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html 29/07/2010 21:13

Natty08: Tonights #ukedchat for the next hour we are discussing Reflecting on your year what
worked/ didn't work? What will you improve next year?
7/29/2010 19:58

Natty08: Remember to mark all tweets with the tag #ukedchat and if you are new a guide to is here
7/29/2010 19:59

JustTeaching: RT @Natty08: Remember to mark all tweets with the tag #ukedchat and if you are new a
guide to is here
7/29/2010 19:59

janwebb21: RT @Natty08: Tonights #ukedchat for the next hour we are discussing Reflecting on your
year what worked/ didn't work? What will you improve next year?
7/29/2010 19:59

Natty08: Reflection hats are whatever colour you choose - just make sure they do not get in the
way of reflection if you try and swap them #ukedchat
7/29/2010 19:59

Natty08: SO begin - what went well this year that you would like to share? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:00

janwebb21: @Natty08 have to say, it's been an amazing year - thought I was well out of stuff like
twitter - then discovered it's power as PLN#ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:01

didactylos: #ukedchat wish I'd done tons more using Google apps than i did - and all other web 2.0
7/29/2010 20:02

janwebb21: @Natty08 learnt some very useful web 2.0 tools that enhance collaboration opps in class
#ukedchat and found out about teachmeet
7/29/2010 20:02

bevevans22: @Natty08 Our school introduced Learning logs at KS2 to replace homework. It has really
increased parental involvement too #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:02

Natty08: Excellent @janwebb21 I would never have thought about reflecting on my use of Twitter
and PLN! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:02

robertd1981: @janwebb21 Same here, found Twitter, Delicious, Google reader, and began blogging in
various formats. Class definitely benefitted #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:02

mynictle: #ukedchat used the same system for individ lit targets for 2nd year running, each ch has
6, in a grid in books, they write then tick, 1/2
7/29/2010 20:02

dailydenouement: We ran some great targeted revision classes for our GCSE students - appreciated &
hopefully well worth it #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:02

iteachyear4: Enjoyed seeing how the use of ICT really improved the engagement of my pupils
7/29/2010 20:03

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dailydenouement: and yes, attended my first teachmeet this year too #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:03

JustTeaching: Sharing ideas within our school worked well this year, spending meetings sharing good
lesson ideas and resources #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:03

Natty08: @bevevans22 How often are the learning logs done? How much is written? Does it vary
from class to class? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:03

mynictle: #ukedchat 2/2 and see if they have actually ticked the ones they have met, they get
individ reward points for all 6 or 5/6, 2/3
7/29/2010 20:03

simcloughlin: RT @janwebb21: found out about teachmeet < same with me. Such a useful CPD
opportunity. Looking forward to next one in Oct. #ukedchat #tmsl
7/29/2010 20:04

mynictle: #ukedchat sometimes they makr each others targets, works really well going to keep the
7/29/2010 20:04

didactylos: #ukedchat if I was in a school I'd want to use Diigo to share resources (or another similar
social bookmarking system)
7/29/2010 20:04

cliffmanning: started using twitter was biggest thing i guess for me #ukedchat (@Natty08 made it but
multitasking on phone and cooking dinner!)
7/29/2010 20:05

ForesterJo: #ukedchat @janwebb21 would agree - finding out about and attending teachmeets (2 so
far), joining Twitter and using more technology outside
7/29/2010 20:05

janwebb21: @simcloughlin are you coming to tmx in oct then? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:05

mynictle: #ukedchat loved learnign abut blogging & using in class - very motivating, new blog from
Sept, will try to make it more interactive for ch
7/29/2010 20:05

robertd1981: @simcloughlin Also went to my first teachmeet and watched several online. Learned loads
of stuff. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:05

Paddymcgrath: #ukedchat we introduced teacher learning communities they worked really well as a new
model of cpd
7/29/2010 20:05

chrismayoh: I attended and presented at my very first teachmeet - #tmbmoble - met loads of great
people! It ignited my need to present again #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:05

Natty08: I think for me it has been introducing AfL or AIFL in Scotland - chn take such ownership
of learning #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:05

bevevans22: @Natty08 Each child has 2 weeks on a broad topic. I run a club twice a week & each
class has a whole morning at the end for AFL #ukedchat

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7/29/2010 20:06

JustTeaching: Not being allowed to use dropbox in school , install anything on computers or websites
being blocked didn't work well for me #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:06

cliffmanning: anyone presented at a teachmeet? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:06

Natty08: RT @Paddymcgrath: #ukedchat we introduced teacher learning communities they worked

really well as a new model of cpd <---- can you expand?
7/29/2010 20:06

tonycassidy: RT @Paddymcgrath: #ukedchat we introduced teacher learning communities they worked

really well as a new model of cpd
7/29/2010 20:07

didactylos: @bevevans22 #ukedchat going to do some blog entries over next few weeks to share my
thoughts. really sold on the, plus #gtauk tweets today
7/29/2010 20:07

purer_ethics: I introduced podcasting to my dept. We're just going for basic recordings on the school
VLE for now #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:07

robertd1981: I also watched the EdTechRoundup on a Sunday evening, really enjoyed those and
again, learned loads #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:07

tonycassidy: @Paddymcgrath can you tell us more? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:07

janwebb21: @ForesterJo #ukedchat I think teachmeets have the potential to quickly develop and get
ideas shared/put into practice faster than usual cpd
7/29/2010 20:07

bevevans22: @cliffmanning I've presented at 2 and submitted a video pres to another. Now organising
my own - steep learning curve but worth it #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:07

mynictle: #ukedchat when writing stories ch drew & painted on A3 their storyboards, much talking
through, sharing b4 writing, will do this every time
7/29/2010 20:07

janwebb21: @robertd1981 if 1981 is a significant date you can't be old and gnarled! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:07

duckinwales: agree @didactylos - have only dabbled with the Google apps, planning to really push it
next year. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:07

iteachyear4: Getting dropbox and other great ICT tools unblocked for access at school. Shame they
won't do Twitter and Google Docs still #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:07

Joga5: @didactylos Agreed about diigo. Saw delicious used wiv Y1 to allow access the internet
with much greater independence (& impact) #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:07

chrismayoh: We started an amazing iPod Touch project with support from @lordlangley73 and

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Education Bradford #ukedchat - really exciting

7/29/2010 20:07

mattpearson: RT @JustTeaching: Not being allowed to use dropbox in school , install anything on
computers or websites being blocked #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:08

simcloughlin: @JustTeaching Hear hear! I'm trying to convince the council to let us use Skype to
videoconference with our French partner sch #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:08

didactylos: @JustTeaching have a look at mobile apps, runs on a USB stick and doesn't normally
require permissions #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:08

bevevans22: @didactylos I saved a number of the #gtauk presentations to my delicious account to look
through #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:08

janwebb21: @cliffmanning #ukedchat did my first ever this year

7/29/2010 20:08

MoreThanMaths: @chrismayoh #ukedchat My first tm & presentations too - was a target for me this year.
My 1st pres not great, but glad I did it.
7/29/2010 20:08

Paddymcgrath: #ukedchat developed by Dylan wiliam it's like a weight watchers approach to improving
teacher practice. With a content focus of afl
7/29/2010 20:08

chrismayoh: @cliffmanning Yeah, I presented at #tmbmoble #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:08

carolrainbow: #ukedchat: We ran an amazing ipod touch project - learned lots about how powerful
handhelds can be in the classroom #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:09

janwebb21: @MoreThanMaths me too! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:09

SteveWn: #ukedchat supported schools where some teachers had no idea of the great way ICT was
being used as a tool by colleagues in same school #cpd
7/29/2010 20:09

bevevans22: @ForesterJo At the moment I run a number of clubs an run training workshops for
parents and teachers. Tiring but worth it #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:09

mattpearson: will this year have been the glorious year of technological innovation compared to Gove's
Dickensian vision for the future? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:09

Natty08: And is there one thing that you would tell others that they must try next year? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:09

chrismayoh: Reading some of your tweets, a big success for me was gaining access to and full control
of our school's web filtering #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:09

tj007: Worked well. Pupils put their books on the appropriate colour at the end of the lesson

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CW/HW #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:09

familysimpson: @chrismayoh @lordlangley73 any info on this? - Aberdeenshire bought iPods but no
news on how they are to be used yet. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:09

theokk: Research on video & digital resources in ed worked, met many new friends colleagues,
not keeping up with blog didn't, must do more #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:09

ForesterJo: @janwebb21 I absolutely agree - would love to host one at ours in not too distant future!
need 2 present 1st #TMBEV?? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:09

dailydenouement: I participated in an AfL review day with colleagues in other depts - great to watch others
teach & learned lots #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:10

robertd1981: I upgraded our school laptops to IE7 from IE6 and installed flash 10 so meaning loads
more content was accessible #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:10

iteachyear4: Felt frustrated that other members of staff at school won't accept the ICT tools as positive
- just see them as a drain on time #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:10

chrismayoh: @MoreThanMaths Good work. My name was drawn first at #tmbmoble - nothing like
being thrown in at the deep end at your first TM #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:10

janwebb21: @Natty08 do tell more about how you involved the children in afl!!! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:10

mynictle: #ukedchat going to try to have wider variety of challenges in reading this coming
year,reciprocal reading + 'listening' & comprehension q's
7/29/2010 20:10

Natty08: Hello to all that have just joined - remember to use the #ukedchat or you will be lost!
7/29/2010 20:10

Paddymcgrath: RT @dailydenouement: I participated in an AfL review day with colleagues in other depts
- great to watch others teach & learned lots #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:10

squiggle7: #ukedchat have learnt so much this year, used twitter for first time, followed and set up
blogs, lots about effective communication
7/29/2010 20:10

purer_ethics: @simcloughlin I used edmodo for a while, great stuff! The kids loved it and actually
wanted hwk! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:10

simcloughlin: @janwebb21 No, I'm going to TM Sunderland. #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:11

chrismayoh: @familysimpson I've been successfully running the project for a term now and it's been
amazing. Am updating my personal blog 1/2 #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:11

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bevevans22: @didactylos I like speed tile as well - I think it's really good for pupils because of the
visual element #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:11

cliffmanning: RT @robertd1981: I upgraded our school laptops to IE7 from IE6 and installed flash 10
#ukedchat |>>Yay so many still on ie6!!!
7/29/2010 20:11

janwebb21: @ForesterJo yup, or come to #TMX in October! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:11

familysimpson: @iteachyear4 Twitter can be accessed via netvibes or - different block
needed... Shh!! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:11

CHAR0ULA: trained all teachers to use Moodle, been to #teachmeetmoodle first teachmeet for me and
joined Twitter almost a month ago #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:11

Natty08: @squiggle7 Effective communication is important - often there can be too much that
means not a lot! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:11

mynictle: #ukedchat learnt loads from twitter, can't imagine not having my PLN now at all
7/29/2010 20:11

simcloughlin: @purer_ethics Mine too! Lots of them said they liked it because it looked like Facebook.
7/29/2010 20:11

MoreThanMaths: If Mr MTM can watch athletics whilst we eat dinner, I can join #ukedchat with a clear
conscience :-)
7/29/2010 20:11

shirlpj: #ukedchat I have found via twitter this year that there's lots to learn from people outside
my sector of ACL teaching - outside the box
7/29/2010 20:11

chrismayoh: @familysimpson ..over the summer, so keep checking back with that as I'll be writing a
word-for-word account of the process! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:11

janwebb21: @dailydenouement that sounds interesting - prob might be the cost of supply cover to
facilitate this in cash strapped times!#ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:12

squiggle7: #ukedchat attended 1st teachmeet and am now planning one! Tried lots of great tech in
the classroom - primary pad 2 for y6 to write assembly
7/29/2010 20:12

ForesterJo: @bevevans22 this is what i would like to do - maybe from January after school? / next
year if i increase my days................#ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:12

purer_ethics: @chrismayoh what project did you do with iTouch? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:12

familysimpson: @carolrainbow #ukedchat would love to know more about iPod project too!
7/29/2010 20:12

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dailydenouement: What do you want to do better or differently next year? For me it's marking - must keep
on top of it & not let it build up! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:12

janwebb21: @simcloughlin #ukedchat shame!

7/29/2010 20:12

missbrownsword: What's the topic? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:12

ForesterJo: @Natty08: And is there one thing that you would tell others that they must try next year?
#ukedchat - JOIN TWITTER!
7/29/2010 20:12

duckinwales: A prob this yr has been my College's ICT policy, sending out very mixed messages about
use of web 2.0 technologies. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:12

chrismayoh: @robertd1981 Have started getting into the #etru myself on a Sunday evening - a nice
way to end the week #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:12

carolinebreyley: #ukedchat timetabled learning diaries and used e version; over yr ch added more
evidence eg photos + recorded wider achievements
7/29/2010 20:13

bevevans22: #ukedchat Things I haven't enjoyed: the constant battle with filtering (we all seem to have
that) and timetable changes at short notice!
7/29/2010 20:13

squiggle7: @Natty08 definitely, and listening just as important as talking #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:13

Natty08: @janwebb21 best way was peer marking, to begin with kids too nice - then they became
more 'harsh' than me but in a good way #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:13

dailydenouement: @janwebb21 Yes was an LA initiative & HT seemed fully behind it. 12 of us in groups of
3 with LA coach. Lesson obs focusing on AfL #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:13

tj007: RT @dailydenouement: What do you want to do better&differently next year? marking -

must keep on top of it & not let it build up! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:13

chrismayoh: @MoreThanMaths Your area of expertise! Still, it's not about a polished performance, just
the sharing of ideas #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:14

dailydenouement: 2/2 not sure will continue alas #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:14

ForesterJo: RT @iteachyear4: Felt frustrated some members of staff won't accept the ICT tools as
positive - just see them as a drain on time #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:14

janwebb21: @missbrownsword reflecting on what has worked and what we want to do next year
7/29/2010 20:14

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aangeli: RT @ForesterJo: @Natty08: And is there one thing that you would tell others that they
must try next year? #ukedchat - JOIN TWITTER!
7/29/2010 20:14

mynictle: #ukedchat want to use nature in more of the curriculum this year, maths/art/lit/science/ict
7/29/2010 20:14

Natty08: Topic tonight is reflecting on your year #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:14

JustTeaching: Becoming the Glow administrator worked well for me but would like to find ways to involve
and inspire other staff. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:14

janwebb21: @dailydenouement peer coaching has SOOO much potential - had my first experience of
that this year, too - #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:14

squiggle7: #ukedchat have also spent lots of time developing VLE which was great way 2 engage
but need 2 consider new options as new school not got one
7/29/2010 20:14

chrismayoh: @purer_ethics Will be a 4-term project with Y5/6, 3FE school. Personalised learning
agenda to raise attainment across the board #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:14

chrismayoh: @purer_ethics Keep an eye on my blog over the summer as I'll be adding loads of info
about how it's worked #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:15

Natty08: Ok, we have looked at the really good - what would you do again but needs some
adjustments next year? How will you improve? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:15

JustTeaching: RT @tj007: RT @dailydenouement: What do you want to do better&differently next year?

marking - must keep on top of it & not let it build up! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:15

ForesterJo: RT @janwebb21: @ForesterJo yup, or come to #TMX in October! #ukedchat - where's

that - (SORRY)
7/29/2010 20:15

tj007: I'm setting up a blog to use with my classes next year, to help with homework and
promote discussion #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:15

janwebb21: @Natty08 needs very clear learning objectives so they know how to give effective
feedback I think - #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:15

chrismayoh: @teggie19 It's insane. I'm so lucky to be able to block/unblock things at my whim!
7/29/2010 20:15

bevevans22: #ukedchat I have loved planning and delivering ICT lessons for pupils in our Autistic
Centre - ultimate joy when they achieve something new
7/29/2010 20:15

carolrainbow: @familysimpson #ukedchat:

Page 8 of 33 29/07/2010 21:13 ipod touch trial 1

7/29/2010 20:15

dailydenouement: RT @squiggle7: #ukedchat have also spent lots of time developing VLE which was great
way 2 engage <<<Must pick your brains - is obj this yr
7/29/2010 20:15

robertd1981: #ukedchat 1 of 2 filtering is a big problem and doesn't work either in my experience.
Fbook is banned but only 1 person in my class didn;t
7/29/2010 20:15

didactylos: RT @ForesterJo: @Natty08: And is there one thing that you would tell others that they
must try next year? #ukedchat - JOIN TWITTER!
7/29/2010 20:15

mynictle: #ukedchat want to improve on science and try to have more visits from experts, have ch
plan investigations in a more challenging way/toolbox
7/29/2010 20:16

chrismayoh: Struggling to keep up with #ukedchat tonight - too much going on!
7/29/2010 20:16

duckinwales: : ) @mynictle #ukedchat want to use nature in more of the curriculum this year,
maths/art/lit/science/ict etc...
7/29/2010 20:16

missbrownsword: big aim for next year - class blog - which will form the basis of my MA dissertation
7/29/2010 20:16

janwebb21: @Natty08 it's def on my list for next year - making the asssessment a more effective part
of learning process for both me and kids #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:16

squiggle7: #ukedchat still need to improve PE teaching, was the one subject I didn't like as a child
and still useless at!
7/29/2010 20:16

aangeli: RT @squiggle7: #ukedchat have also spent lots of time developing VLE which was great
way 2 engage but need 2 consider new options as new school not got one
7/29/2010 20:16

simcloughlin: I've really made use of my school's location - right in city centre. Want to make more use
of free resources available on doorstep #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:16

robertd1981: #ukedchat 2 of 2 know there was a 'back door' past the filters and that was of!
7/29/2010 20:16

chrismayoh: I am really annoyed that I haven't used Google Apps enough - I can really see this as a
big thing for us next year #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:16

iteachyear4: @adambutterworth Skype is one that springs to mind. Was a battle but result was great-
linked up with another school in France! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:16

carolrainbow: @familysimpson #ukedchat:

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about-using-ipod.html ipod touch trial 2 #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:16

bevevans22: @simonhaughton Most annoying filtering issues - animoto ed (!!!), and poissonrouge!!!
Even TeachMeet site was blocked at one point #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:17

ForesterJo: RT @mynictle: #ukedchat want to use nature in more of the curriculum this year,
maths/art/lit/science/ict etc...GO FOR IT!!!!
7/29/2010 20:17

janwebb21: @dailydenouement @squiggle7 have really enjoyed seeing the vle being better used thru
school #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:17

carolinebreyley: @robertd1981 Agree, being able to join in with tm online been great to feel part of it and
learned lots #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:17

tonycassidy: favourite lesson was podcasting river poems #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:17

janwebb21: @Natty08 have been doing 2 stars and a wish and using voicethread - they are much too
nice still! different class to train up now #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:18

janwebb21: @ForesterJo Stoke on Trent #TMX #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:18

iteachyear4: We have 30 new netbooks and suite of 30laptops at our disposal-but for 480kids, it's not
enough by far and booked out all the time #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:18

chrismayoh: @carolrainbow Big up the iPod Touch project posse :) #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:18

dailydenouement: I'm going to be a PGCE mentor next year for first time - am looking fwd to it but bit
nervous - be good to use peer coaching exp #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:18

bevevans22: @dailydenouement Definitely. Didn't realise how much I missed it. Looking forward to
more SEN work next year #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:18

imageryinmind: RT @didactylos: RT @ForesterJo: @Natty08: And is there one thing that you would tell
others that they must try next year? #ukedchat - JOIN TWITTER!
7/29/2010 20:18

iteachyear4: I use my own personal laptop in class so can use class computer for my class to have
access all day. Works great #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:18

ForesterJo: I'm setting up a blog about our Forest School,and want to extend to one for each class -
review learning, celebrate achievements #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:18

purer_ethics: @dailydenouement agreed, I really let it go at the end of the yr! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:19

simcloughlin: @iteachyear4 I'm fighting a battle (feels like a losing battle!) to get Skype unblocked so

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we can chat to our French partner! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:19

chrismayoh: @purer_ethics Oh they're incredible resources once you've spent a bit of time setting
them up. The kids absolutely love them #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:19

cliffmanning: what about non tech successes? or is tech part of all? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:19

shirlpj: #ukedchat loved using Google apps more this year and now want to help my adult
learners use them in a course in septemebr.
7/29/2010 20:19

mynictle: @ForesterJo I shall! :-) #ukedchat from my photos to theirs, to wriggly things/flying
things/awareness/how it all works & relates to all
7/29/2010 20:19

Natty08: RT @cliffmanning: what about non tech successes? or is tech part of all? #ukedchat <---
no should be non tech also
7/29/2010 20:19

bevevans22: #ukedchat major reflection was whole school based. inspection good but not as good as
we thought leading to big changes #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:19

simcloughlin: @janwebb21 Do you have examples online of using the 2 stars and a wish with
Voicethread? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:19

ForesterJo: @squiggle7: #ukedchat have also spent lots of time developing VLE which was great way
2 engage <<<Must pick your brains - is obj this yr me2
7/29/2010 20:19

cliffmanning: RT @cliffmanning: teachmeet seems to have had big impact lots of people contributing -
nice #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:19

dailydenouement: @purer_ethics Is that marking? I am determined to be way more disciplined this year &
not let coursework drafts take over my life! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:19

Natty08: RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat major reflection was whole school based. inspection good
but not as good as we thought leading to big changes
7/29/2010 20:20

iteachyear4: @simcloughlin They originally only allowed it for a short time, but then realised it has real
potential! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:20

robertd1981: #ukedchat Next year I'd like to use podcasting in class and videoing more. Frustrated we
can't place vid with pupils on blogs
7/29/2010 20:20

chrismayoh: This year I have introduced DigiSmart as an afterschool club. First school in Yorkshire :) - #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:20

carolrainbow: @shirlpj A group of us were talking yesterday - think we need short screencasts of google
apps - showing others how they work #ukedchat

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7/29/2010 20:20

MoreThanMaths: I'm really pleased with 2 school trips I've run: one local, one to Paris. Have been on many
trips but 1st time as group leader #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:20

janwebb21: @Natty08 #ukedchat also want to see the effective use of ict to support that assessment
experience so it feeds more efficiently into plans
7/29/2010 20:21

Natty08: What didn't work this year that you thought would? We can't all be perfect - lets have real
honesty! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:21

iteachyear4: @simonhaughton Before the netbooks it was a real issue. At least netbooks have 12hour
battery life, but very dim screens! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:21

mynictle: #ukedchat don't know much about google apps or how I could use it but plan on finding
7/29/2010 20:21

Caro_lann: #ukedchat Next year want to add to variety of student assessment tasks. Started this year
with presentations and posters in place of essays
7/29/2010 20:21

dailydenouement: RT @Natty08: What didn't work this year that you thought would? We can't all be perfect
- lets have real honesty! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:21

janwebb21: @simcloughlin yup - have done blog post and will be publishing in next day or two -
watch out for it! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:21

islayian: #ukedchat Whas the topic for the late arrivals?

7/29/2010 20:21

purer_ethics: @dailydenouement yes marking! I start out well, organised and timetabled and then last
half term of year i'm so exhausted & busy #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:21

duckinwales: @ForesterJo "Forest School"? intrigued #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:21

simcloughlin: A target for next year is to set up a blog so that I can share. Should I get HT permission
before setting it up? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:21

MoreThanMaths: Now planning a virtual tour of Paris to follow up from visit - after I've moved to new school
7/29/2010 20:21

dailydenouement: @Natty08 Have already confessed to allowing marking to pile up! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:21

missbrownsword: also doing a early career leadership course next year, lots ot keep me busy #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:21

chrismayoh: @iteachyear4 Our SMT introduced an ICT target for staff as part of performance
management to try and address the engagement issue #ukedchat

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7/29/2010 20:21

Natty08: What didn't work for me was a challenging child. In the end he left the school - mother
blamed me for lots. Feel I let him down! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:21

janwebb21: @simcloughlin It's also in @henriettaMi 's blog - apparently it made the Sydney Morning
Herald! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:22

iteachyear4: @teggie19 Be great if you can get the support from the other members of staff. The
progress kids make is amazing #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:22

ForesterJo: @janwebb21 ukedchat - dont drive so might be a problem? #TMBEV - persuading hubby
to have family hol there ;0)
7/29/2010 20:22

Natty08: @islayian we are reflecting on the school year! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:22

didactylos: @carolrainbow #ukedchat there's already loads of screencasts made, don't think its worth
creating ones, better to find and flag for others
7/29/2010 20:22

dailydenouement: @islayian What worked well & didn't work this year #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:22

janwebb21: @Natty08 #ukedchat Now handwriting could be a REALLY useful way to start - may try
with screenshots in voicethread and open it up for fback
7/29/2010 20:22

mynictle: #ukedchat got a mini-suite of 6 pc's in my room in about March, not sure I made best use
of them, need to really embed them in every day
7/29/2010 20:22

Natty08: So it seems marking is an issue - how d you keep on top of it? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:23

ForesterJo: @mynictle #ukedchat - looking forward to hearing all about it!

7/29/2010 20:23

simcloughlin: @iteachyear4 That's a good idea - I might go down the lines of "we can be a pilot school
and success can be scrutinised" #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:23

carolrainbow: @didactylos Thanks - you just saved me a job :-) I will go in search instead! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:23

dailydenouement: A bit Luddite in this techy age, but I want to ensure my classroom looks better this year.
Display to aid learning a priority #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:23

iteachyear4: @chrismayoh Great idea, but I think ours is partly afraid of it too which does hold the
process up #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:23

janwebb21: @Natty08 glogster and primarypad didn't work well and I was VERY disappointed - they
work perfectly at home but bband speed 2slow #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:24

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ForesterJo: RT @robertd1981: #ukedchat Frustrated we can't place vid with pupils on blogs - can you
not if not got names on?
7/29/2010 20:24

shirlpj: #ukedchat as a parent of secondary school kids have set up a Google site for 'homework'
- upload drafts from them and add links from me.
7/29/2010 20:24

iteachyear4: @simcloughlin Although county blocked it, our ICT co-ordinator was able to unblock it
with heads backing. Good luck with it! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:24

tj007: Marking: Saw a blog post mentioned on #mathchat - give pupils answers, make them
show their working. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:25

ForesterJo: RT @mynictle: #ukedchat don't know much about google apps or how I could use it but
plan on finding and me both!
7/29/2010 20:25

simcloughlin: @janwebb21 Brill! Will check it out at after #ukedchat. Too many things to keep up with at
the moment!
7/29/2010 20:25

bevevans22: @simonhaughton Yes and, as a result, I am the only member of staff not moving this
year. Huge changes for everyone! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:25

carolrainbow: @janwebb21 would having groups of children working together on one glog per group
work? Lots less bandwidth needed - collaboration #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:25

tj007: Marking: Some comments are repeated, so am going to try typing (copy&paste) then
printing - could be quicker than handwriting. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:26

janwebb21: @missbrownsword I'm doing an exploring leadership course too - and hope to have
masters modules mostly done by next summer so busy #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:26

ForesterJo: @duckinwales #ukedchat - will natter to you later after chat if ok - struggling to keep up
anyway! ;0)
7/29/2010 20:26

islayian: #ukedchat Plan for the year ahead is push more staff to use tech WITH CLASSES After
all every pupil has a pc but not used inevey class
7/29/2010 20:26

marketspi: @Natty08 marking - ensure classes' HW each wk is mixed between online HW, kids peer
assess &one big HW for teacher to mark #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:26

dailydenouement: @Natty08 Not sure display has same priority in some secondary schools but I'm going to
do my best! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:26

squiggle7: #ukedchat I'm not so good at keeping up to date with displays, need to be more creative
with these
7/29/2010 20:26

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Natty08: RT @marketspi: marking - ensure classes' HW each wk is mixed between online HW,
kids peer assess &one big HW for teacher to mark #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:26

marketspi: #ukedchat for maths- we subscribe to

7/29/2010 20:27

ChrisGBaillie: @Natty08 will you please have the bloody day off! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:27

chrismayoh: Why is everybody saying filtering is an issue? SURELY somebody at the LA can give you
access? It MUST be at a school's discretion! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:27

bevevans22: #ukedchat Having fun with technology outdoors was a great success - would recommend
other schools try it.
7/29/2010 20:27

janwebb21: @carolrainbow even with just one glog embedded into learning platform it was WAY too
slow #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:27

simcloughlin: A personal target for next year: improve handwriting. Have to admit that I do struggle to
join my handwriting, but the kids don't! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:27

dailydenouement: @marketspi Sounds like a plan! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:27

mynictle: #ukedchat also plan on getting music into every day as much as I can, going to do
projects on composers where it fits in
7/29/2010 20:27

onmejack: @Natty08 I focused on improving enrichment to the extent I almost didn't achieve
curriculum! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:27

tj007: My classroom displays have been better this year than last, but looking for an even
bigger improvement next year! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:27

cliffmanning: RT @dailydenouement: A bit Luddite in this techy age, but I want to ensure my classroom
looks better this year. #ukedchat >> nice
7/29/2010 20:27

duckinwales: #ukedchat Problems this yr - bullying via FB : (

7/29/2010 20:27

Natty08: #ukedchat New school has working walls they will need kept up with on a weekly basis!
7/29/2010 20:27

Natty08: RT @ChrisGBaillie: @Natty08 will you please have the bloody day off! #ukedchat <----- I
am :)
7/29/2010 20:28

janwebb21: @carolrainbow so never even managed to get the kids using it #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:28

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dailydenouement: RT @duckinwales: Problems this yr - bullying via FB : ( <<<< Oh yes. I was a year 8
form tutor - loathe FB now #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:28

marketspi: #ukedchat what works for me- very clearly defined pc folders & filenames so I can quickly
find resources on topic at correct level
7/29/2010 20:28

janwebb21: @missbrownsword I'm doing an exploring leadership course too - hope2have masters
modules mostly done by next summer so busy #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:28

chrismayoh: @carolrainbow Looking forward to reading the info on the pages you posted re: iTouches
- see if I can borrow some ideas! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:28

purer_ethics: I also need to very firmly chase up non producers and make sure they are tabbed!
7/29/2010 20:28

ForesterJo: RT @Natty08: marking an issue - how d you keep on top of it? #ukedchat work in forest -
no marking (HA HA) 90 portfolios- worth it though!
7/29/2010 20:29

Natty08: Ok half time - I suppose the next big ques is what are we going to do better next year to
improve ourselves and learning in class #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:29

squiggle7: @Natty08 know the feeling re working walls. Love the idea and done lots of research but
take time to set up #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:29

carolinebreyley: #ukedchat at end of year review class said wanted to do more work as whole class; will
be challenge because of wide age range
7/29/2010 20:29

bevevans22: #ukedchat things that could be better - staff training! People allowed to choose whether to
come or not = variable skill levels #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:29

carolrainbow: @janwebb21 That is sooooo sad :-( #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:29

iteachyear4: Anyone got links to some good examples of working walls? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:30

Joga5: @tj007 #ukedchat I love visiting schools where displays are used to tell a story of the
work done rather than seeing 15 images of same thing
7/29/2010 20:30

Natty08: @carolinebreyley have you looked into cooperative learning? Lots of ideas there :) Love it
:) #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:30

chrismayoh: @robertd1981 Why can't you post vids of pupils on blogs? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:30

dailydenouement: We have started to use reg dept pupil voice surveys, so it's a focus on whole lot more
group work and ICT stuff for us as a dept #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:30

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mynictle: #ukedchat - marking, self marking in maths so need to check & make notes etc, writing
takes a long time, but worth it
7/29/2010 20:31

iteachyear4: Made our topic more creative and self initiated - gave them the info, they then presented
what they wanted, how the wanted #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:31

dailydenouement: RT @iteachyear4: Anyone got links to some good examples of working walls? #ukedchat
<<<< yes please!
7/29/2010 20:31

chrismayoh: Went on my first residentials this year - Y4 to Nell Bank, Ilkley, and Y5 to Whitby. Both
amazing! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:31

Natty08: @islayian I think I will come and work with you :) #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:31

Paddymcgrath: RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat things that could be better - staff training! People allowed to
choose whether to come or not = variable skill levels #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:31

marketspi: #ukedchat this coming year I *will* have more outdoor lessons. They always work so well!
7/29/2010 20:31

Natty08: @iteachyear4 SUPER IDEA :) Children love that :) #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:31

janwebb21: @Natty08 take time out to go to the gym regularly!!! does that count? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:31

primarypete_: #ukedchat this year I have realised that strict groups (even changing them frequently) is
not effective. Moving to dynamic grouping in Sept
7/29/2010 20:32

simcloughlin: @bevevans22 Wow at being allowed to choose! Is it always the same people who "send
apologies"? #ukedchat #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:32

bevevans22: @Joga5 It's good when you can see the progression on the walls rather than all finished
articles #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:32

ForesterJo: RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat things could be better - staff training! People allowed
choose whether to come or not = INTERESTING! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:32

duckinwales: self improvement #ukedchat - become Google Testing Centre, going to teachmeet
7/29/2010 20:32

Janeh271: @iteachyear4 #ukedchat i have a COW wall - challenge on the wall, field with lots of
thunks on for kids to use
7/29/2010 20:32

bevevans22: @iteachyear4 I have some links for working walls - will sort them out for you when
#ukedchat is finished
7/29/2010 20:32

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carolrainbow: @mynictle #ukedchat: Great fun music web :-)

7/29/2010 20:32

carolinebreyley: @Natty08 Yes its a Shetland wide thing use ideas but have to get careful balance when
have P1 -P7 #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:32

janwebb21: @carolrainbow I know - two tools with ENORMOUS potential for collaboration and shared
learning experiences. :( #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:32

Natty08: RT @janwebb21: @Natty08 take time out to go to the gym regularly!!! does that count?
#ukedchat <----- always!
7/29/2010 20:32

dailydenouement: I'm challenging myself to integrate the VLE fully (ish!) into my dept's schemes of work.
Starting with AS Literature -small steps! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:33

mynictle: #ukedchat going to try to enthuse myself about databases and spreadsheets, I try to make
it interesting but they don't grab me much
7/29/2010 20:33

Natty08: One thing I would like to improve is my work life balance, I need a hobby that isn't twitter
#ukedchat I never switch off
7/29/2010 20:33

carolinebreyley: @chrismayoh Yes someone at LA could give you access but often won't. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:33

iteachyear4: @bevevans22 Brilliant thanks :-) #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:33

bevevans22: @simcloughlin Always the same people. Did training for Foundation Phase. 6 teachers
didn't come but 22 TAs were keen #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:33

missbrownsword: One of the highlights of my year was taking children to perform at Latitude festival,
already planning next year! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:33

Joga5: @bevevans22 As DHT used to ask for evaluations of work done, the topic or processes
undertaken to be added to displays #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:33

mynictle: @carolrainbow yes, know about that but thanks #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:33

janwebb21: @Natty08 important to make that balance clear - if we don't look after ourselves we could
easily burn out #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:33

duckinwales: @bevevans22 I suggested to my boss all staff dev become compulsory - he agreed : )
I've fully recruited already!! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:33

MoreThanMaths: RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat things that could be better - staff training! People allowed to
choose whether to come or not = variable skill levels #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:34

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iteachyear4: @Janeh271 Like the sound of COW wall. Will have a think what I can do :-) #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:34

janwebb21: @Natty08 esp with so many new and exciting ideas to try out!!!! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:34

bevevans22: @ForesterJo @simcloughlin New HT has said this won't be happening next term. Training
will be on staff meeting night & compulsory! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:34

chrismayoh: @teggie19 I think if the e-Safety education sits alongside sensible administration of
filtering you're unlikely to have an issue #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:34

missbrownsword: RT @Natty08: One thing I would like to improve is my work life balance, I need a hobby
that isn't twitter #ukedchat I never switch off
7/29/2010 20:35

cliffmanning: whats top thing to do in septmber for people? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:35

chrismayoh: @didactylos Marvellous, no I hadn't seen it. Thanks. I'll take a look after #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:35

carolrainbow: RT @shirlpj: Google own Help is good too - lots of ideas at today's #gtauk - is anyone
going to be blogging ? :-) I hope #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:35

chrismayoh: Still a good 10 mins behind! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:35

ForesterJo: RT @Natty08: like to improve is my work life balance, I need a hobby that isn't twitter
#ukedchat - and i hoped i t was because i was new!
7/29/2010 20:35

dailydenouement: RT @missbrownsword: RT @Natty08: One thing I would like to improve is my work life
balance, need a hobby that isn't twitter #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:35

Janeh271: @iteachyear4 I have an actual cow too, called 'cooper'! will post a photo of wall later,
castle hill crafts do background paper #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:35

iteachyear4: @ForesterJo My little girl has been doing Forest School at nursery-highlight of week!
Gutted it's over now as she starts school #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:36

carolinebreyley: @Joga5 I like the idea of topic evaluations etc as part of display - children could do too
7/29/2010 20:36

Natty08: @simcloughlin yes, but the danger is you will burn ou and then not be able to do your job
- fine line #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:36

GillDeCosemo: RT @missbrownsword: RT @Natty08: One thing I would like to improve is my work life
balance, I need a hobby that isn't twitter #ukedchat I never switch off
7/29/2010 20:36

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Cgeo28: #ukedchat - starting a learning group with colleagues in school was important this year,
sharing ideas and thinking collaboratively
7/29/2010 20:36

mynictle: RT @carolinebreyley: @Joga5 I like the idea of topic evaluations etc as part of display -
children could do too #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:37

simcloughlin: This is the first #ukedchat that I've taken part in, and would like to continue using this
valuable hour next year.
7/29/2010 20:37

dailydenouement: @cliffmanning In Sept for me will be getting the KS5 classes into shape - wider reading
from the off not last min cramming! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:37

tonycassidy: RT @cliffmanning: whats top thing to do in septmber for people? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:37

chrismayoh: @robertd1981 @didactylos We have pupils on our blogs - just no names + images
together #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:37

ForesterJo: RT @bevevans22: Training will be on staff meeting night & compulsory! #ukedchat - Im
doing extra after school for those who want
7/29/2010 20:37

MoreThanMaths: When we teach students, issues such as differentiation, clear aims etc v. important. Some
staff training events lack this #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:37

theokk: discovered great open and free resources inc Flickr Commons, appalled by lot of 'content'
on sale to schools #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:37

Natty08: @ForesterJo Nope I am afraid not! The job can suck you in! #ukedchat #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:37

tonycassidy: RT @cliffmanning: whats top thing to do in septmber for people? #ukedchat turn-up?
7/29/2010 20:37

JoanneC23: #ukedchat just catching up with you all, phone call at the wrong time! Great discussion so
7/29/2010 20:37

tonycassidy: @cliffmanning looking to video good practice for inhouse use #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:38

Joga5: @carolinebreyley Sorry my bad - only expected the children to write the evaluations. It
was inspirational. Helpful for reports 2! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:38

amweston: One of the highlights of my year was working on a strategy to help us concentrate on a
child's learning rather than behaviour #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:38

ForesterJo: @iteachyear4 #ukedchat - does the school not do it? similar with our infant and juniors!
7/29/2010 20:38

missbrownsword: as ever I will be aiming to keep up with marking and prob fail by xmas! #ukedchat

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7/29/2010 20:38

SkoorBttaM: Just arrived late to #ukedchat after locking myself out :s

7/29/2010 20:38

JustTeaching: RT @simcloughlin: This is the first #ukedchat that I've taken part in, and would like to
continue using this valuable hour next year. Snap
7/29/2010 20:38

Cgeo28: #ukedchat - new for next academic year will be a class set of iPods for my geography
dept, arriving tomorrow!
7/29/2010 20:38

dailydenouement: RT @missbrownsword: as ever I will be aiming to keep up with marking and prob fail by
xmas! #ukedchat <<< I soooo empathise!
7/29/2010 20:38

tonycassidy: RT @Cgeo28: #ukedchat - starting a learning group with colleagues in school was
important this year, sharing ideas and thinking collaboratively
7/29/2010 20:39

iteachyear4: @Janeh271 That would be cool!! Thanks. I'm thinking I might have a Roman Gladiator for
our Roman topic! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:39

Natty08: RT @tonycassidy: RT @cliffmanning: whats top thing to do in septmber for people?

#ukedchat turn-up? <--- and seriously now?
7/29/2010 20:39

bevevans22: RT @simcloughlin: This is first #ukedchat that I've taken part in, & would like to cont.
using this hour next year <- great use of PLN!
7/29/2010 20:39

mynictle: @alee11 ta, I will! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:39

MoreThanMaths: @duckinwales Staff develpt should be compulsory IMO - but does that mean all staff
should do the same develpt sessions? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:39

chrismayoh: RT @duckinwales: #ukedchat Problems this yr - bullying via FB : ( < < We have had one
recent incident of this, too :(
7/29/2010 20:40

iteachyear4: @ForesterJo No :-( Real shame. Don't know of any schools round here that do it. Waste
of the biggest resource available! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:40

marketspi: #ukedchat I must endeavour to more often give pupils the marking criteria for HW as I set
7/29/2010 20:40

chrismayoh: @Natty08 Working walls work really well in our school. Added to almost daily. You'll get
used to it! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:40

tonycassidy: @missbrownsword by Christmas- you are good... #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:40

mynictle: @simonhaughton thank you! #ukedchat

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7/29/2010 20:40

duckinwales: @mynictle #ukedchat ....... nothing planned until it rains! <--move to Wales ; ) marking up
to date!
7/29/2010 20:40

Janeh271: @iteachyear4 sounds good I say 'go and talk to the cow, you could say go and talk to the
roman (needs a name!) :) #ukedchat!!
7/29/2010 20:40

carolrainbow: @missbrownsword get the children to peer mentor and mark each other ;-) #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:40

dailydenouement: RT @marketspi: #ukedchat I must endeavour to more often give pupils the marking
criteria for HW as I set it <<<Yes, good aim!
7/29/2010 20:40

CHAR0ULA: RT @Cgeo28: #ukedchat - starting a learning group with colleagues in school was
important this year, sharing ideas and thinking collaboratively
7/29/2010 20:40

simcloughlin: @Cgeo28 How did your learning group work? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:41

didactylos: #ukedchat its only work if you tell yourself it is, if its a hobby or a passion its not work so
no balance issue! (almost believe myself)
7/29/2010 20:41

GillDeCosemo: Each child in my class has their own display space, they decide what goes on it, photos,
work etc. Changed regularly. Good Afl #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:41

Natty08: RT @ForesterJo: #ukedchat - I think 'stepping back' has been a fantastic learning curve
for me and chdn - facilitator NOT ALWAYS teacher!
7/29/2010 20:41

tonycassidy: @Natty08 sorry! :) #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:41

iteachyear4: RT @chrismayoh: RT @duckinwales: #ukedchat Problems this yr - bullying via FB : ( <

So did we as low as Yr4.
7/29/2010 20:41

lordlangley73: @familysimpson @chrismayoh and myself (mostly Chris) have done some awesome stuff
at Bowling Park, Bradford. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:41

ForesterJo: #ukedchat - from september we are going to be put in teams to co-ordinate and drive
subjects forward - looking forward to it!
7/29/2010 20:41

iteachyear4: @Janeh271 Yeah - reckon they'd love that! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:42

GillDeCosemo: RT @bevevans22: RT @simcloughlin: This is first #ukedchat that I've taken part in, &
would like to cont. using this hour next year <- great use of PLN!
7/29/2010 20:42

squiggle7: #ukedchat new for sept- starting a new class blog, using a Wii in class, using myst,
introducing learning logs to school

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7/29/2010 20:42

carolinebreyley: @Joga5 I think I'll try it as shared evaluation with them and me - have geologist working
with us this term - could ask her too :) #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:42

rantingteacher: Kids seem to do so much with ICT in primary, then at secondary ours don't do much-
limited equipment access etc. Solution? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:42

ForesterJo: RT @duckinwales: @mynictle #ukedchat ....... nothing planned until it rains! <--move to
Wales ; ) marking up to date! - HILARIOUS!
7/29/2010 20:42

Caro_lann: Me too! “@marketspi: #ukedchat I must endeavour to more often give pupils the marking
criteria for HW as I set it”
7/29/2010 20:42

chrismayoh: @simonhaughton You can report them, yes, but it seems to make much more sense to
educate the pupils properly about the risk first #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:42

iteachyear4: RT @ForesterJo: #ukedchat - I think 'stepping back' has been a fantastic learning curve
for me and chdn - facilitator NOT ALWAYS teacher!
7/29/2010 20:42

bevevans22: One of the positive changes happening in school - creating working groups to oversee
'big' subjects rather than just co-ordinator #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:42

chrismayoh: RT @lordlangley73: @familysimpson @chrismayoh and myself (mostly Chris) have done
some awesome stuff at Bowling Park, Bradford. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:42

duckinwales: @MoreThanMaths does that mean all staff should do same develpt sessions? #ukedchat
no, should be qual based, when passed they move on.
7/29/2010 20:43

ForesterJo: RT @didactylos: #ukedchat only work if you tell yourself it is, if its a hobby or a passion its
not work so no balance issue! will try on OH
7/29/2010 20:43

Natty08: So what non techy thing and non marking thing are you going to improve on? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:43

bevevans22: RT @chrismayoh: RT @duckinwales: #ukedchat Problems this yr - bullying via FB : ( < <
We have had one recent incident of this, too :( and us
7/29/2010 20:43

didactylos: @marketspi every day when I drive I assess how well i have done it, hopefully the police
never need to give opinion #ukedchat (selfmarking)
7/29/2010 20:43

duckinwales: RT @didactylos: #ukedchat its only work if you tell yourself it is, if its a hobby or a passion
its not work so no balance issue! (almost believe myself)
7/29/2010 20:43

simcloughlin: @bevevans22 We have that. It works really well - everyone has an input into the subjects
their team is responsible for #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:43

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cliffmanning: RT @rantingteacher: Kids seem to do so much with ICT in primary, at secondary ours
don't do much- limited equipment etc. #ukedchat >hmmm
7/29/2010 20:43

Joga5: @carolinebreyley I think it would amazing if you the geologist put your self evaluations on
there as welll #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:44

dailydenouement: @Natty08 I'm starting a public speaking qualification with the 6th form. Great interview
skills & also UCAS points #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:44

iteachyear4: RT @GillDeCosemo: Each child in class has own display space, they decide what goes
on it,.Changed regularly. Good Afl #ukedchat <great idea!
7/29/2010 20:44

JustTeaching: RT @Natty08: So what non techy thing and non marking thing are you going to improve
on? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:44

MoreThanMaths: Next yr, will use more student voice postcards. Started using very open qns - what did
you like/not like about lesson/task/room. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:45

Natty08: My head hurts trying to keep up! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:45

tj007: Non-tech improvement: I already have a 1m high Sci-calculator drawn on a blind as a

teaching aid, need to draw new versions! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:45

ForesterJo: RT @Natty08: So what non techy thing and non marking thing are you going to improve
7/29/2010 20:45

chrismayoh: @teggie19 @simonhaughton I think that's the best way to deal with it. Need to keep the
parents informed and on side #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:45

bevevans22: @Natty08 Non techy? My use of Welsh in the classroom. Tricky but needs to be done. I
am better with KS1 than KS2 on this!!! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:45

duckinwales: @Natty08 you don't have to - just sit and contemplate, and no one bother you ; ) !!
7/29/2010 20:46

cliffmanning: anyone planning doing arts award next year #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:46

chrismayoh: Am now 15 mins behind #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:46

MoreThanMaths: Students, esp Y7, really took ownership of student voice. Def something to do more of at
new school #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:46

shirlpj: #ukedchat non-techy thing for September? Give MORE positive feedback
7/29/2010 20:46

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marketspi: #ukedchat I'm going to focus much more on presentation & how pupils arrive at an
answer,not just getting it right (maths)
7/29/2010 20:46

islayian: #ukedchat Next year developing the use of 3d printer and haptic mouse
7/29/2010 20:46

MoreThanMaths: @duckinwales Absolutely - sadly it doesn't work like that in many schools though.
7/29/2010 20:46

janwebb21: @bevevans22 @Natty08 we are moving away from the experts coming in to teach our
classes Spanish - so have to get better at it! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:46

dailydenouement: @MoreThanMaths Yes, have found student voice v valuable this year - made me more
reflective teacher #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:47

tonycassidy: Treat your classroom as 'play' #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:47

iteachyear4: @laurakirsop Will do :-) @bevevans22 has some to share after. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:47

Natty08: @duckinwales I'm supposed to be moderating lol #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:47

duckinwales: shirlpj RT @carolrainbow: @missbrownsword get the children to peer mentor and mark
each other ;-) #ukedchat <-- must do more of this
7/29/2010 20:47

Natty08: @bevevans22 go on a course :P #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:47

janwebb21: @marketspi hmm, me too #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:47

mynictle: #ukedchat non=techy, storytime more often/more special

7/29/2010 20:47

bevevans22: @alee11 Not got it for ICT (although I hold discussions with HoY regularly): at the mo it's
for Maths, Lit, Science and Inclusion #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:47

GillDeCosemo: RT @ForesterJo RT @Natty08: non techy thing & non marking thing to improve on?
7/29/2010 20:48

yearsixteacher: @mynictle Now that I'm moving to Y3 I want to read more stories!! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:48

duckinwales: @JustTeaching JustTeaching @Natty08: What non techy thing and non marking thing are
you going to improve on? #ukedchat <- a new room :D
7/29/2010 20:48

janwebb21: RT @mynictle: #ukedchat non=techy, storytime more often/more special

7/29/2010 20:48

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iteachyear4: RT @Natty08: I need to improve my questioning - I often ask closed questions without
meaning too! #ukedchat <-Me too!!
7/29/2010 20:48

MoreThanMaths: Agree ->RT @theokk: discovered great open and free resources inc Flickr Commons,
appalled by lot of 'content'on sale to schools #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:48

GillDeCosemo: RT @tonycassidy: Treat your classroom as 'play' #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:48

chrismayoh: @Cgeo28 Would be interested to see how the iPods work for you. We've done loads with
Google Maps/StreetView which has been ace #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:49

carolrainbow: @tonycassidy A good read - @eyebeams blog on real world games in education #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:49

SkoorBttaM: Anybody rethinking their curriculum this year? Creative/thematic/relevant? We've got 7
teachers so best to work together to plan?? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:49

janwebb21: @Natty08 also want to figure out how to get the 3d words to rotate the way I want them
to in google sketchup!| #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:49

cliffmanning: RT @mynictle: #ukedchat non=techy, storytime more often/more special>> nice

7/29/2010 20:49

squiggle7: #ukedchat need to develop differentiation even more

7/29/2010 20:49

Pauls_elearning: Introduced some lecturers to ever note today, to say "they liked it" would be something of
and understatement. :) #ukedchat #escheat #edtech
7/29/2010 20:49

janwebb21: oops, sorry, that was a techie objective, wasn't it! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:49

mynictle: @yearsixteacher got special cushions, special chair, sometimes to calm music, sometimes
to music for sound effects! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:49

dailydenouement: @iteachyear4 I have a list of question starters taped to my desk - forces me to ask open
qus when I'm stuck! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:49

Janeh271: #ukedchat use more co operative learning techniques and get kids to take more control:)
7/29/2010 20:50

bevevans22: @Natty08 It's not that I don't know vocab it just sounds odd at KS2 ( ffont, disg etc.). Bit
like dropping the odd English word in #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:50

Mr_Thorne: RT @tonycassidy: Treat your classroom as 'play' #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:50

ForesterJo: RT @cliffmanning: RT @mynictle: #ukedchat non=techy, storytime more often/more

special>> I think this applies to most of us!

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7/29/2010 20:50

janwebb21: @Natty08 #ukedchat they are still children and still respond to the same techniques you
are used to!!!!
7/29/2010 20:50

iteachyear4: @dailydenouement I like that idea - that's what my issue is - I might have them in my
plans but I forget them when teaching! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:51

mynictle: #ukedchat different ways of presenting lessons, ie not just PPT/Active Inspire - must learn
Prezi & want to do a bit of old fashioned :-)
7/29/2010 20:51

Natty08: @janwebb21 Yeah just bigger and smellier or something right? #ukedchat :P
7/29/2010 20:51

duckinwales: #ukedchat @dailydenouement @iteachyear4 I have a list of question starters taped to my

desk <- great idea
7/29/2010 20:51

yearsixteacher: @mynictle I'm not used to all this...! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:51

chrismayoh: @skoorBttaM Google Earth wouldn't work for us via proxy either. Needed something to
reroute just the iPods. Our techie sorted it #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:51

CHAR0ULA: non techie non anything = play Solitaire #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:51

bevevans22: @simonhaughton We have regular meetings with School Council on different ideas they
have. Some more workable than others #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:52

tonycassidy: However good your plan or activities, access to ICT, relationship remains the fundamental
key to success- #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:52

Mr_Thorne: Mr Thorne Does Phonics for Reception, KS1, KS2

#ukedchat :) enjoy
7/29/2010 20:52

dailydenouement: @squiggle7 @duckinwales If you google Bloom's Taxonomy Questions you'll find them.
Has really helped. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:52

JustTeaching: #ukedchat next year - improve on my knowledge of CfE & build on working with
colleagues to plan across stages .
7/29/2010 20:52

janwebb21: @Natty08 #ukedchat sense of humour can be better developed! more independent - you
don't need to wipe noses for them!
7/29/2010 20:52

Natty08: RT @duckinwales: #ukedchat @dailydenouement @iteachyear4 I have a list of question

starters taped to my desk <- great idea
7/29/2010 20:52

duckinwales: #ukedchat - no-techy thing - change room layout for each lesson - tried it on PGCE &

Page 27 of 33 29/07/2010 21:13

worked really well. Let it lapse.

7/29/2010 20:53

didactylos: @Pauls_elearning #ukedchat everyone should be using Evernote, seriously, just do it!
7/29/2010 20:53

bevevans22: @mynictle Sometimes just a word on a board and a rough outline is enough (although
bells and whistles good to sometimes) #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:53

dailydenouement: @iteachyear4 Exactly - it's an aide but the more I have used the questions the more they
have become part of my teaching vocab #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:54

shirlpj: RT @ianaddison: Hey everyone taking part in #ukedchat, have you joined teachmap?
7/29/2010 20:54

mynictle: #ukedchat next year - back to blogging on my blog/starting ICT club for KS1 & KS2 - new
challenge for me, also music club -all encompassing
7/29/2010 20:54

carolrainbow: RT @ForesterJo @cliffmanning @mynictle: #ukedchat non techy, storytime more more
special -storytelling is magical can't go techie! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:54

Natty08: OK soooooooo 5 minutes left any final words? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:54

SkoorBttaM: @chrismayoh Yeah that'd b great. We had a similar prob with iMac and iTunes. Our
techies managed to sort that out- almost. Cheers #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:54

marketspi: @ianaddison does teachmap negate the fact that I'm anonymous on twitter? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:54

Natty08: RT @ianaddison: Hey everyone taking part in #ukedchat, have you joined teachmap?
7/29/2010 20:54

ForesterJo: #ukedchat we try end every forest session round 'pyramid' chdn say something they have
learnt today - hard at beg but g8 once understood
7/29/2010 20:55

GillDeCosemo: RT @carolrainbow: RT @ForesterJo @cliffmanning @mynictle: #ukedchat non techy,

storytime more more special -storytelling is magical can't go techie! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:55

MoreThanMaths: @GillDeCosemo Love idea of students having own display space. #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:55

iteachyear4: @dailydenouement Will def be taking that into my classroom next year. Thank you!
7/29/2010 20:55

dailydenouement: #ukedchat Yes - I'll make sure I join in #ukedchat as much as poss next year - always
valuable & refreshing stuff!
7/29/2010 20:55

yearsixteacher: @janwebb21 Thanks - I thought I'd take a look. Is there anywhere I can ready more

Page 28 of 33 29/07/2010 21:13

about #ukedchat ?
7/29/2010 20:55

shirlpj: RT @Natty08: OK soooooooo 5 minutes left any final words? #ukedchat <-- so where did
that hour go?
7/29/2010 20:56

mynictle: @yearsixteacher when I went from Y6 - Y3 realised that time can move more slowly, you
will also need more time than you think #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:56

squiggle7: RT @ianaddison: Hey everyone taking part in #ukedchat, have you joined teachmap?
Http:// link doesn't work for me
7/29/2010 20:56

primarypete_: #ukedchat Really looking forward to 1st year in year 1. Any suggestions / words of
wisdom / resource links etc very much appreciated :)
7/29/2010 20:56

mynictle: @bevevans22 I want more of a mixture #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:56

marketspi: #ukedchat what works-I often put example question in learning objective on board then as
plenary the kids answer it. Must do it more!
7/29/2010 20:56

duckinwales: @ianaddison Hey everyone taking part in #ukedchat, have you joined teachmap? (URL
wrong) trying to find link
7/29/2010 20:56

tonycassidy: RT @carolrainbow: @tonycassidy A good read - @eyebeams blog on real world games
in education #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:56

GillDeCosemo: Joined in late tonight but really enjoyed the#ukedchat, thank you all
7/29/2010 20:57

adambutterworth: RE: #ukedchat I find Prezis take too long to prepare. SMARTnotepad is
much quicker to use
7/29/2010 20:57

bevevans22: #ukedchat Final thoughts? Use Twitter. Go to TeacMeets! Share best practice! Try not to
let things swamp you!
7/29/2010 20:57

carolrainbow: @yearsixteacher lots of info there #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:57

mynictle: #ukedchat final words - thank you everyone for your help and ideas :-)
7/29/2010 20:57

Natty08: @primarypete_ take everything slowly, be prepared for tears, but be firm and fair! They
will love you #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:57

iteachyear4: Is this the link to the TeachMeet map? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:57

dailydenouement: RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat Final thoughts? Use Twitter. Go to TeacMeets! Share best
practice! Try not to let things swamp you! <<<Agreed!

Page 29 of 33 29/07/2010 21:13

7/29/2010 20:57

JustTeaching: @primarypete_ what is year 1 equivalent to in Scotland? Anyone know? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:58

janwebb21: @yearsixteacher try the #ukedchat information here: do you use
tweetdeck? it's useful to have column for the hashtag
7/29/2010 20:58

missbrownsword: Well said! RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat Final thoughts? Use Twitter. Go to TeacMeets!
Share best practice! Try not to let things swamp you!
7/29/2010 20:58

janwebb21: RT @shirlpj: RT @Natty08: OK soooooooo 5 minutes left any final words? #ukedchat <--
so where did that hour go?
7/29/2010 20:58

JustTeaching: RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat Final thoughts? Use Twitter. Go to TeacMeets! Share best
practice! Try not to let things swamp you!
7/29/2010 20:58

didactylos: #ukedchat off to see how we ended up with the Condems - BBC 2. Awesome hours of
ides again folks
7/29/2010 20:58

dailydenouement: Phone call - night all #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:58

bevevans22: @mynictle How about using collaborative stuff like Primary Pad & Dabbleboard on IWB?
Or ask the kids what they want to learn? #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:58

didactylos: #ukedchat everyone should be using Evernote, seriously, just do it!

7/29/2010 20:59

janwebb21: RT @Natty08: @primarypete_ take everything slowly, be prepared for tears, but be firm
and fair! They will love you #ukedchat
7/29/2010 20:59

lordlangley73: #ukedchat Whatever happens - be calm, be collected and be cool.

7/29/2010 20:59

tonycassidy: @carolrainbow thanks #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:59

simcloughlin: @JustTeaching P2 #ukedchat

7/29/2010 20:59

cliffmanning: my achievment this year was joining #ukedchat whilst cooking/eating and having long
phone call & listening to neil young at same time!
7/29/2010 20:59

marketspi: #ukedchat final thought- make time for my other half- he keeps me sane when it all goes
horribly wrong in school! :)
7/29/2010 20:59

janwebb21: RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat Final thoughts? Use Twitter. Go to TeacMeets! Share best
practice! Try not to let things swamp you!
7/29/2010 21:00

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chrismayoh: Wow - I some how managed to catch up with #ukedchat in the end - well done me :)
7/29/2010 21:00

Natty08: Ok boys and girls that is time up for #ukedchat thanks for a good night and all behaving
7/29/2010 21:00

carolinebreyley: @primarypete #ukedchat Use lots of story based work and use puppets #ukedchat
7/29/2010 21:00

ForesterJo: RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat Final thoughts? Use Twitter. Go to TeacMeets! Share best
practice! Try not to let things swamp you! <<<Agreed!
7/29/2010 21:00

janwebb21: @marketspi completely agreed! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 21:00

tonycassidy: Smile #ukedchat

7/29/2010 21:00

iteachyear4: Does anyone use OneNote? Is it useful? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 21:00

adambutterworth: @primarypete_ #ukedchat Y1 is awesome! Tweet me if you have qu's. Oh and always
carry tissues and hand sanitiser! Is gonna be a snotty yr!
7/29/2010 21:00

marketspi: RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat Final thoughts? Use Twitter. Go to TeacMeets! Share best
practice! Try not to let things swamp you!
7/29/2010 21:00

GillDeCosemo: RT @missbrownsword: Well said! RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat Final thoughts? Use

Twitter. Go to TeacMeets! Share best practice! Try not to let things swamp you!
7/29/2010 21:00

carolrainbow: Thanks very much for the ideas everyone :-) Have a good holiday if you are on holiday
see you in 2 weeks - I am away Monday :-) #ukedchat
7/29/2010 21:00

bevevans22: #ukedchat Don't forget to use blast follow: to add the people from the
chat to your PLN :) And well done @Natty08
7/29/2010 21:00

iteachyear4: Remember to add yourself to the TeachMeet Map (link correct!)
7/29/2010 21:00

shirlpj: RT @didactylos: #ukedchat everyone should be using Evernote, seriously, just do it! < --
guess it's time I checked this out then!
7/29/2010 21:00

SkoorBttaM: @mynictle have you looked into CC4G? #ukedchat

7/29/2010 21:00

ForesterJo: RT @mynictle: #ukedchat final words - thank you everyone for your help and ideas :-)
7/29/2010 21:01

squiggle7: #ukedchat great chat tonight, thanks everyone for all the ideas
7/29/2010 21:01

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janwebb21: RT @bevevans22: #ukedchat Don't forget to use blast follow: to add the
people from the chat to your PLN :) And well done @Natty08
7/29/2010 21:01

simcloughlin: Well done to @Natty08! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 21:01

squiggle7: RT @bevevans22 #ukedchat Final thoughts? Use Twitter. Go to TeacMeets! Share best
practice! Try not to let things swamp you!
7/29/2010 21:01

JustTeaching: RT @Natty08: Ok boys and girls that is time up for #ukedchat thanks for a good night and
all behaving :0)
7/29/2010 21:01

Natty08: #ukedchat Don't forget to use blast follow: to add the people from the
chat to your PLN :)
7/29/2010 21:01

GillDeCosemo: RT @iteachyear4: Remember to add yourself to the TeachMeet Map (link correct!) #ukedchat
7/29/2010 21:01

marketspi: #ukedchat thanks to everyone, this was fab!

7/29/2010 21:01

JoanneC23: @yearsixteacher #ukedchat bit behind here but did u read stories with yr6? I saw some
classes that did have stories and still loved it!
7/29/2010 21:01

JustTeaching: RT @Natty08: Ok boys and girls that is time up for #ukedchat thanks for a good night and
all behaving :0) AND WELL DONE & THANKS TO YOU :)
7/29/2010 21:01

chrismayoh: Another great #ukedchat - I think I need a lie down now! Thanks everyone :)
7/29/2010 21:02

CHAR0ULA: Thanks a lot #ukedchat

7/29/2010 21:02

JustTeaching: RT @adambutterworth: @primarypete_ #ukedchat Oh and always carry tissues and hand
sanitiser! Is gonna be a snotty yr! I agree :)
7/29/2010 21:02

duckinwales: phew #ukedchat - who left that hour on fast forward : ) (p.s I'm the one in Rhyl on the
map) << make sure you're on it!
7/29/2010 21:02

JustTeaching: RT @simcloughlin: Well done to @Natty08! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 21:02

JoanneC23: @yearsixteacher #ukedchat teacher in other yr 6 class didn't bother, but I felt the kids
were missing out.
7/29/2010 21:02

iteachyear4: @yearsixteacher Same here! Got Office 2010 and want to release its full potential!
7/29/2010 21:03

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carolinebreyley: @JustTeaching @primarypete_ Y1 is cross between P1/P2 Yr starts 1st Sept birthdays
onwards #ukedchat
7/29/2010 21:03

marketspi: RT @simcloughlin: Well done to @Natty08! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 21:03

janwebb21: #ukedchat MANY thanks to @Natty08 for hosting a great chat tonight!
7/29/2010 21:03

missbrownsword: due to moving house craziness t'was my first #ukedchat enjoyed it! @carlprentice will
need to get used to me ignoring him on thurs nights!
7/29/2010 21:03

iteachyear4: @Natty08 Well done for tonight- at least the rowdy lot weren't here tonight ;-) #ukedchat
7/29/2010 21:03

cliffmanning: RT @marketspi: RT @simcloughlin: Well done to @Natty08! #ukedchat >>concur

7/29/2010 21:04

Natty08: RT @iteachyear4: @Natty08 Well done for tonight- at least the rowdy lot weren't here
tonight ;-) #ukedchat < they are google's problem now!
7/29/2010 21:04

JustTeaching: @simcloughlin @carolinebreyley @Natty08 Thank you, I thought it was P2 but wasn't
100% sure :) #ukedchat
7/29/2010 21:04

carolinebreyley: @Natty08 Thanks - great hr again. Looking forward to following up some great ideas :)
7/29/2010 21:04

nikkinakkynoo: Have found the questions relating to Bloom's Taxonomy. They will come in very useful for
my NQT year so great tip! #ukedchat
7/29/2010 21:04

ModernGovernor: Really enjoyed reading all of #ukedchat tonight - who knows, next week I might join in!
Well done everyone!
7/29/2010 21:04

yearsixteacher: @JoanneC23 I did, but not as often as I liked! Plus our timetable had too few hours (it's
been rectified for next year though) #ukedchat
7/29/2010 21:04

janwebb21: @ModernGovernor hope you do join in!!!! #ukedchat

7/29/2010 21:05

chrismayoh: @Cgeo28 I have a gazillion tips! Best one is to keep an eye on my blog over the summer
as I'll be filling it with iPod posts #ukedchat
7/29/2010 21:06

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