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Student Name: Alessia Canosa

Grade 1
Purpose: On my second day of placement there was a
Reason for completing professional activity day. Throughout the course of
the task. This could be the day my placement site supervisor was in and out
based on an observation of meetings, so she asked me if I would be up to the
you made, a task of helping her start to organize her room for the
conversation between end of the year pack up.
you and your site
supervisor, etc.

Task: Task Name:

What are you planning in PA Day (Organization Day)
response to your Objectives:
purpose? To go through cupboards and organize the classroom,
-Label your task (e.g. in a neat and orderly fashion.
Bulletin board focused Description:
on the importance of - Empty out cupboards
play-based learning). - Sort teachers belongings
-What are your 3 - Reorganize classroom materials
objectives for this - Pack up some of teachers belongings not to be
experience? (i.e. Why
used during the rest of the school year
are creating a bulletin
board on the
importance of play-
based learning? What
message are you
Describe the experience:
-List the materials and
resources you will use
-Describe the completion
of the task, with a step
by step description

Reflection: What Went Well?

-What went well? Provide
examples for how you
know it went well. What Did Not Go Well?
-What didnt go well?
Provide examples for
how you know it
didnt go well. What Did You Learn?
-What did you learn?
-What might you do
differently next time Adaptations/Modifications:
you implement this
same task and why?
-Did you have to make Future Experiences:
any adaptations or
modifications? If so,
what were they?
-What type of experience
might you plan to
extend on this one?
Field Supervisor Feedback:


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