a triadic colour scheme. This scheme is bold and bright or soft and
dull depending on the value and intensity of the three colours.

Task: Use magazines to find an outfit that exemplifies each of the three colour schemes. Paste them in
the space provided and clearly write the specific colours used.




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