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Welcome To Grade 2

Hi Students and welcome to a new year and a new classroom.

My name is Miss C and I am so excited to meet you all and begin
our exciting year of learning together! I hope you have all had
a fabulous summer. This year will be filled with new and
thrilling experiences and adventures. In our classroom we will
be participating in a variety of math and reading workshops.

As your journey begins as a second grader we will be exploring

new books and new topics! On your first day of school, you
will need to bring in a list of three different topics that
you enjoy reading about! We will share these lists with the
class and use these topics to choose books for our classroom

This year in second grade we are going to tackle math problems

together! Make sure you practice those math strategies.! I
know youll be math superstars!
I cant wait to meet you all, this year is going to be amazingJ

See you soon!

Miss Cybula

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