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Cultural values are the guides to the beliefs, behaviors, and customs of a

particular society. These can include

the acceptible ways of behaving in a society, and religious and spiritual beliefs.
They can also includce traditions
in a society such as holidays, festivals, ect. These cultural values are all
extremely imprtant to different cultures
around the world as they keep the integerity of a society strong. As well as
allowing cultures to be different in
their values.

Art can reflect culture in the same way history reflects a given culture. It's
the people in a given culture which
express themseves, ideas, and current events from their time period. A lot of
culturally-based art uses religion
or spirituality as a main subject. The reason for this being religion and
spirituality is often a main cultural
value of a society. One society's art in particular that uses a lot of
spirituality-based art is Native American

Native American art contains things such as dreamcatchers, totem poles, and
spirit animals. All of these things relate
to the spirituality of native american people, which in turn is a cultural value.
Something thats very important in the
Native american peoples spirituality is spirit animals. These can also be known as
totem animals, spirit guides, ect. These
animals are said to guide you through your spiritual journey, and give you help
when you are in a dire situation

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