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Rachel James

1st period

Victor Spinski Research Paper

Victor Spinski is a man whos artwork looks realistic. Victor has experimented with so
many different tools and designs to make his art work different and unique. He has used many
different shapes, textures, form space, and color. Some of his artworks include shapes of: pots,
sports items, food, shoes, tables, nature, painting, and disney items. He was born during a
rough time in World War 2. He had attended Kansas state teachers college. Victor has a
MFA(Masters of Fine Arts) in ceramics and photography. Hes a very smart man who knows
what hes doing. He also has a B.S.E(Bachelor of Science in Engineering) in art and foreign
language. Victor Spinski artwork is very realistic as it can be. He was also a leading figure in
avant ceramics movement at the university of Delaware in Newark.Most or all of his art works
can be found in major museums all across the united states. He was a full time faculty member
in the art department.

He was born October 10, 1940. He spent most of his early childhood in refugee camps
and military bases throughout europe because he and his parents had escaped the nazi
occupation. Victor Spinski is a person who everyone loved and wanted to be with. He has a
lovely wife Sally Van Orden, he has a son Tristan Spinski. VIctor is an animal lover whos has a
lot of pets and farm animals. The reason he got into ceramics was so he can influence the next
generation in the art field. Victor really wants the next generation of kids to know how art really
was back then. Later on in his life he had referred to himself as one of the foremost ceramic
artist in the 20th century. Victor had died Jan 21,2013 surrounded by his family. He had a
service held at the R.T. Foard Funeral Home. It was a very sad moment for his family and all of
those who knew him as an artist.

The artwork that victor spinski had created ent everywhere because it was something
that people would think is interesting. Everywhere he went he had made new or more art with
tools that he had or tools that he had found. Most of his artwork or projects include his humor.
Whatever he finds as tools he will end up making art out of it which is really interesting because
not many people can do that. For example he had a piece of artwork called: cake on the plate
and cup spilled. This piece of art is interesting to look at because is look really realistic and
how he made the cup spill looks interesting. The way he puts his art into something to me is
funny because he will literally make something, put it into a cardboard box and call it art or hell
put a piece of art he made on a box or a trashcan and also call it art. I personally think thats
funny because I never knew people did that with their artwork.

Another piece of artwork that caught my eye was his medusa because it looks nothing
like the snake medusa. Its literally just a green snake and like a small square gold piece. It
shocked me because ive seen movies the medusa in it and its a snake with hair. His art piece
for it does not have hair or a human like face, its just a regular snake face. Its his interpretation
on what medusa looks because he says medusa isnt real shes not a mythical creature. Its
fine how he made the artwork of medusa. To me personally its just funny because pretty much
everyone has heard of medusa and he hasnt or maybe he has and changed up the way
medusa looked. Another art piece that I found was interesting and a little weird was a box with I
think apples in it. To me this looks like he was either to open the box or close it because theres
nails on the side. He had made the apples out of clay which I thought was interesting because
he does use different styles and techniques into his artwork. The only thing that im curious
about is, is the box real or did he also make the box out of clay.

Overall from the information that ive read I have learned a lot from what he has done to
make the world know what art is. The way he was inspired from an eastern artist in china. I
thought that was interesting because china has all types of different art so now I can see why
whenever victor sees something interesting hell make art out of it. Victor inspires me just to try
harder at art because I love drawing, I love trying to make art so to how he was influenced and
how hes trying to inspire us yeah I can try to make art out of many different things. There a lot
of people in the world who make art and who inspire people so to look at victor spinskis art he
is someone who I would look up to because his art is different from other and he is a unique
person who wants us to enjoy art the way he does.

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