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Jordan Going

Evidence of Collaboration with General Education Teacher

On 2/21/2017, I had the opportunity to attend a meeting concerning certain students in their
progress in MTSS (RTI). The meeting included Mrs. Lunt (Special Education teacher), a General Education
teacher from Kindergarten, and a district representative. In the meeting, the progress and comments of
three different students was reported currently in the MTSS process, with the students clearly in Tier 1
and one in Tier 2. I was able to be a part of the collaboration between General Education and Special
Education, and learned how crucial consistent communication and progress monitoring is in order to truly
help a student learn and progress, aiming to help them in whatever area they need. I noticed during the
meeting that all three members who attended (not including myself) kept notes, analyzed the current
interventions, and then decided if the interventions should be continued, altered, or even changed. I have
learned that the better relationship the teachers and educators have with one another, the better their
relationships are with the students. I also like that many of the interventions discussed involved helping
the students at a more individual level, improving the teacher-student relationship, which can then help
with rigor and relevance in teaching. Students benefit more when there is collaboration!

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