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Unit 9: Learning Aim B

You need to create a presentation that covers the following:

B.2 Alternative Editing Styles

Explain that other editing styles emerged alongside classic continuity editing
Montage Editing where seemingly unconnected shots are spliced together to create a further often
symbolic meaning
Explain what montage editing is using information from the film. The History of Cutting - The Soviet
Theory of Montage
New Wave Editing where the rules of continuity editing are deliberately broken to create visible
Explain what new wave editing is using information from the film. Breaking The Rules - The French
New Wave

List and explain the following alternative editing techniques which make up visible editing: If you can
think of any films that do these add them in as examples.
o Jump cuts
o Superimposition
o Split-screen editing
o Breaking the 180 degree rule
o Slow motion
o Speeded up shots
o Freeze frames
o No or limited cutting to close shots
o Visual effects

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